Doctrine Concerning "The Trinitarian Godhead."

"The Three In One."

1. If the readers desire to have a part in the Lord's work as soul workers, it would be great for them to begin their own tract ministry by down loading our messages and send or give copies to others. What could be more important for you as an ambassador for Christ than to support the Body of Christ in this way? The messages are already written, so why not pass them on to others? {See I- Corinthians 5:17-21}.

2. As to the writers belief and doctrine, we are strictly Biblical! We adhere to no denominational beliefs unless what they teach is taken from the true Word of God, and taught in the correct context. We believe that we are to be busy proclaiming the truths for the present age of grace, in view of the soon coming of our Lord.

3. The reader will notice that we have put words in parenthesis in the various Bible verses, this is done to help the student have a better understanding of the old King James language which is often a little bewildering to some folks who are not use to that kind of speech. Therefore, please bear with us as we teach the message. One more thing we might mention, sometimes when writing a message, we may recopy various verses to bring out something that we may have over looked the first time. Plus, we will also paraphrase various verses at different times to give a more comprehensive interpretation of the text.

4. A good idea would be to read your Bible along with each verse we have quoted. It is also very important for the student to look up all the added Bible texts that we have referred to in the Message. This will give the reader much added information! Another thing we should mention is that when we copy a verse from the Bible we will change much of the spelling from the archaic 16th century King James language to the modern way of spelling. Such as : "searcheth to searches, thy to your, standeth to stands, knoweth to knows, maketh to makes, nay to no, bringeth to bring or brings, hath to has or have, saith to says, doeth to does, wherefore to therefore, thee to the, justifieth to justify, helpeth to help, liveth to lives, ever to always and etc. None of this will take away from the true meaning of the original text."


5. We believe in: ...

No. 1. The verbal inspiration of the Word of God {2- Timothy 3:16}.

No. 2. The Deity of Jesus Christ, and the Trinity of the Godhead {Titus 2:13; and 2- Corinthians 13:14}.

No. 3. The total depravity of man, and everlasting punishment of those who reject Christ {Romans Ch. 3; and John 3:36; and Revelation Ch. 20:15}.

No. 4. Redemption by the blood of Christ, and by grace, not of works {Titus 3:5; and Ephesians 2:8-9}.

No. 5. Everlasting life and the security of the believer {John 10:29}.

No. 6. The personality and everlasting punishment of Satan {Job Ch. 1; and Revelation Ch. 20}.

No. 7. The imminent Rapture [Resurrection] of the Body of Christ, followed by the great 7 year Tribulation Period and the literal Millennial Reign of Christ on this earth {1- Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1- Corinthians 15:50-55; and Revelation Ch. 20:1-6}.


6. Scientist agree that the human mind brings to memory, not more than one-tenth of the knowledge in its memory-bank of material that is heard or taught to an individual, and perhaps that is enough if we will adequately use this knowledge in the correct way. I have spent approximately fifty years in a serious study of the Word of God, and I confess to my appalling ignorance in certain areas, especially in the subject we have before us. Could you have met me as a very young Bible student, you would have heard me give absolute answer to all of your questions. But I am unable to do that today. I would be content if I understood one-tenth of the great truth concerning our Triune God. Although, I assure you that I believe in the "Trinity" with all my mind.

7. I revel and rejoice in it, believing that it is not only a great truth, but one of the unique truths of the Christian faith. I confess that I find it an enigmatic mystery. I find it an inscrutable riddle. I find that it is complicated, and complex, and bewildering. I find that it is impossible to explain adequately. One reason for this is that the "Trinity" is not geared to this mechanical age. Tensions and pressures hurry us through life. A cartoonist has pictured a man sitting in a one-table restaurant, giving his order to the one waitress present. He is saying, "I want one-minute oatmeal, three minute eggs, two minute bacon, forty five-second toast, and instant coffee. I have to be at work in twenty -three minutes."

8. An age that goes at a pace such as this is not an age that will ever know very much about the "Trinity." The "Trinity" cannot be explained in just a few moments. It is doubtful if it can ever be satisfactorily explained, yet we need to study it carefully. For several hundred years after the apostles, the "Trinity" was a most important subject to intelligent men. It was the all- engrossing topic that men of intellect spent their time upon. Men like Irenaeus, Tertullian, Athanasius, Origen, and Augustine gave themselves to the study of this great doctrine.

9. The doctrine of the "Trinity" broadly affected the life of Europe for centuries. From the day of the Apostles until about the seventh century it was very important to multitudes of people. The economic, the political and the social life was essentially influenced by this truth. Rulers reigned, armies marched, diplomats conversed as this truth helped shape the destiny of Europe. All so-called Liberalism is basically off at this point. Back of the denial of the Deity of Christ is the denial of the "Trinity." This denial came into America by way of New England through the Congregational Assemblies that became largely Unitarian Assemblies.

10. There is an ancient adage which warns that he who would try to understand the "Trinity" would lose his mind; and he who would deny the "Trinity" would lose his soul. We are caught in that kind of a dilemma. Although we shall not be able to understand it fully, or perhaps not even satisfactorily. We shall at least stand on the fringe of this great truth and worship. We shall look at the definition of the Trinity, then the declaration in Scripture of the "Trinity," and finally see some illustrations from creation of the "Trinity."

The Trinity Defined:

11. I have at times been ask to define the three God in one mystery more than once, and to do this in just a few short words, I have tried to do it in this manner. If we will take a common peach and use it as an illustration it will give us a basic understanding of how three beings can actually be "one." If we will consider the "Flesh" of the peach as being typical of God the Father, then we have the "seed" of the peach; we should consider it as being typical of God the Son. Last, we have the "kernel" in the seed, we should consider it as being typical of God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we have three basic parts of the peach but yet "ONE PEACH."

12. There is this danger, when speaking of the "Trinity," to have in mind three Gods. That is a false concept. There is the other extreme of going to the opposite side by holding that the one God has expressed Himself in three different ways, which is also false. This error is known as modal Trinitarianism and was thoroughly answered by some of the giants of faith who we have already named. I turn now to the statement which I believe to be the best that has been made on this subject. It is in the Westminister confession of faith. Even though I find fault with many things employed in several of the various so called confessions, this particular teaching seems to be very sound doctrine. The question is ask: "How many persons are there in the Godhead?" The answer is: "There are three persons in the Godhead: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and the three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory." That definition is the finest you can find.

13. Now notice that three persons constitute one Being, one God. Peter, James, and John are not a trinity. They are three persons, but they are not the same nor do they always have the same attributes, they are not equal. There are three chairs before me, they look alike and are constructed of the same material and possibly from the same tree, yet they are not a trinity. God is one Being, yet He is three Persons! These three have one nature: the nature of the three. For instance, a great many folks like to make a distinction in the nature by stating that God is Holy, Christ is love, and the Holy Spirit is infinite. Such is a false distinction, for God is holy, Christ is holy, and the Holy Spirit is holy. God is love [that is one of His definitions], and Christ is love, and the Holy Spirit is love. God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are infinite.

The Godhead Works Together:

14. 1. When God created the Heavens and the Earth, all three persons of the Godhead worked together as a unite in order that His will would be accomplished in perfect order. God the Father in His Infinite wisdom created the Heavens and the Earth through the "Word," and then the "Word" Who is, and was at that time, was none other than the "Lord Jesus Christ Himself." After the creation one more thing had to be added in order to perfect the creation. The Holy Spirit breathed life upon the creation, and it became a living substance in full perfection.

15. 2. When God created "Adam," He created him in a perfect manner and in perfect perfection, Adam's perfection was accomplished in the same perfect way that the Lord caused the rest of His creation to be established. The Lord doesn't do things in a half hearted manner, every literal thing He has done, He performed it perfectly, and, who is the person that would deny this fact? Therefore, to repeat myself: "God the Father in His Infinite wisdom created the Heavens and the earth through and by the "Word," and the Word Who is now, and was at that time in history, was none other than the "Lord Jesus Christ Himself."

16. As we have stated, nothing would have been performed in a perfect manner without the combined effort of the entire Trinitarian Godhead. After Adam had been formed into a perfect man, and after Eve had been formed for Adam's helpmate, neither one of them could have existed as such had the Holy Spirit of God not breathed the spirit of life into them that they might become living human beings [souls].

17. As we have before stated: the life of the individual is actually the soul of that person, there has been much confusion in the past of what a soul consist of. This man and woman could have never lived as human entities without the soul being breathed into them, and the same thing applies to you and I today! We would challenge any reader to refute what we have stated by Scripture if you can! When the Lord Jesus Christ came down to this very earth, He did this, that He might become the Son of man in the flesh:

18. {V. 16} Scripture states: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him should never perish, but have everlasting life,

19. {V. 17} For God "SENT" not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved, {John 3:16-17}."

20. To paraphrase {V. 16-17} above: ["For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He even gave up His only unique Son, so that whoever believes in Him and places all his trust in Him by clinging to Him and relying on Him shall not perish or in any way come to destruction, by becoming lost again ... but will have eternal [everlasting] life].

21. For God did not send Jesus Christ His Eternal Son down from Heaven to this world in order to have Him judge, Reject, to condemn, or to pass sentence on the world; but that the people upon the earth might find salvation. [And, that the earth will become safe and sound through Him."]

22. The fact that Jesus the second person of the Godhead descended down to dwell upon the earth even for just a short time, He would have had to believe in the same things as the Father. Or, He would never have had a desire to come down to a sinful world, and sacrifice His very life for a very wicked undeserving multitude in the first place!

23. At the time Christ decided to leave Heaven, being of the same mind as the Father, He Christ, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit, all consisted of the TRINITARIAN GODHEAD in all unity and perfect completeness. In order for Jesus to dwell among flesh and blood humanity, He had to become the "GOD-MAN." In other words, Jesus had to have a physical body so that He could live as a human being upon this earth the same as other humans, and take on the same human characteristics as the rest of humanity.

24. The next phase of the Lord's life, was to be born as a baby from the womb of a young virgin lady whom the Father had already chosen for this purpose. This was an absolute necessity in order to bring about the fulfillment of past prophetic utterances!

25. {V. 14} "Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel:

26. {V. 15} Butter and honey shall He eat, that He may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, {Isaiah 7:14-15}."

27. {V. 14} The above paraphrased: "Therefore, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign, Behold, the young lady who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel - which means "God with us." See {Matthew 1:22-23; Isaiah 9:6-7; Jeremiah 31:22; and Micah 5:3-4}. [The fulfillment of the Lord's birth was as follows]:

28. {V. 26} Scripture: "And in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

29. {V. 27} To a VIRGIN espoused [engaged: through a Hebrew engagement ceremony] to a man whose name was Joseph [a descendant], of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary, {Luke 1:26-27}."

30. [The word "Gabriel" means "man of God." According to Hebrew law, the espousal or engagement was as binding as marriage].

31. {V. 30} Scripture: "And the Angel said to her, Fear not, Mary: for you have found [grace --- free, spontaneous, absolute] favor [and loving kindness] with God.

32. {V. 31} And, behold, [listen!] you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus, {Luke 1:30-31}."

33. Scripture: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit, {Matthew 1:18}." [His Incarnation {V. 20}.

34. {V. 18} above paraphrased: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place under these circumstances: When His mother Mary had been promised in marriage to Joseph, before they came together in an actual marriage, while they were as yet just engaged, she was found to be pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit."

35. Here we have the proof that God works in a triune manner. All three parts of the Godhead are used co-equally. Thus, we have God the Father sending God the Son down to the earth. The Father merely voiced the "Word," and the WORD was the Lord Jesus Christ." God the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and Christ's Humanity, "the Manchild, THE BABY LORD JESUS CHRIST" became a living "SON of MAN" for He came out of woman but He also was the "SON of GOD" because "Mary was found with child of the Holy Spirit, {Matthew 1:18}." Christ was naturally also "God in the SECOND PERSON OF THE GODHEAD."

36. All of us must be careful here and not go past what Scripture states. Millions will read these verses and interpret them as saying that Mary gave birth to God. This is positively false doctrine! Mary actually gave birth only to the Lord Jesus' humanity. Christ, Who was God in the flesh had always existed in eternity past! He never had a mother! Never could a human give birth to the everlasting God in the past, present or future tense!


37. We hasten to state that the word "Trinity" is not used in the Scripture. But neither is the word "ATONEMENT" found in the New Testament. [The word incorrectly translated atonement in {Romans 5:11} is RECONCILIATION]. Although the word atonement does not appear in the N.T, it certainly teaches what the O.T. presents as the atonement. It isn't necessary to have the word, for that which the word signifies is taught in the N.T. Scripture. Since the word "Trinity" doesn't appear in Scripture, does the Bible actually teach the "Trinity?" If it doesn't, we can dismiss the subject and forget it. But if the Bible teaches the "Trinity," then we should believe what it says. Someone might state: "Before I believe it I want to understand it." If truth is only what we understand, then there isn't much that is true today, for we are quite limited in our understanding of many subjects in our Bible, and the same is true about the "Trinity."

38. On such a basis, trigonometry and organic chemistry are not true ... I don't understand them. Actually, I have never had any desire to understand them. Yet, I fail to take the awkward and ignorant position that they aren't true subjects, because I know they are. Truth isn't limited to my or your pea sized brain but this doesn't mean that it doesn't exists. There are men today who, because they cannot comprehend but very little of the Scriptures much less the "Trinity," want to dismiss it. However, the real question is, does God's Word teach it?

The Trinity Referred To In The Old Testament.

39. The O.T. absolutely does teach the "Trinity!" A verse of Scripture that is believed to be the best and greatest doctrinal statement in the O.T. is found in "{Deuteronomy 6:4-5}: Scripture: Hear, O Israel: The Lord Our God is One Lord [Elohim].

40. {V. 5} "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart [mind], and with all your soul [life], and with all your might [strength],

41. [The Lord Jesus called this the first and greatest commandment and added to it the phrase "With all your mind]:

42. Scripture: "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment, {Mark 12:30}."

43. If you would like {V. 4} above paraphrased, ["Hear, O Israel: the Lord our plural God is One God."] The word "one" is 'ECHOD,' the same word which is used back in {Genesis 2:24} when God said concerning Adam and Eve, "[And they shall be one flesh]." Two persons: one individual. In that mysterious relationship of marriage two people are considered as one, which is the same today. They shall be one flesh, though two, two in one. Again in {Deuteronomy 6:4}, Hear O Israel: Elohim our plural God, our "Trinity," tri-personality ... is one God." The mysterious one, like Adam and Eve consisting of one flesh, the three persons also consist as one.

44. {V. 4} begins the celebrated Shema [from the first word, "hear"], which became Judaism's basic confession of faith. According to rabbinic tradition, the Shema originally consisted only of verse 4, but was later expanded to include {Vs. 5-9, 11:13-21, and Numbers 15:37-41}. According to rabbinic law, it was to be recited morning and night {i.e; V. 7}.  {V. 4} is subject to various translations, though the statement is likely stressing the uniqueness of Yahweh and should be translated, "The Lord is our God, the Lord alone." A secondary emphasis, His indivisibility, is apparent in most English translations. The Lord's uniqueness precludes the worship of any other and demands a total love commitment {V. 5}.

45. All this is a most wonderful truth, and is unfathomable by human reason. Scripture, you see, teaches the Trinity. The O.T. repeatedly declares the plurality of God. If we turn back to the first chapter of Genesis, we again find where the Lord said:

46. {V. 26} Scripture: "And God said, Let Us make men in "Our" image, after "Our" likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

47. {V. 27} So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them, {Genesis 1:26-27}."

48. Notice that (God said, "Let US make man in "OUR IMAGE)." It is plural. Man is (1) Body, (2) Soul [life], and (3) Spirit, a Trinity. At the tower of Babel, God stated ...

49. {V. 7} Scripture: "Go to, [Come], let "US" go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

50. {V. 8} So the "Lord" scattered them abroad from there upon the face of the earth: and they left off to build the city,{Genesis 11:7-8}."

51. By confusing the languages, God established the parent languages of the earth from which other languages and dialects developed (today, a total of more than 3,000}. The result of this confusion was the scattering of mankind.

52. [We see that the Lord scattered them, but He said, "(LET US GO DOWN)." The "Trinity" came down, BUT HE IS ONE GOD].

53. Scripture: "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for "US?" Then said I, Here am I; send me, {Isaiah 6:8}." [A plural pronoun used by one Jehovah see {Revelation 4:8}.

54. [The words "FOR US," God is seen as a King in the council chamber. This phrase certainly allows for the fuller N.T. revelation of the "Trinity."]

55. Before this, when Isaiah had gone into the Temple, he had heard the Seraphim saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy" ... not twice, not four times, but three times. It was a praise to the Triune God. Holy is the Father, Holy is the Son, Holy is the Spirit. Again in {Ecclesiastes 12:1 }, where we read the familiar words, "(Remember now your creator in the days of your youth)." The word Creator is "BOREACHO" which means CREATORS, plural for "Elohim" "3 in One." "(Remember now your Creators)," your "Trinity" ... for the "Trinity" is involved in creation, as you well know. We are told that the triune God was the creator, "(In the beginning God created)" ... Both {John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16} tell us that the Lord Jesus was the Creator. Also we are told that the Holy Spirit was the Creator:

56. Scripture: " ... The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, {Genesis 1: 2}." Therefore, it is evident that the "Trinity" was all involved in the Creation just as it is involved in redemption.

57. In the O.T, Israel witnessed to a polytheistic world ... a civilization with many gods. Israel's mission was to propagate the doctrine among the heathen nations, of that which was to be applied to the worship of the "One True Godhead." That was the mission of Israel in the ancient would. The mission of the Body of Christ in this present grace dispensation, isn't to bring the Gospel of the Mystery to a world given over to polytheism [the worship of many gods]. Neither are we to teach an atheistic religion to lost humanity, which pertains to [the worship of no god]. But, we are to preach and teach our civilization the doctrine of that which concerns the Trinitarian God of the Bible.

58. The fact is, there is a devilish doctrine being taught during this age which is called the Unitarian doctrine: that God exists only in one person, and this is one of the most hellish doctrines of heresy that has injured America more than anything else during this age. It is a false teaching that has softened and weakened this great country of ours. All Saints of God are well aware that there is only "ONE GOD" but, all are not aware that there are three personages in the Godhead, Not just one!

The Trinity Of The New Testament:

59. The doctrine of the Trinity is a peculiar and a very explicit doctrine in our New Testament. The record in the Lord's Word of the baptism of the Lord Jesus graphically presents the "Trinity." At His baptism by John the Baptist, Christ was baptized, the Holy Spirit was observed descending from Heaven as a dove, coming down upon the Lord Jesus, and the voice of the Heavenly Father saying: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." A person would have to be blind not to observe the "Trinity" in this text. The "Trinity," the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is clearly displayed before all humanity in this glorious occasion.

60. Again in the Hebrew baptismal formula, which Jesus gave to His Apostles, when He sent them out to minister, He stated that they were to conform to His agenda by:

61. Scripture: " ... Baptizing them [the Hebrews, remember this was still during the Kingdom Administration period before the Body of Christ had begun], in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit [Gr.], {Matthew 28:19}."

62. [Remember the Body of Christ was still to be set up at a later time through the Apostle Paul, and was not yet present on the earth at the time of Christ's baptism. Therefore, this commission was the marching orders to the Israelites during the Administration that was established in the time of John the Baptist's ministry. Read Luke 16:16; Matthew 11:12; Romans 5:13-14; and Galatians 3:17-19}. The Apostle Paul in his apostolic benediction includes the three persons of the Godhead. ...

63. Scripture, [1] "The grace of the Lord [Jehovah] Jesus Christ, [2] and the love of God [Elohim], [3] and the communion of the Holy Spirit [Trinity], be with you all. Amen [which means: that is so, or let it be so], {2- Corinthians 13:14}."

64. Scripture: "One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, {Ephesians 4:5}."

65. This verse should be interpreted as saying: "(One Lord God the Father), (One Faith in Jesus Christ the Son), (One Baptism of God the Holy Spirit)." This verse has a two-fold interpretation. When one is converted to become a member of Christ's Body,

 [1] he becomes an adopted child of God the Father].

[2] He has been saved through the blood, and by his faith in the blessed Lord Jesus Christ]. And,

[3] He has been spiritually Baptized into Christ's death Baptism, buried, resurrected, and ascended up into Heaven at the time Christ ascended up to set at the right hand of the Father through the power of God the Holy Spirit], see {Romans 6:3-11}. Therefore, through the fore-knowledge of God everything has been perfected in Him.

66. All the above took place for the child of God in every single case. The very second, when an unbeliever is presently converted to Christ he is automatically joined to the believing host of true Believers in the Body of Christ. This is accomplished at the time of salvation. When the Holy Spirit spiritually Baptized us into Christ's Death Baptism, His death Baptism, was our death Baptism, praise God! At this present time, you and I as Believers, are setting at the right hand of God the Father "spiritually speaking," Christ is dwelling in us, and we are in Christ our blessed Head. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples the doctrine of the "Trinity" ...

67. Scripture: "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter [like I am, on the same par with Me], that He may abide with you forever, {John 14:16}."

68. Concerning the words "Another Comforter," The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter {Greek "Paraclete," as also in 14:26; 15:26; and 16:7}. In the root of this word are the ideas of advising, exhorting, comforting, strengthening, interceding, and encouraging. The only other occurrence of the word outside this discourse in the N.T. is in {1- John 2:1} applied to Christ and translated "Advocate." Here and in the other passage in John cited above, Christ teaches that the Holy Spirit ...

[1]: will indwell Christians {John 14:16-17};

[2]: will help the disciples recall the events of His life {14:26};

[3]: will convince the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment {16:7-11}; and

[4]: will teach Believers the truth {15:26; 16:13-15}.

69. This above, my friend, is eternal security! What the Lord promises cannot be annulled by men or the devil, it is eternal. The N.T. abounds with the teaching of the Trinity, for it repeatedly names the three persons of the Godhead. One of the greatest texts in the N.T. that proves that Christ is God, is the following:

71. Scripture: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And all things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made, {John 1:1-3}."


72. We have a Father Who is God. Scripture: "To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, {Romans 1:7}." [ We have presented to us a Son Who is God]:

73. Scripture: "But to the Son He says, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom, {Hebrews 1:8}." [Also, the Holy Spirit is presented as God. At the incident involving "Ananias and Sapphira]:

74. {V. 1} Scripture: "But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,

75. {V. 2} And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet.

76. {V. 3} But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart [mind] to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

77. {V. 4} While it remained, was it not your own? and after it was sold, was it not in your own power? why have you conceived this thing [this lie] in your heart [mind]? you have not lied unto men, but unto God, {Acts 5:1-4}."

78. [The sin of this man and his wife was not in selling all their property, or in keeping part of the proceeds of the sale, but in lying about how much they had received. Lying to the Holy Spirit, was actually lying to God, because the Holy Spirit is God, and just as equal in Deity as God the Father and God the Son].

The Trinity Illustrated By Nature:

79. I repeat the question: "Is it possible to understand the "Trinity?" Should the answer be YES or NO, it must be an emphatic NO! Past centuries have revealed that the intellect of genius, the perspicuity of the philosopher, the comprehension of the scientist, and the lucidity of the orator have not been enough to make clear the understanding of the "Trinity." The reason is this: There are no illustrations in nature that are satisfactory, there are no perfect examples that can be used, because it is impossible to adequately demonstrate the infinite God by finite creation.

80. We cannot employ the creation to adequately illustrate the Creator in His person. Now it is true that the love of God can be illustrated by human love. You can take that feeling of love and translate it into human terminology. You can see a mother bending over the crib of her little baby, and somehow it illustrates something of God's great pulsating love for us. But in nature you find no such illustration for the "Trinity." Yet I shall dare to pull in several illustrations from nature that may be somewhat helpful.

Man Is A "Trinity."

81. The thing I believe we must do, is to consider man himself. Man has been created in the image of God,

82. Scripture: "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly [your total personality]; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, {1- Thessalonians 5:23}."

83. Man is definitely a "Trinity." ... Body, Soul, And Spirit. Believe me, if we could understand man, we would have a better understanding of God. But, we do not even understand ourselves. Psychology has wrestled with this for centuries. When psychology began, it dealt only with the spirit, or the soul of man, and never since that time did they come to any real understanding of either! These scientific approaches to man has not changed to this day. These great men when performing these studies have always left out the Word of God which explains man in detail, thus, we are still much too ignorant in our feeble minds to comprehend those details as we should.

84. Those Scientist were on the wrong track then, and are yet traveling in that same direction. But some have now begun to swing over to an opposite extreme. In times past, the psychology studied in college was behaviorism. It taught that man was only physical, that he was like a series of push-buttons. You push different buttons for different reactions. The difficulty was that what makes one react in one way will often cause the other fellow to react in a different direction.

85. Since that theory failed to work, psychologist stated that man was more body. They admit that man is a three-fold being. They say that man is "sarcous," [pertaining to flesh or skeletal muscle], man is "psychic," [pertaining to super or extrasensory mental functioning], man is "pneumatic," [Theo. of or pertaining to the spirit; spiritual]. There is the psychological part of man, the spiritual part, and there is the body. BUT, we are more than body, mind, and spirit. Thank God we have a Body, Soul, and Spirit, a "Trinity." ... Folks just do not comprehend the "Trinity," and if we are honest, we should confess that we also fail to understand ourselves. Water is used in the Scriptures as a picture of the Lord. The Lord is plainly spoken of as Water. Read the text for yourselves:

86. {V. 1} Scripture: "As the heart [mind] pants [yearns] after the water brooks, so pants [yearns] my soul [life] after You, O God,

87. {V. 2} My soul [my very inner life, inner being] thirsts [yearns] for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God, {Psalm 42:1-2}."

88. David is likely referring in part here, as to the importance of the water brooks to animals and man alike, and that God is the living water to himself as well as to all creation. ... Then notice the following in which water repeatedly pictures God ...

89. Scripture: "You visited the earth, and watered it: You greatly enriched it with the river of God, which is full of water: You prepared them corn [grain], when You have so provided for it, {Psalm 65:9}."

90. Throughout the Old Testament water is a picture of God, so that when we come to the New Testament it isn't surprising to hear the Lord Jesus cry out on that feast day ...

91. {V.37} Scripture: "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink .

92. {V. 38} He that believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. [The Holy Spirit].

93. {V. 39} [But this spoke He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified] {John 7:37}."

94. Though it is not mentioned in the O.T; the Hebrews had a ceremony carrying water from the pool of Siloam and pouring it into a silver basin by the altar of burnt offering each day for the first seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles. On the eighth day this was not done, making Christ's offer of the water of eternal life from Himself even more startling. The word belly in {V. 38} refers to the innermost being. The O.T. reference is likely to {Isaiah 55:1}. The words "was not yet given" in {V. 39}: though the Holy Spirit had been active in the world from the beginning {Genesis 1:2}, the epoch of the Spirit, in which He would indwell God's people, empowering and energizing them, would not begin until the day of Pentecost, see {John 14:26; 15:26; and 16:7}.

95. Water is a picture of the Lord, the "Trinity," and exists in three forms as we have already before stated.

[1] Flowing water,

[2] in ice, and

[3] in steam. All the same substance, but they are absolutely three different things.

[1] Ice, I would suggest would be typical of God the Father, "stability, immutability,"

[2] steam, reminds us of the Holy Spirit, the power of the "Trinitarian God," and

[3] water reminds us of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Water of life for us today.

96. Water is also a picture of the love of Christ for the Body of Christ, and most beautiful is this most bountiful love bestowed upon us! Dr, Gaebelein put it this way: "It is love in the past." [great love was shone to Jehovah's people during the time of the Congregation in the wilderness, and also during the reign of the patriarchs before the birth of Christ. He loved His beloved Hebrew people during the time He traveled upon the earth, while He was teaching them personally. And, concerning Believers today,]: He loved the Body of Christ [that He was shortly to bring into being through the Apostle Paul. Again I say, Christ loved the Kingdom Church- Assembly of the past, and the Church Assembly while He was teaching them personally before His death. And, He loved His future [Church] the Body of Christ, that is in our presence. All this He loved- when on His cross: ] He died and gave Himself for all." [In different time periods, there were different Churches]!

97. Thus there is a present love: "That He might sanctify and cleans it [His Body of Saints] with the washing of the water by the Word." See {Ephesians 5:26}. Then, there is His future love: "That He might present it to Himself a glorious Body [which is in perfection in the new nature] not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." It is this love which passes knowledge, the love which never changes; the love which is eternal. Equally blessed is the truth contained in {Ephesians 5:30-33}. We are His: [1] Body, [2] Flesh, and His [3] Bones.

Light Is a "Trinity:"

98. For our final illustration, let us consider light. We are told that God dwells in light and that He is light, and in Him is no darkness. One of the glorious prospects of our future eternal home is that there will be no night there. God is light, and that is probably the most expressive and adequate illustration that we have of the "Trinity." God is light, God is holy. It is the attribute of the Father. But, Christ is the light of the world also. He declared this attribute when a great sinner was brought to Him, He stated: "I am the light of the world, {John 8:12}." He was manifest. He is the "light" ...

99. {V. 3} Scripture: "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. {See Colossians 1:16}.

100. {V. 4} In Him was life; and the [spiritual] life was the light of man.

101. {V. 5} And the light shines in darkness; and the [spiritual] darkness comprehended it not, {John 1:3-5}."

102. Life ... light, these are two words especially associated with {John 8:12; 9:5; 11:25; and 14:6}. "Light in John implies revelation which reveals the "life" that is in Christ and which brings into judgment those who refuse it {3:19}. "Life denotes salvation and deliverance, based on Christ's atonement. "[The darkness comprehended it not]," i.e; the darkness did not overcome the light.

103. The Holy Spirit is called light. That lamp-stand back in the Tabernacle bore lights that spoke of God the Holy Spirit. Zechariah was given a vision of the lamp-stand that was supplied with oil directly from the olive trees, without a middle man. God ask , Do you know what this means Zechariah?

104. Scripture: " ... Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts, {Zechariah 4:6}." [The Apostle John was given a vision of God's throne]:

105. Scripture: "And out of the throne proceeded lightings and thunderclaps and voices: and there were seven lamps burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God, [the complete Spirit of God: the Holy Spirit], {Revelation 4:5}."

106. Light is probably the best picture we have of God. Paul brings all three persons together under this picture:

107. Scripture: "For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined [shone] in our hearts [minds], to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, [The Shekinah Glory]! {2- Corinthians 4:6}."


108. Notice that we have been called out of darkness into Christ's marvelous Light, [knowledge]. We today are to walk in the knowledge of the blessed Word of God by the power of God the Holy Spirit! Many times we make the error of talking about how we walk rather than where we walk. When folks walk according to the "how," they always please themselves, because they can make up their own little rules and state that they are spiritual. It isn't always how we walk, but where we walk ... are we walking according to the dictates spoken of in the Word of God? Every ray of light [Biblical Knowledge] is pure white, and we always associate that white with the Lord.

109. You can pass a ray of light through a prism which will divide it into three primary colors. These three elementary colors are yellow, red, and blue. You can push the yellow, red, and blue light back through the prism and get one white light: three in one. I am told that the flowers we see do not have any color whatsoever; I look at these multi-colored flowers and I'm told that although they are colorless, they have the power to absorb or reject the light rays that fall upon them. The yellow daffodil absorbs all the color rays except yellow, and since it rejects yellow, we see it as a yellow daffodil! I personally fail to understand that. And since I do not comprehend all this light, how can anyone expect me to completely understand the "Trinity?"

110. When you glance at yourself in a mirror, you are looking at a "Trinity." When you hear music, you hear a "Trinity." When you drink water, you are drinking a "Trinity." When you are walking in light, you are walking in a "Trinity." In this message, we have been treading on the high places in the Scriptures, I recognize that as a fact. Whether you have gone along with me in this study or not, I cannot tell, but I really hope that you have. I pray that somehow or other the Spirit of the Lord has caused you to at least stand on the fringe and see something of the blessed "Trinity." There is nothing like this in the universe except God Himself. Learning how to travel to the moon is very simple compared to learning to know and understand the "Trinity."

"The Trinity's Plan For The Human Race:"

111. Back in the beginning [when I say "beginning," I mean before God had created anything], there was no vast universe as we have it today, there were no Angels, there was no creation at all. Only the Almighty God Himself existed. Now consider this: God was love, yet you cannot have love unless you have an object of love. You have the "Trinity," and the love they have for themselves. God the Father loved the Son, He is careful to tell us that. The Son loves the Father, He tells us so. The Holy Spirit loves both of them and He is in the world today: this sin-sick and blood stained world ... because of His love for them, carrying out their work and His work!

112. Back in eternity when God was alone, this great plan by which He is working today, opened up for Him as the best plan. We know now that it meant He was to have a creature called man, and that this little man would lift his fist in rebellion against his holy God. And, his holy God must strike him down. A holy God would be just and righteous to breathe this little world out of existence. And, I must believe that He would miss it very little because He has other worlds larger and perhaps much better than this. There may be people on other worlds where there have never been any sin, worlds that Satan had no access to them? There could be countless planets that are perfect. And, perhaps countless people that are perfect living on them! How can we know? Do you think that it's important we should know about all this?

113. Why does the Lord hang on to this small world? Because it is His Divine plan. He wants the fellowship of those humans down here that are still living in sin. The father said: I will have to judge those folks. The Son said: Because We love them, I'll go down and die for them. The Father said: I'll send You. And, the Holy Spirit said: I'll go down afterwards, and though I am blasphemed against, and insulted, I shall dwell on the earth with those carnal minded people, and try to bring them into a holy relationship with Us. This is the reason why the Scriptures state that Christ was the "(Lamb from the foundation of the world)." From all this, we must try to conceive the knowledge as to the fact, that the cross was not an ambulance that God sent to a rescue. The cross is not God's emergency air-raid shelter that He put up hurriedly to meet a surprise situation.

114. Redemption was in God's great plan at the beginning. The Father sent down the Son in the fulness of time. He came forth, born of a virgin, caused to be born under the Mosaic Law, that He might redeem folks that were under the Law, and that He might redeem you today. The "Triune God" is involved not only in creation, but in your and my redemption. God the Father, loves you, He sent His only Son. God the Son loves you, He died for you. And God the Holy Spirit loves you, for He is right this second at your hearts door knocking, wanting to come into your life and indwell you as a living Temple of Almighty God. He is our "Triune God!" "No," you will not understand Him. He would not be God if you could. But you can bow in adoration and praise and yield that little stubborn, rebellious mind to your Redeemer, Jesus Christ the Lord.

We Ask This Of You Lord:

115. "Heavenly Father, we do come to You, thanking You that You have revealed Yourself to us. And, yet, oh God when we take that which You have revealed concerning Yourself, we find that we are standing on the shore of an infinite sea. We feel like little children, playing with a bucket and a shovel, children that know nothing of those vast shores and the vast sea. Somehow, by the great power of the Holy Spirit, push back the clouds, open our minds to receive You, even the "Trinity:" the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We thank You that You are infinitely concerned about us, and that You are engaged in a Divine program to redeem us and bring us to Yourself. We pray these things in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.


116. And again we ask you this question? Salvation: Are You Ready For Heaven?

117. It is possible that your heart [mind] has been running from the Lord and rebels against Him. The Word of God calls this "sin." The Scriptures states that everyone of us are sinners:

118. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, {Romans 3: 23}."

119. But despite your sin, God loves you and wants to save you from sin, and to offer you a new life of hope.

120. Scriptures: " ... I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly, {John 10:10}."

121. To give you a gift of salvation the Lord made a way through a Saviour Jesus Christ.

122. Scripture: "But God commands His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, {Romans 5: 8}."

123. You receive this salvation not by trying to be good enough to get to Heaven, but by just believing in Jesus Christ and trusting His Word.

124. Are you and your loved ones ready if death overtakes you? God is ready. Christ has prepared a home for you in Heaven. He wants you there. I believe that you want to go there. The Word of the Lord states ...

125. Scripture: "He, that [who] being often reproved [and] hardens his neck , shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy, Proverbs 29:1}." [If you will not listen and believe before the Resurrection of the Body of Christ, look what the Lord says about you]:

126. {V. 10} Scripture: "And with all deceivableness of [unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception to] unrighteousness in them that perish [and are going to perdition, perishing]; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [They refused to believe the truth of God's Word].

127. {V. 11} And for this cause God will send them [a working error of] strong delusion [a misleading influence, of some type of idol worship], that they should believe a lie [of what is false].

128. {V. 12} That they all might [be judged and] be damned [condemned] who believed not [and refused to adhere to trust and rely on] the truth, but [instead] had pleasure in unrighteousness {2- Thessalonians 2:10-12}."

129. In order to be positive of your own salvation, we once again ask you to "Please" read and pray the following prayer and if you really believe and accept in your heart [mind] what you have read and have spoken these words in this prayer with a contrite mind to God the Father, you will have become a Child of God!

The Sinners Prayer:

130. Heavenly Father, I know that I'm a lost sinner and that I cannot save myself by good works. I believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son Who came down from Heaven and took on a human body of flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that Jesus shed His blood on the cross of Calvary and died paying the price for my sins with His death so that I can receive salvation because and through His sacrifice. I believe that after Christ's sacrifice and death, He arose from the tomb after three literal days and nights. That Jesus ascended into the third Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. I believe that Jesus will return for all Saints who belong to the Body of Christ in the Resurrection [Rapture] according to His own promise!

I know that I have been up to this time a lost sinner and deserved to go to hell. So I beseech you Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit at this very moment into my Heart and save me for Jesus Christ sake as has been promised me by Your Holy Word. I am receiving Jesus Christ at this very moment as my personal Saviour, my Lord and as my only blessed hope for salvation. Thank You Lord for now I am saved by Your wonderful grace. Amen!

131. Scripture: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved, {John 3:16-17}."


132. Scripture: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast, {Ephesians 2:8-9}."


133. Scripture: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. But God has revealed them to us by His [Holy] Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God, {1- Corinthians 2:9-10}."



Helps in this article comes from great Theologians such as Dr. Gaebelein; Dr. Ironside; Dr. Larkin; Dr. McGee and others.

In regards to our readers, we would deeply express our thanks to those who will recopy this message and pass it on to others that they too may be blessed or perhaps find Salvation from it. If you have a computer, then why not download the message, make copies of it and pass it on to others?