Welcome, Why are we here and how did we get here? These are the two most profound questions that have plagued mankind's existence. While the first question is profoundly elusive, this web site is an attempt to answer the latter; how did we get here? By here I mean this kind of existence. Mankind's history is a story of high drama. Everything from the potato to a mushroom cloud has had a profound impact on explaining how we got here. Hopefully by examining mankind's history (through this web site) you will be able to get some answers as to why you live the kind of life you do. Thank you for visiting this web site and may your travels be fruitful.


Well, since this is the homepage of the hitchhiker, let's make it easy for you to get around. If you want to visit my past experience at Christopher Columbus High School, then click on the "HITCHARIDE" plate above. If you want to see what is going on in my present classes then click on one of the topics below. Each topic will have resource links, student creations, lesson plans, history games and much more. If you scroll down a little further on this page, there are also links to some entertaining sites. They were helpful to me, and are good for any history buff. Please feel free to E-mail me with any questions by clicking on the Mr. Stankus Icon above. You may also sign my guest-book and allow others to view your insights on history.

CGateway to World History C

Gateway to World History contains links to a set of documentary archives for World History; a collection of world-history online resources; searching for online resources by keyword or by subject; Internet discussion lists relevant to world history; resources to support the struggle for a better future; a list of history departments online; general reference works, tools and libraries; and the New England Regional World History Association Web page.


CNotable Citizens of Planet Earth C

This biographical dictionary contains very basic information on over 18,000 people from ancient times to the present day. Information includes birth and death years, professions, positions held, literary and artistic works, awards, and other achievements. Fully searchable by keyword, name or expression. Includes ideas for students and teachers. A good start on what could ultimately be a valuable resource.


CThe History HouseC

This site is good for its entertainment value because it has a perfect blend of solid and obscure historical fact. This site is great for enhancing the learning for those students who are fascinated with the human struggle of history.


CThe History NetC

This site is filled with articles covering a large range of well-researched and articulate world history topics. This one is a must for any history buff. The articles are entertaining enough for typical high school students to enjoy.

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