A search for meaning & edible
sushi in deepest darkest Texas

Angstwolf, Shewolf and Boy recently
vacationed in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The trip to
Vegas was not entirely voluntary, as Angstwolf's pack
leader and mother were celebrating their 50th
anniversary. Stay tuned for the story of how Angstwolf
and Shewolf managed to indulge their craving for
sushi and Chinese food, despite the demonic
machinations of Boy.
Meanwhile, Angstwolf is preparing a
bit of comfort food for his pack...
Food (Jewish chicken soup
with matzo balls)
Stay for
Breakfast! (Latkes,
Bull's Eye, Scrambled eggs and matzo)
(Chopped chicken liver, hummus, guacamole,
salsa verde con ajo)
Wondering how Angstwolf got his name?