Here are the results for Week 1's survey!
43 people filled out the survey!  Thank you to eveyrone who filled it out and who passed it on to their friends!
1) How old are you?                          
   15 or younger  18
   16-19 19
   20 or older  6
2) What is your religous preferance? 
    Druidism 2
    Athiesm 4
    Christianity 15
    Paganism  9
    Agnosticism 1
    None 6
    Catholocism 7
    Unknown 3
3) Is that how you were raised,or did 
you explore and find the right path  
for you on your own?
     Raised that way 17
    Explored  26
4) If you saw a pentagram what  
would be the first thing to come to 
your mind? 
    Geometry 3
    Positive thoughts 20
    Satanism 10
    Depends 6
    Don't know what it is  
   /Don't know what to think                                
5) Have you ever studied 
(or practiced, or both) a religion  
other than the one you believe in now?
    Yes 25
    No 18
6) Are you(or would you be) friends 
with someone whose religious beliefs    
are different than your own?
    Yes 42
    No 1
7) Would you date someone whose       
religious beliefs are different that  
your own?
    Yes 40
    No 3
8) How much do you know                    
about other religions?
     Little/none 13
    Average 21
    Quite a bit 9
9) What do you think about                    
prayer in the classroom?
    No opinion 4
   Think it shouldn't be legal 20
   Think it should be legal 19
 My Comments:  This was not a really easy survey to tally up.  The answers varied quite a bit, but if I had put out any more catagories I'd have about 40 for each question.  I tried to put each answer into the best catagory, and the next survey should be easier to tally up.  Anywho, I have a few comments about the questions and answers, so here they are:

1) No comments about this one really.

2) Some people put like Baptist, so I put that under Christianity..and Wiccan under Paganism...etc.

3) See #1.

4) This one is pretty self explanatory, but in relation to the question, I think this piece from a site I found would be interesting to put here.

"Q: So why do you use that "Satanic" symbol?
   A: The pentagram, or five pointed star, is not Satanic. Pythagoras used it as a symbol of health and his followers wore them in order to recognize one another. In Medieval times, some Christian knights used the pentagram as their symbol.  To modern Witches the pentagram means many things; The five points correspond to the elements Air, Earth, Fire and Water with the top point corresponding to "Spirit". The pentagram in a circle may also represent a human with their legs and arms outstretched, surrounded by universal wisdom or the "Goddess" - humankind at one with the environment.

   Satanists turn the symbol upside-down, which puts the elements of Fire and Earth at the top (Fire symbolizes willpower and passion and Earth, prosperity and earthly goods) and Spirit, spirituality, at the bottom. Satanists also turn the cross upside-down. This, in itself, does not make the cross or pentagram a Satanic symbol. In some Wiccan traditions, the reversed pentagram is a symbol of "second degree" status - one who has been elevated from "initiate". To members of these traditions, the reversed pentagram is considered highly positive and has no connection to Satanism."

I got that from an F.A.Q. on WitchCraft that I got from The Witches Voice Site.  If that kind of stuff interests you I think the site would be a lot of help to you.
5)See #1.

6) A lot of people answer this question with "Of course!  Why wouldn't I?"  I found that kind of fascinating, because a lot of the kids that go to my school want their friends to be carbon copies of themselves...

7) A couple of the people who put that they would not date someone who's religion is different than thiers also put that it was because they were getting older and relationships were getting more serious.  I figure that they don't want to marry someone of a different religion cus it can really interfere with raising children and daily routine and probably a bunch of othe stuff, too.

8) Quite a few of the people who filled out the survey know about other religions because of religion class at school.  I think a class about religion woudl be a good idea, because it's important to know about other religions, just as it's important for us to know about other countries, and cultures.

9) My opinion on prayer in school:  If someone feels they need to pray in the morning, then they should do it at home or on the bus, or even in the halls at school, but they should not disturb class time to have an organized time for prayer.  Quit a few people put that as long as there are tests in school, there will always be prayer in school.  That was not the point of the question.  It was more asking if people should be forced to pray in school.  Some people also said that they thought it was okay if there was just a few minutes silence for praying.  Personally I feel that wouldn't be right either, because not all religous people pray silently, some sing, some burn candles, and do many other things, and that would not be silence.  My school is one of the many in the nation that has prayer at the flag pole on certain mornings of the week.  I have no objections to that at all, because it is done out doors, and before school starts.  Therefore it isn't disturbing anyone.

Llook for the next survey in a few days!