Nuremberg II for communists
Genocide & Crimes against Humanity ! !

Over 100 Millions victims of communist madness
... and still counting

Anti-communist Site

" I dedicate this to all those who did not live to tell it .
And may they please forgive me
for not having seen it all nor rememberered it all , for not having divined all of it "

Alexsander Solzhenitsyn , ' The Gulag Archipelago '

Soviet Genocide against the Polish People !! - Blank Pages

GENOCIDE : Acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

On March 5th 1940 at a meeting of the Politburo, Stalin sanctioned the murder of 15,000 POWs and 11,000 political prisoners - "hardened, incorrigible enemies of Soviet Rule"
Three years later, Stalin accused the Nazis of the Katyn mass murders. A lie which the world believed for over half a century and a blank page which enabled the Soviets to enslave the Polish people.
Katyn was only one of many Blank Pages. Of two million Poles deported to the Soviet Union, hundreds of thousands died from hunger, cold and disease. Of one million Poles detained in Soviet gulags, 45% perished - " ... under every sleeper on the railway line to Vorkuta, lies a Pole."
Genocide continued even during the 'liberation' of Poland. An NKVD unit of the Red Army was responsible for the Turza Wood massacre - "...they followed an established routing, interrogations took place every day except Thursday, and sentences were read out in the detention compound. On Thursday nights a lorry took the victims to Turza Wood. The lorry returned empty in the morning... "
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"Blank Pages, Soviet Genocide Against the Polish People" This book has two main aims.

It reveals the extent of Soviet genocide. The sheer number of instances of Soviet genocide made it more practical to use selected examples than to attempt to paint the full picture. The Soviet terror apparatus is shown in action, and its capacity for murder as well as its innate ability to obliterate the traces of crimes committed can be clearly seen. The crimes described are only the tip of the iceberg.
The book also hopes to expose 'blank pages in history', the Soviet technique of manipulating public opinion so that crimes remained unpunished. That us the reason why the Katyn Mass Murders, a classic example of blank pages, still predominate in a work not intended to be yet another book on Katyn.
A third, subsidiary aim is to serve as a small compendium on the subject.
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STOP GENOCIDE / Holocaust NOW !!!
Barbarian , Cannibalistic Russia
BACK OFF from Chechnya !!!

Bloody Russia  BACK OFF from Chechnya !!!

Over 1 HUNDRED MILLIONS Great Sacifice of Life
and ... still counting !!!

Every one, Every country who helping Russia is responsible,
is joint author New Holocaust !!!