We all seen and heard about the famous movie Braveheart. I am one of the many that has watched it over and over till the tape is worn out. My wife looks at me and rolls her eyes, and says" Not Braveheart again". As you can see I love the movie and will most likely will watch it another fifty times or more. William Wallace protrayed as Braveheart is one of my favorite characters in Scottish history. I have read many different books on him and seen many different point of views on the man. He is one man who had such passion for his country and was so hungry for freedom from England that he risked and eventually gave his life for his people. He is still remembered to this day and honored as one of Scotland's greatest heroes. If you were to visit Scotland you would find the The National Wallace Monument in Stirling. Built in 1896, strictly from donations, it is a standing tribute to a Nations Hero. Standing at twelve stories high it can be seen over looking the battlefield of The Battle of Stirling Bridge where William Wallace and his mighty army crushed The English army under Edward I. Stirling Bridge, the sight of The Battle of Stirling Bridge of 1297..
Robert the Bruce, King of Scots...
Robert the Bruce is also one of my favorite figures in Scottish history. He too was portrayed in the movie"Braveheart", as a young man eager to be king and wanting also to lead his country to freedom as William Wallace did. Robert the Bruce is one of the greatest Kings of all Scotland, as it shows in his Battle at Bannockburn. He too is honored and respected by the Scots as a mighty King and Hero.
Scots Wha' Hae Wi' Wallace Bled.
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