
Why would you post this to the Web?

Some history: Unconditional Love was originally written in our sophomore year of high school. It started as us just playing around with some words on a piece of paper, and evolved into (at the time) the best poem we'd ever written, at least when looked at from a technical viewpoint. The following year when we printed a book of poems for a writing program in our english class, this poem was tacked onto the last page as an extra bonus for the teacher's amusement.

Meanwhile, we'd built this page, devoted to the poem and its discussion, as a part of our larger web project, the Magical Flying Boy Press. It was popular for a while, the feedback page even worked, and it was a grand day when we actually got feedback from someone who wasn't one our friends.

But the joke of the poem, as jokes do, wore thin, and sometime our senior year we deleted this page, leaving only the Feedback Page standing as a reminder of it.

This brings us to the current day. In time for the grand relaunch of The Toaster v3.0, a complete code rewrite and redesign of our webpage, we've decided to bring back the Multimedia Page, even hosting it at our original geocities web address (the first webspace we ever had).

Those seeking an apology to the christian faith for the poem won't find it here. We understand your feelings, but it's intended to be read in good fun, and we figure if you're too uptight to see that then we're not going to be able to explain it to you. Feedback is welcome (but the page is broken).

For those web-savvy folks wondering why the coding and design on this section are so poor, we're just trying to recapture the same feel the original version of this page had, which was a result of our lack of web design skill.