Battle River Teachers' Association

Welcome to our home page!

Welcome to our high-tech endeavour at communication to our members and guests! This page has been on line since Jan. 11 / 98 and is constantly under construction (when there is time to do it).

The following are presently on this site. Coloured links indicate pages that are up and running, and ready to visit:




Our first general meeting of the year will be held on Mon., Sept. 20 at our inservice. During this meeting, our local executive members will be introduced, and we will also hear from Mr. David Thompson, Director of Education. The next two years promise to be very interesting and challenging, as we enter into an amalgamation with Turtleford and Meadow Lake school divisions.



For the latest updates on topics of current interest (such as the recent series of provincial negotiations), visit the S.T.F. website, and click on the INFOSOURCE login at the bottom of the page. To log in to the page for the first time, have your Saskatchewan teaching certificate number ready, as well as your members' health plan card (a portion of the number on the card is also required for login to the secure site). For return visits to the site, you will need only the username and password that you choose on your first visit. Teachers are encouraged to register with INFOSOURCE, as it will continue to be an up-to-date secure "first source" of information for teachers.



We continue to use or own (shorter!) domain name. This makes it much easier to access our website. To quickly visit this website from a computer that has not been bookmarked, simply go to:

Our old (long) address will continue to work, so if you have it bookmarked, you don't need to change it. The short URL is simply a "shortcut" or a direct link to our existing website.


We are a local branch of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, and are proud to be dedicated to the future of rural education in Canada's mid-west.

Click here to visit the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation website.

Click here to E-mail the Battle River Teachers Association.

Proud to be Teachers!

You are visitor number to our website since Aug. 13 / 98.

This site is maintained by Glenn Hegel. (Last updated Sept. 14 / 2004)

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