Unfortunately, into everyone's life some rain must fall. And for me and my family it did so.
A number of things began to crop up and make a big mess of our relationship. I won't go into
detail here, though I will say that my dressing had nothing whatsoever to do with our break up
since she never knew about it at the time, but we did decide that we needed to go our separate
ways in order for all of us to survive.
I moved back home with my parents, who were very happy to see me, though I felt very
uncomfortable about the arrangement, not wanting to encroach on their space. But now, the
timing was right for my inner self to begin to emerge. And she did, though, she did have a period
of purging that did nothing but waste quite a bit of money.
Now, without hair or shoes, I set about rectifying that situation. Boldly and very nervously, I
bought my first wig from a hair salon. And fresh from that conquest, went the very same day to a
shoe store and bought my very own pair of high heels. That night, after my parents went to sleep,
I transformed wholly for the very first time in the comforts of my recreation room. The woman
who has since become known as Theresa, stepped out of her cocoon and into the world for all
to see. Well, at least I saw her! And though she was indeed rough around the edges, I knew that
with work and practice, she would become better at presenting herself.
Time was seemingly flying by as I would work during the day and late at night, she would
come out for awhile to enjoy herself. And then one day, a panic attack set in, and all the stuff
went into a garbage bag and was set free on a lonely interstate highway. Two days later, I was
back at the spot, trying to find the bag, but it was already gone.
So now I was faced with getting an entirely new wardrobe from the ground up. That was
something I had never done, but with some conviction and more than one case of the sweats, I
was able to carry it off, though it take a long time to assemble everything I needed or wanted.
But I finally had everything for her to do her thing and once again I was on the delightful road
of dressing for pleasure, and all the while, I was working hard at perfecting my makeup.
Theresa wasn't far from her coming out debut.