Welcome to my poetry page...
I have always loved to write.
Here I have some of the poems that I have done.
I hope you enjoy.
My Little Angel
The emptiness I feel inside,
can never be described.
A part of me has gone away,
never to be seen.
My heart is sad and yet I know,
that we will meet someday.
And then at last,
I'll truly know,
what it feels like to be complete.
Until we meet again, my precious little angel...

Truly...our friendship can withstand,
a walk in the moonlight,
barefoot in the sand.
Truly...our hearts can not be wrong...
safe in your arms, where I belong.
Truly...our love is burning inside,
so much to offer,
yet fighting to hide.
Truly...You know how much I care,
wanting to tell you,
but do I dare?
Truly...you know I have fallen in love,
a love so pure, like the light of a dove.
Truly...we will be together some day,
til death do us part,
oh how I pray.
Truly...I know, that our love will replace,
the sadness and loneliness,
all over your face.
Truly... you know, that I must say,
I love you forever,
at the end of each day.

Summer Night
A warm summers night,
when you called out my name,
I knew that the world
would never be the same.
Your kindness reaching out,
unable to ignore
My wall starts to crumble,
breaking through the closed door
As the light seeps in,
gently warming my face,
My guard let down,
I welcome your embrace.
My heart slowly melting,
the love starts to flow.
Remembering how to love,
being able to let go.
The future in sight,
not knowing where it leads
Sometimes takes its time
attending to our needs.
But like a new days light,
rising over the hills,
the suns gentle rays warming,
You have made me feel again,
the lovelight burning.

True Love
How do I stop the love inside?
How do I stop the pain?
I feel like I'm losing control,
Never to regain.
How do I fill the emptiness?
Tearing at my heart.
Knowing that I've lost you,
You were never mine to start.
How could I let myself love again?
How could I be so blind?
Trying to stay close to you,
You are always on my mind.
How can I forget about you?
How come I'm losing sleep?
I want to feel your arms around me,
The hurt, it is so deep.
How can I ever make you see?
How can I win your love?
The tears keep falling gently,
Like the rain from the clouds above.
How do I say goodbye?
How can I let you go?
I know you need to be free of me,
In order for you to grow.
How slow I turn away from you,
Taking one more glance.
True love comes not often,
I hope for one more chance.

Looking back through the years,
the happiness and tears,
Wondering why it is that I am all alone.
Trying to pretend,
that this heart could love again,
Yet knowing that its never going to be.
The saddness that I feel,
a hurt that is so real,
are feelings so familiar to me still.
You would think that I would know,
that my love will never grow,
because the one I love deserves the very best.
And so with tearful eyes,
I finally realize,
that I am meant to be

Remember Me
When you are feeling down,
Remember me,
When you are all alone,
Think of me.
If you start to cry,
Don't forget.
For I will always be there,
deep within your heart,
to help you through your darkest times of all.
My love for you runs true,
and there is nothing you can do,
that would ever make me turn and walk away.
So if you really care,
please do not dispair
remember me, my love,
my life.

I close my eyes, and see your face.
I still feel, your warm embrace.
Your beautiful smile,
and tender kiss, are some of the things,
that I deeply miss.
Late night talks,
Days filled with laughter,
Making love, and snuggling after.
I turn to tell you about my day,
then realize,you have gone away.
Silent nights, lonely days,
memories from before.
Tear filled eyes, empty heart,
Knowing that there will be no more.
Looking out, I wonder why,
and suddenly, begin to cry.
Time will heal, or so I'm told,
Oh how I long, for you to hold.
Once again, I close my eyes,
bringing you back to me
I treasure the memory of loving you,
and know it will never be.

The sands of the hourglass,
passing so slow.
Watching the shadows dance,
on the wall as they go.
The sun rises, then sets,
as the time passes by...
The full moon is rising,
so high in the sky.
The emptiness closing in,
sneaking up from behind.
A solitude, not welcome,
silent cold and unkind.
Suddenly , the rain begins,
softly falling outside.
Gently running down the window pane,
how smoothly it glides.
The days and nights, begin to blend,
finally time seems to pass.
Once again, lifes complete,
together...at last.

Out of the darkness
and into the light,
I felt my soul
taking flight.
From the moment I saw you,
I knew from the start
That you'd be the one
to capture my heart.
So thank you my love,
for rescuing me
You came into my life
and set me free.
For that I am thankful,
And cant wait to be
There by your side
for eternity...

I would like to share with you,
a poem written to me by a special friend.
She is truly and inspiration to me
and to all those whos hearts she touches...
I hope you like it as much as I did.
Thank you Leah...
Keeper of Souls

Ok, so these are a bit more....mushy! *L* but.. they have special meaning to me....
My Love