MoonDancyr's MoonPaths



About MoonDancyr's MoonPaths


Merry Meet! and Welcome Seekers!

Join me in my wonderous, loving, and magickal journey.  These pages reflect an overall theme: of reflection, meditation, learning, understanding, appreciation,and most of all -- of rebirth

Here you will share spiritual meanderings, questions, discoveries, images, symbols, art and poetry

All reflective of the paths we travel


Regeneration, life from the ashes
Tear soaked earth, from torment
In death's shadow, revealed
With grace and perception
Clinging to hope and dreams
Escaping, only to be taken,
Downtrodden, vanquished
But as if by magic, renewed
New growth from the tears
Nurtured by sorrow's salt
Cradled by anguish itself
You blossomed, burst in fullness, fresh life
Free, escaping, guided by destiny, in loveliness
As never before, purity of soul, new direction
You came forth in the flowery meadow
In beauty, in bird song
A vision of softness, in your heart, your being,
your soul divine
At last,

"Willing to experience aloneness
     I discover connection everywhere;
     Turning to face my fear,
     I meet the warrior who lives within;
     Opening to my loss
     I gain the embrace of the universe;
     Surrendering into emptiness,
     I find fullness without end..
     Each condition I flee from pursues me,
     Each condition I welcome transforms me..."
     - Jennifer Welwood

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Postcard ABCard By: Martin Raskovsky

About the artists on this page:

all images and words used with permission
Poem "Regeneration" ©Michael David Coffey 1998
Graphic "Regeneration" ©Jonathan Earl Bowser
Pagan/Wiccan graphics here and on other pages ©Ravon

Rev. 1/17/99




