welcomes you to...
Singapore Today
Hi! Relax and take your time at this site and its links. Over here in PanAsia, I'd
like very much to share with you the beauty, history, sights and cultures of my hometown.
Eventually I hope to take you over to other cities of Asia.
Singapore is absolutely lovely! As you drive through the expressway from the airport to the city, you'll be amazed at the greenery and cleanliness here. It really is a garden city with countless trees everywhere and loads of bougainvillea of many colors. Quite breathtaking! It's also all year round summer with great beaches and parks for the outdoorsy folks. The island is a melting pot with all nationalities residing in harmony. Harmony! That's the key word of the country! There are many festivals celebrated by the individual races but shared by all. Of course the biggest party here would be the country's 'National Day', August 9th, Independance Day, where everybody
celebrates the pride of being a Singaporean!
Singapore is the world's largest City Port, situated at the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia and an import and export center providing convenient connections to major countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
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