This Goecities web site has been running since 1998, and has given stirling service. Times change, however, and I have outgrown this space. Please visit my shiny new site which is under construction. Meanwhile, I am leaving this space as a snapshot of 2000-2002 when I lived in Birmingham and only hoped to make it to where I am now-with a smart "Dr." title. Ultimately, I will reuse this web space for a new purpose. Watch this space! Paul
"I have, in the past, worked as a freelance software consultant dealing with commercial systems. More recently I have been developing software for handheld devices.
On the right is an example screen layout from my first application for the iPAQ and Zaurus. CCM (Concise Concept Mapper) "...provides a powerful tool for organising knowledge and ideas. Boxes of text (individual concepts) are placed on a large virtual page. Positioning and connecting boxes describes relationships between concepts. This simple formula adds valuable meaning; new learning is easily integrated into existing knowledge allowing deeper understanding, while identifying connections between concepts may generate new ideas. CCM's innovative interface is designed specifically for handheld devices. Using simple pen actions, large concept maps are quickly built and rebuilt. Powerful scroll, zoom and search techniques allow the whole map to be visualised easily, placing desktop productivity in the hand."
I won a prize with CCM in Insignia's international JAVA PDA developers' competition at the end of 2002. CCM is currently looking for a distributor.
Currently under development is a life management tool called Streams (working title). "Going well beyond a diary and personal organiser, Streams adjusts it's functionality and interface to the individual. Using a unique, and currently secret, method Streams finds sequence and meaning in life's events in a way not found in any other product."
I was pleased to recently be asked to run a small workshop on developing JAVA for the iPAQ. The workshop notes represent a personal view, and are a little cryptic since they were intended as prompts for discussion, but click here if you would like to take a look.
(Last update 03 Feb 2003)