Battle River Teachers' Association
LOCAL BARGAINING AGREEMENT between the Board of Education of the Battle
River School Division no. 60 and the Teachers of the Battle River School
Division no. 60 (January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005)
Page 1
- Term of Agreement
- Method of Payment
- Salary for Substitute Teachers
Page 2 & 3
- Special Allowances
- Sabbatical Leave
Page 4 & 5
- Shared Cost Sabbatical Leave
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
- Special Professional Development Fund
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
- Special Leave
- Negotiation Leave
Page 12
- Leave to Appear as Witness
- Early Retirement
- Grievances
Page 13
- Signatures
- Memorandum of Agreement
Page 1
- Term of Agreement shall be from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005.
- 2.1
- Teachers under permanent contract will be paid according to that teacher's choice of either ten or twelve month basis. Teachers under permanent contract who are on approved long term leaves or who have stated their intentions to take a leave will be paid for actual days worked each month during the school year(s) affected by the approved leave. Teachers currently on staff wishing to change their pay basis shall indicate in writing their preference for the following school year on or before June 30.
- 2.2
- All full time teachers who have selected a 12-month pay basis (except those who are on a long term leave for part of the year as per Section 2.1) will be paid on the 25th of each month including the month of June or if this falls on a non banking day, payment will be made on the last banking day prior to the 25th. This payment will be made by direct deposit to an account number provided by the teacher.
- 2.3
- Part time teachers, teachers who have been on a long term leave for part of the year and teachers who have selected a 10-month pay basis will be paid as per Section 2.2 except for the month of June when they will be paid on the last day of school.
- 2.4
- Part time teachers whose contracts have a start date on or after July 1, 2000, will be paid actual salary earned each month.
For each occurrence substitute teachers shall be paid at the minimum of Class III, except where:
- 3.1
a teacher substitutes more than seven consecutive days but not more than ten consecutive days in the academic year for the same teacher, the substitute teacher shall be paid at the minimum of Class IV;
- 3.2
a teacher substitutes continuously for more than ten consecutive days in the academic year for the same teacher, the teacher shall be paid according to certificate and experience. If the otherwise continuous service is broken through no fault of the substitute teacher, i.e., illness, for the purpose of this clause the service shall be deemed to be continuous.
Page 2 & 3
Where the Board appoints a teacher to a position which requires a special allowance, these conditions shall apply:
- 4.1
When an itinerant teacher is employed by the Battle River School Division No. 60, a mileage allowance shall be paid to the itinerant teacher for the round trips from the first place of employment to the second place.
- 4.2
The Division Board agrees to sponsor all athletics and other activities which meet all the requirements and procedures that are set out in Board policy.
- 4.2.1
This sponsorship provides that teachers will be covered by all Board liability insurance against mishap while engaged in these activities.
- 4.2.2
Reimbursement will be made to teachers for all Division Board sponsored activities within the division boundaries as well as district, sectional, and provincial play-offs.
- 4.2.3
Reimbursement of expenses for interscholastic activities for travel outside the division to exhibition games, tournaments, and other competitions, of an occasional nature, will be paid according to Policy H 1050 set by the Division Board.
- 4.2.4
These reimbursements shall include: mileage for teacher vehicles at the current rate as set from time to time by the Board of Education; actual cost of lodging not to exceed the current rate as set from time to time by the Board of Education; per diem allowance for meals at the current rate as set from time to time by the Board of Education.
- 4.2.5
Where a teacher is involved in extra-curricular activities that require direct supervision and/or responsibility for students beyond instructional time, those hours will be applied toward earned days off (E.D.O.). These hours will be verified by the principal of the school.
A teacher involved in extracurricular activites may claim up to a maximum of 12 hours per day. Seventy (70) hours is required for the granting of the first E.D.O. except in the case of elementary teachers who qualify for the first E.D.O. after thirty-five hours of supervision of elementary extracurricular activities. While an additional eighty (80) hours will provide the granting of one additional E.D.O.
Elementary teachers, for the purpose of this section, are defined as those teachers who have seventy-five (75) percent of their teaching assignment at the kindergarten to grade 6 level. Elementary extracurricular activities in which seventy-five (75) percent of the participants are in kindergarten to grade 6.
- 4.2.6
Teachers who have earned days off, under section 4.2.5, will have the option of taking a payout equivalent to substitute teacher pay for any or all of their earned days off. Requests for payout are to be submitted by June 1. In the case of a teacher leaving during the school year, requests are to be submitted by the 1st of the month in which the teacher is leaving.
A sabbatical leave is a leave of absence given to a teacher to pursue a course of studies either academic or professional in nature; undertake any other activity of an educational or rehabilitative nature which may include travel; or any combination of the above.
- 5.1.1
A teacher with ten or more years of continuous service may apply for sabbatical leave and the leave shall be granted under either of the following conditions: i) - Five months leave at 50% of the salary he / she would earn were he / she actively engaged in teaching, such salary to exclude supervisory or administrative allowance. ii) - Ten months leave at 25% of the salary he / she would earn were he / she actively engaged in teaching, such salary to exclude supervisory or administrative allowance.
- 5.1.2
A selection committee comprised of two Board of Education members, two teachers, appointed by the Teacher's Local Negotiating Committee, and the Director of Education who shall chair the selection committee shall: i) -review all applications and ii) - provided there is an applicant, select the teacher to be granted sabbatical leave iii) - grant not more than one such leave in a calendar year. Not withstanding the above, the Board may decline approval of any sabbatical leave applications in a year when a long term Educational Leave has been granted.
- 5.1.3
Applications from teachers must be in writing and delivered to the Director of Education not later than March 15th for a leave to be taken during the first half of the school year and not later than October 15th for a leave to be taken in the second half of the school year. Applications shall be accompanied by a statement of plans for the sabbatical leave.
- 5.1.4
All applicants shall be notified of the decision of the Board not later than April 15th in the case of a leave requested for the first half of the school year and not later than November 15th for a leave requested for the second half of the school year.
- 5.1.5
Sabbatical leave shall not constitute a break in tenure and will not count as experience for increment purposes.
- 5.1.6
Following such leave, the teacher shall return to the employ of the Battle River School Division No. 60 for a period of at least two years. The teacher agrees to be placed in any school in the Division mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the granting of the leave.
- 5.1.7
In the event that the teacher fails to abide by any of the above conditions the teacher shall refund the amount received.
- 5.1.8
Leaves are to coincide with school semesters.
Pages 4 & 5
A shared cost sabbatical leave is a leave of absence to a teacher for a period not exceeding 14 consecutive months so that the teacher may: pursue a course of studies either academic or professional in nature; undertake any other activity of an educational or rehabilitative nature which may include travel; or any combination of the above.
- 5.2.1.
A teacher with five or more consecutive years continuous service may be granted a shared cost sabbatical leave.
- 5.2.2.
A selection committee comprised of two Board of Education members, two teachers appointed by the Teacher's Local Negotiating Committee and the Director of Education who shall chair the selection committee shall: i) review all the applications and ii) provided there is a suitable applicant, select the teacher to be granted sabbatical leave. iii) No more than one applicant will be approved per year.
- 5.2.3. i)
The teacher and the Board shall undertake a five year commitment composed of four contributory years and one leave year. ii) The Board shall grant leave to the teacher in the fifth year providing all conditions agreed to initially have been met.
- 5.2.4.
During each of the four contributory years, the Board shall make contributions of 6.5% of the teacher's salary and the teacher shall make contributions of not less than 6.5% of the teacher's salary for that year into a trust fund administered and invested by the Board. The teacher contributions shall be made in the form of equal monthly payroll deductions.
- 5.2.5.
During the leave year, the Board shall pay to the teacher, contributions and interest in the fund in twelve (12) approximately equal monthly instalments in lieu of salary for that year.
- 5.2.6.
Applications from teachers must be in writing and delivered to the Sabbatical Leave Selection Committee not later than February 1 of the first contributory school year as stipulated in Section 5.2.3. Applications shall be accompanied by a statement of plans for the year of Sabbatical Leave.
- 5.2.7.
All applicants shall be notified of the decision of the Board not later than March 1.
- 5.2.8.
Shared cost sabbatical leave shall not constitute a break in tenure and will not count as a year of experience for increment purposes.
- 5.2.9.
Following such leave, the teacher shall return to the employ of the Battle River School Division No. 60 for a period of at least two years. The teacher agrees to be placed in any school in the Division mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the granting of the leave.
- 5.2.10.
Should the teacher choose to abandon the project or become disabled during the contributory period the Board shall pay to the teacher in one lump sum all the teacher contributions plus accrued interest made to that time. The Board's contributions plus interest shall revert to the Board.
- 5.2.11.
Should the teacher die during the five-year period, all teacher contributions plus interest shall be paid to the teacher's estate. The Board's contributions plus interest shall revert to the Board.
- 5.2.12.
In the event that the teacher fails to abide by any of the above conditions, the teacher shall refund the amount received.
Page 6
6.1 Educational leaves are divided into two categories:
- 6.1.2
Long Term - a period of 6 to 14 months inclusive.
- 6.1.3
Short Term - a period of less than 6 months.
6.2 The teacher on educational leave shall receive pay from the Board within the following ranges in effect on the date the award is granted:
- 6.2.1.
Long term educational leave (All Classes - 50% of salary)
- 6.2.2.
Short term educational leave (Classes 1 & 2 - 70% of salary, Class 3 - 65% of salary, Classes 4 to 6 - 50% of salary)
Such salary shall exclude supervisory or administrative allowances.
6.3 To qualify for this award, the teacher must have two consecutive years of teaching service in the Division and have his program of studies approved by the Director of Education.
6.4 The teacher, upon his/her return to the school system, shall be placed in a position as mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the granting of leave.
6.5 The teacher shall undertake in writing to return to the employ of the Board for a period of at least two years immediately following the leave, and in the event of default, to refund the amount of the award as set out hereunder. In the case of death or total disability, the total debt will be cancelled. If the teacher fails to comply with the agreement referred to heretofore, he shall refund the money awarded to him together with interest at the present rate prevailing. In the event there is partial compliance as to time, the refund shall be equivalent proportion of the amount of salary received.
6.6 A teacher shall apply to the Director of Education for educational leave not later than February 1 prior to the commencement date of the leave. The School Board shall notify the teacher of its decision on or before March 1. The teacher shall confirm his acceptance or rejection of the leave within one week of being notified.
6.7 Long term Educational leaves will be reviewed in conjunction with sabbatical leaves. The Board may or may not approve an Educational Leave in the same calendar year as a sabbatical leave.
6.8 Educational leave shall not be credited as experience for increment purposes on the teacher's return to the system.
Page 7
The Board shall allocate $225.00 per full time teacher equivalent to each school for a professional development fund for 2004. For 2005 and each subsequent year, this amount shall be adjusted by a percentage equal to the cost of living increase as determined by the Saskatchewan Teachers Superannuation Commission. This Professional Development fund shall be administered as follows:
7.1 Expenditures from this fund shall be used for the provision of professional development opportunities which includes the related substitute teacher costs.
7.2 Each school shall determine its own priorities, criteria, and guidelines for the allocation of expenditures from this fund.
7.3 All applications for professional development financial assistance shall be submitted to and approved by the school principal.
7.4 Expenditures for professional development shall not exceed the total funds allocated to the school.
7.5 Surpluses will be carried over from one year to the next in order to facilitate long term professional development planning. The maximum accumulated carry-over is not to exceed the amount allocated for the current year.
Page 8
The Board shall allocate an amount of money, equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the annual salary of a teacher in class IV on step 10 of the current salary grid, for a special professional development fund. This fund shall be administered as follows:
8.1 Expenditures from this fund shall be used to provide professional development opportunities to enhance the skills and qualifications of teachers through pursuit of one of the following:
- 8.1.1
University courses, on or off campus, whether credit or non-credit
- 8.1.2
Academic and Professional Summer short courses
- 8.1.3
Academic and Professional Weekend seminars
- 8.1.4
Technical / Vocational short courses from SIAST, Lakeland College or other approved Institutes
- 8.1.5
SSTA Leadership Modules for Principals
- 8.1.6
Stress management/renewal seminars
- 8.1.7
Coaching Clinics
- 8.1.8
Other training approved by the Board
8.2 All applications for professional assistance shall be submitted to the Director a month in advance of the planned activity.
8.3 A committee consisting of the Chairperson of the Division's Professional Development Committee (or his/her designate), a Division Board Representative, the Principal of the school from which the request originated and the Director of Education, will consider applications. The Director will call and chair such meetings. This committee shall approve, within budget, those requests, which in the opinion of the committee will be of benefit to the school.
8.4 Expenses which may be approved by the above committee include:
- 8.4.1
Tuition fees or registration fees for courses and seminars listed under section 8.1.
- 8.4.2
Meals, travel and accommodation costs, as per Board Policy for seminars and short courses of five or fewer days duration.
- 8.4.3
Cost of one round trip to examination center for University summer courses, University correspondence courses, University night courses, SIAST, Lakeland College or other approved Technical / Vocational courses.
- 8.4.4
Applications will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis except when it is brought to the attention of the Chairperson of the Professional Development Committee or to the Director of Education, that some consideration is needed to spread funds out more evenly across the Division, or to address a specific need or development in education.
- 8.4.5
Reimbursement for travel will be limited to a maximum of 600 km per course, seminar, module, clinic, etc.
8.5 Participation in the above courses and seminars will be arranged for outside of school hours. However, under special circumstances, a teacher may apply to the Director for permission to attend a session or write an exam during school hours.
Page 9
According to the Education Act Section 150 - Duties of Pupils; Section 165 - Hours of the School Day; Section 227 (d) - Duties of Teachers; and Regulation 49 - Noon Hour Supervision, the responsibility for providing noon hour supervision lies with the Division Board.
9.1 Division Board recognizes that noon hour supervision is voluntary.
9.2 All the teachers of the Battle River School Division agree to do noon hour supervision for the term of this contract.
9.3 With all the teachers willing to do noon hour supervision, the Board will recognize the voluntary nature of the service provided by awarding each school a total number of earned days off (E.D.O.) equal to:
- 9.3.1
two times the school's total teaching staff for schools with four or more teachers
- 9.3.2
three times the school's total teaching staff for schools with less than four teachers
9.4 Part-time teachers doing noon hour supervision will receive a pro-rated amount of earned days off.
9.5 Leave under this Section and Section 4.2.5 shall be subject to the following conditions:
- 9.5.1
Earned days off may be accumulated and carried over to a maximum of two (2) days per academic year.
- 9.5.2
Request for leave must be made to the principal at least one week in advance. The date(s) of leave must be mutually agreed upon by the teacher and principal.
- 9.5.3
The teacher must make adequate preparation, satisfactory to the principal, for their classes and other normal duties prior to the commencement of their leave.
- 9.5.4
To ensure the safe, orderly, effective operation of the school, the school principal may limit the number of teachers taking leave on a particular day. The decision for leave will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis.
- 9.5.5
The Board of Education will provide teacher substitutes for any or all teachers under this Section.
- 9.5.6
The principal shall, at month end, report all teachers who have taken leave under this Section.
Page 10
10.1 The Board will grant up to three days of compassionate leave with pay to attend a death and/or serious illness of a spouse, parent, brother, sister, child, step child, parent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or grandchild.
- 10.1.1
For the purpose of administering Section 10.1, the term spouse shall be defined as follows: The husband or wife of the teacher or the person who cohabitated with the teacher in a conjugal relationship throughout the last 12-month period, or the parent of the teacher's child, if the teacher is cohabitating with such an individual in a conjugal relationship.
10.2 The Board will grant up to one day of compassionate leave with pay to attend a death of a grandparent, grandparent-in-law, sister-in-law, or brother-in-law.
10.3 The Board may grant up to one day of compassionate leave with pay for an employee to act as an active pallbearer or eulogist in a situation not specified in Sections 10.1 or 10.2.
10.4 The Board may, at its discretion, grant additional compassionate leave with or without pay for longer periods of time for instances described in Sections 10.1 through 10.3 above or for other instances not covered in Sections 10.1 through 10.3.
10.5 In all above Sections 10.1 through 10.4, the employee is to have the school principal discuss the special circumstances of the leave with the Director of Education prior to the leave. This shall be followed with a written request to the Board.
Page 11
11.1 The Board may grant a leave of absence without pay for a period not exceeding one year to each teacher within the Division provided that:
- 11.1.1
The teacher has been in the employ of the Board for a minimum of five consecutive years.
- 11.1.2
The maximum number of leaves granted during one school year be three.
- 11.1.3
The teacher applies for the leave prior to March 1 of the year the leave is to be granted.
- 11.1.4
The leave of absence shall not constitute a break in tenure and will not count as a year of experience for increment purposes. The teacher agrees to be placed in any school in the division mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the granting of the leave.
11.2 The Division Board may, at its discretion, grant a teacher short term leave of absence with pay or without pay provided that the application for such leave is made to the Division Board prior to the commencement of the leave.
11.3 The Board shall grant a leave of absence with pay for a period of one day for the father to attend the birth of his child.
There shall be no loss of salary for any teacher who is necessarily absent from his regular duties while participating in negotiations, conciliation, or arbitration proceedings with the employing Board while negotiations take place during the school's hours. A limit of four in-classroom teacher representatives shall be permitted to attend.
Page 12
A teacher shall be allowed leave of absence without loss of salary when subpoenaed to appear as a witness or summoned as a juror in a court case. Any remuneration awarded by the courts above the actual expenses shall be repaid to the employing School Board up to a maximum of salary involved for the period of absence.
14.1 The Board will make available on a voluntary basis to any teacher with a minimum of 30 years and a maximum of 34 years of service, an early retirement allowance in an amount calculated using the following schedule:
- 30 Years:
5% of last annual salary for each year of service in BRSD #60 to a maximum of 60%
- 31 Years:
5% of last annual salary for each year of service in BRSD #60 to a maximum of 50%
- 32 Years:
5% of last annual salary for each year of service in BRSD #60 to a maximum of 40%
- 33 Years:
5% of last annual salary for each year of service in BRSD #60 to a maximum of 20%
- 34 Years:
5% of last annual salary for each year of service in BRSD #60 to a maximum of 10%
14.2 Early retirement incentives of 40% or more of the last annual salary shall be paid over a period of two school years with 60% of the allowance being paid the first year and 40% the second year.
14.3 A teacher shall make application to the Board of Education at least six months prior to the date the teacher intends to commence early retirement and no later than December 31 of the school year in which he/she intends to retire. This application shall be accompanied by a letter of resignation with an effective date to coincide with commencement of retirement. The teacher may offer the resignation conditional upon approval of application for the early retirement allowance. (See appendix A for sample letter of request and conditional resignation)
14.4 The method of payment of early retirement allowance will be the same as that of teachers under contract as outlined in Section 2.
As per Section 261-263 of the Education Act of 1995.
Page 13
(can be seen on paper copy)
Signed on behalf of Battle River Teachers' Association:
- Gordon Rook
- Jean McPherson
- Val Shockey
- Steven Turnbull
Signed on behalf of Battle River School Division #60:
- Sharon Tindall
- Kathy Hickman
- Faith Graham
- David Thompson
Agreement signed April 29, 2004

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