My Oceans Away!
A riding away in the fields of grey,
With the thoughts and the sounds
Of the water that pounds
The deepest of thoughts
That the forests yet have not
Ever seen before
And then you want something more...
My Oceans Away!
The swirls of mist and the darkening clouds,
Spinning and speeding into oblivion,
Loosing the sun behind their blanket,
Bringing coldness in the morn,
Lightning crashes into the dark depths of the earth,
And thunder rumbles overhead like an angry bear,
The storm comes, its glory unleashed.
Through sweeping fields I find myself,
The piece of treasure above all else,
The happiness and turmoil,
The sadness and wonders,
All of these I yet wing under.
But still, my freedom,
My mind yet not fallen,
I find with my ghost,
In the fields, callin.
Who loves a garden
Finds within his soul
Life's whole;
He hears the anthem of the soil
While ingrates toil;
And sees beyond his little sphere
The waving fronds of heaven, clear.
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