Technology Student Association
Thomas Leib
Richard Rucker

The Technology Student Association is the fastest growing student association in education today. It was first called the American Industrial Arts Association but changed its name to the Technology Student Association in 1988 to better refelct what is being taught in this area. T.S.A. uses a format of competitive events to develop student leadership and technology oriented skills. These competitions are held at lcoal chapters, regional conferences, state conferences and a national conference each year.
Litllestown High School TSA History:
Littlestown High School has had an Industrial Arts Club since the early 1960's. On November the 11th, 1982 L.H.S. affilated with what was then called the American Industrial Arts Association and has been actively envolved ever since.
TSA Colors
Scarlet Red:
Represents the strenth and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goals.
Represents the high standards, moral, and religious beliefs we hold.
Navy Blue:
Represents the sincerity of Technology Education students in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technical world.
Light Gray:
Represents the masses of industrial laborers who work each day so that our nation will stand strong and in so doing, prove that there is dignity in work.
LHS TSA Chapter Officers for 1998-99:
President........................Jason Trask
Vice President...............Bethany Fish
Secretary........................Bill Dougherty
Treasurere.....................Shelley Bankard
Reporter.........................Ben Lyter
Sergeant-at-Arms..........Tony Strausbaugh
Historian........................Josh Langley
Student Council Rep.....Ty May

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