The place for poetry people!

Time... and Spirit. We are the hearts of today and the minds of tommorow, for the powers of a spirit and soul, lie high above the powers of those who care not. We are one with ourselves, and we can conquere all.

Welcome to my page! As you can tell I have dedicated this page to poetry. I have some of my own works as well as some of my friends works and some of my favorite authors works. Oh! If you have any ideas or comments about this place feel free to email me, my email addy is at the bottom. And yes, this page has been recently redone, but all of you out there dont worry, everything is still here. Plus, now you can sign up for your very own email here!

The winter of the days far gone,
and the worries of the times near sending,
are the soul of these ghosts.

Here are the links to my pages of poetry!

The Sky and Beyond: Poetry of. Death and Despair: Poetry of. Inspiration, Love, and Friendship: Poetry of.
Elementals: Poetry of. Nature: Poetry of.

To the Great Castle Taisaran
One is more than welcome to enter the great castle. But please take hold of this thought,
only the true of heart, mind and soul may enter this realm.

Whispering words the siren claims, above all valley's nightly rains
But we are the ones who know your heart,
Your life-blood, and your worlds apart.
Beware and behold the nightly powers,
The stars yield the moon in thier deathly hours.

Time covers all, but all does not cover time.

The Guestbook

Read the Guestbook Write in the Guestbook

As always, find something to die for - and live for it.

© 2000
email me!

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Mystery is what we are.
To Thee Ever Watchfull:
I hear your words, and I respect thee.

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