Paul Rudman's secondary web site

This Goecities web site has been running since 1998, and has given stirling service. Times change, however, and I have outgrown this space. Please visit my shiny new site which is under construction. Meanwhile, I am leaving this space as a snapshot of 2000-2002 when I lived in Birmingham and only hoped to make it to where I am now-with a smart "Dr." title. Ultimately, I will reuse this web space for a new purpose. Watch this space! Paul

"Welcome to my web site. I hope you will find something of interest in these pages.

I live in Birmingham, England and am currently researching a PhD at the University of Birmingham in computers and human communication.

Prior to Birmingham, I took an MSc in Human-Centred Computer Systems from the University of Sussex in Brighton and before that a degree in Psychology at Middlesex University, North London. The MSc dissertation comprised the human-centred design of a multimedia personal memory aid. My academic interests are conversation support, the psychology of computer use, consciousness and the psychology of photography

Before escaping to academia, I worked as a systems analyst in the north of England. Much as I often try to concentrate on studying people, rather than technology, it seems that computers have become an integral part of my future. At the end of 2002 I decided to port my PhD software (a concept mapping tool) to the iPAQ hand-held devices. The software was subsequently awarded a prize in an international JAVA developers’ competition. So that kept me busy for a while.

My primary task at the moment is to complete the write-up of my PhD. Then, well, who knows - watch this space!


PhD MsC Personal Commercial

(Last update 31-Jan-03)