Various Lessons Concerning . . . Sanctification And

The Second Blessing.

What About This? Is There Such A Thing As A So-Called Second Blessing Taught In The Scriptures?


1. If the readers desire to have a part in the Lord's work as soul workers, and soul winners, it would be great for them to begin their own tract ministry by down loading our messages and send or give copies to others. What could be more important for you as an ambassador for Christ than to support the Body of Christ in this way? See { 2- Corinthians 5:18-20 }. The messages are already written, so why not pass them on to others? As to the writers belief and doctrine, we are strictly Biblical! We adhere to no denominational beliefs unless what they teach is taken from the true Word of God and taught in the correct context. We believe that we are to be busy proclaiming the truths for the present age of grace, in view of the soon coming of our Lord.

2. We believe in - [ 1 ]: The verbal inspiration of the Word of God { 2- Timothy 3:16 }.

No. 2: The Deity of Jesus Christ, and the Trinity of the Godhead { Titus 2:13; - & - 2 - Corinthians 13:14 }.

No. 3: The total depravity of man, and everlasting punishment of those who reject Christ { Romans Ch. 3; - John 3:36; - & - Revelation Ch. 20:15 }.

No. 4: Redemption by the blood of Christ, and salvation by grace, not of works { Titus 3:5; - & - Ephesians 2:8-9 }.

No. 5: Everlasting life and the security of the Child of God { John 10:29 }.

No. 6: The personality and everlasting punishment of Satan { Job Ch. 1; - & - Revelation Ch. 20 }.

No. 7: The imminent "Rapture [ Resurrection" ] of the Body of Christ, followed by the great 7 year Tribulation Period and the literal Millennial Reign of Christ on this earth { 1- Thessalonians 4:16-18; - 1 - Corinthians 15:50-55; - & - Revelation Ch. 20:1-6 }.

3. The reader will notice also that we have put words in parenthesis in the various Bible verses, this is done to help the student have a better understanding of the old King James language which is often a little bewildering to some folks who are not use to that kind of speech. Therefore, please bear with us as we teach the message. A good idea would be to read your King James Bible along with each verse we have quoted. It is also very important for the student to look up all the added Bible texts that we have referred to in the Message. This will give the reader much added information! The reader will also notice that we have repeated several verses here and there in our message and of course we do this to bring out a better understanding of the message. Another thing we should mention is that when we copy a verse from the Bible we will change much of the spelling from the archaic King James language to the modern way of spelling. Such as . . .

4. "searcheth - to 'searches,' . . . thy - to 'your,' standeth - to 'stands,' . . . knoweth- to 'knows,' . . . maketh - to 'makes,' . . . nay -to 'no,' . . . bringeth - to 'bring or brings,' . . . hath - to 'has or have,' . . . saith - to 'says,' . . . unto - to- 'to,' . . . doeth - to 'does,' . . . wherefore - to 'therefore,' . . . thee - t o 'the,' . . . justifieth - to 'justify,' . . . helpeth - to 'help,' . . . liveth - to 'lives,' . . . ever - to 'always,' . . . hitherto - to 'even yet - or thus far,' . . . Behold - 'take notice,' . . . heart - to 'mind or intellect,' . . . whereunto - to 'the fact is or it was to this end that,' . . . elect - to 'chosen,' . . . quickens - t o 'make alive,' . . . Lo- to 'take notice,' . . . sorer- to 'surer,' . . . saving - to 'except,' . . . Woe - to 'grievous orr distress to you,' . . . and etc. None of this will take away from the true meaning of the original text."


Please observe that we have placed dividing brackets such as those below - just above and below the various "Bible Texts" in our message. Also, whether a lesson is long or short - questions should be expressed for the students in a class to answer at the end of each lesson.



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[ Lesson 1. ] What Does The Bible Have To Say Concerning "Sanctification?"

And Yes, Justification Also! . . .

1. Commentary . . . In commencing our inquiry on the subject of "Sanctification" as taught in the Scriptures, it is of importance first of all that there must be a clear understanding of the meaning that the writer and the reader alike should attach to the word. For if the writer has one thought in his mind when he uses this expression, and lets say that the reader is thinking of something totally different as he pursues the message, it is not to be supposed that a common conclusion will ever be reached.

2. I propose then, first of all, to let the various Theologians and the unlearned teachers define the word for us; and then turn to the Scriptures, there to test their definitions. Examples: In a doctrinal sense "Sanctification," is usually considered as that which is perfectly holy, what was before defiled and sinful. It is a progressive work of Divine grace upon the soul "Justified" by the love of Christ.

3. The Christian is cleansed from the corruption of his old sin nature, and is at length presented faultless before the presence of Christ's glory with exceeding joy! This is a fair statement of the views held by ordinary Protestant Theologians, and is taken from the Bible Dictionary edited by W. W. Rand. The secular dictionary definitions generally agree that "Sanctification" is an act of God's grace, which means affection as "purified and exalted." And this, it will be observed, practically agrees with the definition already given. It must be understood that the word can also be used in many ways, Judas is a good example of this, he was set apart [ "Sanctified" ] along with the other eleven Apostles to follow Jesus in His perfect holy Ministry, but who is it that doesn't comprehend Judas' failure in his "Sanctification?"

4. Many writers are very explicit, and generally draw attention to what they suppose to be the difference between "Justification and Sanctification." I shall not quote any of their authorities as to this, but instead will put the teaching down in their own language rather, as if they were here with me, bringing forth a message concerning the subject. "Justification," then, to these Ministers is supposed to be a work of grace by which sinners are made righteous and freed from their sinful habits when they come to Christ. But, in the merely "Justified" soul, there remains a corrupt principle, an evil tree, or "a root of bitterness," which continually causes one to sin.

5. The eradication of this sinful root is "Sanctification." It is therefore, the cleansing of the nature from all inbred sin by the "blood of Christ [ applied through faith when a full consecration is made" ], and the refining fire of the Holy Spirit, who burns out all waste when all is laid upon the altar of sacrifice. This, and this only, is true "Sanctification," a distinct second work of grace, subsequent to "Justification," and without which that "Justification," is very likely to be lost!


6. The correctness of the definition will, I think, be acknowledged by even the most radical of the second blessing school. Now let us test these above statements by Scripture. And in order to do so intelligently, I purpose first to look at a number of passages in both Testaments, and see if any of them which concern the definitions given above actually make good sense and sound doctrine. I would observe that "holiness and Sanctification" are equivalent terms; both words being used to translate the Greek or Hebrew noun. The FOLLOWING PROMINENT EXAMPLES" may suffice to show how the term is used in our Bible.


A teacher giving a lesson on this subject should make-up a list of questions to ask of his students at the end of each lesson!


[ Lesson - 2 ]. The "Sanctification" Of Inanimate Objects Is Distinctly

Taught In God's Word . . .


1. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And you shall anoint the altar of the burnt offering, and all his vessels [ utensils ], 'and "Sanctify" [ consecrate = set apart for God' ] the altar: and it shall be an altar most holy.

2. { V. 11 }: And you shall anoint the laver and his 'foot [ base' ] and "Sanctify" [ consecrate ] it, { Exodus 40:10-11.}"


3. Question . . . "Are we to suppose any change took place in the nature of these vessels? Or was there any evil element rooted out of them?"


4. Scripture: "And Moses said to the Lord, The people cannot come up to mount Sinai: for You [ Yourself have ] charged us, saying, Set bounds [ limits ] about the mount, and "Sanctify" 'it [ set it apart for God' ], { Exodus 19:23 }."


5. Commentary . . . Was any change effected in the composition of the mountain when God gave the Mosaic law upon it? Let the reader answer fairly and honestly, and he might confess that here at last neither the theological nor the "holiness" definitions apply to the word "Sanctify." What it does mean we shall see later, when we have heard all of our witnesses.

People Can "Sanctify" Themselves, Without Any Act Of Divine Power

Or Any Work Of Grace Taking Place Within Them . . .


6. Scripture: "And let the priest also, which come near to the Lord, 'Sanctify [ set apart' ] themselves [ for God ], 'lest [ otherwise perhaps' . . . ] the Lord [ Jehovah might: ] break forth 'upon [ against' ] them, { Exodus 19:22 }."


7. Commentary . . . Question . . . were these priests then to change their own natures from evil to good, or to destroy from within themselves the principle of evil? I must state here, that it is the readers right to judge these Scriptures for themselves, and also to be the jury as to the right meaning of the text.

One Man Could "Sanctify" Another . . .


8. Scripture: "Sanctify [ consecrate, set apart" ] unto Me all the 'firstborn [ males' ], whatever [ and whoever: ] opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: 'it is Mine [ they are considered as belonging to the Lord' ], {Exodus 13:2 }."


9. { V. 9 }: Scripture: "And the Lord said unto Moses, 'Lo [ take notice' ], I come unto you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, 'and believe you [ and remain steadfast' ] for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord.

10. { V. 10 }: And the Lord said to Moses, go to the people, and "Sanctify [ set ] them [ apart for Jehovah" ] today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes,"

11. { V. 11 }: "And be 'ready against [ i.e., at a certain time 'in' the very beginning of' ] the third day: 'for [ in the third Millennial day since the Lord Jesus' birth' ] the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai,"


12. Commentary . . . Messiah will come down "upon the Mount of Olives in a cloud." . . . See { Acts 1:9-11; - & - Zechariah 14:4, } 'Second Coming.' We say again: read our message "The Five Resurrections."


13. { V. 12 }: And you shall set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that you go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: 'whatever [ and whoever ' ] touches the mountain shall be surely put to death:

14. { V. 13 }: There shall not an hand 'touch it [ neither the offender' ], but [ or ] he shall surely be stoned, or shot through [ with arrows ]; whether it is beast or man, it shall not live: when the 'trumpet sounds [ with a ] long [ blast' ], they shall come up to the mountain. See { Numbers 24:8 }.

15. { V. 14 }: And Moses went down from the mountain unto the people, and "Sanctified the people; [ set them apart for the Lord" ] and they washed their clothes. [ Washing their Clothes refers to a cleansing ritual which some folks today would call a "Baptism." ]

16. { V. 15 }: And he said to the people, Be ready against the THIRD DAY: come not at your wives.

17. { V. 16 }: And it came to pass on the "third day in the [ morning," ] that there were thunders and lightings, and a thick cloud upon the mountain, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled, { Exodus 19:9-16 }."


18. Commentary . . . All of this in the verses above gives us a typical picture of that particular day in history, but also a picture of the future return of Messiah, returning in the morning. The word 'morning' is typical of the word "beginning" of the third Millennial day since Christ's birth. The Old Testament portrays many pictures in types and shadows of things to come afterward in the future. Please remember that many sayings in the Scriptures have double or triple meanings, we have stated this fact several times elsewhere. Remember this also . . . a millennial day consists of a thousand years! Read this entire paragraph again!

19. Concerning the time of Moses, what inward change, or cleansing, was Moses to perform in regard to the first-born, or the entire people of Israel? That he did not eliminate their inbred sin, as the succeeding chapters amply testify. We find that there were three things that had to be accomplished to prepare for the Lord's appearance on the Mount. . . . Cleansing of body and clothes { V. 10 }, confining the people to camp by placing barriers around the mountain { Vs. 12-13 } see { V. 21 }, and abstaining from sexual satisfaction { V. 15 }.

20. As many Scriptural texts imply, and as we have just stated, there is more than one meaning to these verses. The truth is, the people were to be "Sanctified" "set apart before the Lord in a cleansed condition." But, in typology we have here a picture of the Second Coming of Christ.

21. [ 1 ], The nation of Israel at 'that time [ just before the Second Coming Of Christ' ] is to be 'cleansed [ i.e., purified' ] for their coming Bride-groom, and is to ready herself to become the Bride of Christ at Messiah's return, { Revelation 19: 5-8 }. Israel was set apart from their land in A.D. 70, for two days, a type of the two one thousand year days since the birth of Christ till the Second Coming of the Bride-groom.

22. [ 2 ], { V. 10 }: above: "today and tomorrow." "And let them wash their clothes" . . . "ready themselves." Get their lives in order.

23. [ 3 ], {V. 11}: above: And Israel is to "be ready against the third day," [ that is, ] sometime during the beginning of the third Millennium after the birth of Christ. This my friend concerns typology in a large degree!

24. [ 4 ], { V. 11 }: again says, "For the third day the 'Lord [ Messiah' ] will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai - actually the Mount of Olives. Remember this is a typical rendering, a picture of the past and of things to come! Many of the people in the verse pictures a future Hebrew remnant that is to become Messiah's Bride who have made themselves ready to receive the Bride-Groom at His return. See { Revelation 19:6-7 } which refers to the saved Hebrew remnant who have made themselves ready for her Bride Groom. Remember, this can never refer to the Body Of Christ in any way because each person in the Body of Christ became ready and perfected at the very moment they were born again into the family of God. Therefore, God's adopted Children have nothing whatsoever to ready themselves fore.

25. [ 5 ], { V. 12 }: Remember that the Hebrew remnant will still be in their physical bodies when Christ returns, bodies that consist of flesh and blood, they are not immune from death. When He comes back to the earth He returns to stand upon the Mount of Olives - the mountain becomes a very holy place such as it was on Mount Sinai when the Lord was upon it handing out the ten commandments. For the people or any live thing to touch the holy mountain would cause them to be condemned to death.

26. [ 6 ], { V. 13 }: The trumpet was a very important instrument that was used by the Israelis, and here they are to be called to come up to the Mountain = [ in type ]: "to meet their Bride-Groom." In { Revelation 19:8 } the Bride is granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints. This remnant of the people in Revelation is now very ready and very righteous and made pure enough to become Christ's Bride. This concerns saved Israelites only!

27. We repeat: every person in the Body of Christ is completely ready = at, and forever after the moment of their conversion, this must never be forgotten! It seems to this Minister that most Preachers and Teachers still fail to comprehend this and place the Body of Christ in { Revelation 19:7 }, instead of the Hebrew remnant as Messiah's Bride. How awful to place the present Body into that prophetic event where if doesn't belong.

29. [ 7 ], { V. 14 }: above, the people were now to be "Sanctified [ set apart" ] by Moses. A type of being set apart from the nations of this world to become the leading nation of priest for the duration of Messiah's Millennial reign, see { Revelation 20:4, -& -Isaiah 61:6 }.

29. [ 8 ], { V. 15 }: "Be ready against the third day." From Christ's birth to the 3rd millennial day, since that time, the world during the Tribulation Period will be seen to be up against the 3rd Millennial day, and the people should ready themselves to enter into Christ's reign - as the great King, the Lord of glory. The Lord had told Moses, "Lo, I come . . . in a thick cloud, etc. { Exodus 19:9 }."



"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 3. ] Messiah's Actual Return . . .

1. Commentary . . . We should also remember that centuries later after Moses left the scene, at the time Jesus ascended up into Heaven = two Angels appeared as prophets and prophesied . . .


2. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And while 'they [ the people who witnessed this great event' ] looked stedfastly 'toward heaven [ seeing Jesus leave the earth' ] as He went up, behold, 'two men [ two Angelic messengers suddenly' ] stood by them [ dressed ] in white apparel;

3. { V. 11 }: Which also said, you men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this 'same Jesus, [ which is caught away and' ] which is taken up from you into heaven, 'shall so come [ back' ] in 'like manner [ just' ] as you have seen Him go into heaven, { Acts 1:10-11 }."


4. { V. 9 } Scripture: "And [ afterward ] when He [ Christ ] had spoken these things [ even ], while they [ the people who were witnesses ] beheld, [ with their own eyes: ] He [ Christ ] was taken up; and "A CLOUD" received Him out of their sight, { Acts 1:9 }."


5. Commentary . . . The thick cloud that Jehovah had mentioned 'to Moses, [ in typology,' ] was that same type of cloud which would appear when Messiah returns at His Second Coming. The two Angels in { V. 9 } above in Acts said He would return the same way He had gone up. Christ had gone up from off the Mount of Olives into a cloud, isn't it very obvious that He will come back and light upon the Mount of Olives at His Second Coming also in a cloud, { Zechariah 14:4}.

6. Notice in { Exodus 19:16 } above - on or - at the beginning of "the third day," "in the morning, that there were thunders and lightings, and a thick cloud upon the Mountain." The descent of the Lord was signalized by every object imagination man could conceive that was connected with the idea of grandeur and of awe. All this was in keeping with the character of the Mosaic Law which the Israelites were being placed and "Sanctified," or set apart under at that time. As the mountain top burned with fire, "Jehovah [ Jesus, as the Angel of the Lord" ] was exhibited as a consuming fire to the transgressors of His Law.

7. Thunder and lightning, more awful amid the deep stillness of the region and reverberating with terrific peals of thunder among the mountains, would rouse the universal attention; a thick cloud was an apt emblem of that dark and shadowy dispensation. See { Matthe w 17:5 }. The voice of the trumpet . . . This gave the scene the character of a miraculous transaction, in which other elements than those of nature wereat work, and some other than a material trumpet was blown by other means than by human breath.

8. The deepest impressions are made on the mind through the medium of the senses; and so the Lord Who knew what was in man, signaled His descent at the inauguration of the ancient 'Congregation [ Ekklesia' ] in the wilderness. The great Jehovah appeared in the Holy of Holies in the Temple which was actually a tent: - as a Theophany. This inspired supreme reverence by the Hebrews, the admiration and majestic grandeur of this spectacle no doubt must have been stupendous. In the eyes of the people the august majesty obviously produced the conviction that before them sat the great and terrible God, even though their eyes could not behold Him.

9. The whole multitude must have beforehand anticipated the event with feelings of intense solemnity and awe. The extraordinary preparations enjoined, the ablutions and rigid abstinence they were required to observe, the barriers erected all round the base of the mountain, and the stern penalties annexed to the breach of any of the conditions, all would have tended to create an earnest and solemn expectation, which increased as the appointed day drew near for the rituals of the Law to take place, right in front of the Person of the Lord.


People Can "Sanctify" Themselves To Do Iniquity . . .


10. Scripture: "They that "Sanctify" themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the 'abomination, [ the hateful thing' ], and the mouse [ these ] shall [ all ] be consumed [ cut off ] together, says the Lord [ Jehovah ], { Isaiah 66:17 }."


11. { V. 17 } above paraphrased . . . Scripture: "Those who [ attempt to ] "Sanctify" themselves and cleanse themselves to enter and sacrifice in the idol-gardens, following after [ the image of the Syrian god "Adad" meaning: ] one in the midst, eating hogs flesh and the 'abomination [ creeping things' ] and the mouse, their works and their thoughts shall come to an end together, says the Lord." [ The word Jehovah was only used in the Old Testament. In the N.T. the same Person is Jesus Christ. ]


12. Commentary: How monstrous a "Sanctification" this was, and how can we receive any thought of any inward cleansing here?


The Son Was "Sanctified" By The Father . . .


13. Scripture: "Say you of 'Him [ about Christ' ], Who the Father has 'Sanctified, [ has consecrated' ] and [ dedicated and set apart for Himself and ] sent into the world, You blaspheme; because I said, I am the Son of God? { John 10:36 }."


14. Commentary . . . They, and not He, blasphemed; and equally wicked would be the blasphemy of any who said that "Sanctification," for Christ, implied a corrupt nature eradicated, or perverse. He was always "that Holy Thing . . . called the Son of God." There are multitudes of advocates who impiously dare to teach that the taint of sin was in Christ, and needed elimination; but are rightfully refused fellowship, and their teaching is abhorred by all Spirit-taught Christians. Yet He, the Lord Jesus Christ, was "Sanctified by God the Father," as Jude writes of all Christians. Are we to suppose the expression means one thing in relation to Christ, and quite another in regard to Saints?


The Lord Jesus "Sanctified," Himself . . .


15. Scripture: "And for 'their sakes [ and on their behalf' ] I "Sanctify" [ dedicate, and consecrate ] Myself, that they also might be "Sanctified" [ dedicated, and made holy ] through the truth, { John 17:19 }."


16. Commentary . . . If either of the definitions given above is to stand, then what are we to make of the fact that Jesus Who had been "Sanctified" by the Father, yet afterward "Sanctified Himself?" Isn't it a plain fact that there is some great discrepancy here between the Theologians, the so-called perfectionists, and the Word of God? Discus these things with your class.

Unbelievers Are Sometimes "Sanctified" . . .


17. Scripture: "For the unbelieving husband is "Sanctified" by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is "Sanctified" by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy, { 1- Corinthians 7:14 }."


18. { V. 14 } above paraphrased: "For the unbelieving husband is set apart [ separated ], withdrawn from heathen contamination and affiliated with the Christian people by union with his 'consecrated [ set-apart' ] wife; and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would 'be unclean [ un-blessed heathen, outside the true Christians promises,' ] but as it is = they are prepared for God . . . pure and clean ."


19. Commentary . . . Here the life-partner of a Christian, though unsaved, is said to be "Sanctified." Is such a one, then, free from inbred sin, or undergoing a gradual change of nature? If this is far too absurd for consideration, then "Sanctification" cannot mean either of the experiences specified. "Absolutely . . . no person will ever enter into the heavenly realm of God unsaved!"


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 4 ]. Carnal Christians Are "Sanctified" . . .


1. { V. 1 } Scripture: "Paul, called to be an apostle [ special messenger ] of Jesus Christ [ as the one Apostle for the Gentiles ] through the will of God, and 'Sos'thenes, our brother [ Saint' ].


2. Commentary . . . A Saint is literally a holy person by calling. Sosthenes was likely the ruler of the Synagogue mentioned in { Acts 18:17 }; he became the victim of the Greeks' anti-Jewish feelings and was evidently beaten by them. Obviously he was the head of the anti-Pauline faction in the Synagogue and a Jew. The beating perhaps helped him to become a Christian.


3. { V. 2 }: Unto the [ Christian ] Congregation of God which is at Corinth, to them that are "Sanctified" [ "set apart, purified and made holy" ] in Christ Jesus [ who are selected and ], 'called to be Saints [ God's adopted Children together' ], with all that in every place call upon [ and give honor to ] the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours"


4. Commentary . . . Set apart for God's possession and use, this was true of the Corinthians because of their position in Christ in spite of their blatant imperfections. { 1-Corinthians 12:13 },


5. { V. 3 }: 'Grace [ favor and spiritual blessing' ] be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, { 1- Corinthians 1:1-3 }."


6. Commentary . . . What you do doesn't determine who you are; who you are determines what you do! Because you are in Christ, it's part of your identity. Also we must understand that we are not sinners saved by grace, we who are Saints, who were "past tense," lost sinners but only before being saved. Now since we are saved, we are Saints who occasionally sin and are now eternally saved by grace. But, even though saved Saints, we are destined to be chastised by our Heavenly Father for sin we commit, that is, unless we confess those sins and judged to be okay without the chastisement we dearly deserved. See [ Psalm 103:12 - & - Hebrews 12:6-8 }.


7. Scripture: "Whoever is born [ again of ] God 'does not commit sin [ in his new nature' ]; for his seed remains in him: and he 'cannot sin [ in his new Christ like nature' ] because he is born of God, { 1- John 3:9 }."


8. Commentary . . . John is saying in { V. 9 } above: "No one 'born [ begotten' ] of God deliberately and knowingly habitually practices sin, for God's nature lives in him. . . . The Lord's principle of life, the Divine Holy Spirit, remains permanently within him . . . and he cannot continuously practice sinning because he is born [ begotten ] of God.


9. { V. 1 } Scripture: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ."


10. The above { V. 1 } Paraphrased: "However, brethren, I could not talk to you as to spiritual [ men ], but as to nonspiritual [ men of the flesh ], as to mere infants [ in the new life ] in Christ . . . unable to talk yet !" ]


11. { V. 2 }: "I have fed you with milk and not with meat: for 'hitherto [ even yet' or thus far' ] you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able."


12. The above { V. 2 } paraphrased . . . "[ Because you are babes in the Lord ] I have fed you 'with milk [ of God's Word' ], and 'not with meat [ the deeper spiritual food, the deeper things of the Word of God' ]: for 'hitherto [ even yet' ] you were not able 'to bear it: [ to understand the deeper interpretation of the Scriptures' ], neither yet are you able [ to understand it, you are not strong enough or near ready to receive it."


13. { V. 3 }: For you are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men? { 1- Corinthians 3:1-3 }."


14. The above { V. 3 } paraphrased: "For you are still in an un-scriptural state living according to the flesh . . . you are still under the control of ordinary impulses. For as long as there are envying, jealousy, wrangling and factions among you, are you not yet unspiritual and are of the flesh, behaving yourselves after a human standard and like the mere man that is yet unchanged?"


15. Commentary . . . After being saved, the Saint needs to grow up in God's Word, no one should remain as new born babes. Even yet - these folks condition was inexcusable, ffor they had been saved long enough to have grown up in the Lord's Word. They should be walking as grown men, and as Christians should. Carnal Christians are scarcely distinguishable from natural or unsaved men, but thank God they are still Children of God. Were these people Carnal, and yet free from the stain of sin? Impossible! Nevertheless, they were declared to be "Sanctified" in Christ and are said to be carnal in { Ch. 3 }. By no possible system of logical reasoning can the class of the latter chapter be made out to be different from those addressed in the former chapter.

16. Concerning the word "carnal," the Greek word "Sarkinos" means "Fleshly" or "of the flesh," with the idea of weakness; in { V. 3 }, carnal has the overtone of willfulness. 'Carnal Christians [ brethren' ] are babes in Christ, i.e., undeveloped who cannot comprehend practically anything concerning the deeper truths in the Bible { V. 2 }, and are characterized by strife { V. 3 }. In our day, the world is full of carnal Christians who teach carnal denominational doctrines that will not stand up to the Word of God. If these people are saved, they were "Sanctified" to do the Lord's will, but are they yet growing in grace and in truth?


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson. 5 ]. We Are Told To Follow "Sanctification" . . .



1. Scripture: "Follow peace with all men, and holiness ["Sanctification"], without which no man shall see the Lord, {Hebrews 12:14 }."


2. Commentary . . . In what sense could men follow a change of nature, or how could they follow the elimination of the carnal mind? I follow that which is before me-that to which I have not fully attained in a practical sense, as the Apostle Paul tells us he did . . .


3. { V. 13 } Scripture: "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before,

4. { V. 14 }: I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

5. { V. 15 }: Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing you be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this to you.


6. Commentary . . . All Christians have a new nature, 'a Perfect - Christ like nature'; . . . in the latterr half of the verse Paul says, "If you don't agree, God will give you understanding on the subject.


7. { V. 16 } Nevertheless, "whereto [ the fact is, it was to this end" that ] we have already attained, let us walk the same rule' let us mind the same thing, { Philippians 3:13-16 }."


8. Commentary . . . In other words: "Only let us hold true to what we have already received and walk and order our lives by that, the same "canon:" "The true Word of God." See { 2- Corinthians 10:16 }.


God's Children Are Called Upon To "Sanctify" God! . . .


9. Scripture: "But "Sanctify" the Lord God in your 'hearts [ minds' ]: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear, { 1- Peter 3:15 }." [ "Sanctify the Lord" - which means . . . make sure you show "Reverence to the Lord ]."


10. Above { V. 15 } paraphrased: "But in your 'hearts [ minds' ] set Christ apart as holy and acknowledge Him as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to any one who ask you to account for the hope that is within you, but do it courteously and respectfully. See { Isaiah 8:12-13 }.


11. Commentary . . . How are we to understand an exhortation like this if "Sanctification" implies an inward cleansing, or making holy what was unclean and evil? Is it not manifest that such a definition would lead to the wildest vagaries and the grossest absurdities?


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 6 ]. Individuals Addressed As "Sanctified," Are Afterwards Exhorted

To Be Holy . . .


1. { V. 1 } Scripture: "Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Gala'tia, Cappado'cia, Asia, and Bithyn'ia,

2. { V. 2 }: Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through "Sanctification" of the Spirit, unto obedience and 'sprinkling [ in the personal sacrifice' ] of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you, and peace be multiplied, { 1- Peter 1:1-2 }." [ Grace in { V. 2 } here means "Security, and Sobriety." ] . . .


3. { Vs. 1-2 } here paraphrased . . . { 1 } "Peter 'an apostle [ a special messenger' ] of Jesus Christ, [ writing ] to the elect exiles of the 'Hebrew dispersion scattered [ sowed as if having been planted' ] abroad in Pontus Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia."

4. { 2 } "Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and 'consecrated [ Sanctified, made holy' ] by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and to be sprinkled with [ His ] blood: 'may grace [ spiritual blessing' ] and peace be given you in increasing abundance . . . that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions and moral conflicts."


5. Commentary . . . Strangers, sojourners, exiles, foreign residents. The word is applied to those who settled in a town or region without making it their permanent place of residence. The displaced Hebrew people, whose true citizenship was in Israel, are viewed as temporary residences of the provinces of Asia Minor named in this verse. Remember in A.D. 70 tens of thousands were cast out from the land of Israel. The truth is, the Israelites were and still are sojourners throughout the known world and will be until Messiah's Second Coming. Those Hebrew people living in the United States, Russia or in any other nation other than Israel, are really living in countries not their own. Their homes and inheritance will always be in Israel !!!!!

6. The same can be said of every Christian! Wherever a Child of God lives upon this earth, he is dwelling in a strange abode. Be- cause, he or she has no permanent dwelling place upon this earth. Children of God has only one permanent home and that home is to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. What does all this mean? It means that like the wondering Jew scattered throughout this world, we also are sojourners in this world until the Rapture of the Body of Christ, and then we will be taken home to be with the Lord everlastingly. This my friend is true typology and future history!

7. No wonder the world hates us, we are dwelling away from our own habitation and have encroached upon a land that belongs to the heathen of this world. What is a heathen? We have stated other times in our ministry that there are two Gods, one is the true God of the Universe as a whole, the other is a counterfeit called Satan. When one follows the true God the way the Word of God teaches he becomes a true Child of God the Father. Should he follow the other: "the counterfeit god of this world, he will follow him into everlasting judgment in the "LAKE OF FIRE!"

8. This world despises God's Children, today's newspapers television, radio and other propaganda outlets prove this to be true. If the reader has family members and friends who are not Christians, whether you will believe this or not they are lost and are considered as worldly people. This means they belong to Satan the god of this evil world. It is up to you to teach them and lead them to Christ or they will be forever lost "to their god!" The idea expressed above in both { Vs. 1- 2 }, is that God in His wisdom has chosen many Gentiles and Hebrews alike to become Christians by receiving salvation through the work of the Holy Spirit, applying in all of us the worth of the death of Christ so that we might be obedient to Him. Foreknowledge spoken of in this verse refers to the Lord's knowledge of all things, based on His causative relation to His Saints, and is the basis of their election.

9. Foreknowledge involves the Lord's active consciousness of all that is to come to pass in the future. See { 1- Peter 1:20; - Romans 8:29; - & - 11:2 } for the same word and concept; see also { Ephesians 1:5 }. You notice also in { V. 2 } above, the words "Father, Spirit, and Christ, are associated as an early formulation of the doctrine of the Trinitarian God Head. In the verse sprinkling, of the blood, signifies the personal application of the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.


10. { V. 15 } Scripture: "But as He which has called you is Holy, so be you holy in 'all manner of conversation [ conduct or behavior; as God is holy' ]. See { Leviticus 11:44-45 }.

11. { V. 16 } Because it is written, be you holy; for I am holy, { 1- Peter 1:15-16 }."


12. Commentary . . . God's Children are holy because they are reborn into the Holy Family and each Child possesses a "Holy Godly nature." Think of the inconsistency here if "Sanctification" and holiness refer to an inward work whereby inbred sin is rotted out of one's being! The "Sanctified" are exhorted to be holy, in place of being informed that already they have been made absolutely that, and therefore, need no such exhortation. How would you explain this subject?


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 7 ]. The "Sanctified" Saints Only - Are Nevertheless Declared

To Be Perfected Forever . . .


1. Scripture: "For by one [ single ] 'offering [ of Himself' ] 'He [ the Lord Jesus' ] has perfected "FOREVER" them that are "Sanctified [ Saints": and set them apart for Himself as His spiritual brothers and as The Father's Holy Children ], { Hebrews 10:14 }." =========================

2. Commentary . . . The fact is, all Christians are ordained ambassadors of God { 2- Corinthians 5:20 } and, are Brothers of Christ. Isn't it great to be able to say that you have a personal brother named Jesus Christ? Who among the perfectionists can explain this satisfactorily? Nothing is commoner among the teachers of this school then the doctrine of the possibility of the ultimate falling away and final loss of those who have been "Justified, Sanctified," and have enjoyed the most marvelous experience. Yet here, the "Sanctified" are said to be forever perfected - and consequently shall never be lost, nor ever lose that "Sanctification" which they have once been the objects of. "It should be remembered that others who are not Saints are at times set apart for one reason or another. Also, never forget that the word "Sanctification" can be used in many different ways."

3. After carefully hearing all the above witnesses, I ask my readers, can you possibly gather from these varied uses of the word "Sanctification" any hint of a change of nature in the Child of God, or an elimination of evil implied therein? I feel certain that every candid mind must confess the word evidently has a very different meaning, and I design briefly to point out what meaning it is. The marked verb, to "Sanctify" as we have already brought out, means to "set apart," and the noun "Sanctification" means literally "separation." This simple key will unlock every verse we have been considering, and bring all into harmony where discord seemed complete. The vessels of the Tabernacle were separated for Divine service, even as Mount Sinai was set apart to Jehovah for the giving of the Mosaic law.

4. The priest in Israel separated themselves from their defilement. Moses separated the people from uncleanness, and set apart the first-born as dedicated to Jehovah. The Apostates in Israel's day set themselves apart, on the contrary, to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord. God the Father set Christ the Son apart to become the Saviour of the lost; and at the end of His life on earth, His work accomplished, the Lord Jesus separated Himself and ascended to glory, there to become the object of 'His people's hearts [ minds, their very being' ], that they might thus be set apart from the world that had refused and crucified their Redeemer.

5. The unbelieving wife or husband, if linked with a saved life-partner is set apart to God, and is thereby put in an external relation to God, with its privileges and responsibility; and the children are likewise separated from those who never come under the sound of the truth. All Christians, whatever their actual state, whether they are carnal or spiritual, are nevertheless separated to God in Christ Jesus; and from this springs the responsibility to live for Him. This separation is to be followed daily, the Christian seeking to become more conformed to Christ .

6. Persons professing to be Christians and not following "Sanctification," will not see the Lord; for they are unreal, and have no Divine life. The Lord God must be set apart in our hearts if our testimony is to count for His glory. One may be set apart to God in Christ, and yet need exhortation to a practical separation from all uncleanness and worldliness. And, lastly, all Saints who are set apart as the Father's Children are in God's sight perfected forever, as to the conscience, by the one sacrifice of Christ on the Cross; for they are accepted in God, and are eternally linked up with Him. Get the key, and every difficulty vanishes. "Sanctification," in the Christian sense, is therefore, twofold-absolute and progressive.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 8 ]. "Sanctification" By The Holy Spirit Is Eternal . . .

1. Commentary . . . We have already stated that "Sanctification" is both absolute and progressive. Absolute "Sanctification" is by the one offering of Christ on the Cross, and will be spoken of further on. Progressive "Sanctification" is looked at in two ways: it is by the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God. It may help some to put it in this way: "Sanctification" by the Spirit is eternal. It is an experience within the Child of God. Christian "Sanctification" is by the "Blood of Christ" and is eternal.

2. It is positional; it has to do with the new place in God's eternal favor occupied by every Christian an unchanging and unchangeable position, to which defilement can never be attached, in God's estimation. When applied to the Saint, "Sanctification" by the Word of God refers to the Christians outward walk and ways. It is the manifest result of "Sanctification" by the Spirit, and proceeds on progressively all through life. We will group together four Scriptures which refer to the first important aspect above mentioned. Doctrinally, perhaps, I should take up "Sanctification" by the blood first; but experimentally the Holy Spirit's work proceeds the knowledge of the other. And now we read of a host of sinful characters who shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The next verse, immediately adds . . .


3. { V. 9 } Scripture: "Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not 'deceived [ misled' ]: neither [ the impure and immoral, the ] fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.

4. { V. 10 } Nor 'thieves, [ cheats, swindlers,' ] nor 'covetous [ greedy graspers' ], nor drunkards, nor [ 'foul mouthed ] revilers,' nor extortioners [ and robbers ], shall inherit [ or have any share in ] the kingdom of God, { 1- Corinthians 6:9-10 }."


5. Commentary . . . "Effeminate in { V. 9 }, nor abusers of themselves with mankind." Both expressions refer to homosexuals, the first to those who allow themselves to be used unnaturally, and the second, to active homosexuals. Paul's warning was given against the background of incest, homosexuality, pederasty, and other unnatural sexual vices which were prevalent among the Greeks and Romans. Paul did not want Christianity confused with sects that permitted such things. And the next verse immediately adds . . .


6. Scripture: "And such were some of you: but you are 'washed [ cleansed from sin' ], but you are "Sanctified," but you are "Justified," in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, { 1- Corinthians 6:11 }."


7. { V. 11 } above paraphrased . . . "And such were some of you in the past, but you have been washed clean, purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin; and you were consecrated - set apart, hallowed; and you were "Justified" - pronounced righteous, by trust . . . in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in God the Holy Spirit."


8. Commentary . . . To point out again . . . the word "washed" above refers to, i.e., "regeneration and purification" see { Titus 3:5 }. "Sanctified," means to "set apart" for God's use. There are three aspects to "Sanctification." . . .

9. [ 1 ] . . . Positional "Sanctification," possessed by every Christian from the moment of his conversion [ his perfect standing in holiness ]. See { Acts 20:32; - & - 1- Corinthians 1:2 }.

10. [ 2 ] . . . Progressive "Sanctification," the daily growth in grace, becoming in practice more and more set apart for God's use. See { John 17:17; - & - Ephesians 5:26 }. And . . .

11. [ 3 ] . . . Ultimate "Sanctification," attained only when we are fully and completely set apart in God in Heaven. See { 1- Thessalonians 5:23 }. "Justified," see Romans 3:24 }. Again we read . . .


12. { V. 13 } Scripture: "But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through "Sanctification" of the [ Holy ] Spirit and belief of the truth" . . .


13. The above { V. 13 } paraphrased: "But 'we, brethren beloved by the Lord [ in the early Christian Body of Saints in A. D. 30 =

100' ], ought and 'are obligated [ as those who are in debt' ] to give thanks always to God for you, because God chose you 'from the beginning [ to be the first converts' ] for salvation through the "Sanctifying" work of the Holy Spirit and [ your ] belief in . . . adherence to, trust in and reliance on . . . the truth."

14. Commentary . . . Through "Sanctification" of the Spirit and belief of the truth" in above verse, refers to God's activity [ the Holy Spirit's work of regeneration ] and man's responsibility [ and faith ] are equally necessary to gain salvation.


15. { V. 14 } "Whereunto [ the fact is, it was to this end that ] He called you by 'our gospel [ of the mystery, and not by the kingdom gospel' . . . ], to the obtaining [ and the sharing ] of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, { 2- Thessalonians 2:13-14 }," [ Closely linked with this is as follows: and we have written this before, but here it is again ]:


16. Scripture: "Elect [ chosen ] according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through "Sanctification" of the Spirit, unto obedience [ personal sacrifice ] sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you, and peace be multiplied, { 1- Peter 1:2 }."


17. Scripture: "That I [ Paul ] should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel [ the good news of the mystery ] of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being "Sanctified" by the Holy Spirit, { Romans 15:16 }." See { Galatians 2:9 }.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 9. ] What Is the Real Truth Of The Above? . . .

1. Commentary . . . In all these passages it is of the utmost importance, in order to understand the truth, to observe that "Sanctification" by the Holy Spirit is treated as the first beginning of God's work in the souls of men. All this also leads to the full knowledge of "Justification" through faith in the blood sprinkling of Jesus Christ.

2. Far from being "the second blessing," subsequent to "Justification," it is a work apart from which none would ever be saved. That this may be made plain to the thoughtful reader, we will try to give a careful analysis of each verse quoted. The Corinthians had been characterized by the common sin of men. They had, like the { Ephesians 2:1- 5 }: ". . . walked according to the course of this world," lured on by that unholy "spirit that now works in the children of disobedience." But, a great change had taken place in them.

3. Old affections and desires had been superseded by new and holy longings. The wicked life had been exchanged for one in which the pursuit after godliness was characteristic. What was it that brought about this change? Three expressions are used to convey the fulness of it. They had been "Washed, Sanctified, and Justified" . . . and all "in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God." Objective and subjective are here closely linked together. The work and character of the Lord Jesus had been presented as set forth in the gospel. He alone was the Saviour of lost sinners. But in the application of that salvation to men there is necessarily the subjective side.

4. Men are unclean because of sin, and must be "washed." The "washing of water by the Word" of { Ephesians 5:25-26 } is clearly alluded. The Word of God lays hold on the conscience, and men are awakened to see the folly and wickedness of their lives . . . away from God, and are walking in darkness. This is the beginning of a moral life, and of which I hope to speak more fully later on.

5. But now, observe carefully . . . the same Word of God comes to all men, but the same effect is not produced in all. Christ and His Cross is preached to an audience of a hundred unconverted men. One remains, broken-hearted over his sins and seeking peace with God, while ninety and nine go away untouched. Why the difference? The Holy Spirit gives power to the Word, plowing up the conscience in case of every one truly converted, and such a one is separated, set apart by a Divine work within, from the indifferent multitude to which he once belonged.

6. It is here that "Sanctification" of the Spirit applies. It may be a while before one truly finds true peace with God; but when he does he is never again a careless sinner. The Holy Spirit has laid hold of him for salvation. This is beautifully illustrated in the first few verses of our Bible. The world created in perfection - not in vain . . . not void, but in perfection. See { Isaiah 45:18 }, in { V. 1 } of { Genesis Ch. 1 }, the world is described as fallen into a chaotic condition, and in { V. 2 } it becomes "Without form and void," and covered with a mantle of darkness: what a picture of fallen man away from God! His soul a moral chaos, his understanding darkened, his mind and conscience defiled, he is very deep in trespasses and sin; "alienated and an enemy in his mind by wicked works."

7. In all this the ruined earth may well be referred to as a type. Looking back to that ruined earth which the Lord had created perfect, and then because of Satan separating himself from the true Creator, catastrophe falls upon the earth. See { Jeremiah 4:23-28 } for the consequences brought upon the earth by Satan's rebellion against God in { Genesis 1:2 }.

8. But, God in the future remakes that world. It becomes a dwelling place for men, and a fit home for him during the coming age. How does He go about it? The first great agent is the Spirit of God; the second, the Word of God. ". . . And the 'Spirit of God moved [ or brooded' ] upon the face of the waters." Hovering over that scene of desolation, the Holy Spirit brooded; and then the Word of power [ Christ ], went forth, "And God said, let there be light: and there was light, { Genesis 1:3 }."A double meaning here, "light also means comprehension." And so in the salvation of fallen men . . . the Spirit and the Word must act. The brooding time comes first.

9. The Holy Spirit quickens through the message proclaimed. He awakens men, and gives them a desire to know Christ and to be delivered from sin's power and saved from its judgment. After this brooding season, or as a result of it, the 'heart [ mind, intellect' ] is opened to the gospel in its fulness; and, being believed, the 'light [ spiritual knowledge' ] shines in and the darkness of unbelief and ignorance on the part of man is dissipated.


10. Scripture: "For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in 'our hearts [ minds, intellect' ], to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God [ as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed ] in the 'face of Jesus Christ [ the Shekinah Glory' ], { 2- Corinthians 4:6 }." See { Genesis 1:3 }.


11. Commentary . . . Therefore, we who become Children of God are no longer children of the night, nor of darkness, but of the day. We were once in darkness: now we have become light in the Lord. But before the shining forth of the light there was the Holy Spirit's brooding. And this is the "Sanctification" referred to in the four passages grouped together above. Again, notice the Divine order when you read again { 2- Thessalonians 2:13 } that we quoted above.

12. Through "Sanctification" of the Holy Spirit and belief of the truth shows forth the 'Lord's activity [ the Holy Spirit's work of regeneration' ] and man's responsibility [ faith ] are equally necessary in salvation. Here the Word of life is scattering the darkness and bringing in the light of the knowledge of salvation through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

13. It is the same in { 1- Peter }. The saved are the elect and called out by our heavenly Father, but it is the "Sanctification" of the Holy Spirit that brings them unto the obedience and blood sprinkling of Jesus Christ. Now the knowledge of "Justification" is mine when brought by the Spirit to the knowledge of the sprinkled blood of Jesus. It is faith which brings the understanding that Christ's precious blood 'cleanses my soul [ my very life' ] from every stain, therefore, giving peace. By the Spirit I am brought to this, and to begin a life of obedience- to obey as Christ Himself obeyed after being set apart. The whole Trinitarian God is in view here!

14. This is the practical effect of the Spirit's "Sanctification." It is of importance to realize that "Justification" is not in itself a state. It is not a work in the soul, but a work done by another for me, yet altogether outside of me, and utterly apart from my feelings. In other words, it is my standing, not my experience. The difference between the two may be illustrated as follows: Two men are hauled into court charged with the joint commission of a crime. After a full investigation, the judge on the bench "Justifies" them both, they are set free. One man, hearing the decision, is filled with delight. He had feared an opposite verdict, and dreaded the consequences.

15. The other man was even more envious and gloomy. So occupied is he with troubled thoughts that he does not fully catch the declaration of the court, "not guilty." He hears only the last word, and is filled with dismay. He sees a loathsome prison rising before him, yet he knows he is innocent. He gives utterance to words of despair until with difficulty made to comprehend the true status of the case, when he too is filled with joy.

16. Now what had the actuarial "Justification" of either man to do with his state, or experience? The one who heard and believed was happy. The one who misunderstood the decision was miserable; yet both were alike "Justified." "Justification" was not a work brought forth in them. It was the judge's sentence in their favor. This is always what "Justification" is, whether used in the Bible or in matters of every-day life. God "Justifies," or clears, the ungodly when they believe in the Lord Jesus Who bore their condemnation on the Cross.

17. To confound this judicial act with the state of the soul of the Child of God is only confusion. "But," one person states, "I do not feel Justified!" "Justification" has nothing to do with feeling! The question is, "do you believe God is satisfied with His only beloved Son as your substitute upon the Cross," and do you receive Jesus as your personal Saviour? If so, God states that you are "Justified;" and thus, it is finished. He isn't going to change His mind.

18. Believing the Gospel declaration, the Christian Believer has peace with God! When one walks with God, there is joy, gladness, and victory over sin in a practical sense. But, this is a state, not standing. The Holy Spirit Who 'quickens [ makes alive' ], and "Sanctifies" the born again Saint at the time of Salvation. This leads to the knowledge of "Justification" through faith in what God has said about the blood-sprinkling of Jesus Christ. This "Justification and Sanctification" will abide eternally in every Saint, to be the power for the new changed life, and therefore, for the practical setting apart of the Child of God in his future.

19. In this way the offering-up of the Gentiles, poor aliens, heathen of all descriptions, strangers to the covenants of promise- and are then made acceptable to God, being "Sanctified" by the Holy Spirit. After being called they attend the meeting place of worship looking forward to the preaching and the teaching, the ministry of reconciliation, opening the 'heart [ mind' ] to the truth, being convinced of sin, of righteousness and judgment, which leads them to personal faith in the God the Son.

20. I think that it must be plain now to any who has carefully followed our teaching thus far that in this aspect at least "Sanctification" is wrongly designated as a "second blessing." It is, on the contrary, the beginning of the work of the Spirit in 'the soul [ the life' ] of God the Father's new born Child. It also proceeds throughout the Christian's life, reaching its consummation at the coming of the Lord, when the saved one, in His glorified, sinless body, will be presented faultless in the presence of God.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 10. ] Is there A Second Blessing What Could It Be? . . .

1. The question may be asked of this writer, "Do you believe in the so-called second blessing?" Of course I do, but not in the way it is taught in some denominations! I believe in a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and onward to a continued host of blessings, for Children of God who are continually blessed by the Lord. I personally, certainly do NOT believe that a Christian can lose his salvation and then be re-saved a second time, this completely contradicts the Scriptures! Once we are reborn into the Family of God, we remain a part of that Heavenly family throughout all eternity! This is God's true Scriptural fact and promise!

2. Thus, Peter, after telling the Christians to whom he writes that they are "Sanctified" by the Spirit, he very properly proceeds to exhort them to be holy because "He the Lord Who has saved them is holy," and they are set to represent Him in this world. So to Paul, after affirming the "Sanctification" of the Thessalonians, yet prays that they may be "Sanctified" wholly, which would be an absurdity if this were accomplished when first "Sanctified" by the Spirit. As we said above, "Sanctification" of the Christian goes forward as long as he lives.


3. { V. 23 } Scripture: "And the very God of peace "Sanctify" you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be presented blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. { V. 24 } Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it, { 1- Thessalonians 5:23-24 }."


5. These two above verses in Thessalonians paraphrased: { 23 }: "And may the God of peace Himself "Sanctify" you through and through. . . .[ In other words ]: separate you from profane things, and make you pure and wholly consecrated to God. Also, may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete and found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.." .

6. { 24 } Faithful is He Who is calling you to Himself being utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [ that is, He will ] fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you as His Child Eternally."


7. Commentary . . . There is no room for doubt as to the final results. "Sanctification" is God's work, these two above verses are spoken as a prayer that closes the section of instruction and exhortation begun at { Ch. 4:1 }. Spirit and soul and body should not be understood as defining the parts of man, but as representing the whole man.


8. Scripture: "I know that, what-ever God does, it shall be forever: nothing can 'be put [ added' ] to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God does it, [ so ] that man should [ 'will reverently' ] fear before Him, [ man must continually give and show reverence before the Lord in love and worship ], { Ecclesiastes 3:14 }." See { James 1:17; - & - Psalms 19:9 }.


9. Scripture: "Being confident of this very thing, that 'He [ God the Holy Spirit' ] which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day [ i.e., the return ] of Jesus Christ, { Philippians 1:6 }."


10. Commentary . . . When asked for Scripture as to the term "the second blessing," the perfectionist will generally refer you to the verse below. There Paul writes to the Corinthians who, as declared several times over in his first epistle, were "Sanctified," and says . . .


11. Scripture: "And in this confidence I was minded to come unto you before, that you might have a second benefit,: [ i.e., a double favor and token of grace - good will ], { 2- Corinthians 1:15 }."


12. Commentary . . . The margin reads, "a second blessing." It must be noted that the Greek word in this verse for "BENEFIT" also is interpreted: A Second FAVOR. Nevertheless, from this simple expression, an amazing system of pure guesswork has been brought forth. It is taught in this system, that as a result of Paul's first visit to Corinth, many had been "Justified." But as the carnal mind remained in them, they manifested it in various ways, for which he rebukes them in his first letter. Now he longs to get to them again, this time not so much to preach the Gospel but as to have some religious meetings, and get them "Sanctified!"

13. Now naturally, this is an ingenious theory surely! But, it all falls to the ground when the student of Scripture observes that the carnal Saints of the first epistle were "Sanctified" in Christ Jesus { 1- Corinthians 1:2 }. They had received the Spirit of God { Chapter 2:12 }; thus, were indwelt by that Spirit { 1- Corinthians 3:16 }. Therefore , as we have already noticed at some length, they were "Washed, Sanctified and Justified" in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, { 1- Corinthians 6:11 }."

14. What then was the second blessing Paul desired for them? To begin with, it was not the second blessing. They had been blessed by his ministry among them on the first occasion, as they learned from his lips and saw manifested in his ways the truth of God. Like any true -hearted under shepherd, he longs to visit them again, once more to minister among them, that they may receive blessing, or favor, a second time. What could be simpler, if the mind were not confused by faulty teaching, leading to one's reading his thoughts into Scripture, instead of learning from it?

15. From the moment of their conversion, Christians are "blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," and the Spirit is given to lead us into the good that is already ours. "All things are yours" and in this instance God's Word was written down by Paul, not to persons perfect in their ways, but to the very Corinthians whom we have been considering, and that before they received, through the Apostle Paul, a second benefit or favor.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 11. ] "Sanctification" By the Blood Of Christ Is Eternal . . .

1. Commentary . . . The great theme of the Epistle of the Hebrews is that aspect of "Sanctification" which has been designated positional, or absolute. Not just a work brought into the 'soul [ one's life' ] by the Holy Spirit, but the glorious result of that wondrous work accomplished by the Son of God when He offered up Himself to put away sin upon the Cross of Calvary. By virtue of that sacrifice the Child of God is forever set apart to God. The Saint's conscience is purged, and he himself transformed from an unclean lost sinner to a holy worshiper, linked up in an abiding relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; for . . .


2. Scripture: "For both He that "Sanctifies" and they who are "Sanctified," are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, { Hebrews 2:11 }." See { John 7:9; - & - Ephesians 2:15 } . . .


3. The above { V. 11 } paraphrased, Scripture: "For both He Who "Sanctifies" making men holy . . . and those who are "Sanctified" [ set apart to the Lord as one complete Body of Saints ], all have the same Heavenly Father: for this reason Christ is not ashamed to call them brethren [ because they are adopted Children of the Father ], { Hebrews 2:11 }." See { John 7:9; - & - Ephesians 2:15 }: "[ the Body of Christ, . . . the one New Man ]."


4. Commentary . . . According to { 1- Corinthians 1:30 }, Christians are all "in Christ Jesus," and Jesus was set apart, that is, was "Sanctified" in order to call us out as brothers. We are accepted in the Beloved Son. The Father sees us in His Son. "As Christ is, so are we in our new Christ like nature in this world, { 1- John 4:17 }." Although . . . looking at this in a different way, there is a great deal of difference, because Christ is God the Son, we are only Sons by adoption. No Christian has ever been wholly like the Lord Jesus in a practical way. The highest and best experience would not reach up to this. But as to our standing [ our new position ], we are judged or looked on by God to be "as Christ is." The out-look of all this is the blood-shedding and blood sprinkling of our Saviour.


5. Scripture: "Therefore Jesus also, that He might "Sanctify" the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate, { Hebrews 13:12 }." [ How did He suffer without the gate? ] See { John 19:17-20 }.


6. Commentary . . . Without Christ's "sanctification" there was no other way for us to be cleansed from our sins and be set apart to God. The main argument of the epistle is very fully developed in chapters 8 to 10, inclusively. There the two covenants are contrasted. The old covenant asked of men what it never received, that is, perfect obedience; because it was not in man to give it. The "new covenant - [ That is, the New Testament promises for the Body of Christ ]" guarantees all blessing through the work of another; and from the knowledge of this springs the desire to obey on the part of the object of such grace.

7. In the old Law Dispensation there was a Sanctuary of an earthly order; and connected with it were ordinances of a carnal character, which nevertheless foreshadowed good things to come. Today we are not under Biblical ordinances, nor are we under any part of the old Mosaic law system. On the other hand, those ordinances of old before the beginning of the Body of Christ, were applied to Israel exclusively. In the future, during the Millennial reign of Christ, Israel, a new nation out of the old nation of the past, will receive the very blessings that were promised them during that past age. Thus, they will be privileged to enter into that one thousand year kingdom reign with their Messiah Jesus Christ, Who was called Jehovah during the Old Testament period.

8. The question is asked: 'When is this Millennial Reign of Messiah going to begin, after all, the new 6th millennium did begin at the year 2000 A.D., why hasn't Messiah returned? We must remember that when Christ was born, it was some 30 odd years later that He died and fulfilled the old Testament law. That part of history was a transitional period, in other words, a period of change from Law to the Kingdom Gospel on to another transitional change to the present Grace period. The same thing accordingly in typology is obviously taking place at the present time.

9. We are living in a transition period waiting until the appearing of our Head, Jesus Christ, to Rapture us from this carnal world, and then, this particular Dispensation will immediately end. After the end of this Dispensation, the Dispensation of the 7 Year Tribulation will run its course. And then, the Millennial reign of Messiah! This is why our blessed hope is so relevant at this time, we are certainly waiting expectantly for our Blessed Hope to culminate. Naturally, we do not know the precise time of Christ's appearance all we can say is . . . KEEP LOOKING UP AND BE READY FOR THAT HOUR!!!!! To continue . . .

10. In the Old Testament Tabernacle, God had shut Himself away from sinful men, and He dwelt in the holiest of all. Man was shut out. 0nly once a year a representative, the high priest, went into the Holy of Holies to confront the Lord, "but not without blood." Every great day of atonement, the same ritual service was performed; but all sacrifices offered under the law could not put away one's sin, or "make him that offered the sacrifice perfect in Jehovah's sight, nor could it change the person's conscience." Let me say, that for a Hebrew to become perfect in the Lord, was not to receive perfection of character or experience, but only perfection as to the conscience.

11. The thousand dollar question is . . . how can a polluted sinner with a defiled conscience, receive a conscience that no longer accuses him, but now permits him in an unhindered way to approach the Lord? The blood of bulls and of goats cannot and could not effect this. { See Hebrews 10:4 }. Legal works cannot receive anything precious. The proof of it is well known in the history of the Hebrew regime, for the continual sacrifices proved that no sacrifice had ever been offered that was sufficient to purge the conscience. . . .


12. { V. 1 } Scripture: "For the law having a 'shadow' of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.

13. { V. 2 }: For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshipers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.

14. { V. 3 }: But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year, [ Jesus talking to God the Father said :

15. { V. 4 }: For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

16. { V. 5 }: Therefore when He [ Jesus ] came into the world, He said, Sacrifice and offering You [ Father ] would not, but a [ human ] body You [ have ] prepared [ for ] Me:

17. { V. 6 } In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You have had no pleasure.

18. { V. 7 } Then said I, Lo, I come [ in the volume of the book . . . Mosaic Law ] it is written of Me, ] to do Your will, O God. See { Psalm 40:7; - John 19:30; - 2- Corinthians 2:14; - 1- Timothy 2:6; - & - Hebrews 1:3 }.

19. { V. 8 } Above when He said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin You would not, neither [ did You ] have pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;

20. { V. 9 } Then said 'He, [ Christ' ] "Lo, [ take notice according to Your desire" ] I come to do Your will, O God. He took away the first, that He may establish the second.

21. { V. 10 } By the which 'will' [ desire, . . . i.e., Christ at the end of His ministry on this earth fulfilled the will of the Father by be- coming the sacrifice for all man's sin, and therefore, ] we are "Sanctified" through the offering of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ 'ONCE FOR ALL,' { Hebrews 10:1-10 }."


22. The above ten verses paraphrased below . . . { 1 }: "For since the Law has merely a rude outline [ a foreshadowing ] of the good things to come, instead of fully expressing those things, it can never by offering the same sacrifices continually year after year make perfect those who approach the altars.

23. { 2 }: For were it otherwise, would these sacrifices not have stopped being offered? Since the worshippers had once for all been cleansed, they would no longer have any guilt or consciousness of sin.

24. { 3 }: But as it is, these sacrifices annually bring a fresh remembrance of sins to be atoned for,

25. { 4 }: Because the blood of bulls and goats is powerless to take sins away.

26. { 5 }: Hence, when He = Christ as a new born baby entered into the world, He said: Sacrifices and offerings You = Father have not desired, but instead You have made ready a physical body of flesh, blood and bone for Me to offer;

27. { 6 }: In burnt offerings and sin offerings You have taken no delight.

28. { 7 }: Then I as yet a tiny infant said, Lo, here I am, come to do Your will, O Father God; to fulfill what is written of Me in the volume of the book.. Again See { Psalm 40:6-8 }.

29. { 8 }: When He said just before, You have neither desired . . . nor have You taken delight in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings, all of which are offered according to the Mosaic Law You issued to the Israelites,

30. { 9 }: He then went on to say, Lo, here I am, come to do Your will. Thus, He does away with and annuls the first [ former ] order [ as a means of expiating sin ] so that He might inaugurate and establish the second [ latter ] order. Again see { Psalms 40:6-8 }.

31. { 10 }: And in accordance with this will [ of God ] we have been made holy [ "Consecrated and Sanctified" ] through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. { Hebrews 10:1-10 }."


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 12. ] Foolish is the Person That Rejects Christ's Sacrifice! . . .

1. Commentary . . . In this above lesson the author emphasizes the finality of Christ's sacrifice by contrasting it with the lack of finality of the O.T. system of Law and sacrifices. Christ's redemption needs no repetition and no supplementation. Therefore, a rejection of His sacrifice is final and UN-FORGIVABLE.

2. Christians seem to understand very little about the following words in { V. 2 } above! "Once purged!" "No more conscience of sins!" What do such expressions mean? Something, my friend, which, if but grasped by Christians generally, would free them from all their questionings, doubts, and fears. The legal sacrifices were not great enough in value to atone for sin. This having been fully attested, Christ came to do the will of the Father, as it was written in the Holy Scriptures by giving His life that we might have salvation.

3. Observe, then, that our "Sanctification" and His one offering stand or fall together. We believe the record, and God declares "We are Sanctified." There is no growth, no progress, and certainly no second blessing, in this. It is a great fact, true of all Christians. And, this "Sanctification" is eternal in character, because our Lord's work is done perfectly, and is never to be repeated, as it is stated . . .

4. The reader will notice that here in Hebrews much of the above text refers back to the Old Testament system portrayed in the various offerings and etc. And, one feature of the New Covenant which is to be emphasized is Christ's once-for-all offering. In the past, and now it becomes the focal point of the discussion. In these Ten verses the truth of Christ's one-time sacrifice is emphasized by means of relief . . . a distinct contrast with the Mosaic system. The Mosaic system is first described as a shadow and not the very image.

5. This figure is used earlier in { Ch. 8:5 }. There , however, the tabernacle itself was described as a shadow of the heavenly tabernacle; here the Levitical sacrifices are designated as a shadow of Christ's one time offering. The two are not of the same essence or 'image [ Greek eikon' ]; the later sacrifice is the reality of which the former was a mere shadow, see { Colossians 2:16-17 }. The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was planned and ordained of God; and it fulfilled its temporary, imperfect role. Its role, nevertheless, was that of a picture and prophecy of Christ's later, totally efficacious, sacrifice.

6. The repetitious nature of the Mosaic system serves as another means for highlighting the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ. Those sacrifices had to be offered year by year continually. They served as a reminder that sin needed a continued cleansing. If the Levitical system had cleansed the Old Testament people, then, according to verse 2, they would have had no more conscience of sins and would have ceased to sacrifice. This must not be misconstrued to suggest that once one has been born again he will have no more remembrance or consciousness of sin in his life.

7. What is true is that the Child of God knows peace with the Lord { Romans 5:1 } and peace from the guilt of sin. But, He must still deal with daily sin { 1- John 1:6-10 }. As the Commentator "Dod aptly states: "The sinner once cleansed may, no doubt, be again defiled and experience a renewed consciousness of guilt. But, in the writer's view this consciousness is at once absorbed in the consciousness of his original cleansing, [ Dod's, p. 342 ]. Thus, the guilt of sin is removed for all time for the New Testament Saint. For the Old Testament Saint that guilt had to be removed yearly.

8. Yet, one must not imagine that there was no forgiveness possible for the Old Testament sinner. The Scriptures clearly state otherwise { Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35 }. What the sinner did lack was a full and final cleansing; he did not know the assurance of permanent forgiveness. Faith plus atonement offerings brought forgiveness 'up to date,' but subsequent sins required further sacrifices and the passing of another year necessitated the cycle to begin again."

9. We notice in { V. 5 } above the words "When he comes into the world." The writer sees further proof of the superiority of Christ's one-time sacrifice to the many sacrifices of the Levitical system within a prophecy from { Psalm 40:6-7 }. The words of David are used typologically of Christ as a conversation between Himself and the Father. When Christ came [ referring to His entire incarnation, rather than merely just at His birth ] He said, and this from the way it is written in the King James version: "Sacrifice and offering You would not, but a body have You prepared [ for ] me," from { V. 5 } above.

10. The quotation is taken from the Septuagint and, at first sight, appears to fail to express the Hebrew. In Hebrew that last clause reads: "my ears have You opened." Though the word "body" is used here instead of "ears," neither the Septuagint nor the author of Hebrews should be regarded as corrupting or even weakening the meaning of the Hebrew, Rather, they heighten its meaning. And, as Owens suggests, a mere figure of speech is being used, that is, the substitution of a part of the whole. The use of the ears for the body is fitting here, since the context involves the hearing of and obedience to the will of the Father. Ears require the reality of a body [ John Owen, Hebrew: The Epistle of Warning, p. 189 ]. God prepared a body for Christ, inasmuch as Levitical sacrifices could not ultimately fulfill God's will. His will was to 'sanctify men' through the once-for-all offering of the body of Christ, { V. 10 }.


11. Scripture: "For by 'one [ single ] offering He has [ completely cleansed and ] perfected' forever them that are [ consecrated and ] "Sanctified," [ and made holy ] { Hebrews 10:14 }."


12. Commentary . . . Could words be plainer or language more expressive? Only doubters show themselves to either be unwilling or afraid to accept this truth! That one true sacrifice effectually purges the conscience once for all, so that the intelligent Child of God can now rejoice in the assurance that he is forever cleansed from his guilt and defilement by the blood-shedding of Jesus Christ.

13. This, and this only proves that the "Sanctified" Saints are perfected forever, as regards the conscience. A simple illustration may help any who still have difficulty as to this expression, "a purged conscience." A man is in debt to another who has again and again demanded payment. Being unable to pay, and that because he has unwisely wasted his substance, and this being known to his creditor, he becomes unhappy when in the creditor's presence. A desire to avoid him springs up and takes control of him. His conscience is uneasy and defiled.

14. The person who is well aware that he owes the debt, yet is unable to pay because he has no funds. A friend then appears, who in the debtor's behalf, settles the debt, and hands to the troubled man a receipt paid in full for everything. After this he is no longer afraid to meet the other, why not? Because his conscience no longer bothers him. This gives us a picture of what Christ did on the Cross when He met all the Father's claims against us when He paid for all our sins. Therefore, we who are Saints of God, are forever purged by the blood of Christ and are "perfected forever" in the Lord's sight. We who are truly God's born again Children have been "Sanctified" [ set apart in this universe ] by the blood of Jesus, and that for eternity.


15. Scripture: "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are "Sanctified" by faith that is in Me, { Acts 26:18 }." See { Isaiah 42:7, 16 }.


16. The above verse paraphrased . . . "To open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness and misunderstanding to the light of full comprehension, and receive complete release from the power of Satan to God, so that they may therefore, receive eternal forgiveness and release from their sins, and receive a place and portion of inheritance among those who are consecrated, purified and "Sanctified" because of their wholehearted faith in Me,"


17. Commentary . . . Having been turned from the power of Satan back to God, he has the Scriptural evidence that his sins were forgiven on the Lord's Cross, and is assured of an inheritance among them that are "Sanctified" by faith that is in Christ Jesus. But there is an expression used further on in the chapter that may still perplex and bewilder those who have not understood that profession is one thing, and possession another. In order to be clear as to this, it will be necessary to examine the whole passage, which I therefore quote in full, for a better understanding of the text.


18. { V. 26 } Scripture: "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins,

19. { V. 27 }: But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

20. { V. 28 }: He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

21. { V. 29 }: Of how much sorer [ surer ] punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was "Sanctified," an unholy thing, and has despite unto the Spirit of grace? { Hebrews 10:26-29 }."


22. The above 4 verses paraphrased . . . { 26 }: "For if we go on deliberately and willingly sinning after once acquiring the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice left to atone for our sins . . .no further offering to which we might look in the future for.

23. { 27 }: There is nothing left for us then but a kind of awful and fearful prospect and expectation of Divine judgment and the fury of burning wrath and indignation which will consume those who place themselves in opposition to God. See { Isaiah 26:11. }

24. { 28 }: Any person who has violated and therefore rejected and set at nought the Law of Moses was put to death without pity or mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. See { Deuteronomy 17:2-6. }

25. { 29 }: 'How much worse [ sterner and heavier' ] punishment do you suppose he will be judged to deserve - who has spurned and therefore trampled under foot the Son of God. And, who has considered the covenant blood by which he was consecrated common and un-hallowed, thus profaning it and insulting and outraging the Holy Spirit Who imparts grace . . . the unmerited favor and blessing of Almighty God? { Hebrews 10:26-29 }." See { Exodus 24:8. }


26. Commentary . . . If a person rejects the truth of Christ's death for sin, there is no other sacrifice for sin available and no other way to come to God. Only judgment remains, { V. 27 }. The three indictments specified in { V. 29 } describe the enormity of the sin of unbelief. In what we have already gone over, we have seen that he who is "Sanctified" by the one offering of Christ upon the Cross, that is, by His precious blood, is perfected forever. In this passage it is equally plain that one who counts the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was "Sanctified," an unholy thing, shall be forever lost. In order not to mess the true force of this 'for our souls, [ and for our knowledge' ] it is necessary that we give some attention to what we have already designated . . . "Positional Sanctification."

27. During the old law, all the people of Israel and all who were associated with them were set apart to God both on the night of the Passover and afterwards in the wilderness. But this did not necessarily imply a work of the Spirit in their 'souls [ lives' ]. Many were doubtless in the blood- sprinkled houses that solemn night, when the destroying Angel passed through to destroy the unsheltered first-born who had no real faith in God. Yet they were by the blood of the Lamb put in a place of blessing, a position where they shared in many hallowed privileges.

28. So afterward those who were under the cloud and had passed through the sea, had been "baptized [ cleansed" ] unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. [ See our message concerning the 12 Baptisms. ] All were in the same position. All shared the same outward blessings. The wilderness was the place of testing for forty years, and soon proved who were real and who were not. The number "40" is the number for testing. Saul the first King of Israel ruled for 40 years but failed the test.

29. David the second King of Israel ruled for 40 years and passed the test. Solomon Reigned 40 years and failed the test. What about the 40 years from 1967 when Israel took over the Temple area until 2007? Only time will tell the tail, or perhaps the starting point may not have been in 1967, who knows? At the present time God has special people who have been redeemed to Himself out of all kindreds and tongues and peoples and nations, by the precious blood of the Lamb of God. All who ally themselves by profession with that company are outwardly among the blood-sheltered: in this sense they are "Sanctified" by the blood of the New Testament promises. The blood of Christ stands for Christianity, which in its very essence is the proclamation of salvation through Christ's atoning death.

30. To take the Christian place therefore is like entering the blood- sprinkled house. All who are real, who have judged themselves before God, and truly confided in His grace, will remain in that house. If any go out, it proves their unreality, and such can find no other sacrifice for sins; for all the typical offerings are done away in Christ. These are they of whom the Apostle John speaks so solemnly when he is really referring to them as anti- Christian:


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson - 13. ] The Antichrist Is On The Way, Are You Looking For Him?. . .


1. { V. 18 } Scripture: "Little children, it is the 'last time [ hour' ]: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrist; whereby we know that it is the 'last time [ hour' ].

2. { V. 19 }: They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us, { 1- John 2:18-19 }."


3. Above two verses paraphrased . . . { 18 }: The children of God must understand that: it is approaching the last time . . . "the last hour": of this grace Dispensation [ time is like a vapor, the end of this age will come very rapidly ]. And, as you have heard that Antichrist [ he who will oppose Christ in the guise of the real Christ ] is coming, even now 'many antichrists [ folks who are against Jesus ] have arisen, which confirms our belief that it is [ to be at ] the final [ end ] of the Christian age.' [ Time is growing very short! ].

4. { 19 }: They that were with us went out from our number, but they' did not [ really' ] belong to us; for "if" they had been of us, they would have remained with us. ' But [ they with-drew' ] that it might be plain that they all are not of us.


5. Commentary . . . John speaks about . . . [ 1 ]: the spirit of Antichrist, see { Ch. 4:3 } which refers to demonic forces behind anti-christian teaching and activity; [ 2 ]: the great coming Antichrist { Revelation 13:1-10 }; and . . . [ 3 ]: many antichrists were present and active in Paul's time and throughout the history of the Body of Christ. The ones of whom John is here speaking belonged to the visible assembly but were not believers { V. 19 } above. They denied the reality of the incarnation of Christ and His relationship to the Father. See { Vs. 21-23; - & - 2- John V. 7 }.

6. These unreal ones were position-ally: "Sanctified;" but as they were always without faith, they "went out," and thus did despite [ "despite," 'i.e., they were contemptible and lived in defiance, bold opposition and antagonism' ] to the Spirit of grace, and counted the blood of the covenant, "wherewith [ which" ] they were "Sanctified," an unholy thing. These sinned willfully, utterly renouncing, or apostatizing from Christianity, after having become conversant with the glorious message it brings to lost men. To the true believing Saint, the soul is really resting on Christ's, Positional "Sanctification" and becomes eternal: because the "Sanctified" and the Sanctifier are, as we have seen, linked up together by an inseparable bond.

7. Christ Himself is made unto them wisdom, and this in a threefold way: He is their righteousness, their "Sanctification," and their redemption. This shows that a person can be set apart positionally through their profession of Christ but this isn't enough, profession is one thing, possessing Christ is another! It is rather easy for some folks to be drawn away from accepting Christ by false doctrine, this it seems to have been a common trend in the past, and will continue in our future. The above verses have a two-fold application, one that was taking place in John's day, and the other throughout the whole present age of grace right on into the Great Tribulation Period after the Rapture has taken place.


8. Scripture: "Let no man deceive you with 'vain words [ empty excuses and groundless arguments for these sins' ]: for because of these things comes the wrath of God 'upon the [ rebellious' ] children of disobedience, Be not you therefore partakers with them, { Ephesians 5:6-7 }." See also { Ephesians 2:2; - & - Colossians 3:6 }. On the other hand . . .


9. Scripture: "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth, { Ephesians 5:9 }."


10. { V. 9 } above paraphrased: "For the fruit . . . the effect, the product . . . of understanding, portrayed by the Spirit, [ consists ] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness 'of heart [ mind, intellect' ] and trueness of life."


11. Commentary . . . Having the fruit of the Holy Spirit in you is holiness! Here is a perfect righteousness! Here is acceptance with God. "You are complete in Christ," and therefore, through a daily filling of the Spirit of God, this should cause one to humble himself because of his past failures, and make amends to his God with a changed life style. It is not my practical "Sanctification" that gives me title to a place among the Saints in knowledge. It is the glorious fact that Christ has died and redeemed me to God the Father. His blood has cleansed me from all sin; and I now have life in Him, a new life, which guilt can never be connected.

12. I am in Him, that is true, He is my "Sanctification," and represents me before the Father. Even as of old the high priest bore upon his miter the words "Holiness unto the Lord," and upon his shoulders and upon his heart the names of all the tribes of Israel. He represented them all in the holy of Holies. He was typically their "Sanctification." If he was accepted by the Triune God, so were they. The people were seen in the priest. That there should be a life of corresponding devotedness and separation to God on our part, no Spirit - taught true Child of God will for a moment deny, as we will now consider in the next lesson.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 14. ] "Sanctification" By The Word Of God: External Results . . .

1. Commentary . . . Not in the model prayer of { Matthew Ch. 6 } but in that wonderful Lord's prayer in { John Ch. 17 } ... as man's great high- priest, Jesus stated concerning Children of God . . .


2. { V. 16 } Scripture: "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

3. { V. 17 }: "Sanctify" them through Your truth: Your Word is truth.

4. { V. 18 }: As You have sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

5. { V. 19 }: And for their sake I "Sanctify" Myself, that they also might be "Sanctified" through the truth.

6. { V. 20 }: Neither [ do ] I pray for these alone, but for them also which 'shall believe [ present and future tense' ] on Me through their word, { John 17:16-20 }."


7. Commentary . . . The student must realize that when we teach the truth = the Holy Spirit is giving us the right words to say. The reader should read the rest of this prayer that takes in the whole { 17th chapter of John }, this is not a model prayer such as the one in { Matthew 6:9-13 }, but this is a prayer directly from God the Lord Jesus Christ to God our Heavenly Father.

8. This precious passage may well introduce for us the subject of practical "Sanctification," which is the right order for Christians concerning our external ways, and also to bring all into accord with the revealed will of God. The truth is, that, we shall do well if we get it fixed in our mind that this is very closely related to that "Sanctification" of the Spirit to which our attention has already been directed. The Spirit works within us. The word, which is without us, is nevertheless the medium used to do the work within.

9. But first let me say that I have purposely dwelt separately upon the two aspects in order to make it more clear to the students' understanding between the Spirits "Sanctification" in us, which is the very beginning of God's work in 'our souls [ lives' ]. And, secondly, the application of the word thereafter to one's future endeavors. The new birth is our introduction into God's family; but although born again, we may be blind and in the dark as to many things, and need the light of comprehension of the Word of God to clear our bewildered minds.

10. Through the "Sanctification" of the Holy Spirit we are brought to the Cross of Christ: we believe that the Lord's atoning death alone was enough to pay for our sins. We are "Sanctified" by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are able to appreciate our new position before God. It is now, that in its true sense, the walk of faith begins, and thereafter is needed daily. This proves: that "Sanctification" is complete, as is explained by the Scriptures.

11. It is evident that in the very nature of things this cannot be what some have ignorantly called "a second definite work of grace." It is, on the contrary, a life: a progressive work and is always proceeding onward. This must continually go on, until we have passed out of the scene in which we need daily instruction as to our ways, which the Word of God alone can give If "Sanctification" in its practical sense is by God's Word, we shall never be wholly "Sanctified," in this aspect of it, until we know that Word perfectly. And, that will never be true here on earth.

12. Here we will always need to feed upon that Word, to understand it better, to learn more fully its meaning. As we learn from it - "the mind of God," we will be called daily to judge in ourselves all that is contrary to the increased understanding we receive. Then we must yield to a fuller obedience than that of the past. By performing in this way, we will be "Sanctified" by the truth. For this very purpose the Lord has "Sanctified" or set Himself apart.

13. Jesus has ascended up to Heaven, there to watch over all those who have been adopted into the family of the Godhead. We are Jesus' own family. Christ, is in Heaven as our High Priest, with God the Father in view of our weakness. And Jesus is our advocate between Satan and the Father to protect us from the corrupt arguments and railings against us brought forth by the devil. Jesus is there also as the object of 'our hearts [ our minds, our very being' ]. We are called to run our race with patience, looking unto Jesus, while the Holy Spirit dwells within us and with Christ's Holy Scripture in our hands. This will continually be a light to show us the way to a better Christian life.

14. As we value God's Word, and allow it to control us by its precious truth made understandable to us by the Holy Spirit's power, this will prove that we are approved of God and have received our eternal "Sanctification." We have received it from God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. For Jesus made the request in the { 17th Ch. of John }, He said to the Father: "Sanctify them through Your truth." And then we read . . .


15. { V. 25 } Scripture: " . . . Christ also loved the 'Church [ i.e., called out Body of Christ' ], and gave Himself for it;

16. { V. 26 }: That He might "Sanctify" and 'cleanse it [ i.e., Him - the Body of Christ' - "Masculine" ] with the washing of water 'by [ with' ] the Word, { Ephesians 5:25-26 }."


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 15. ] The Question Of Humbleness . . .

1. Commentary . . . The Word of God always has a cleansing effect because of it being Holy Spirit inspired. { See Colossians 3:16; - & - 1- Peter 1:23-25 }. Here it is Christ Who is the "Sanctifier," for He could always say: "I and the Father are one." Here, as in the book of John, "Sanctification" is plainly progressive, and indeed, that water washing of Ephesians is beautifully illustrated in the { 13th Ch. of John }. There we have our Lord, in the full consciousness of His eternal Sonship, taking the place of a girded servant to wash His disciples' feet.

2. Washing the feet was a picture of humbleness and was indicative of cleansing the ways. The whole passage is a symbolical picture of work in the which He has been engaged ever since ascending to Heaven. Christ has been keeping the feet of His Saints clean by cleansing them from the defilement of their everyday life, He is our Heavenly protector! The dramatic scene of the foot washing { John 13:5 } was an acted parable, a lesson in humility, and a vivid portrayal of Christ's self-humiliation.


3. Scripture: "Jesus said to him, He that is washed need not save to wash [ except ] his feet, but is clean every whit: and you are clean, but 'not all,' { John 13:10 }."


4. Commentary . . . There was one who was not clean, speaking of course of "Judas the betrayer." According to { V. 10 } above: "He that is bathed . . . " [ as many now know, this word bathed means a complete bat h, and differs from the word used later for "wash" in the same verse," ] need not save to wash his feet, but is clean "every whit." The meaning is not hard to grasp. Every Christian is bathed once for all . . . in the bath of "Regeneration" { Titus 3:5 }, literal rendering.

5. There are two different words in the verse for "wash" so that the phrase literally reads, "He that has bathed need not wash except his feet." Just as in the natural life a man who has bathed needs only to wash the dust off his sandaled feet when he returns home. Also in the spiritual life a man who has been cleansed from sin need not think that all is lost when he sins in his walk through life. But, he does need to confess his sins to be entirely clean again. See { 1- John 1:9; - & - Psalm 103:12 }. Jesus says to each of us, as He did to Peter . . .


6. Scripture: ". . . If I wash you not, you have no part with [ in ] Me . . . [ no share in companionship with Me ], { John 13:8 }."


7. Commentary . . . We have part in Him because of His atoning work and as a result of the life He gives. Part with Him, or daily communion, is only ours as "Sanctification" by the water of the Word. That the whole scene was allegorical is evidently His Words to Peter:




8. Scripture: "Jesus answered and said, what I do 'you know not now [ you cannot understand at this time' ]; but you shall know 'hereafter [ in the near future' ], { John 13:7 }."


9. Commentary . . . Literal feet washing Peter knew and understood. Spiritual feet washing he learned when restored by the Lord after his lamentable fall. Then he entered into the meaning of the words that we once again express . . .


10. { V. 3 } Scripture: "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us by the [ cleansing bath of the new birth, the ] washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit;

11. { V. 6 }: Which 'He shed [ poured out' ] on us 'abundantly [ so richly' ] through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

12. { V. 7 }: That being "justified" by His Grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life, { Titus 3:3, 6-7 }."


13. The above { V. 7 } Paraphrased : "[ And He did it in order ] that we might be "Justified" by 'His grace . . . by His favor', wholly undeserved, that is, that we might be acknowledged and counted as conformed to the Divine will in purpose, thought and action; and that we might become heirs of eternal life according to [ our blessed ] hope." See { Titus 2:13-15 }.


14. Commentary . . . Personal salvation can never be achieved by any type of so-called good-works, but through the cleansing of the new birth. Renewing of the Holy Spirit means either the initial act of conversion or, continual renewing by the Spirit throughout the life of the Christian, as we have before stated. In any case, salvation is God's gracious work, not a reward for man's worth- while acts.

15. That bathing is never repeated. None born of God can ever perish, for all such have a life that is eternal, and consequently non-forfeitable { John 10:27-29 }. If some have backslide for a period of time, have sinned after being saved, this does not mean that they will have lost their salvation. To backslide means to fall out of fellowship with God until brought back into fellowship by the Father. Sometimes the backsliding Saint is brought back through chastisement, see again { Hebrews 12:6-8 }. But, 'N0' Child of God ever looses their salvation because of backsliding. "Once one is saved he is saved forever." All who strays do need to repent of their sins and return back to the Lord, never do they need to be saved over again. That would mean, to be bathed once more. We repeat: "he that is bathed does not need to be re-bathed over again because he commits some sin." The Lord washes them and they are clean. Therefore, this is the way it is with all Children of God! You notice that we spell God's "Children" beginning with a capital C, because we are Children of the KING.

16. We have mentioned this many times in many messages: "the word backslide does not mean to lose ones salvation! It merely means to fall out of fellowship with the Lord for a certain period of time." We have been "Regenerated once," and never shall be a second time. Every time we fail, we need to judge ourselves by the Word of God, and repent of those past sins that we may be cleansed as to our lives. Where we daily give the word "Regeneration" its rightful place in our lives, we shall be kept from defilement and enabled to enjoy unclouded communion with our Lord and Saviour.


17. Scripture: "Wherewithal [ how ]," asks the psalmist, "shall a young man cleans his way?" [ And the answer is ]: "By taking heed [ and keeping watch on himself ] thereto according to Your Word [ conforming his life to it ], { Psalm 119:9 }."


18. Commentary . . . We can see then that it is very necessary to search the Scriptures, and to obey them unquestioningly, in order that we may be "Sanctified" by the truth! Yet think about the indifference which is often found among those who teach the "second Blessing theory." We must wonder about the ignorance associated with such an interpretation of the Scriptures by various teachers, and what fancied superiority to them, is frequently manifested, and that coupled with a profession of holiness in the flesh! In { 1 Thessalonians 4:3 } there is a passage which, divorced from its context, is often considered decisive as proving that it is possible to attain to a state of absolute freedom from inbred sin in this world: "this is the will of God, even your "Sanctification."

19. Who can deny my title to perfect holiness if "Sanctification" means that, and it is God's will for me? Surely none. But, already we have seen that "Sanctification" never means that, and in the present text least of all. Read the entire first eight verses, forming a complete paragraph in the next lesson, and see for yourself. The subject is personal purity. The "Sanctification" spoken of is keeping the body from unclean practices, and the mind from lasciviousness. Grossest immorality was connected with and even formed part of idolatrous worship.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 16. ] Vulgarity Supersedes Christian Values In These Latter Days . . .


1. { V. 1 } Scripture: "Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as you have received of us how you ought to walk and to please God, so you would 'abound [ i.e., "abound" . . . be superior in strength, power and influence in the world ' ] more and more.

2. { V. 2 }: For you know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.

3. { V. 3 }: For this is the will of God, even your "Sanctification," that you should abstain from 'fornication [ any type of sexual sin' ]:

4. { V. 4 }: That every one of you should know how to possess 'his vessel [ sexual organ or body' ] in "Sanctification" and honor;

5. { V. 5 }: Not in the lust of 'concupiscence [ passion and or lust' ], even as "the Gentiles which know not God": [ i.e., notice here that Gentiles do not know God. Only Christians Know God personally, we make this clear in other messages. "Read our large message concerning "The Days 0f Noah." ]

6. { V. 6 }: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. [ I.e., The words "go beyond" refers to transgress, in this context { Vs. 3-8 }, the reference is to sexual conduct. ]

7. { V. 7 }: For God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness, [ also this can mean "Sanctification, in the Greek." ]

8. { V. 8 }: He therefore that 'despises [ rejects' ], despises not man, but God, Who has also given unto us His Holy Spirit, { 1- Thessalonians 4:1-8 }." [ The word "despises" . . . i.e., rejects or treats lightly these commands for sexual purity ].


9. All 8 verses above paraphrased below . . . { 1 } Scripture: "FURTHER MORE, brethren, we beg and admonish you in [ virtue of our union with ] the Lord Jesus, that [ you follow the instructions which ] you learned from us about how you ought to walk so as to please and gratify God, as indeed you are doing; that you do so even more and more abundantly . . . attaining yet greater perfection in living this life.

10. { 2 }: For you know what charges and precepts we gave you [ on the authority and by the inspiration of ] the Lord Jesus.

11. { 3 }: For this is the will of God, that you should be consecrated . . . separated and set apart for pure and holy living: that you should abstain and shrink from all sexual vice;

12. { 4 }: That each one of you should know how to possess [ control, manage ] his own body [ in purity, separated from things profane, and ] in consecration and honor,

13. { 5 }: [ Not to be used ] in the passion of lust, like the heathen who are ignorant of the true God and have no knowledge of His will.

14. { 6 }: That no man transgress, and overreach his brother and defraud him in this matter or defraud his brother in business. For the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we have already warned you solemnly and told you plainly.

15. { 7 }: For God has not called us to impurity, but to consecration [ to dedicate ourselves to the most thorough purity ].

16. { 8 }: Therefore who ever disregards . . . sets aside and rejects this . . . disregard not man but God, Whose [ very ] Spirit [ Whom ] He gave to you [ is ] holy . . . chaste, and pure, { 1- Thessalonians 4:1-8 }."


17. Commentary . . . concerning the Lord's will in { V. 3 }, i.e., His desire or purpose, "Sanctification [ holiness" ] is viewed in three aspects in the N.T. . . .

18. [ 1 ]: A position of being set apart to God, which every Christian has at the moment of his conversion, { 1- Corinthians 6:11 }:

19. [ 2 ]: A progressive holiness of life that ought to be true of every Saint, { 1- Thessalonians 4:3 }; and . . .

20. [ 3 ]: Our condition in Heaven, in which we shall be "unblameable in holiness" { 3:13 }. And, . . . concerning fornication, the Greek word means all kinds of illicit or unnatural sexual indulgence. Greek cities like Thessalonica were wide open to all kinds of sexual looseness, even in connection with religious rites. The words in { V. 4 } . . . "possess his vessel," means either mastery over one's body, by keeping it pure { 1- Corinthians 9: 24-27 }, or refers to an honorable marriage, and can also refer to one's spouse as in { 1- Peter 3:7 }.

21. The Greek mythology had deified the passions of fallen man; and these Thessalonian Christians had but just "turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God." Hence the special need of this exhortation to Saints newly converted, and who were living among those who shamelessly practiced all those things. But, think of calling for this upon men freed from imbrued sin! And, the Saints, whose bodies are God's temple are to be characterized by a clean life, not by a life polluted by fleshly lusts.

22. Another aspect of this practical "Sanctification" is brought before us in { 2- Timothy 2:19-22 }. We might call it ecclesiastical "Sanctification;" for it has in view . . . the Children of God's rightful standing in a day when corruption has come in among professing Christians. And, the Body of Christ as a whole, viewed in its character as the house of God, has fallen, and become as a great house in which good and evil are all mixed up together. { V. 19 } In this verse = the SEAL represents a mark of authentication and ownership.

23. In { Vs. 20-21 } There will be some 'wicked people [ wood and earthenware' ] in every Assembly, but also in { V. 21 } no one need remain wicked. { V. 22 } Lusts . . . Not only for immoral but also foolish things. Temptation is to be avoided by fleeing what hinders, by following what helps, and by seeking the company of Christian people.

24. It is a matter of most solemn importance that, whereas here and elsewhere in Scripture those who would walk with God are called to separate themselves from unholy associations and the fellowship of the mixed multitudes. Even though an organization is found to call itself a Church, yet there are in many cases, large numbers associated with it, who will testify to "living without sin." Yet these people may be united to some 'Assembly organization [ such as a certain club or lodge' ] and often take part in other forms of fellowship with unbelievers and professing Christians who are unholy in walk and unsound as to the faith. For the sake of such it will be well to examine the passage in detail.

25. The Apostle Paul has been directing Timothy's attention to the evidence of increasing apostasy. When referring to the [ same chapter in { 2- Timothy } . . . Paul warns against striving about words { V. 14 }, profane and vain babblings { V.16 }. He points out two men, Hymenaeus and Philetus, in { V. 17 }, who have given themselves over to these unholy speculations, and has thereby, though accepted by many as Christian teachers, have overthrown the faith of some { V. 18 }. This is but the beginning, as the next chapters prove, . . .


26. Scripture: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, { 2- Timothy 3:13 }."


27. The above verse paraphrased: "But wicked men and seducers [ through enticement ] will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray many people including themselves."


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 17. ] The Question Concerning Corrupt Doctrine . . .

1. Commentary . . . Now I personally believe that { Ch. 3:1 } follows { Ch. 2:18 } and is in an orderly, connected manner. The Apostle Paul sees in Hymenaeus and Philetus the beginning of the awful harvest of iniquity that will smother everything that is of God in the great seven year Tribulation of the last days. So what should the Christian Believer do in this age?: Should we listen and believe these false teachers, fellowship with them, indorse their corrupt doctrine? If so, we would soon lose all ability to discern between good and evil, and we would also perhaps accept their lies instead of the truth in God's Word.

2. Right now, we are depicting the full character of that which is rapidly encroaching upon the Body of Christ at this very time, which began in the first century and will be going full blast during the Tribulation Period. Timothy is given a word for his encouragement, and instructed as to his own path when things reach a state where it is impossible to any longer purge out the evil from the visible Christian Body of Saints.


3. Scripture: "Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having 'THIS SEAL [ signifying ownership' ], the Lord knows them that are His. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from 'iniquity [ including lawlessness' ], { 2- Timothy 2:19 }."


4. { V. 19 } above paraphrased: "But the firm foundation laid by God stands sure and unshaken, bearing this "SEAL" the Lord knows those who are His, and, let every one who names [ himself by ] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it." See { Numbers 16:5; - & - Isaiah 26:13. } Other texts concerning the "SEAL" are as follows" . . .


5. Scripture: "Labour not for the 'meat [ food' ] which perishes, but for that [ 'stronger ] meat [ Scriptural knowledge' ] which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give to you: for Him has God the Father 'SEALED,' { John 6: 27 }."


6. . . . The above { V. 27 } paraphrased . . . "Stop toiling and doing and producing for the food that perishes and decomposes in the using; but strive and work and produce rather for the lasting food which endures continually unto eternal life. The Son of man will 'give [ furnish' ] you that, for God the Father has authorized and certified Him and placed His "SEAL" of indorsement upon Him."


7. Scripture: "Who has also "SEALED" us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our 'hearts [ minds' ], { 2- Corinthians 1:22 }."


8. The above { V. 22 } paraphrased . . . "The Lord has also appropriated and acknowledged us as Belonging to Him, placing His "SEAL" within us [ that is, in every born again Child of the Father ], submerging God the Holy Spirit within our 'minds, intellect,' hearts and body signifying the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of His promise."



9. { V. 13 } Scripture: "In Whom you also trusted, after that you heard the Word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation Whom also after that you believed, you were "SEALED" with that Holy Spirit of promise,

10. { V. 14 }: Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory, { Ephesians 1:13-14 }."


11. The above 2 verses paraphrased . . . { 13 }: "In Christ Jesus you also who have heard the Word of truth, the glad tidings of the Gospel of the Mystery of the grace of God which is the Gospel of your salvation, and have believed in adhered to and have relied on Christ, therefore you have now received a permanent "SEAL" of the long-promised Holy Spirit of God."

12. { 14 }: The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance . . . the first fruit, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage . . . in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring complete possession of it, to the praise of Christ's glory."


13. Commentary . . . The word "REDEMPTION" in the above verse refers to being: "Bought from slavery and set free to never be in enslavement again." Christians were ransomed, redeemed from the power of sin! This "SEAL" of ownership spoken of above is perfected in every Saint at the very second of their conversion. How could it be otherwise when God the Holy Spirit places Himself in the fleshly "Temple [ body" ] of the new born again Saint?

14. The Holy Spirit is the "SEAL" that protects the adopted Children of the Father eternally. Read the above verses again. But, it seems that { Revelation 7:3 } refers to a different kind of seal because God's Angels use that seal to seal those in { Revelation Ch. 7 }. Notice the text states that God "SEALED" the 144,000 Hebrews IN THEIR FOREHEADS, it doesn't say on their foreheads, the readers should interpret this themselves and make up their own minds!

15. As to those of the Body of Christ: since the Christians mind is the heart of the body, and since the mind is in the brain which is located in the frontal lobe of the skull, doesn't it make sense that the Holy Spirit dwells in the brain of all Saints? Therefore, He has "SEALED" us with Himself until the day of redemption, when we will be removed from the earth in the Rapture!


16. Scripture: "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you 'ARE SEALED' unto the day of redemption, { Ephesians 4:30 }."


17. { V. 30 } above paraphrased: "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, [ do not offend, or vex, or cause Him to become sad ] by Whom you "ARE SEALED" [ present tense, and have become everlastingly secured ] until the day of redemption . . . of final deliverance [ in the Rapture ] through Christ Jesus from the evil and the consequences of all sin."


18. Commentary . . . The Spirit of God is grieved or pained by folks sins, especially the sins of the tongue. { Vs. 29, 31 }. The time of sealing coincides with the time of believing, "SEALED" with the Holy Spirit. This "SEAL" indicates possession and security. The continued presence of the Holy Spirit in each of God the Father's Children, "Who Himself is the SEAL," and is the Christians guarantee of the security of his salvation. This is another proof that Christians cannot lose their salvation. The question is: whom could it be that is strong enough in any way to remove God Himself from the Father's adopted Children? Can you name such a person, or persons, or even angelic beings that has that kind of strength and power? We don't think so!

19. What about the Christians faith in this age of grace? We have plenty of encouragement from the Lord to have faith, and of course here too is the responsibility of faithfulness. Faith says: "Let the evil rise as high as it may. Let lawlessness abound, and the love of many was cold. Let all that seemed to be of God in the earth be swallowed up in the apostasy. Nevertheless, God's firm foundation stands, for He builds upon a solid rock." Christ declared . . .


20. Scripture: "Upon this Rock '[ The Rock meaning Himself ' ] I will build My 'Called out Assembly' and the gates of Hades [ Hell, in this instance: the under world ] shall not prevail against it, { Matthew 16:18 }!"


21. Commentary . . . The Church the Lord was referring to "WAS NOT" the Body of Christ except in type, because the present Body had not as yet been established through the Apostle Paul. The word "Church" is not in the Greek text, In the original Greek the word is "Ekklesia" which when translated correctly means "Assembly, Congregation, or called out Body of Christians." When Christ referred to His called out Assembly in the above verse He was referring to His called out Kingdom Assembly. By using typology, it would also refer to the future Body of Christ as a type. As to the Present Body of Christ, read { Ephesians 3:9-10 }, etc.

22. We are aware that we are shying away from the "Sanctification" part of our message, but we believe we should add a few texts concerning the Body of Christ and its beginning through the Apostle Paul:


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 18. ] The Gospel Of The Mystery Is Not Understood During This Grace Age:


1. { V. 7 } Scripture: "Whereof [ 'take notice,' as concerning this Gospel of the Mystery ] I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of His power.

2. { V. 8 }: Unto me, who am less than the least of all Saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

3. { V. 9 }: And to make all men see what is the 'fellowship [ Greek = Oikonomia,' which means "economy" or Dispensation ] of the 'mystery [ the dispensation of the present Body of Christ period' ], Which "FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN HID IN GOD," Who created all things by Jesus Christ:

4. { V. 10 }: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by 'the [ called out Body of Christ' ], the manifold wisdom of God,

5. { V. 11 }: According to the eternal purpose which He [ the Father ] purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

6. { V. 12 }: In Whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him, { Ephesians 3:7-12 }."


7. The 6 verses above Paraphrased . . . { 7 } Scripture: "Of this [ Gospel of the Mystery ] I was made a minister according to the gift of God's 'free grace [ unde-served favor' ], which was bestowed on me by the exercise . . . the working in all its effectiveness . . . of Christ's power.

8. { 8 }: To me, though I am the very least of all 'the Saints [ God's consecrated people' ], this 'grace [ favor, privilege' ] was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the 'unending [ boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless' ] riches of Christ . . . wealth which no human being could have searched out.

9. { 9 }: Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan [ regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men, concerning the dispensation ] of the Mystery [ for the Body of Christ that has been ] kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in [ the mind of ] God Who created all things by Christ Jesus.

10. { 10 }: [ The purpose is ] that through the Body of Christ the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities [ principalities and powers ] in the heavenly sphere.

11. { 11 }: This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which the Lord has realized and carried into effect, in [ the person of ] Christ Jesus our Lord;

12. { 12 }: In Whom, because of our faith in Jesus, we dare to have the boldness [ courage and confidence ] of free access: an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear, { Ephesians 3:7-12, Paraphrased }."


13. Commentary . . . Paul gives here his concept of his own mission. Note that this was God's doing { V. 7 }; that he was to make available to all mankind Israel's hope for a messiah { V. 8 }; that Paul was to be a theologian-teacher as well as a missionary { V. 9 }; that his ministry would even bring angelic beings to see the wisdom of God in His plan for the Body of Christ { V. 10 }. As we can easily see Paul was "Sanctified" or set apart to be the Apostle for the Gentiles and he certainly fulfilled his mission as such!

14. Today there are many carnal Christians dwelling among us but they are living as apostates. What about myself as a minister during this Christian age? This brings about a great responsibility. I am not to be living in an evil place and associate continually with those apostates who as apostates practice evil deeds. Lot did this in the O.T. Lot evidently protested the evil going on around him, but having fellowship in it still, even though it was only in a reserved, half hearted way. I myself along with others are called to separate ourselves from evil. In doing so we may seem to be separating ourselves from the Lord's other Children and servants of Christ. But, this is necessary if they do not judge their own apostate, backsliding condition and turn back to their Redeemer.


15. Scripture: "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, 'but [ are found' ] also [ utensils ] of wood and of earthenware; and some 'to honor [ that is, for honorable and noble use ], and some to dishonor [ for menial and ignoble use ], { 2- Timothy 2:20 }." . . .


16. Commentary . . . The "great house" is Christendom in its present condition, where good and evil, saved and lost, holy and unholy, and are all mixed up together. Paul wrote Timothy and explained what Christ stated concerning Himself, Jesus said . . .


17. Scripture: "If I 'tarry long [ in Heaven while sitting at the right hand of the Father's throne' ], that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the 'house [ i.e., household' ] of God [ on this earth ], which is the Body [ of Christ, the Assembly . . . the great Congregation ]: of the living God, the pillar and ground [ i.e., the stay: the prop and support ] of the truth, { 1- Timothy 3:15 }."


18. Commentary concerning the above text . . . This is what the entire Body of Christ should always have been, but the trouble was that many in the Body became carnal Christians and soon drifted away from such a wonderful ideal and truth. Therefore, a large part of the Body of Christ became like a great man's house in which are found all kinds of vessels, composed of very different materials, and for very different uses. There are golden and silver vessels for use in the dining-room; and there are vessels of wood and earth, used in the kitchen and other parts of the house. The vessels were often allowed to become exceedingly filthy, and at least to be kept at a distance from that which is valuable, and easily scratched or polluted, and dishes which are perhaps kept hidden away.


19. Scripture: "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, "Sanctified," and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work, { 2- Timothy 2: 21 }."


20. { V. 21 } above paraphrased: "So whoever cleanses himself [ from what is ignoble and unclean ] . . . who separates himself from contact with contamination and corrupting influences . . . will [ then himself ] become a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work."


21. Commentary . . . These = are those whom Christians should separate themselves from. The vessels are seen to be persons, and just as a valuable plate might stand uncleannsed and dirty with a lot of other kitchen utensils waiting to be washed, and then carefully "separated" from the vessels used for baser things. So Timothy and every other Christian is called upon to separate one's self, to "purge [ cleans ] out himself" from the mixed conditions, that he may be in very deed "a vessel unto honor." He, as a Child of the Father, is "Sanctified," and is to be "meet [ useful" ] for the Masters use, prepared unto a good work.

22. Unquestionably this "Sanctification" is very different from the Spirit's work in the 'soul [ life' ] at the beginning, or the effect of the work of Christ on the Cross, by which we are set apart to God eternally. It is a practical thing, relating to the question of our associations as Christians. Let me follow out the illustration a step further, and I think all will be plain. The master of the great house brings home a friend. He wishes to serve him with a refreshing drink. He goes to the cabinet looking for a silver drinking vessel, but there is none to be seen, a servant is called, and inquiry is made.

23. Ah, the glasses are down in the kitchen waiting to be washed and separated from the rest of the vessels. He is indignantly dispatched to procure one, and soon returns with a vessel purged out from the unclean collection below; and thus, separated and cleansed 'it is meet [ in this, meaning dedicated and serviceable' ]: for the use of the Master. And so it is with the man of God who has thus 'purged [ cleansed' ] himself out from what is opposed to the truth and the holiness of God. He is "Sanctified," or "Separated," and in this way becomes "perfected for the Master's use."

24. Of course it is not enough to stop with separation. To do so would make one a Pharisee of the most disgusting type; as has often been the case. But, those who have separated themselves from evil are now commanded to . . .


25. Scripture: "Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart, { 2- Timothy 2:22 }."


26. { V. 22 }: above paraphrased . . . Scripture: "Shun youthful lusts and flee from them, and aim at and pursue righteousness . . . all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the will of God in thought, word and deed, and aim at and pursue faith, love, and peace . . . which is harmony and concord with others . . . in fellowship with all Christians, who call upon the Lord out of a pure 'heart [ mind' ]."


27. Commentary . . . There is a great need for a daily study of the Word of God, if one is sincere the Spirit will give much light to the students understanding! One should study with a humble mind and attitude, but if folks are not saved, they have no Holy Spirit indwelling them to give them a spiritual comprehension of what they study. The Christians humble attitude will show forth the love he has for God his Creator, and likewise he will win Heavenly blessings for himself. And this, as we have seen, symbolizes the true feet- washing. Through and by the Word of God we are made clean when we are saved because we receive the new birth by humbly believing and accepting what has been written in the Scriptures.


28. { V. 1 } Scripture: "I [ Christ the Lord ] am the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman [ Vine-dresser ].

29. { V. 2 }: Every branch in Me that bears no fruit He takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, He purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit.


30. The above verse 2 Paraphrased . . . "Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit . . . that stops bearing . . . He 'cuts away [ trims off, takes away' ]. And, He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it to bear more and richer excellent fruit."


31. { V. 3 }: Now are we clean through the Word which I have spoken to you,


32. { V. 3 } above Paraphrased . . . "You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the Word of God which I have given you: and the knowledge I have discussed and taught you."


33. { V. 4 }: Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in Me, John 15:1-4 }."


34. . . . The above verse 4 Paraphrased . . . "Dwell in Me and I will dwell in you. . . . Live in Me and I will live in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without 'abiding in [ i.e., vitally united to' ] the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me."


35. Commentary . . . The grape vine in Scripture is symbolic of Messianic Israel preparing to receive the Messiah. Taken away in { V. 2 }, may be construed as a literal rendering, [ as "take . . . away," in { Ch. 11:39 } and would therefore be a reference to the physical death of fruitless Christians, see { 1- Corinthians 11:30 }. Or, it may mean lift up [ as "took . . . up," in { Ch. 8:59 } which would indicate that God the Father - the 'true husbandman [ vine dresser' ] encourages and makes it easier for the fruitless Saint. Thus, hoping he will respond and begin to bear fruit, - "purges" = prunes.

36. This is done through the Word of God, which cleans the life [ same root word as clean in { V. 3 } above ]. Abide in Me in { V. 4 } is explained by John when he uses the same word [ "dwells" ] in { 1- John 3:24 }. Abiding depends on keeping the Lord's commandments { John 15:10 }.

37. The Word of God is likened to water because of its purifying and refreshing effect upon the one who submits to it. In it I find instruction as to every detail of the walk of faith. It shows me how I am called to behave in God's family, and in the world. If I obey it the defilement is washed out of my life; even as the application of water cleanses my body from material pollution. Never shall I attain so exalted a state or experience upon earth, that I can honestly say: "Now I am wholly Sanctified;" I no longer need the Word of God to cleans me. As long as I am in this scene, in this physical body, I am called to . . .


38. Scripture: "Follow peace with all men, and holiness [ or 'Sanctification' ], without which no man shall [ ever ] see the Lord, { Hebrews 12:14 }."


39. Commentary . . . When this one passage, is correctly understood, it destroys the entire roots of the perfectionist theory; yet there isn't any text that is more frequently quoted, or rather misquoted, by those who teach the second blessing theory! Observe carefully what this commandment states: we are to follow two things: peace with all men, and holiness. The one who doesn't obey this commandment will never see the Lord. But how many are there that fail to follow what is stated in the above verse? Who has attained to peace with all men?


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 19. ] How Many Have To Cry With The Psalmist . . .


1. Scripture: "I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war! { Psalm 120:7 }." [ And who are the ones that has attained to holiness in the full sense? Not you, Christian friend, nor I; ] . . .


2. Scripture: "For in many things we all offend, If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body, { James 3:2 }."


3. { V. 2 } above paraphrased . . . Scripture: "For we all often stumble, fall, and offend in many things and ways. And if there is one who never offends in speech, that is, who never says the wrong things . . . he has a fully developed character and is a perfect person, able to control his whole body and to curb his entire nature."


4. Commentary . . . "We all stumble." The theme of { Vs. 1-12 } is found in the second clause, if any man . . . a perfect man. "Perfect" means mature, of full moral and spiritual growth. Therefore, what about those who are real Christians, whose souls are truly converted? These folks have received the Spirit of adoption, and they follow holiness. Folks such as these long for the time when, at the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ: "He shall change these bodies of their humiliation." That is: Jesus will change the bodies of all God's Children to be like "the body of His Own glory." Then we shall have reached our goal. We shall have become absolutely and forever holy. When Paul writes to the Thessalonians in view of that glorious event, he says . . .


5. { V. 22 } Scripture: "Abstain from all appearance [ every form ] of evil.

6. { V. 23 }: And the very God of peace "Sanctify" you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

7. { V. 24 }: Faithful is He that called you, who also will do it, { 1- Thessalonians 5:22-24 }."


8. The above 3 verses paraphrased . . . { 22 } Scripture: "Abstain from evil . . . [ shrink from it and keep aloof from it no matter what ].

9. { 23 } And may the God of peace Himself "Sanctify" you through and through . . . that is, separate yourself from profane things, make yourself pure and wholly consecrated to the Lord . . . and may your spirit, soul, and body be preserved sound and complete and found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

10. { 24 } Faithful is He Who is calling you to Himself and is utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [ that is, ] He will fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you."


11. Commentary . . . This will be the glad consummation for all who here on earth, as strangers and pilgrims, follow peace and holiness, and thus manifest the Divine nature and the fruits of the Spirit. So long as they remain in the wilderness of this world they will need daily recourse to the laver of water: "The cleansing Word of God" . . . which of old stood midway between the altar and the holy place. When all are gathered home in Heaven the 'water [ Word '] will no longer be needed to free from defilement.

12. In that scene of holiness therefore, there is no laver: but before the throne, John saw a sea of glass, clear as crystal. Upon this glass the redeemed were standing, their trials and warfare were over. So throughout eternity we shall rest upon the Word of God as a crystal sea. Our "Sanctification," is fully perfected. We shall be presented faultless in the presence of the Lord's glory with exceeding joy.


"Questions and answers should be brought forth to students at the end of each lesson!"


[ Lesson 20. ] Relative "Sanctification . . .

1. Commentary . . . Nothing more clearly establishes the proposition we have been insisting on throughout this message: that "Sanctification" is not the eradication of our sinful flesh. Because of the fact, that in the flesh every human being whether Christian or a lost person will sin as long as he lives in a physical body , { 1- John 1:8-10 }. Can the reader truthfully say that he or she never sins in their thoughts? We think not!

2. It is also positively certain, there are no works of any sort contemplated as having taken place in the 'soul [ life' ] of the "Sanctified as far as salvation is concerned." Having carefully considered the absolute and practical aspects of "Sanctification," without which all profession is unreal, it may now be profitable to weigh what God has to say of this merely outward, or relative, holiness.

3. We have seen that a person may in a certain sense be "Sanctified" by association and yet all the time be unsaved, and may become an apostate at last. It is also true that in another sense people are said to be "Sanctified" by association who are the subjects of an earnest, prayerful yearning, and may yet, and in all probability will be saved. But they are "Sanctified" before this, and in view of it. In { Corinthians }, is the passage that must now occupy us. It contains the fullest instruction as to the marriage relation that we have in the Bible:


4. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, let not the wife depart from her husband . . .

5. { V. 11 }: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife, { 1- Corinthians 7:10-11 }."


6. Commentary . . . As to the above, the Lord had already given explicit instruction, as recorded in { Matthew 19:1-12 }. According to both Paul's and Christ's teachings { Mark 10:1-12 }, Christians should not divorce. If separation should occur, the Christian must either remain unmarried permanently or be reconciled permanently, except that is, if adultery has taken place.


7. { V. 12 } Scripture: "But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother has a wife that 'believes not [ who isn't saved' ], and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

8. { V. 13 }: And the woman which has a husband that believes not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him, { 1- Corinthians 7:12-13 }."


9. Commentary . . . These verses deal with marriages in which one partner becomes a Christian after the marriage has taken place. Speak I, not the Lord, I.e; Christ did not give any teaching concerning spiritually mixed marriages, but Paul does, and his teaching is authoritative.


10. Scripture: "For the unbelieving husband is "Sanctified" 'by the [ or because of the Christian wife' ], and the unbelieving wife is "Sanctified" by the husband [ because she has a husband who is a Christian ]: otherwise were your children unclean; but now are they holy, { 1- Corinthians 7:14 }."


11. Commentary . . . "Sanctified." The presence of a Christian in the home "sets the home apart" and gives it a Christian influence it would not otherwise have. A Christian partner, therefore, should stay with the unbeliever. However, this does not mean that the children born into such a home are automatically Christians. They are holy in the sense of being "set apart" by the presence of one Christian parent. [ Read our message concerning "Divorce." ] Owing through the spread of the Gospel among the Gentile heathen, a condition had arisen in many places which the words of the Lord did not seem to be fully comprehensible, having been spoken, as they were to the Hebrew people, separated as a whole from Jehovah.

12. The question that soon began to agitate the Assemblies was this: Suppose a case [ and there were many such ] where a heathen wife is converted to God but her husband remains an unclean unbelieving 'idolater [ idol worshiper' ], and vice versa; can the Christian partner remain in the marriage relationship with the unconverted spouse and not be defiled? To a Hebrew the very thought of such a condition was an offense. In the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, certain of the returned remnant had taken wives of the surrounding mixed nations, and the result brought friction and, or confusion:


13. { V. 23 } Scripture: "In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab:

14. { V. 24 }: And their children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews language, but according to the language of each people.

15. { V. 25 } And I contended with them, and 'cursed [ reviled' ] them, and 'smote [ beat' ] certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, you shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves, { Nehemiah 13:23-25 }."


16. Commentary . . . The sin of mixed marriages had erupted again, see { Ezra 9:1-4; - & - 10:44 }, and the children of these marriages could not speak Hebrew. Nehemiah dealt firmly with the offenders. In the little book of Ezra, we find that Ezra had been in Jerusalem about 4 and 1/2 months { 8:31; - & - 10:9 } when the officials brought the problem of mixed marriages to his attention. The sin had plagued Israel before { Judges 3:5-6 } and would later, in the time of { Nehemiah 13:23-28; - & - Malachi 2:11 }. Ezra inflicted signs of mourning and indignation on himself, fully realizing the gravity of the situation. See { Leviticus 10:6; - Isaiah 50:5; - & - Nehemiah 13:25 },

17. This state of things was abhorrent to the godly leaders, who did not rest until all the strange wives had been put away, and with them the children, who were considered likewise unclean, and a menace to the purity of Israel. With only certain books of the Old Testament in their hands, who could have wondered at it if some zealous, well-meaning legalists from Jerusalem had gone like firebrands through the Gentile Assemblies preaching a crusade against all contamination of this kind. It must also be realized by the reader that at that time, there were still several Books of the Bible yet to be written!

18. There were, as it is in this present day, false teachers who were guilty of breaking up households on every hand. Those teachers were counseling converted husbands to cast out their heathen wives and disown their children as the product of an unclean relationship. They were evidently also urging wives who believed in the one true God to flee from the embraces of idolatrous husbands, and at whatever cost that may take place.

19. Also, the wives were obviously taught to even forsake their offspring, as a supreme sacrifice to the God of holiness. It was to prevent just such a state of affairs that the verses that follow those we have already considered were penned by inspiration of the God of all grace. Concerning the irregular state the Lord had not spoken, as the time had not come to do so. Therefore, since the old Law had now been fulfilled a great change had taken place, Paul writes . . .


20. We again Repeat the text we have already written above . . . { V. 12 } Scripture: "But to the rest speak I , not the Lord: If any brother has a wife that believes not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

21. { V. 13 }: And the woman which has a husband that believes not, and if he is pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

22. { V. 14 }: For the unbelieving husband is "Sanctified" by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is "Sanctified" by the husband: 'else [ otherwise' ] were your children unclean; but now are they holy [ or "Sanctified" - Set apart ].

23. { V. 15 }: But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God has called us to peace.

24. { V. 16 }: For what do you know 0 wife, whether you shall save your husband? or how do you know, O man whether you shall save your wife? { 1- Corinthians 7:12-16 }." [ A slight change in the grammar has been made by this writer. ]


25. Commentary . . . What an example we have here of the transcendent power of grace! Under the Old Law, the unclean partner defiled the "Sanctified" one. Under the present grace period the one whom God has saved "Sanctifies" the unclean or lost mate. The family is a Divine institution, older then the nations, Israel and even of the Body of Christ itself. What is here, and elsewhere in Scripture, clearly indicates that it is the will of God to save His people as households. He would not do violence to the ties of nature which He Himself has created. If He saves a man who is head of a household, He thereby indicates that for the entire family He has blessing in store.

26. We realize that there is necessarily considerable explanation involved to really comprehend these verses. When mixed marriages are considered, most likely many such cases were in existence in Corinth. According to the old law a man who had married a woman of 'the Gentiles [ and was consequently profane or unclean' ] defiled himself, and was compelled to send her away; and their children had no right to Hebrew privileges; they were rejected as unclean, See { Ezra 10:3 }. But under grace it was quite the contrary. The converted husband "Sanctified" the wife, and vice versa, and their children were reckoned clean before God; they had part in the ecclesiastical rights of their parent.

27. This is the sense of the word "holy," in connection with the question of order and of outward relationship towards God, which was suggested by the obligation under the law to send away wife and children in a similar case. Thus, the saved husband was not to send away his unsaved wife, nor she a saved wife to forsake her unsaved husband. if the unsaved forsook the saved definitively, the 'latter [ man or woman' ] was free . . . "let him or her depart." The brother was no longer bound to consider the one who had forsaken him as his wife, nor the sister the man who had forsaken her as her husband. But they were called to peace, and not to seek this separation.

28. Of course in Paul's day, the unsaved husband by being united to a believing wife was not actually "Sanctified" to Christ. This requires faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But the unsaved husband of a Corinthian household, whose wife was a Christian, was no longer continually in the darkness of heathendom; he was surrounded by the light of Christianity and had come through being linked with a Christian under that blessed influence. And so the offspring of such a union. Grace sought both the unsaved husband and the children. But mixed marriages are never to be encouraged.

29. But, all of this does not teach individual responsibility. Generally speaking, God's thought was to deliver His people's households with themselves. So He declares that the salvation of one parent "Sanctifies" the other, and the children too are "Sanctified." Is it because some change has taken place within these persons? Not at all. They may still be utterly unregenerate, loving only their evil ways, despising the grace and fearing not the judgment of God. But, they are nevertheless "Sanctified."

30. How does this agree with the perfectionists' view of "Sanctification?" As it is evident, the word here cannot mean an inward cleansing, his system falls to the ground. The fact is, he has attached an arbitrary meaning to it, which is linguistically incorrect, Scripturally untrue, and experimentally false. Concerning the case now occupying us, the "Sanctification" is clearly and wholly relative. The position of the rest of the family is changed by the conversion of one parent. That is no longer a heathen home in God's sight, but a Christian home. If you are a Christian and the rest of your family in your home are unsaved, it is still a Christian home, why? because you are a Christian that dwells in that home!

31. That household no longer dwells in the darkness, but in the light. Do not misunderstand me here, I'm not speaking of light and darkness as implying spiritual 'capacity [ knowledge' ] or incapacity. I am referring to outward responsibility. In an unchristian home all is darkness: there is no light [ understanding of Scriptural knowledge ] shining whatever. But if one parent of that family becomes converted to God; what then? At once the Spirit of God Who indwells that parent begins His abode in that house, and whether the rest of that family accepts this fact or not, there will be at least a certain amount of understanding given to that household. They are put into a place of privilege and responsibility to which they have been strangers in the past.

32. And, all this with no work of God, as yet, in their lives, but simply in view of such a work. For the conversion of that one parent was God's way of announcing His gracious desires for the whole family; even as in the jailer's case, He caused His servants to declare, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house."

33. The last few words did not guarantee salvation to the household, because salvation is an individual matter, but once it was placed upon the jailer's 'heart [ mind' ] the fact that the same way is open for the salvation of his family as for himself, and that God would have him count upon the Lord for this. They were "Sanctified" the moment he believed, and soon rejoicing filled the whole house, when all responded to the grace proclaimed.

34. This, then, is, in brief, the teaching of Holy Scripture as to relative "Sanctification," a theme often overlooked or ignored, but of deep solemnity and importance to Christian members of families of whom some are still unsaved. With this message I will end my own examination of the use of the actual term "Sanctification" in the Scriptures. What we have written in this message by no means exhausts the subject, therefore, we suggest that the student continue to study the subject further on his own.

[ Lesson 21. ] What About Your Own Salvation? We Ask This Of You Lord . . .

1. "Heavenly Father, we do come to You, thanking You that You have revealed Yourself to us. And, yet, oh God when we take that which You have revealed concerning Yourself, we find that we are standing on the shore of an infinite sea. We feel like little children, playing with a bucket and a shovel, children that know nothing of those vast shores and the vast sea. Somehow, by the great power of the Holy Spirit, push back the clouds, open our minds to receive You, even the "Trinity:" the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We thank You that You are infinitely concerned about us, and that You are engaged in a Divine program to redeem us and bring us to Yourself. We pray these things in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.


2. Again we ask you this question? Salvation: Are You Ready For Heaven?

3. It is possible that your heart [ mind ] has been running from the Lord and rebels against Him. The Word of God calls this "sin." The Scripture states that every one of us one way or another are sinners:


4. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, { Romans 3: 23 }."


5. Therefore, despite your sin, God loves you and wants to save you from sin, and to offer you a new life of hope.


6. Scriptures: "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: 'I [ the Lord Jesus' ] am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly, { John 10:10 }."


7. To give you a gift of salvation the Lord made a way through a Saviour Jesus Christ.


8. Scripture: "But God commands His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, { Romans 5:8 }."


9. You receive this salvation not by trying to be good enough to get to Heaven, but by just believing in Jesus Christ and trusting His Word.

10. Are you and your loved ones ready if death overtakes you? God is ready. Christ has prepared a home for you in Heaven. He wants you there. I believe that you want to go there. The Word of the Lord states . . .


11. Scripture: "He, that being often reproved [ and ] hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy, { Proverbs 29:1}." [ If you will not listen and believe before the Resurrection of the Body of Christ, look what the Lord says about you ]:


12. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And with all deceivableness of [ unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception to ] unrighteousness in them that perish [ and are going to perdition, perishing ]; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [ They refused to believe the truth of God's Word ].

13. { V. 11 }: And for this cause God will send them [ a working error of ] strong delusion [ a misleading influence, of some type of idol worship ], that they should believe a lie [ of what is false ].

14. { V. 12 }: That they all might [ be judged ] be damned [ condemned ] who believed not [ and refused to adhere to trust and rely on ] the truth, but [ instead ] had pleasure in unrighteousness, { 2- Thessalonians 2:10-12 }."


15. Commentary . . . In order to be positive of your own salvation, we once again ask you to "Please" read and pray the following prayer and if you really believe and accept in your heart [ mind ] what you have read and have spoken these words in this prayer with a contrite mind to God the Father, you will have become a Child of God!

The Sinners Prayer . . .


16. Heavenly Father, I know that I'm a lost sinner and that I cannot save myself by good works. I believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son Who came down from Heaven and took on a human body of flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that Jesus shed His blood on the cross of Calvary and died paying the price for my sins with His death so that I can receive salvation because and through His sacrifice. I believe that after Christ's sacrifice and death, He arose from the tomb after three literal days and nights. That Jesus ascended into the third Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. I believe that Jesus will return for all Saints who belong to the Body of Christ in the Resurrection [ Rapture ] according to His own promise! . . .

I know that I have been up to this time a lost sinner and deserved to go to hell. So I beseech you Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit at this very moment into my Heart and save me for Jesus Christ sake as has been promised me by Your Holy Word. I am receiving Jesus Christ at this very moment as my personal Saviour, my Lord, and as my only blessed hope for salvation. Thank You Lord for now I am saved by Your wonderful grace. Amen!


17. Scripture: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved, { John 3:16-17 }."


18. Scripture: " For by grace are you saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves : it is the gift of God : Not of works , lest any man should boast, { Ephesians 2:8-9 }."


19. Scripture: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. But God has revealed them to us by His [ Holy ] Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God, { 1- Corinthians 2:9-10 }."


20. Helps in this article comes from great Theologians such as Dr. Gaebelein; Dr. Ironside; Dr. Larkin; Dr. McGee and others. In regards to our readers, we would deeply express our thanks to those who will recopy this message and pass it on to others that they too may be blessed or perhaps find Salvation from it. If you have a computer, then why not download the message, make copies of it and pass it on to others?
