Last Update: 3/3/00

Teachers -- If you have a question or comment concerning Beginnings just click the icon above to chat one on one with the creators of this site.






  Teachers this section is for you. Below you will find our latest tips and secrets for making Beginnings as teacher friendly as possible. At the bottom of this page you will find links to our lesson plans. In the future we hope to create on line quizes (which will be e-mailed to you upon completion). We would love to hear how you are using Beginnings in your classroom. Please e-mail us and share your lesson plans and experiences with others.

  Please contact us with any comments or questions that you might have. It is our goal to make Beginnings the most friendly teacher site on the web.


  • The most popular Quest at this time is Food.

  • NOTE: We have created a secret link in the Mayan Adventure for those desiring a more difficult project. On the last page of the original project you will find a picture of a Toucan. Click on the picture to enter the secret phase of Quest the Fourth.

  • In our experience each Quest will take, at least, three class periods using thirty minutes per computer session. (See lesson plans for further ideas).

  • Tell your students to read ALL of the Quest before starting. This reduces confusion and lowers multiple questioning from students during the activity.

  • We have included a class session on the basics of culture. We chose not to make this a Quest because the material works better outside of an internet search session.

  • If your students have little exposure to the internet or computers the we suggest that you begin with our first Quest - Travel. This was designed to introduce students to the internet and it's workings. (Check out the lesson plans).

For lesson plans we have provided this special page for your convenience: Lesson Plans

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