A daily dream within this being holds so dear,
Life itself seems not so precious,
But as for the one who still hopes and waits for the next day,
Next chance...
It is not hard to be alone in this world,
And with the same chance for being social,
But you may have everyone you've always looked up to,
Been friends with,
And still be so utterly alone,
Too far to yourself that it pains.
But still beyond all you try and wish,
It lies there within you,
Whether a taunt or an optimistic hope,
That dream lies in me,
And I can't let it go.
It is the music that enlivens the rose,
The truest form of the soul.
As the dark figure walks into the light,
And leads me through the dark of night,
And I follow him obediently,
To see what he wishes to show to me.
I feel his cold breath upon the air,
And force myself to control my stare.
Through a strange world I follow him,
In and out of the light and dim,
I see strange things left undescribed,
And a figure pulls me to his side.
I stand there and I feel no fear,
And then it's the sound of his voice I hear.
"Step into the light and look at me."
I strain my sight through the dark to see.
And what I see is the form of Love,
In a man who's skin is white as a dove.
His blue eyes stare so kindly at me,
And I look back purposefully,
And then I wake, it was just a dream,
But dreams are as true as you make them seem.
Four blossoms bloom,
Which path dost I follow?
For uncertainties my mind lies,
Ponders yet not
Where the queries of my heart meet?
Alas, for no, or yet yes, again no?
Oh what doth my mind speak to me?
Does it speak of love?
What I so most want from him,
Or does it speak something else?
I know this not.
For all the stars in the sky above,
I see yet not my future.
May I have this love?
As for I walk this un-silken path,
To look and gaze at what I know,
It is not hard to think I have no reasons to
go through this unforgiving throw.
But as I walk, this walk of decay,
I find my soul above the will of others stay.
I exist and fight, my soul above thiers,
I win and go on, not looking on my sides,
For tears are of no use to me,
And niether are my fears.
You will find I should be hard,
Closed to all but the closest of friends,
But I am not,
Because I refuse to be held back by what mortals think shame,
I am the victor!
For my dreams, are my game.
I find it here among the leaves,
On changing days of soulful seems,
And even now as yet I find,
Harping stories of what yet I bind.
So now as yet,
And as here am I now,
I wish you well biddings,
And I give thee my bow.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the blugeonings of chance
My head is blood but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how straight the gate,
Or how charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
The Night had a thousand eyes,
The day but one;
Yet the light if the bright world dies
With the dying sun.
The mind had a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
when its love is done.
Oh little wonders of me yet not cease,
For love to great a beckoning of power and peace,
My heart flys high unto my glory seen,
A sight of wonder for my eyes still so keen,
And to fly through the daylight and upon the night,
Leaving yet not to wonders beyond my sight,
For why should I leave what I want and yet want most?
A small little trinket of love, that's to what I toast.
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© 1997 coolcat.in-da.house@juno.com