New Brunswick Family Reunions

If you would like to post a family reunion please email or write to Nancy Adams, 190 Church Avenue, Sussex, King Co. NB, E4E 1Z5;

Last updated May 12, 2000

Reunions for the year 2000


Cosman Reunion......The Cosman Family Reunion will be held August 5 & 6, 2000. in Debec (Woodstock) NB.

For more information please call or write Al Cosman at 46 Cosman Road, Mapledale, NB E7N 2B5 phone (506)324-9241 the email address is



401 783 1644

Cunningham Reunion…Long weekend (every three years) …The descendents of Hugh Cunningham and Ann "Walker" will be held the usual weekend (2nd weekend in July. Camping will be available. Hydro sites available one week before the weekend . Reunion is held at Cedar Camp, Kings County. Contact Nancy Adams 190 Church Avenue, Sussex, NB E4E 1Z5 (506) 433-3367 for more information. Or email This year their will be a Family history book for sale. Costing $20. This will have photo's and be fully indexed. To order contact me….

Dobson Reunion: While the reunion is being held in Westmorland County during Yorkshire 2000, one branch of the Dobsons - John and his wife Mary (Polly) Fawcett did live, for a time, in Sussex and there are members of the family still in that vicinity. Contact:
Carol Dobson, Communications Chair, Yorkshire 2000, 902-429-5885/452-8731


Pat Wells Miner, Chair Dobson & Wells Reunion, Yorkshire 2000. 506-536-2021

Public Service Announcement

During the winter of 1773, George and Mary Barker Dobson and their seven children left the dales of Yorkshire for Point de Bute, New Brunswick. They arrived in mid-spring and George succumbed to a marsh fever before the summer was over.

Mary and their seven children - George, Richard, John, David, Margaret (Wells), Mary (Jones), and Elizabeth (Anderson) survived and thrived in the new world. Their descendants have gone on to become business leaders, computer engineers, Rhodes Scholars, supporters of entrepreneurship, physicians… throughout Canada and the United States.

As part of this year’s Yorkshire 2000 celebrations, descendants of George and Mary Barker Dobson are cordially invited to the first Dobson reunion. It will be held in the church hall at Point de Bute, New Brunswick from 2-5:30 PM on Sunday, August 6, 2000. This will be an informal affair - a time to meet cousins, exchange family tree information (for publication in a future book on George and Mary and their family), and a potluck meal.

The hall itself is close to George’s land in Point de Bute and near the Point de Bute Methodist Graveyard, where George Jr., Margaret, and Mary are known to sleep. George Sr.’s restored grave, at Fort Beausejour National Historic Site is a few miles away.

Descendants of George and Mary Barker Dobson interested in attending the reunion are asked to contact Pat Wells Miner, 34 Green Hill Road, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L 2L8, email


Frazee Reunion…for more information on this summers Frazee reunion please contact Jim Frazee

Update: ,

We will be having a Frazee Reunion this year. Could you arrange to have this posted to the Kings County web site. The details are;

Reunion of the descendants of Lewis and Catherine (Thorne) Frazee - Loyalists who arrived in Saint John on the Fall Fleet of 1783, with their one year old son Timothy. Lewis and Catherine settled on the Millstream River not far from the present community of Berwick( 5 miles from Sussex) in 1797.

Date - July 29, 2000
Registration begins - 10:00 am
There will be a pot luck supper later in the afternoon.
Thank You, Jim Frazee

Henderson Reunion

A Henderson Reunion will be held on the Kingston Peninsula Aug 12/13, 2000 for descendants of David & Angelina Henderson, immigrants from Ireland in 1818-1820. Further information and updates can be found at the web site:


Gordon Miller

K(ei)stead Family Reunion (K2K) Aug 5th and 6th 2000 in Sussex, NB

The K(ei)steed family reunion is set for August 5th and 6th, 2000 in Sussex, New Brunswick. Two days of fun and activities are being planned. Joining local family members from the New Brunswick area will be families from the
Alabama, New York, Florida, Massachusetts and various other places in the United States as well other provinces in Canada. Although many family members have received invitations either by email or regular mail, there are
others who we have not reached. Please join us at this K2K reunion. Deadline for registration is May 1, 2000. If you need further information, please contact Valerie Keirstead at or Anne Brown at

Update: The location is the 8th Hussars Sports Centre / Burton Park at 8 Leonard Drive.

The registration date is May 31, 2000.



Would you be able to find a place to post a Reunion notice for the Knorr Family Reunion? The reunion is to be held in Hoyt, Sunbury Co and many family members are scattered through-out the province. I look forward to hearing from you....... Lorena Sinclair <>

Update: KNORR FAMILY REUNION to be held at St Luke's Anglican Church Hall at Hoyt, NB on September 3rd, 2000. Registration at 2 pm with a donation for the use of the hall. Dinner is to be Pot Luck. All descendants of JAKOB KNORR b 1816 Baden, Wuerttemberg, Germany and his wife CHRISTIAN b 1815 of the same place. Families: Bastain, Brooks, Byers, Charlton, Davenport, Duplisea, Gates, Hoyt, Knorr, McCracken, Phillips, Shanks, Watson, Wolf and Wooden.
Further information from:

Ruth Knorr, Hoyt, NB Tel: 506-687-4482 or
Lorena Sinclair, Toronto,ON Tel: 416-292-8289 or
Please come with any family stories and pictures that you would like to have included in the Knorr Family Archives. Please attach a return address, so that we can return your originals.



Urquhart Reunion

Urquhart Family reunion will be held on August 26, 2000 at Belleislle Regional High School, Springfield N.B. starting at 1:30 PM.

Descendents from various lines of New Brunswick Urquhart's will be attending this event from many parts of Canada and the U.S. All Urquhart descendants are welcome and encouraged to attend.

A potluck meal is planned. Please bring any items you would like placed in our time capsule and any pictures or articles of interest you would like to share.

For more information, please send mail to:

Karen Urquhart

 The following are past reunions…which are kept for reference.

Reunions for the year 1999

 Cunningham yearly reunion 2nd weekend of July. This is for Descendants of Hugh and Ann. who came 1832 to the Kings County area! Sons Thomas, Samuel and John. Next big 3 day reunion is the year 2000. A new family book will be printed with pictures included. If you have any old photos that you would like to have included in this book please let Nancy Adams know. Reunion location is Cedar Camp "the old homeplace" for more information contact Nancy Adams @ or write 190 Church Avenue, Sussex, King Co. NB, E4E 1Z5;