jugglerBuford D. Beadle, II

Flower Welcome! You are the visitor here! Please come in and visit. I'll introduce myself, briefly, and then you can browse around...explore..discourse ..peek into my closets..whatever.
Free speech!

I know you came looking for Lindsay's Wedding pictures. So click here.

My age is not important, but I was born in 1950, so if you can do simple math, you can determine how old (or young) I am. Writing is becoming my second (third? forth?...I lose count) career...poems, novels, silly stuff...whatever comes to mind...(and a lot does).

My interests are:
Reading, Writing, People, Support for and from friends, My Wonderful Children, Learning, Cooking, Traveling, Woodwork, Formula One racing, hiking, nature, gardening, music, ..coffee (a must), true justice (not what the lawyers and courts practice!)..

Click here for my work resume.

Cooling A few of my favorite things (not in any order of importance):

Please come back soon and visit.

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