The World According To Chris Walker
What became of everyone we used to know?
Where did our respectibe convictions go?
Hi, my name's Chris Walker, although, to be fair if you're checking out my web page you probably already knew that.  If you have arrived from a web browser looking for Peruvian Wind Instruments, 101 things to do with a used Fairy Liquid container, or more probably, porn, then I'm sorry to inform you that these words only occur in this introductary piece.  Sorry.
Why does one have a personal web page?  Good question, one I'm not really sure of the answer to.  Vanity?  A cry for help? A way of showing my photos to the world?  Who knows....

Over time I hope to build this up into a complete compendium on the things I really like, more for my own amusement than any great philanthropic principle.  That will include indie music such as Astrid and the Cosmic Rough Riders,  films such as Baseketball, Orgazmo and The Big Lebowski , things that piss me off, like mini-scooters, coffee shops and tapered jeans.
Until then you'll have to put up with all this crap instead...

Most recent things i've been bothered to do:

Desert Island Disks

98 Hurst Street

My True Loves

A Tale of Three Cities:



New York

The Northern Ireland Problem- A New Solution?

If you have any comments on the essay, please feel free to leave them on the guestbook or e-mail them to me - i'll be most receptive of criticism (my history between 1Ma and 1979 is a bit shaky), but of course i can delete stuff from the guestbook too. ....

Coming soon -
more on New York!
more on pet hates!
more culture!
maybe some science!

Don't miss it...
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