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I have had this site for about 4 years. Updating it from once a month to every other day. I have been experimenting with new looks and content. I have a couple other sites I have but this one gets 90% of the attention. To improve the site and make it better for my visitors, I have included a number of ways to give feed back: Comments Form, Guest Book, and my e-mail. I would love to hear from you and get any feedback you have. This site is always expanding and changing. I want to hear what you like and don't like. Some of the things I got are numerous pics of me and friends. There is also a vast number of great links: music, entertainment, and links for all sorts of webmasters resources ( a good place for information and tools to make your site better). I have also make web pages. Simple personal pages are free, if you want some complex pages it'll cost..
(not much)

superdave design

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This site was designed and is maintained by SuperDave Design™
Updated 12/29/01
Best Viewed With Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and up
and Netscape 4.7 and up



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