Religious Practices

Religious Practices Committee
The Berkowitz family is pleased to invite the B'rith Shalom congregation to the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Margie. She will be called to the Torah on Saturday, May 3, 2003.
The service will take place at the Granite Peak Unitarian-Universalist Congregation at 10:00a.m. This venue was selected by the Berkowitz family because the UUC building is environmentally friendly to those with chemical sensitivities.
All congregants who are planning to attend this service need to RSVP to the Berkowitz family no later than April 20th. This will allow for arrangements for food and will also give the family the opportunity to pass along important information regarding offending chemicals.
Because of the many allergy problems that various family members suffer, the May 3rd Saturday morning service for Temple B'rith Shalom will be held at the Granite Peak Unitarian-Universalist Congregation. As many of us know it is imperative that everyone attending this service strictly adhere to the avoidance of the use of fragrance or smoke. Just one head of hair or item of clothing bearing the remnants of a fragrance (used even months ago) could cause major difficulties for some member of the Berkowitz family.
The Religious Practices Committe joins with the Temple B'rith Shalom congregational family in wishing the Berkowitz family a Mazal Tov on Margie's reaching this Jewish milestone. We are delighted to be able to share this joyous event with them.
REMEMBER: The Temple B'rith Shalom Saturday Morning Service for May 3 will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Granite Peake Unitarian-Universalist Congregation, 882 Sunset Ave.
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