Heber Albert Huband, son of William Perry Huband and Ann Jeffery Huband, was born 11 October 1860 in West Haddon, England, where he lived until 1869 when the family set sail for America.  At the time of sailing, the Huband family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. William Huband, three boys, and three girls.  Sailing on the S. S. Colorado from Liverpool, they arrived in New York some twelve days later.  Mr. Huband, having a sister living in Cache Valley, and also knowing Brother Moses Thatcher who had been a Mormon missionary in England, decided to go West to Logan, Utah.


“Boarding a train in New York,” relates Heber Huband, “the family stared on the trip west, which was filled with many and varied experiences.”  Traveling with the Hubands were several Mormon missionaries who having completed their missions were returning home.  Train coaches at this time were lighted with candles and other conveniences were few. On one instance, Mr. Huband relates how his father produced from an unknown source a pot of steaming tea. Asked by the missionaries where it had come from, his father pulled back his coat from in front of the seat to disclose an empty tin can from which sputtered a candle over which he had heated water in a small teakettle and brewed the tea.  Heber tells further of the train being stranded and the passengers sleeping in cattle cars for the night. It turned out, however, to be a rather sleepless night as the mosquitoes (or “scatters” as the English call them) were very bad.  Seeing Indian teepees in the distance also helped to disturb their would be slumbers.


Another time the tracks were washed out and the train was forced to stop over for some time near Morgan, Utah. People living nearby brought squash and corn to give to the passengers to eat.  Never having seen squash or corn before, the Hubands tried eating them raw and were sadly disappointed in the taste of the much-needed food.


Showing the loyalty and respect the Saints have for the missionaries, Heber relates that his father and mother left many small keepsakes, etc., in England in order to carry a large base violin for a missionary by the name of Zeb Jacobs of Ogden, Utah, all the way from England to Zion.


Arriving in Ogden, the Church furnished a team and wagon to carry the family to Logan, because the railroad was as yet unfinished. The family was welcomed at Logan by Heber’s uncle, William Green, who took them by wagon to his home in Paradise, Utah, some eleven miles distant where they remained a few months, and then moved to Hyrum.


Heber’s father was a carpenter by trade and through some work acquired two lots on which they raised some vegetables although the grasshoppers were very bad at this time. Conditions being more favorable for carpenter work at Logan, the family soon moved to that city. Mr. Huband built a house there for Moses Thatcher and several others, some of which are still standing.


While building a house for a Mrs. Peacock, in the year 1872, on September 22, Heber’s father was killed in a fall from the second floor. A few weeks later another child was born to the Huband family, making a total of eight children, one boy having been born at Hyrum, Utah, after the family came from England.


Shortly after the death of Heber’s father, a Mr. Bevans married his oldest sister, Bertha. Mr. Bevans, being a kind-hearted man, did many things for the Huband family at this time of need. He succeeded in building them a two-room house where they lived for some years.


Having heard a story of coalfields in Wyoming, near where Kemmerer now stands, Mr. Bevans decided to move to Carter, Wyoming.  In the year 1875, he started for Wyoming taking Heber with him. Heber, at this time fourteen years old and one of the main supports of the family, decided to try new fields of adventure and new means of making a living,


Arriving in Carter, Mr. Bevans decided to make brick and sell them to the mines to make coke ovens, but the mines made other arrangements and all their work was for nothing, In the meantime, Mr. Bevans and Heber went back to Logan and moved the family to Carter. Late the same fall, Mr. Bevans left for Bear River where he worked on a ranch.


Heber had a job washing dishes and waiting table for train crews for a dollar a week, and so he and his mother stayed at Carter, Wyoming. He told of one experience of being snowed in for thirteen days between Carter and Sage, Wyoming -- a distance of 25 miles. The snow was very deep and the weather very cold. They had nothing to eat but a small amount of black tea.  It was a miracle that fifteen year-old Heber and four men lived through the cold and starvation for thirteen days.


The next spring Heber’s mother and family moved to Sage, Wyoming, where they stayed a short time.  They then moved to Laketown Utah, on the south end of Bear Lake.  A short time later they moved to Kimball Town, now known as Meadowville, four miles from Laketown. This was the home of J. Golden Kimball and here Heber first met the Kimball family. While the family lived here, Heber took a job for his board at Farmington, Utah, where he stayed about five months, then returned to Kimball Town. He received only 3 years of schooling as the family kept moving to earn a livelihood.


Heber was living in Kimball Town at the time J. Golden Kimball’s brother was accidentally shot.  Heber was sent to Logan on a horse for a doctor, but the boy died before help could get there.


Later the family moved to Duck Creek, which is just two miles north of Sage Creek. Here Mrs. Huband intended to homestead, but they later moved to Eden, Utah, on the east side of Bear Lake. During this time, Heber was herding sheep between Woodruff, Utah, and Hot Springs, Idaho, for the sum of $8.00 per month. On returning home to his mother in the fall, he gave her his check, every cent of which was there, including some extra from trapping beaver.


The family was very poor and the boys always on the alert for work. He went to work in the spring of 1879 or 1880, for Bishop Ira Nebeker. Mr. Nebeker was boss of a cattle herd to be driven from Salt Wells, near the promontory in Utah, to Clear Creek, Wyoming -- some eighty miles east of Poser R1ver, Wyoming.  Heber and an elder brother, Dan, with fifteen other men, started out on this long trail through the wilderness, through mountains, and over plains driving ahead of them 2500 head of cattle. Month after month passed by as the weary cowboys slowly pushed this large herd forward. Drinking water from buffalo wallows, which were green and stagnant, many of the men became ill, among one of who was Heber’s brother, Dan.  Provisions ran out as they neared the Sweetwater in Wyoming and they lived entirely upon meat from that point on. On one occasion, while crossing the Green River, one cowboy drowned along with many of the cattle.


This long trail led the wary men, horses, and cattle through South Pass, Wyoming and on through the Bad Lands. Many hardships and privations were endured. Upon arrival at Clear Creek with the herd, the owner was supposed to furnish horses and $15.00 for the men to return home on.  He however had taken everything and left the country.  Mr. Nebeker caught him at a hotel some few days later and got a little money and they finally managed for horses and started the long ride home.  Not having much to eat, they killed many buffalo calves and also stray beef to keep from starving.  Late that fall they arrived home after some six months on the trail.


The next Spring Heber went to Sage Creek and worked on a ranch for the Jensen Brothers, where he stayed about one year. While there, be became ill with mountain fever and was very sick for a long time.


In the summer of 1882, Heber and 3 other men started to drive a band of horses from Logan to Kimball Town or Meadowville, near Bear Lake. Shortly after they started through Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Heber became ill with tick fever and others left him on the trail to die. That night a friendly Indian came to his aid and nursed him for seven days and nights with herbs from the mountains. This Indian surely saved his life.


The following year, on April 9,1882, Heber’s older brother, Dan, died at South Eden, Bear Lake, Utah.  Sometime later, in the year 1883, Heber went to work for Joseph Cheney at Laketown, Utah, working there most of the time until1885.


In the summer of this year, Heber, Mr. Cheney, and his daughter Hattie, drove a wagon to Idaho where they filed upon 320 acres of land near where Shelley, Idaho, now stands. While there, they surveyed a canal naming it the Cedar Point Canal, by which it is known today.  Returning home to Eden, Heber and his mother and her family all moved up to this new country of Idaho, after having lived at Eden for seven years. On arriving there, they dug a cellar in which to live until they could build a log room over it.


Idaho Falls (then known is Eagle Rock) was the nearest trading post. Shelley wasn’t named until seven years later. A company was organized, called the Cedar Point Canal. After working for five years on the canal, water was carried from the Snake River into Shelly. Digging this canal with limited means and very little equipment was a very uphill business, and caused much work, worry, and sacrifice.


In the year 1889, Heber returned to Laketown where he married Hattie Cheney, 6 November 1889, in the Logan Temple at Logan, Utah.. Staying near Garden City, Utah, at the Bisbing ranch that winter, the Hubands left Bear Lake and returned to the ranch in Idaho the following spring.


Heber, having lived in Shelley some 20 years, sold the ranch and moved to Logan for the next three years.  He bought a lot and built a six-room house, part of which was rented to students.  This took up most of Mr. Huband’s time.


The Hubands, about this time in the year 1908, moved to Gridley, California. Buying a small farm in Gridley, consisting of 16 acres of land and a large house, the Hubands lived there for about three years. While living there, a daughter, GENE was born, 30 November 1908, and a son, GRANT, born 18 May 1911.


Mr. Huband became ill with malaria while living at Gridley.  So at the end of three years, they moved to North Ogden, Utah, in the year 1911. Buying a home in North Ogden from Frank Huband, Heber’s brother, the family resided there for the 40 some years.


Mr. Huband took the job as custodian of the North Ogden School in 1917, which he held until 1937 when he resigned, after some 20 years of service.


Heber was very active in the Elder’s Quorum of the North Ogden Ward. He never turned down an assignment.  In 1924 he filled a home mission with James Storey and Nellie Ward Neal as companions. On January 24,1926, he was ordained a High Priest of the North Ogden Ward, Ogden Stake, by John W. Gibson.


His wife, Hattie, died May 22, 1951, at North Ogden after 62 years of happily married life.


Heber died Oct. 8,1954, at the family home after a four week’s illness following an operation — the 11th day of October would have been his 94th birthday.
















       Heber and Hattie Huband at their house in North Ogden, Utah (circa 1950)






Born to them were the following children:


1.      LOLA:  born 21 August1890 at Laketown, Utah, died 27 July 1894 at Shelley, Idaho;

2.      NINA:  born 27 April 1893 at Laketown, Utah, died 2 August 1894 at Shelley, Idaho;

3.      BLANCHE:  born 21 May 1895 at Shelley, Idaho; married Claude A. Ellis 22 November 1917; died May 26, 1984;

4.      MONTICE:  born 7 December 1897 at Shelley, Idaho; died 6 November 1900;

5.      EDWIN:  born 29 October 1900 at Shelley, Idaho; died 11 March 1907 at Logan, Utah;

6.      LANE:  born 16 December 1903 at Shelley, Idaho; married Ruth Norine Peterson 29 March 1935; died 12 September 1994;

7.      GENE ANN:  born 30 November 1908 at Gridley, California; married Philo T. Ellsworth 21 November 1932; died 17 April 1978;

8.      GRANT:  born 18 May 1911; married Virginia Kimm 24 December 1948; died 6 September 1988.

Heber Huband Family 1937

Back Row: Grant, Heber, Lane
Front Row: Blanche, Hattie, Gene

Below is a copy of Heber Huband's birth record courtesy of Liz Snow.

Heber Huband Obituary: