The goal of mankind is knowledge. Now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside, it is all inside. What we say a man "knows" should, in strict psychological language, be what he "discovers" or "unveils"; what man "learns" is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge .Swami Vivekananda

The present day youth.


The youth of these days are undergoing a major transformation because of the communication propaganda. In these hi-tech days, by means of advanced connectivity, the world is getting smaller and so are the mentalities of the present generation getting narrower. The urge of thriving is diminishing and everybody wants to take life the easier way. And we are getting addicted to achieve materialistic virtues.

Agreed to the point that life is getting easier these days physically, but we sure should keep our mental activities at a far greater pace than our physical activities. There sure is no barrier or a limitation for the activities of the brain and it sure should be utilized to the maximum.

Can't we take this great gift of technological advancement for the improvement of all lives on earth? There needs to be a radical change in the way of living, especially the downtrodden section of the world.

The present day generation sure has the capabilities of enduring all odds, except that it is the lack of strong will power which is setting them aback from the right direction. It looks asthough they are building a cocoon around themselves and want to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to their surroundings. It's high time they opened their eyes and get out of the quicksand, which is taking them down, and utilize the same sand to build greater homes and make earth a happier home to stay at.

As the old phrase goes, " Development is irreversible" so let's develop good mentalities along with the technological developments and make our lives a fruitful one. We should realize that there are quite a lot of things, which has to be looked upon, other than the commercial aspects of certain things. Rather than gunning in for materialistic gains we better aim at ideologistic goals. Fun and folly is part of human life and not total life afterall. We have to learn from successful human beings from the past. Before being a good doctor, engineer, scientist or whatever the professional aspect, we have to be a better human being and a perfect individual who would think of good at general terms and not concentrate on only individual self-betterment.

Dependence is the greatest factor, which is dogging the present day youth. He or she would depend on an outside source, or person and has lost the ability to think or work on his own. Life has become so automated that it is synchronized in such a way that at times we ourselves would think that we are some sort of a mechanized robots. The biggest mistake is we do not know realize the difference between professional and personal life. It goes hand in hand these days and thereby commercializing our personal life too.

There are new inventions each day and new products are released at the market. The craze for acquiring such equipment's are up at an alarming rate. I think these crazes are the main culprits that are taking the new generation to the dogs. We the younger lot have not realized the difference between necessity and wants. We arenot able to differentiate about our wants and our necessities.Every want is becoming a necessity and every new thing is becoming a necessity these days. So necessity is the self-centered attitude of the present day youth. So it's high time we come out of these materialistic dilemmas and think positive and lead a perpetual life and set a good example to the on coming generations to go. Let's not lay the tracks which leads our siblings towards a dead end or down a crevice.