Our Philosophy for your Child's Education
Your child will:
Be valued and respected as an individual.
Learn in a positive and happy environment.
Develop and achieve success.
Build on his or her successes to develop further skills.
Develop positive self esteem and integrate into their community.
Benefits for Parents
You are linked to respite and other
You are supported through parent groups and information sessions.
Free supervised bus to and from school if you live within our zone.
Weekly newsletter from the principal keeps you informed.
Daily communication book informs you of your childs achievements.
We have a multicultural student population and staff who speak many languages.
Interpreters in any language are available.
We respect all cultures.
Educational Advantages
Exciting and innovative approaches to
Your child has an individual program.
Individual attention to your child every session.
Innovative use of computers and technology to engage your child in learning.
Independence and personal care skills developed in first years of school.
Generous free access to therapists.
Educational programs to 18 years.
Benefits for your Child
There is time in every session for your
child to have one to one attention from their teacher.
The classes are much smaller than you find in a primary school [4-6 students].
Each class has a teacher and a teacher assistant.
Your child will develop communications skills under the guidance of the Speech
The Physio and Occupational Therapists advise teachers on adapting individual
Every child receives Music Therapy.
All Classrooms have bathrooms and toilets and are heated and air conditioned.