The Sorceress' Page
"The Sorceress" by John William Waterhouse, 1911
Click here to see more of his works.
A blessing to all who cross my path, in the mundane or virtual world.
My mundane name is Lynne; my magical name is DragonThyme.  I’m a 44-year-old, single mom.  I’ve became intrigued with Wicca, and witchcraft in my teens when I first saw Sibyl Leek speak.  Since then I have studied the craft and in more earnest over the past fifteen plus years.

I consider myself an eclectic, kitchen witch and have always practiced solitary, because specific groups and trads never particularly appealed to me.  I’ve always danced to my own rhythms.  Fortunately I have had the chance, thanks to the Internet, to meet and become very close with some wonderful like minded and powerful women.  This has given me the chance to raise some energy in a ‘group’ and all I can say is WOW!

My particular areas of interest are the healing arts through Reiki, herbalism, and aromatherapy.  I recently received my Master/Level III Reiki training.  It is truly amazing energy work and it never ceases to amaze me.

I’m also a student of the Tarot.  I use Tarot for mediation, ritual and magickal work, not to mention reading the cards for myself, family and friends.

I’m a Capricorn with a Gemini moon and my ascendant is in Pisces. Which makes me a realistic dreamer?

My daughter is six years old and very precocious. We live with two Calicos; a Jenny-any-dots aptly named Jen-Jen and a Jellical cat named Spirit.  Both of them love energy work and would sit on your head if you let them.

I enjoy reading books on ancient history, comparative religions, women’s spirituality, mythology and folklore.  I also enjoy some sci/fi and fantasy.  I’m always looking for recommendations to add to my library, so if you have favorites please send me email or post an entry in my guest book.

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These pages last updated on April 20, 1998.
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