Special Notices                                         

                                    SPECIAL NOTICES

Klezmer Kapers!
Don't miss our first super Fund Raiser of the Year. On Saturday night, November 22 at 6:30 pm, Temple Brith Shalom will be hosting the wild and zany New Mexico Klezmer Kapers. Get your tickets early for an evening of music, singing, dancing, and lively fun!

Saturday, November 15, 2003, is the date for our New Member Fall Dinner. This fun-filled evening will give us all an opportunity to meet and greet new members while enjoying a delicious dnner and fellowship.

Income for Life from Charitable Gift Annuity
You can receive income for life through a charitable gift annuity from the Jewish Community Foundation of Prescott and still get some tax deductions. Here's how it works:
Make a minimum gift to the Jewish Community Foundation. You can specify the beneficiary of this gift as Temple B'rith Shalom or any other charitable institution or group of institutions or you can leave it in the Foundation's Legacy Fund so that future generations can use it as they see the needs at that time. In return, based on your age, the Foundation will agree to provide you with annual income at a specified rate. Part of this income from the Foundation may not be taxable. When you and your spouse are no longer living, the balance in your charitable gift annuity account, less a small amount, will go to the beneficiaries you specified. And that's not all. In the year that you make the gift, you get a tax deduction based on a government formula.
If you are interested in a Charitable Gift Annuity or any of the many methods of tax advantaged giving, contact the Foundation at 717-1914 or jcf@cableone.net. Discussions will be held in strictest confidence.

Adult Education Ideas?? As the new Adult Education Chairman, I want to invite all members to contact me with ideas for Adult Education programs. Perhaps you would like to provide a program yourself or you know someone who could. Video tapes could also be loaned to B'rith Shalom for an evening. I welcome everyone's suggestion. Contact: Tom Brodersen


That’s right! Don’t miss Rabbi Lipman’s ongoing Torah Study Session at 9 am every Saturday. It’s an hour of discussion, ideas, and laughter. Join us!

If you have a friend who is Jewish or have a friend who knows a friend who is Jewish, and they are not members of Temple Brith Shalom, PLEASE INVITE THEM TO A SHABBAT SERVICE. We are reaching out to the entire Jewish community here in the Tri-“City” area; you can help. Become a Temple Brith Shalom ambassador. Bring a friend to services.


The Mitzvah Circle is a small group of Temple members who unobtrusively lend a helping hand to any member who needs their support. They have one problem though. Someone needs to inform them. If you live alone and have the flu and need chicken soup, CALL. If you are unable to drive yourself to the Doctor's because you sprained your ankle or broke your glasses, CALL. One of the members will be happy to say "What can we do to help?" - but unless they KNOW that there may be a need there is nothing that can be done. Please, whether for yourself or for someone you know, inform a member of the Mitzvah Circle.
Please call: The Temple (708-0018), Shara Beck, Mimi Etlin, or Phyllis Roth.

Adopt a Street Rejuvenated
As many of you know, Norman Stoken was responsible for organizing Temple B'rith Shalom's Street-Cleaning crew to keep our designated chunk of Prescott litter-free. He did a yeoman's job. The Litter-Fighter mantle has been passed to Jan Siegel, who has generously volunteered to take on this responsibility. If you are interested in joining her in this mitzvah, call the Temple office: 708-0018.

A Deal you SHOULDN'T Refuse
Members of the Temple can receive a card for ALBERTSON'S. Using the card for grocery purchases results in a donation by Albertson's to the Temple. If you shop at Albertson's and do not have a card or have lost your card, please see Margaret in the office.
Escrip also offers a service that is similar to that of Albertson's. Escrip requires that you register on the computer so the Temple can receive a monetary donation from Escrip. The website for registration is www.escrip.com. When you register for Escrip, you can enter a SAFEWAY store club card number so that grocery purchases at Safeway will result in a donation to the Temple. You still receive discounts and sale prices using your Safeway club card. If you do not have access to a computer, please complete the form in the Ram's Horn and give it to Margaret. It will be returned to you with your password.
In addition, if you register on the computer, you have the option of including a credit card number. It is NOT mandatory. Escrip will then send you a list of participating stores that will make donations to the Temple if you use your credit card while shopping there.
Wouldn't it be great if we could accomplish 100% participation in these programs? The Temple would be receiving income just because we buy our groceries! If you have any questions, please contact Mariann Littell at marjac@localnet.com.

The Yavapai Yiddish Club is moving along with a strong cadre of people wishing to learn the mame loschen. We are almost through our first book and have many plans for the future. Some of the ideas are some skits, stories by Peretz and some songs that we may be able to use for the holidays, all in Yiddish. No prior knowledge of the language is required to join the group. All of the Yiddish is in transliterated form, so you don't even have to read the Yiddish. If you would like more information, please call Dotty Reynolds or Mariann Littell.

Taxi Service As you know, it is a primary value for us that every Temple B'rith Shalom member be able to come to every Temple B'rith Shalom activity. For some of our members, this means having to come by taxi. WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR TAXI SERVICE TO AND FROM TEMPLE B'RITH SHALOM, but you must follow two basic rules: (1) Use AAA TAXI or ACE CITY CAB. (2) When you call for a ride, you must notify the dispatcher that the fare is going to be paid by Temple B'rith Shalom. Do not wait to tell the driver; the driver may not know or be a part of our system; the Dispatchers are.

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