My Favorite Guns!!!!
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redname of the gun to read a detailed discription of the gun!!(or if you have already clicked on it the name will turn blue. ;-) LOL
I found a great target at the range!! If you want todownload it click here.==>
If any of you are interested in talking to me or a lot of other cool folks about shooting or hunting you are welcome to join us in IRC's EFnet in the channel #shooting. I'm there all the time!!
Write to my E-mail Address if you have any good gun Stories, or tell me what you think of my page!!!
If you want to see one of the prettest girl
that ever sat on my lap, click here!
I do a lot of reloading for my 223 TC. Right now Im shooting a 53gr. bullet at 2970fps. out of a 14 inch barrel. The accuracy on this load/gun is very good, I'm getting right around .5 inch groups (off a rest) at 100 yards!!
I'm also reloading for my 300 Whisper and 35 Remington.
The 300 Whisper!! The 300 Whisper is a wildcat round. Its parent case is the 221 Fireball. The round is formed by expanding the 221 Fireball's neck (.224 dia.) to .308 dia. The round was developed by JD Jones (SSK Industrys) to push a very heavy bullet (180gr. to 240gr.) at sub-sonic speeds. This way the shooter could suppress the gun, and that way he could fight an urban type warfare without being heard. This round is very capable of hitting a head sized target out to 200 yards! The only alteration the M-16's needs is different barrel. The OAL and head space of this round are the same as the 5.56 NATO (223 Remington). That way the bolt doesn't have to be changed ,the bolt face doesn't have to be changed, and they can still use the same magazines.
The TC shooter adopted this round very quickly. This is because the round is very well adapted to the Thompson Center Contender. There is very little case capacity and the TC. can handle any normal P.S.I. that this round puts out. This is good, because of the TCs shorter pistol barrels can not burn all the powder in the larger capacity cases. Another good thing about this round is that you can accurately shoot any bullets. Besides some of the production TC. barrel which can only really stabilize 180 gr. or under bullets do to slow twist rate of the rifling (1 in 9). This round is capable of being push at the same rate as a 7.62X39 (about 2100 fps) using a 110-125 gr. bullet in a 14 inch barrel. You can also use it to hunt deer or deer sized game, all you have to do it load it up to about 1800+ fps with a 150 gr. Ballistic Tip. The pistol silhouette shooters really like this round. They always say, This round will knock down any ram that it hits. A lot of the silhouette pistol shooter load these rounds with 168 gr. HPBT MK at a rate of about 1600+ fps for the chickens, pig, and turkeys. For the rams the shooters usually use a 180-190 gr. HPBT MK at 1500 fps. They need this extra weight to knock down the heavier rams. Right now Im shooting my 300 Whisper in a 8 inch barrel at a rate of 1350 fps pushing a Hornida 180 gr. HPBT MK. its a very accurate round but I dont know if its going fast enough to knock down a ram at 200 meters. Ill let you know what happens when I try.
If you have any question fill free to write me, Ill do my best to answer any questions!!!
Don't worry everybody I'm going to get more information and pictures to this page ASAP!!!! Ha Donita hope you see this!! (You know who you are!) @}-`-,---
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