Many aspects of our world threaten the survival of the life which the Walk to Emmaus presents--the truly Christian, truly human life. Once we have returned to our everyday world, it does not take us long to discover that it is well-nigh impossible to go it alone. One way of being in touch with God's power to make that new life totally secure is through contact with other Christians who share the priority of a life in grace.

The scriptures contain many stories of fellowship. Christ chose twelve disciples to accompany him and he sent them out two by two to witness. It is interesting that he told them they didn't need to take money, food, clothing, even shoes with them. They already had the one thing they needed above all--one another's support aloong the way.

The New Testiment calls this special fellowship koinonia--fellowship among those who share a common knowledge of Christ and who want to grow in the knowledge by sharing with others in a life of grace.

The group reunion itself is one of the chief values of the Emmaus movement--one of the greatest treasures the Walk to Emmaus contains.

Just what is a group reunion? Basically, it is made up of two to six persons who meet once a week at a regular time for about an hour. It may consist of persons you met during your weekend, your sponsor, or other Pilgrims you know. It may even include persons who have not made a Walk to Emmaus, but who are seeking to direct their life wholly to Christ. The group meets at a time and place that is convenient to all the members--a home, an office, a room at your church, or even a restaurant.

The meeting begins with the prayer to the Holy Spirit and proceeds with following the format of the service sheet--Closest to Christ, Call to Discipleship, Discipleship denied and your plan.

End your time together with the prayer of thanksgiving, calling to mind that the purpose of your life in grace is to draw ever closer to God.

There are four characteristics commonly found in those reunion groups that have proved to be effective over a period of time. They are:
1. Earnestness
2. Sincerity
3. Discretion
4. Regular attendance

Go to the Upper Room Walk to Emmaus webpage on Group Reunions and see what they have to say.

Thanks to the Eastern Washinton Walk to Emmaus for the use of this Reunion page.