Timeline of Sir Henry Bessemer's Inventions


1838 March 8. No. 7585. Casting, breaking off, and counting printing types.

1841 Jan 6. No. 8777. Checking or stopping railroad carriages.

1841 Sept 23. No. 9100. Manufacture of glass.

1843 June 15. No. 9775. Manufacture of bronze and other metallic powders.

1844 Jan 13. No. 10011. Preparing paint and varnishes for fixing metallic powders or leaf.

1845 Dec 5. No. 10981. Atmospheric propulsion, and exhausting air and other fluids.

1846 July 30. No. 11317. Manufacture, silvering, and coating of glass.

1846 Aug 26. No. 11352. Railway engines and carriages.

1847 July 17. No. 11794. Manufacture of glass.

1848 March 22. No. 12101. Manufacture of glass.

1849 Jan 31. No. 12450. Manufacture of glass.

1849 April 17. No. 12578. Manufacture of cane sugar.

1849 May 15. No. 12611. Manufacture of oils, varnishes, pigments and paints.

1849 June 23. No. 12669. Raising and forcing water.

1849 Sept 20. No. 12780. Preparation of fuel and stoking machinery.

1850 July 22. No. 13183. Figuring and ornamenting surfaces.

1850 July 31. No. 13202. Manufacture and treatment of sugar.

1851 March 20. No. 13560. Manufacture and refining of sugar.

1851 Nov 19. No. 13819. Ornamenting woven fabrics and leather.

1852 Feb 24. No. 13988. Manufacture of sugar.

1852 July 24. No. 14239. Manufacture of sugar.

1852 Nov 19. No. 795. Treatment of cane juices.

1852 Nov 19. No. 796. Manufacture of sugar.

1852 Nov. 19. No. 797. Treatment of washed sugar.

1852 Nov 19. No. 799. Concentrating saccharine fluids.

1853 June 18. No. 1483. Manufacture of waterproof fabrics.

1853 July 14. No. 1687. Refining and manufacturing sugar.

1853 July 15. No. 1689. Manufacture of bastard sugar from molasses and scums.

1853 July 15. No. 1691. Manufacture and refining of sugar.

1853 Dec 2. No. 2811. Manufacture and refining of sugar.

1853 Dec 9. No. 2875. Railway axles and brakes.

1854 Aug 21. No. 1835. Treatment of slag.

1854 Aug 25. No. 1868. Naval and military guns.

1854 Nov 24. No. 2489. Projectiles and guns.

1855 Jan 10. No. 66. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1855 Jan 10. No. 67. Manufacture of ordnance.

1855 June 18. No. 1382. Screw propellers, cranks and propeller shafts.

1855 June 18. No. 1384. Manufacture of cast steel and mixtures of steel and cast iron.

1855 June 18. No. 1386. Manufacture of ordnance.

1855 June 18. No. 1388. Manufacture of rolls or cylinders for shaping metals, crushing ores, etc.; and calendering, glazing, embossing, printing, and pressing.

1855 June 18. No. 1390. Manufacture of railway wheels.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2317. Manufacture of anchors.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2319. Manufacture of railway bars.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2321. Manufacture of cast steel.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2323. Metal beams, girders, and tension bars used in constructing buildings, viaducts, and bridges.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2325. Ordnance and projectiles.

1855 Oct 17. No. 2327. Railway wheels.

1855 Dec 7. No. 2768. Manufacture of iron.

1856 Jan 4. No. 44. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 Feb 12. No. 356. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel.

1856 March 15. No. 630. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 May 31. No. 1290. Shaping, pressing, and rolling malleable iron and steel.

1856 May 31. No. 1292. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 Aug 19. No. 1938. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 Aug 25. No. 1981. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 Nov 4. No. 2585. Manufacture of railway rails and axles.

1856 Nov 10. No. 2639. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1856 Nov 18. No. 2726. Manufacture of iron.

1857 Jan 24. No. 221. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1857 Sept 18. No. 2432. Manufacture of cast steel.

1857 Nov 5. No. 2808. Treating iron ores.

1857 Nov 6. No. 2819. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel, and of railway and other bars, plates, and rods.

1857 Nov 13. No. 2862. Treating and smelting iron ores.

1857 Nov 20. No. 2921. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1868 July 30. No. 1724. Cleaning pit coal.

1858 Dec 1. No. 2747. Wheels and tyres.

1859 March 16. No. 670. Manufacture of crank axles.

1860 March 1. No. 578. Apparatus for the manufacture of malleable iron and steel.

1861 Jan 26. No. 216. Ordnance and projectiles.

1861 Feb 1. No. 275. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel, and apparatus therefor.

1891 April 27. No. 1069. Projectiles and ordnance.

1862 Jan 8. No. 56. Apparatus for the manufacture of malleable iron and steel.

1863 Jan 5. No. 37. Apparatus for pressing, moulding, shaping, embossing, crushing, shearing, and cutting metallic and other sub.

1863 Jan 13. No. 114. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel, and furnaces and apparatus therefor.

1863 June 9. No. 1439. Construction of hydraulic presses and machinery.

1863 Nov 5. No. 2744. Manufacture of railway bars.

1863 Nov 5. No. 2746. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel.

1864 Jan 25. No. 217. Manufacture of projectiles.

1864 Jan 30. No. 265. Manufacture of armour plate.

1865 May 1. No. 1208. Manufacture of pig iron or foundry metal, and of castings thereof.

1865 Nov 3. No. 2835. Manufacture of iron and steel, and apparatus therefor.

1867 Aug 14. No. 2343. Ordnance.

1867 Nov 11. No. 3193. Grindstones and artificial stones.

1867 Dec 9. No. 3501. Manufacture of firebricks, retorts, and crucibles.

1867 Dec 31. No. 3714. Treatment of cast iron and manufacture of malleable iron and steel.

1868 March 21. No. 965. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1868 March 21. No. 967. Manufacture of iron and steel.

1868 March 31. No. 1095. Manufacture of iron and steel, heating and melting of metals.

1868 Nov 10. No. 3419. Manufacture of cast steel and homogenous malleable iron.

1869 Feb 23. No. 566. Apparatus and buildings for manufacture of cast steel and malleable iron from pig iron.

1869 May 10. No. 1431. Manufacture of malleable iron and steel, and furnaces therefor.

1869 May 10. No. 1432. Furnaces for obtaining cast steel or homogeneous malleable iron from wrought iron or pig.

1869 May 10. No. 1433. Conversion of molten pig iron into homogeneous malleable iron or steel.

1869 May 10. No. 1434. Treatment of pig iron and apparatus therefor.

1869 May 10. No. 1435. Blast furnaces, their gaseous products, and the construction of blowing engines.

1869 Aug 10. No. 2397. Melting and casting metals.

1869 Dec 22. No. 3707. Vessels for prevention of sea-sickness.

1870 Feb 24. No. 553. Vessels for prevention of sea-sickness.

1870 May 27. No. 1559. Vessels for prevention of sea-sickness.

1870 May 30. No. 1580. Steamships for prevention of sea-sickness.

1870 June 17. No. 1742. Vessels for prevention of sea-sickness.

1870 Nov 29. No. 3130. Ordnance and ammunition.

1871 Jan 27. No. 223. Marine artillery.

1871 Feb 15. No. 386. Repairing and converting vessels.

1871 June 1. No. 1466. Ordnance and projectiles.

1871 July 4. No. 1737. Asphalte pavement.

1872 Oct 1. No. 2897. Passenger vessels.

1873 March 23. No. 1076. Controlling, etc., suspended saloons; discharging marine artillery.

1874 Sept 24. No. 3274. Ships' saloons, cabins, etc.

1874 Sept 28. No. 3319. Supplying water.

1875 Dec 10. No. 4258. Ships' saloons, cabins, etc.

1875 Dec 31. No. 4552. Reflectors, lenses, etc.

1879 April 5. No. 1368. (A. G. Bessemer and Sir H. Bessemer.) Making tinplate and blackplate.

1879 Oct 10. No. 4110. Tinplate bars or slabs.

1880 March 6. No. 987. (A. G. Bessemer and Sir H. Bessemer.) Making malleable iron; making castings or ingots.

1882 Oct 30. No. 5171. Loading, etc., merchandise; rolling stock of railways.

1883 Jan 18. No. 305. Loading, etc., merchandise; rolling stock of railway