Hi I'm April also known as Blondie or/and Alleycat

My interests are:
Writing, Reading, Hanging out, guys,& animals. I also like Angels and u see....

Here are my angels for Faith, Hope, & Love...

The description of my page is:
The eyes are the open windows
to our future. The past is
the closed doors we have passed through

I am 5ft 6 blonde hair with dark blue eyes....I'm 17 years old...and I love to talk and just party. I have many friends and a caring family that consits of my mom, my dad, my brother, myself and all of our animals! I live on a farm in South Carolina, we have 9 dogs (beagles & poodles), we have 2 cats, our farm also consits of chickens, turkeys, cows, and u can see i love animals ~smile~....I play volleyball and softball for my high school teams....I am on the Newspaper Staff and I write poetry *Poems*...My brother plays JV baseball for our school...My mom dosen't work but my dad does, he is a electronic mechanic, but he coaches baseball (little league) in his spare time....

I wanna send out a special hello to Dave, Jaime, Fred, Jennifer, Dawn, Gabrienne, Tony & the rest of the westside crew, Sommer, Eric J., Eric M., Brandon, & Michael!!! Ya'll are all wonderful friends...And a Hello to the Bear Facts Staff! A BIG THANK YOU to Marshal (icq# 8597894)& a BIG THANK YOU to NightHawk...thanks for your help!!!...i guess i'm done boring ya'll now!!! Hope u enjoyed this page!!! Also for all those who have #10213168...look me up!!!

Here is a Poem I selected to share with ya'll:

"Somebody Should Have Taught Him"

I went to a birthday party
But I remembered what you said.
you told me not to drink at all,
So I had a sprite instead.
I felt proud of myself,
The way you said I would,
That I didn't drink and drive,
Though some friends said I should.
I knew I made a healthy choice and
Your advice to me is right
As the party finally ended
And the kids drove out of sight.
I got into my car,
Sure to get home in one piece
Never knowing what was coming
Something I expected the least.
Now I am lying here dying, Mom,
I wish you'd get here soon.
I can hear the policeman say,
"The Kid That Caused This Was Drunk."
His voice seems far away.
There's blood all around me,
And most of it is mine.
I can hear the paramdic say.
"I'll die in short-time."
I'm sure the guy had no idea.
While he was flying high.
Because he chose to drink and drive
That I would have to die.
So why do people do it?
Knowing that it ruins lives.
Now the pain is cutting me,
Like a hundred stabbing knives.
Tell my sister not to be afraid,
Tell daddy to be brave,
And when I go to Heaven to
Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Somebody Should Have Taught Him
That its wrong to drink and drive,
Maybe if his mom and dad had,
I'd still be alive.
The guy that hit me is walking,
And I don't think its fair.
I'm dying,Mom, and all he can do is stare.
My breath is getting shorter,
I'm so unprepared,
I wish that you could hold me, Mom,
As I lie here and die.
I have one last question, Mom,
Before I say Good-bye.
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one that has to die?


I love this sticks with me because it was wrote based upon a true accident! And when i go and party i remember these words.....Don't Drink and kills and ruins lives!!! remember this always! If you enjoyed this poem---->More Poems<----Friendship Poems<-----

Here are some pics of me & my friends

Jason, (Parker Fly)the sexiest man alive, showed me how to do this part

Look at Jennifer's feet! Her shoes had broke an hour before the prom!
(This is Gabrienne, me, Dawn, & Jennifer, ~**Prom 99**~)

Eric...He's really a robot!!!
(This is me & Eric ~**Prom 99**~)

Just chillin'...prolly thinkin' about Parker Fly like my friends and I ALWAYS do...
< (This is Sommer & me ~**just chillin**~)

Me and Matt
~**This is me and my friend Matt**~

We make a living performing in a side show!!!
~**This is a picture of Mullit (Jason D.), Jennifer, Erica, me, & Tony**~

Me and Tony
~** Me and my friend Tony

Another circus act...
~**Jason A., Matthew, me, & Holly**~

Here Are Some Sites