This is my website from High School. I doubt I will ever update it again, but am keeping it here, neither altered nor amended, as an online archive. For more current writings, you can check out my blog: Peripatetic Meanderings and Philosophic Fodder

Thank you, Geocities, for not deleting this old-school website.

Please sign my guestbook
(If you don't sign my guestbook, it is somewhat possible, and there is even a likeliehood, that I will hunt you down, and call you silly names)

View my guestbook

Geocities thrashed my old guestbook, but you can look at the old entries here.

My Brain.
    This page is here for one purpose.  It's a trip for my bloated ego.  I get to put up whatever I want.  Stuff I wrote, mostly.  A lot of poetry, some stories, and some philosophy.  Anything I want to write, I can put it here.  I think that's just awesome. Also, I now have a page with some stuff from my various friends.

    As an added bonus, I was actually hoping that some people may find some of the stuff I've written entertaining, or at the very least somewhat interesting.

    If any of you wonder who the hell I am, you can go here.  I also have links to cool pages here.

OK. New stuff. I will now have a list of the new stuff I've added, so that the very few people who come to my page more than once will know right where to go. Just click here.

Make my life miserable by sending me e-mail.

You are the th person to check out the coolest site by me on the web. :o)

Please visit my sponsors and buy stuff so they give me money.

Geocities doesn't give me money, just webspace. So don't buy anything from them. (Please don't hunt me down and kill me, Geocities. :-)

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© 1998 Adam Masser, All rights reserved. Everything on these pages, except the "Friends" pages, is copyrighted Adam Masser. This means that you can look at it, print it, distribute it, but don't make money off of it. (I'm writing this because I keep thinking that someone is going to steal my stuff, publish it, make loads of money, make me have to take him to court, and lose because he got the copyrights and I feel really bad because I wrote it all and got no credit or money, and I'm poor from lawyer expenses. I'm not paranoid. It's just that everyone's out to get me.) © 2004, just so it doesn't get erased by Geocities. But don't expect any updates. ©2008, lol.