How to make your own website and start inputting your genealogy data into your computer. "free stuff to help"


Hi though I would share this with everyone.

There are a couple of free servers where you can place your information. Geocities located at here you would start your own homestead. Geocities has different "neighborhoods depending on your website.

Rootsweb is a server where you can get free space Note: its only for genealogy related information

Cyndi Howell's website has help to place your information

Cyndi's Genealogy Home Page Construction Kit. This place should be your first stop…it lists software, and a lot of helpful hints.

The Mormon Church has their
PAF software you can use to input all of your family data.

I use a couple of different programs to make my webpages.

  1. MSWord 97 this has an option that you can save as HTML (html is the computer language that the Internet uses). This type of program is all you need.
  2. MS FrontPage with this program you can make different forms.


If you want to do your webpage from scratch you need to know how to do html programming it is not to hard to learn and there are lots of helpful websites to help you learn.

After you have your website you need to get it onto the internet or "upload" it to the internet.

If you are putting your website on this website has its own File manager which allows you to upload your files. All you have to do is browse your hard drive and pick which files are in your website. Note: when using pictures…these are a separate file and must be uploaded separately. If you are not using geocities you can get a shareware program off the internet. The one I use is WS_FTP32 this is great and is easy to understand (hopefully) J

WS_FTP32 (FTP = File transfer protocol) just fancy computer talk for transferring files. J this program can be located at. and a website how to use WS_FTP is located here. This website come with a download link and helpful pictures really helpful.


I hope this helps.


Nancy Adams

Co-ordinator Kings County GenWeb