A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit

When the Master is installed in one of the subsequent bodies of Freemasonry he is admonished substantially as follows:
  “ You should so conduct yourself and should so lead the lodge that to those in this community the fact that one is a Mason will be an avouchment of his honesty, his integrity, his temperance and his decency. “
  This reminds me of the old maxim that a tree is known by its fruit.  It is difficult to think of a maxim with more of truth in it.  In order to develop a Masonic lesson, in order to develop Masonic symbolism, let Freemasonry be visioned as a great tree towering towards the heavens, with roots and branches spreading over the world.  It’s members are its fruit, and it is known by its fruit.  It is judged by the acts of its members.  Sometimes we hear the question asked by someone speaking disapprovingly of something one of our members has done, “ Can such a person be a Mason? “ The reputation of the Masonic tree is such that those who ask the question quoted are amazed and astounded by the possibility that the great Masonic tree is being judged by its fruit.  More frequently we hear the remark, made by one speaking approvingly of the actions of one of the members, “ Why, he is a Mason!” With an inflection, which implies that nothing less, should be expected of a Mason.  One making the foregoing remark suggest that the Masonic tree produces only good fruit, sound fruit, fit fruit.  Is each of us, as we goes about our daily task, so conducting ourselves-are our actions such-is the language we use such that even the profane over the world may exclaim with approbation, “Why, he’s a Mason!”
  If Freemasonry, as an institution, may be pictured as a great tree, the lodge may be pictured as a small tree.  The Master would be the trunk of the tree, the larger branches would be the officers and the smaller branches would be the general membership.  With the Master symbolizing the trunk of the tree, he is expected to furnish to the larger branches, the officers, that which will give the strength and wisdom for the tasks that are theirs, and for the higher positions to which they should aspire.  With the Master symbolizing the trunk of the tree, he will be in direct contact with his members, the smaller branches.  It is his duty to know that they have food and drink to be found in the fabric of Freemasonry, that come to the Master by way of the roots of the tree.  The Master will at all times know how it goes with his members, so that when his term of office ends, the fruit of the tree will rosily ripened and mellowed.
  A tree is known by its fruit. The Masonic tree is known by its fruit.  Let each of us so live, so act, so talk, that the world may say of each of us with approval, “Why, he’s a Mason!” Let that be an avouchment of our honesty, our integrity, our temperance and our decency.