Today's Date ___________________
Name _________________________________________ Nickname ___________ Sex________ Ag e ________ Birthday ______________
Current Mailing Address ____________________________________ City _____________________ State ________ Zip ______________
Home Phone (_______) _______________________ Work/School Phone (______ ) __________________ Work Place (City) __________
Occupation ________________________________________
Name/Denomination of Church You Attend ____________________________________________ City____________________ State _____
Are You Ordained or Licensed Member of Clergy? _____________________________ Name of your Pastor __________________________
Marital Status ___________________ Spouses's Name __________________________________________
Other Family Members at Home _____________________________________________________________________________________
Spouse attended Emmaus/Cursillo? ________ Submitted an Application? __________ Where? ___________________________________
In what religious community or organization are you active? _______________________________________________________________
From whom did you learn about this program? __________________________________________________________________________
Do you have health problems that may affect your attendance? _________ If yes, specify _________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you smoke? ________
Are you on a special diet? ________ Please specify ________________________________________________________________________
State why you wish to attend an Emmaus weekend, what you expect from it, and anything else about yourself you wish to share:
Name of Sponsor ___________________________________ Applicant Signature ______________________________________________
The above information is necessary for your proper placement on an Emmaus weekend. Please fill in all applicable blanks. Please enclose a registration fee of $20.00 (checks payable to SHENANDOAH VALLEY EMMAUS). There will be no additional cost to you.