So you want to know about me...

Well, my name is Jocelyn. I'm originally from Minnesota but currently living in Des Moines, Iowa, attending Drake University. Go Bulldogs! Yeah! Ahem. Sorry about that. I'm really not much of a sports fan, but that college spirit thing is catching.

I'm majoring in journalism and Spanish at Drake, though that may change. Des Moines is not the most fascinating place one could live, but it really isn't bad. I've managed to have quite a bit of fun so far.

I'm a big fan of poetry and other forms of literature, and I hope to continue adding more examples of things I like to this site. Someday I may even get brave enough to put some of my own work here...we'll see (translation: Don't hold your breath on that one. As if you would anyway; it's not as if anyone is just dying to see my work).

That's about it. Yes, it was boring. But I warned you, didn't I?

Send me some mail. I like mail, and I might even send you some back. How thrilling.

Want to see what I look like?
My Picture
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