Paul Rudman's personal home page

This Goecities web site has been running since 1998, and has given stirling service. Times change, however, and I have outgrown this space. Please visit my shiny new site which is under construction. Meanwhile, I am leaving this space as a snapshot of 2000-2002 when I lived in Birmingham and only hoped to make it to where I am now-with a smart "Dr." title. Ultimately, I will reuse this web space for a new purpose. Watch this space! Paul

"Hi, my name's Paul Rudman and I live in Birmingham, England, researching a PhD at the University of Birmingham in computers and human communication.

AnnecyI like music and films, especially science fiction, although my favourite film ever is probably Out of Africa, an adventure/romance from 1985 starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford and shot on location in Kenya. Having said that, American Beauty and Eyes Wide Shut are snapping at its heels for first place… My favourite Sci-fi film is probably Silent Running, about a space-borne 'ark' of tropical rain forest being chased across the galaxy with only one man and a robot crew to keep it going. Then again, The Matrix is pretty brilliant, and I also have to admit to being an ex-Star Trek fan (someone has to be!) The latest film (Nemesis) is excellent, and the cast have started having some fun with the format now ("Make it so" at the wedding). I also like cooking and I'm very partial to chocolate.

When I have the chance I go back to Brighton and meet all my friends down there. In summer I like to spend time lying on the beach, or in the Royal Pavilion gardens, eating (chocolate). I would read more if I had time… Recent books include:

During the MSc I presented a series of one hour shows each week on University Radio Falmer. Shows had a theme, and included readings, poetry or other sound clips in support of the week's theme. Themes included money, love and war. I plan to continue with radio, but haven't as yet decided how. I'm surprised that I didn't do a show on the theme of 'chocolate', but then again, I can't think of enough songs to support it.

I also did some DJ'ing  on Brighton pier one summer, that was fun. Clips on the way...

Lately, I've been experimenting with some multi-track and sequencing software. Not sure what that will lead to; watch this space...

To Paul's main home page"

(Last update 31 Jan 2003)