Name ___________________________________________Name you like to be called ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________
Home Phone _______________________________________ Office Phone _____________________________
Church You Attend ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Where and when did you make your EMMAUS/CURSILLO Weekend? _______________________________________________________
EMMAUS/CURSILLO courses or training obtained in addition to your initial weekend ___________________________________________
Previous Team experience (please list teams by number, when, where, jobs held and talks given) ___________________________________
EMMAUS/CURSILLO Community activities (Reunion Group, Gatherings/Ultreyas, Candlelights, Mananitas, Closings, Agape/Palanca,
Community Support, Committees, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? ______________________________________________________________________
TEAM MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO CONTRIBUTE THE COST OF THE WEEKEND. If you are not able to contribute the cost, you are still needed and welcome to serve on a team. Please let the community know, and scholarship funds will be requested. Husbands and wives much submit separate applications.
_______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
First, it is mathematically impossible for everyone to be selected. Each weekend, there are about twice as many new members of the EMMAUS community produced as would be required for a future team. The committee responsible for making up teams earnestly tries to see that everyone has a turn, but it must work within certain guidelines. One of the guidelines is that a team should have built-in experience. About half of the members should have previously served on one or more teams (Community policy may vary from time to time), and a few key leaders should have been on two or more teams. An effort is also made not
In addition to the guidelines that the committee follows, there are factors to be considered. First, beyond the Spiritual Directors, Lay Director and Music Director people are not selected for specific jobs. No one has the authority to promise you a particular responsibility. Everyone must be willing to serve in whatever capacity is needed. If you accept a team assignment, you are making a commitment to be available for that weekend and for a team meetings, perhaps once each week for six/eight weeks before that weekend. Availability and sacrifice of time is the real requirement.
Finally, each of us must take into consideration the physical and emotional strains that are sometimes encountered while serving on a team. The joy of being on a team is there, but the work and strain are there also. Team members routinely are the first up in the morning and the last to bed at night. Working under pressure is also routine. Everyone on a team must carry his or her full load and be ready to pick up part of someone else's work when the unexpected happens - and it always does. .Every team member must also be ready, willing and able to share his or her faith and love with any and all others on the weekend - literally at any time.
Again, the joy and mountain top experience are there, but so is the climbing and the giving. If you decide that being a team member is not for you, there are many other areas of service in EMMAUS. You may want to put more effort in Agape/Palanca, serve on a committee or fill other important jobs that are necessary for a successful EMMAUS weekend. There is so much to be done that there is no limit to the opportunities for service. Being on a team may or may not be the best way that you can serve - only you know this. If, after praying about it, your answer is YES, please complete the application on the other side and send to EMMAUS at the address printed there. Serving on a team will be a blessing to you and you will be a blessing to others. You are needed!
Probably the majority of us would like to serve on a team, and for most, it is a wonderful experience. There are, however, factors about serving on a team that should be considered. Just as we say that EMMAUS is not for everyone in our churches, serving on a team is not for everyone who attends an EMMAUS or CURSILLO Weekend.