Nicholas Olson - 11/01/00 10:17:53 My URL: My How did you find this page?: By a search engine | Comments: Hi I used some pics of you and your familiy in an assighnment I am doing for SOSE I live in QLD AUSTRALIA I hope you don'y mind. Oh and in my assighnment you are the Lee Family and you live in Chu-nan or is it Chu-nan thanx and good job on the site I am only just learning java script an dI am 13 CYA!!!!! |
Nicolas - 10/11/00 12:09:17 My | Comments: Bonjour Marine, c'est un tres beau site , j'ai vraiment apprécié de voir toute ta famille et en plus ta maman a le meme nom que ma femme ;) En attendant de se recontacter , continue comme ca c'est tres bien ! |
Viviane Chuang (Hui-Wen Chuang) - 09/05/00 09:19:48 My How did you find this page?: par hasard | Comments: Brilliant! You must be very very very intelligent! I love the pictures of you and your family, and hope you will update those pictures from time to time. Do you go to elementary school now? Wish you have a great time in learning. I know this small note doesn't sound like a comment, I just couldn't help to send you some personal regards to wish you all the best. Bon Courage! Viviane |
juan v - 08/11/00 20:24:22 My How did you find this page?: it´s a good page | Comments: HI I´m from colombia I don´t know french but i can speak to you in english, i think that your page is great, and you may be very inteligent i hope you keep going rigth that way. Bye |
Oncle Sam - 05/28/00 17:13:30 My How did you find this page?: dense | Comments: Gros baisers à Marine et famille. |
Juan Carlos Sáenz Carrasco - 03/07/00 03:18:44 My URL: My How did you find this page?: searching for "automata's source code" | Comments: Congratulations ! You are a very very VERY smart and pretty girl |
Nicole Wilson - 12/22/99 04:02:57 My URL: My How do hear about this page?: My Brother | Comments: Hi I really like you webpage! Je suis la soeur de Dave Wilson (Meiyou). Je suis bilingue aussi. Your webpage has really fun pictures. Je suis tres impressionne de vos efforts. Bonjours et bonne chances! NICOLE |
Je visted GeoCities et le somhow a fini vers le haut sur votre page Web. Combien d'heure avez-vous investie dans votre site Internet? J'espère avoir un bientôt!
Jennifer Chang(Tsui-Fong) - 02/11/99 01:37:15 My How do hear about this page?: My best friend (Mick) | Comments: I feel great and warm. I love you pictures. Whenever you add more pictures of your lovely family. Please forward to me to share your happiness. Thank you and Merci. |
Michel - 01/23/99 15:54:33 My How do hear about this page?: Le hasard total !!! | Comments: Ca faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas vu vos bobines! C'est bizarre, j'ai l'impression d'être retourné quelques années auparavant. RER A jusqu'à Nogent, Bus 12? puis un peu de marche et hop! J'y suis! Cette page me rappelle de nombreux souvenirs... Snif! Snif! Je vous embrasse tous très fort. |
Mamy M Christine - 12/29/98 13:56:01 How do hear about this page?: Par celui qui l'a instauré, mon fils chériiiiii ! | Comments: Je crois qu'il faut te renouveller un peu,car bientot je ne pourrai plus vous reconnaitre.... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Kit Busta - 10/07/98 12:39:01 My URL: My How do hear about this page?: You signed my guestbook! :) | Comments: Nice page!! Wait.. are u really 4 years old? Anyways, thanks for signing my guestbook, and here i am! signing your guestbook! :) See ya around |
- 08/30/98 22:37:18 | Comments: |
Arthur Liu - 07/15/98 05:17:48 My How do hear about this page?: provided by my wife, Jenny | Comments: Excellent and cute! Well done. |
JJFM - 07/13/98 17:49:53 My How do hear about this page?: marvellous | Comments: i love you marine.see you soon. |
JJFM - 07/13/98 17:47:27 | Comments: |
Jean-Jacques JAN - 07/06/98 05:46:52 My How do hear about this page?: from discussion group | Comments: T'as fait un web site assez interesant. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Michel Damien - 05/28/98 01:30:53 How do hear about this page?: En tombant dessus | Comments: J'ai apprecie la page sur Rel, le quoi ? Ah oui, l'evaluateur d'expressions algebriques !!! C'etait marrant. Michel. |
Michelle K. - 03/16/98 06:41:49 How do hear about this page?: The Proud Papa =) | Comments: It should be "Thank you for visiting me!" Marine is sooo cute! I really like the wood wallpaper. Thanks for sending the updates! |
a french papy - 03/06/98 18:56:57 How do hear about this page?: i don't understand | Comments: I really aprecheat the photos. Marine is marvellous and his parents too. Some time I'll visit you to taipei. Bye bye ! |
Donna Wilson - 03/02/98 20:56:38 How do hear about this page?: Any friend of David's is a friend of mine | Comments: Congratulations! What a smart little girl you are to set up a web page all by yourself! I agree with you that MEIYOU is a bit pessimistic however I want you to know that David gets that from his Father's side of the family. I pn the other hand am very optimistic that your web page will be a great success. Know this--that under David's rough hairy exterior is a cream puff of a guy! |
Mimi - 02/23/98 19:09:44 How do hear about this page?: from the loving Dad | Comments: Nice job, Daddy! |
Alain Morau - 02/20/98 15:48:07 My How do hear about this page?: YOU! | Comments: Mais non elle n'a pas chang? Plus chinoise que chinoise, elle fait bien de ressembler plus a sa mere qu'a son vilain petit canard (ou grenouille) de pere francais en noir et blanc! A quand des nouvelles photos? C'est super!! |
BERTRAND Virgile - 02/19/98 12:11:51 My URL: My How do hear about this page?: AFT | Comments: Votre site est simple mais fort bien fait. Avant de passer ?Taiwan du 1er mars au 20 mai, je furette sans intention particulière. Je serais heureux de vous retrouver sur mon site ci-dessus référenc? Cordialement, Virgile Bertrand |