


You have reached the homepage of The Blue Knights of Justice of Povar.

     We are happy to have you here. We are a group of friendly people drawn together by our dedication to Everquest. Our goal is to have members that exhibit a friendly generous attitude to all those in Norath and possibly into every aspect of our lives. We help and support one another as well as being friendly to all players on the net. Fortunately, the same does not hold true for NPCs in the game, they are fiercely destroyed. We have no level requirements or caps. Anyone can join who wants to follow a few simple rules.


First: Treat All with the level of respect you wish to be treated with even if you aren’t being treated respectfully.

Second: If you Really need something ask the guild, don’t be giving the guild a bad name by begging, groveling, or otherwise being annoying to others.

Third: If you are able, Always help the guild, we need to take care of one another so everyone can follow rule two.


     If you have to pick between experience and platinum our guild concentrates more on experience than with getting rich. Often, riches come with experience. You will oftentimes find a Blue Knight of Justice member buffing or helping those who are outside of our guild and this is encouraged but not at the determent of the guild. Our guild does not concentrate mainly on experience or on platinum but on the building of friendships that transcend the Everquest realm and reach into everyday life. May your walk through Norath be fun and exciting as our band of knights conquer all that stands in our way in the Worlds Now and the Worlds to Come.