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The focus of our Curriculum is developing the communication skills of your child.
our child will develop through a specially adapted curriculum based on the Curriculum Standards Framework used in all Victorian State Schools.
ou are invited to contribute to developing an individual educational plan for your child.
ighly skilled teachers and therapists work with you through this process.
Daily programs are organised under the eight key learning areas.

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English - Communication
Stories, Rhymes, Compic, Choice making, Video, Reading and Writing.
The Speech Pathologist works in the classroom alongside the teacher to develop communication and speech through signing Makaton.

Painting, Printing and Sculpture, Singing, Dance, Drama & Music Therapy for individuals and classes.

Physical Education/Health
Gross, Fine Motor and Sensory Programs, Swimming, Bike Education, Camps, Massage, Water Therapy, Trampoline, Leisure Activities, Personal Health.

Studies of Society and Environment
Community Interaction, Music and Art Festivals, Independent Living Skills, Shopping, Road Safety, Pre-vocational Skills, Excursions, Use of Public Transport, Social Skills.

Hygiene, Cooking, Gardening, Sensory Garden, Weather, Cause and Effect, Body Awareness.

Computers, Electronic Switch Toys, Internet Link, Snoezelen Room for Sensory Development.

Concept Building: Time, Space and Size, Money Recognition, Problem Solving, Making Judgements.

Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
Key words used in first language, cultural activities in dance music and cooking.

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