The Old Ways: Cunning Arts and Paganism The Old Ways: Cunning Arts & Paganism Mother Red-Cap

What are the Cunning Arts -- commonly known as Traditional Witchcraft and Paganism anyway? Aren't they the same as the neo-Paganism and Wicca? Simply answered: NO. There are of course similarities, and places of shared belief and interest, but over all they are very different things. This is MY personal Journey to where I am at now. This page does not reflect any other person's beliefs necessarily. I want to interject right now that I have nothing against Wicca -- I have good, dear friends who are Wiccan. That belief system overall simply didn't and doesn't work for me. I say, "To each their own!"

My personal Spiritual Journey began in the realm of Wicca. I studied in two different Traditions, one Celtic, one eclectic, and learned a great deal within both. I see this as my "finding who I am" phase. I had to explore what was out there, to find out what I truly believed as well as didn't believe. I began on this Path consciously when I was 18 years old... that was 21 years ago now. At that time, I was one of the "younger Witches" on the block in the Atlanta community. I made friends with lots of folks within the broader community, many of whom I'm still friends with. I was able to attend different gatherings, feasts, celebrations and did lots of searching. After walking this Path very diligently (I don't do anything half-way!) I decided that Wicca was not where I was suppose to be. That even though Wicca worked very well for some folks, that at its core, it did not for me. So, my Journey took a turn into the realm of the Cunning Arts - Traditional Craft and Paganism. Back to my roots.... deeper into my core.. the seed of who I really am.

I began networking and communicating with many folks online and offline. Eventually I found myself involved with whom I thought was an honest teacher and supposed "Family Tradition." After being with this group for almost three years, I discovered what were to me (as well as many other people) blatant discrepancies that could not be ignored. I left this "Tradition" feeling a tad discouraged by the experience, yet also emboldened that I was doing the right thing with my Gods and Ancestors leading me. It was the single most important step of my Spiritual Life! Hail the Ancestors! Praise our Old Gods! If you Listen to them, amazing things can and will happen.

Now I find myself Charmed to know many wonderful true followers of the Cunning Arts: Pellors, Traditional Witches and Pagans. These folks are honest, upfront, and full of vigor and love of the Old Ways and Gods. My personal focus has shifted to the Cornish realm of Craft - The Cunning Arts of the West Country: Pellorys (see link below.)

For me the Cunning-Arts are not merely my "religion"... it goes much deeper than that. The Art of Cunning, the Way of the Pellor - is who I Am.... it is my inner core. And so are the ways of Paganism. I believe strongly in personal responsibility, and the fact that we are all interconnected at a profound level -- this is my foundation for action, not a three-fold law or rede. There is much Darkness in the Worlds, as well as Light -- and the choice of which we serve is ours alone to make. And then there is the gray area that exists in between... the Cunner knows all three, to discern them in the environment around her, and within her. The greatest of all our Ancestors are the Gods themselves. It is to them I have dedicated my Life, my studies, and my very essence. They have not lead me astray yet. Their lessons are sometimes hard to endure, but endure I must -- for all things make me stronger, wiser, and more dedicated to my Craft.

Below are links to places that I know of that already cover very nicely the Cunning Arts and/or Traditional Craft and Pagan beliefs in depth, or focus on one area, tradition, or history of the same. No need to do double work! If you have found yourself on my site, or this page, and wish to email me please do so. I answer all my mail.
Calling in the Night!


Cunning A website dedicated to those fascinating but little-known magical practitioners called cunning-folk.

Museum of Witchcraft - Cornwall

Cornish Myths

Folklore, Myth and Legend: Various stories and links, including the colored "Fairy-Books".

Folk Magic in Britain(archaeology and history); This is archived in the "The Wayback Machine".

Folklore, Culture, Customs and Language of Devon A website devoted to Devon, which is a rich source of folklore, a unique culture and varied customs.

© 2001 Kestrel's Nest