At long last we have been able to write to you once again. Part of the delay was due to the birth of our most amazing son, Levi, and more delays faltered this edition because of the problem we encountered trying to track down a scanner.
That's all been solved now, and we are proud to present to you our son - Levi! What an amazing thing it is to be a parent. I was present at the birth, even though I was able to go to our nations capital and meet many influential people for the first time, I also got to meet my son. And what a treasure he is. Wouldn't you agree?
Life is not so laid back now, and as I told the congregation I preached for yesterday (Sunday) I'm learned to embrace inconvenience. But it is all worth it because I get to embrace my son, and the promise from God that I would one day be a father.
Just two days ago Ben Sherman was able to miraculously drop by here down under to make a visit to see his sister, myself and brand new nephew. Levi lovingly refers to him as uncle Benny. It was great to see Ben again after leaving Isreal back in October last year. He was here in Adelaide as a part of the celebrations of Israel's Jubilee, and it was at no expensive to him whatsoever! That's why we consider it a miracle. Of all places in the world to come first they chose Adelaide Australia, and what made it even more amazing he had only two obligations to keep over the 5 days he was here and the rest of the time we had to ourselves. A couple of the places we took him to while he was here included to jetty on which myself and Veronica were married (over a year ago now!), the cafe where some scenes from the movie "Shine" were filmed, and the a wildlife reserve to experience kangaroo's, koala's, dingo's and other Australia fauna.
I have since recorded my demo song's and the kind man who financed it was so impressed he wants to do a whole CD! I'm very excited about the prospect of this happening. I'll keep you all posted. I have given Ben one copy of the songs so that those in Israel can hear them. I also gave the sheet music to the first song to Ben, which is a congregational song, so that should you choose to Liz you could play it at Church.
That's about it for now. There's plently more to say but Veronica is pretty keen to get these photo's on the web. Once again we apologise for the delay, but I'm sure it's going to be worth your wait!
Things to bring up the next time you're talking with God:
Veronica in her role as co-president at Tabor College;
That we will be Godly parents to our son Levi;
Finance to cover our losses incurred when leaving Israel;
Mark's ministry as high school chaplain & radio program 'KickBack';
Mark's CD.
Please email us and let us know how you are going even if it's just a note to say you're praying for us, we would love to hear from you whatever the reason.
Mark, Vonx & Levi.