"Hell," "And The Lake Of Fire," "The Prison Of No Return". . .
Will You Spend Eternity There?
1. If the readers desire to have a part in the Lord's work as soul workers, and soul winners, it would be great for them to begin their own tract ministry by down loading our messages and send or give copies to others. What could be more important for you as an ambassador for Christ than to support the Body of Christ in this way? See { 2- Corinthians 5:18-20 }. The messages are already written, so why not pass them on to others? As to the writers belief and doctrine, we are strictly Biblical! We adhere to no denominational beliefs unless what they teach is taken from the true Word of God and taught in the correct context. We believe that we are to be busy proclaiming the truths for the present age of grace, in view of the soon coming of our Lord.
2. We believe in - [ 1 ]: The verbal inspiration of the Word of God { 2- Timothy 3:16 }.
No. 2: The Deity of Jesus Christ, and the Trinity of the Godhead { Titus 2:13; - & - 2 - Corinthians 13:14 }.
No. 3: The total depravity of man, and everlasting punishment of those who reject Christ { Romans Ch. 3; - John 3:36; - & - Revelation Ch. 20:15 }.
No. 4: Redemption by the blood of Christ, and salvation by grace, not of works { Titus 3:5; - & - Ephesians 2:8-9 }.
No. 5: Everlasting life and the security of the Christian { John 10:29 }.
No. 6: The personality and everlasting punishment of Satan { Job Ch. 1; - & - Revelation Ch. 20 }.
No. 7: The imminent Rapture [ Resurrection ] of the Body of Christ, followed by the great 7 year Tribulation Period and the literal Millennial Reign of Christ on this earth { 1- Thessalonians 4:16-18; - 1 - Corinthians 15:50-55; - & - Revelation Ch. 20:1-6 }.
3. A good idea would be to read your Bible along with each verse we have quoted. It is also very important for the student to look up all the added Bible texts that we have referred to in the Message. This will give the reader much added information! Another thing we should mention is that when we copy a verse from the Bible we will change much of the spelling from the archaic King James language to the modern way of spelling. Such as . . . "searcheth - to 'searches,' . . . thy - to 'your,' sstandeth - to 'stands,' . . . knoweth- to 'knows,' . . . maketh - to 'makes,' . . . nay -to 'no,' . . . bringeth - to 'bring or brings,' . . . hath - to 'has or have,' . . . saith - to 'says,' . . . unto - to- 'to,' . . . doeth - to 'does,' . . . wherefore - to 'therefore,' . . . thee - to 'the,' . . . justifieth - to 'justify,' . . . helpeth - to 'help,' . . . liveth - to 'lives,' . . . ever - to 'always,' . . . hitherto - to 'even yet - or thus far,' . . . Behold - 'take notiice,' . . . heart - to 'mind or intellect,' . . . whereunto- to 'the fact is or it was to this end that,' . . . elect- to 'chosen,' . . . quickens- to 'make alive,' . . . Lo- to 'take notice,' . . . sorer- to 'surer,' . . . saving- to 'except,' . . . Woe- to 'grievous or distress to you,' . . . and etc. None of this will take away from the true meaning of the original text."
4. The reader will notice also that we have put words in parenthesis in the various Bible verses, this is done to help the student have a better understanding of the old King James language which is often a little bewildering to some folks who are not use to that kind of speech. Therefore, please bear with us as we teach the message. A good idea would be to read your King James Bible along with each verse we have quoted. It is also very important for the student to look up all the added Bible texts that we have referred to in the Message. This will give the reader much added information! The reader will also notice that we have repeated several verses here and there in our message and of course we do this to bring out a better understanding of the message. Also observe that we have placed dividing brackets such as those below - just above and below the various "Bible Texts" in our message.
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5. Scripture "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? { Daniel 12:8 }."
6. Commentary . . . This is one of the most asked questions since man has existed! "Where will I spend eternity when my life on this earth comes to an end?" Truthfully, is there a future for mankind, is there really a heaven and a hell? Where will our eternal abode be, can I receive immortality? The most wonderful blessing a Christian can have is the knowledge that he is reborn and has been adopted into the family of God by merely trusting in Christ as his personal Saviour. Once Christians do this by faith they have already received immortality!
7. Also, we wish to make one thing clear: many folks unknowingly place "the Body of Christ" in the feminine gender, this is not a good interpretation of the Scriptures! The correct rendering is that the Body of Christ is always in the masculine gender and is called "The one new man { Ephesians 2:15; - 4:24, - & - Colossians 3: 10 }," we suggest the reader see our Eight part message concerning "The Bride and Body of Christ," where we teach the masculine gender of the Body more thoroughly. Thus we will use the word "He" whenever we refer to the Body of Christ in this message. Also we will, in a few places, use Scripture references from the Amplified Bible for a somewhat better rendering of the text.
8. Scripture: "For to me to live is Christ, [ His life is in me ]; and to die is gain [ to gain the glory of eternity ] { Philippians 1:21 }."
9. Scripture: "We are confident [ of good courage ], I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord { 2- Corinthians 5:8 }."
10. The above verse Paraphrased . . . "[ Yes ] we have confidence and hopeful courage, and are well-pleased rather to be away from home which refers to this physical body on this earth, and be out of this body of flesh and away from this earth, and be at home with the Lord in the Paradise of Heaven."
11. Commentary . . . Isn't it a wonderful feeling when the whole family comes together in a reunion and able to say "because of the fact that we are all Christians, no matter what takes place in the future, we are all going to be in that Heavenly reunion together sometime in the near future! We as true Christians can all be happy and overjoyed when we can cry out and say . . .
12. { V. 4 } Scripture: "Yes, though I walk through the [ deep, sunless ] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear [ or dread ] no evil: for You are with me; Your rod [ to protect ] and Your staff [ to guide, ] they comfort me:
13. { V. 5 }: You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies: You anointed my head with oil; my [ brimming ] cup [ is ] running over.
14. { V. 6 }: Surely goodness and mercy [ and unfailing love ] shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord [ within His eternal presence I will abide ] for ever { Psalm 23:4-6 }." [ Again . . . where is it Christians will dwell? ]
15. Commentary . . . Concerning the three above verses, here is mentioned the comfort for all earthly circumstances, no matter where the path may be. Goodness and mercy are in store for all God's sheep and the blessed goal is to be with the Lord, not in an earthly house, [ the body of the Saint ] where yet Christ's glory is to dwell visibly, but in the Father's house with its many mansions.
16. Concerning the lost, the question arises, what is going to happen to those great multitudes of unbelievers in this world who have no hope of eternal security and are wondering: "what does the future hold for me since I have reached an elderly age, and am sickly in body, one foot in the grave and the other foot headed that way rapidly?" They ask, "is there a place of eternal torment or perhaps a place of eternal bliss for me and for others who believe as I do?" The sad thing is, folks who do not like the thought of eternal punishment in Hell have decided that they would not believe what the Bible says just because they hate the idea of such a thing or place! "What shall be the end of these things?"
17. Because of the dislike of what Scripture determines concerning Hell, many people teach that such a place does not exist and that the King James Bible is all wrong concerning this matter. Just to mention one such group - who has even translated their own Bible in such a way as to exclude eternal punishment from its pages. These people have books written for themselves that change the true translation of the Scriptures in order to teach their own doctrine! They even teach that all other beliefs other than their own are teaching false doctrine and remain in a lost condition!
18. Scripture teaches that in the last days false prophets and teachers will be many. They will teach damnable heresies and huge multitudes of unlearned unbelievers will follow them because they also deny the truths of the Scriptures. These people do not believe that Jesus Christ is God even though there are Scriptures in abundance that teach very clearly otherwise! Since Scripture teaches eternal bliss for the Christian, these folks readily accept this doctrine. But when these same truths are taught from the same Bible concerning everlasting judgment in the "Lake of Fire," because of the fact they cannot stand such a thought of going to Hell, they will not believe, thus, accepting the teaching of false teachers!
19. { V. 29 } Scripture "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
20. { V. 30 }: Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse [ distorted and corrupt ] things, to draw away disciples after them [ i.e., to their own gullible party and belief ], { Acts 20:29-30 }."
21. Commentary . . . Paul reminds Christians that grievous wolves [ wicked people ] will enter into their midst and that some of those wolves would arise from among the midst of your own environment. He later warned Timothy who was in Ephesus concerning those wolves, see { I - Timothy 1- 3-7 }. Therefore, you yourself must be diligent in being very careful in what company you associate with, and who you listen to.
22. { V. 13 } Scripture: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived {
2- Timothy 3:13 }." =========================23. The above { V.13 } Paraphrased . . . "But wicked men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading away others and being deceived and led away themselves."
24. Commentary . . . The situation will continue to worsen. Watch for evil men and women who are seducers. This is an age of evil men and deception. The irony is that evil people are deceiving one another and being deceived. They must learn the truth that whatever a man sows, he also reaps.
25. { V. 1 } Scripture "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
26. The above verse paraphrased . . . "But also in those days there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves in the future, who will subtly - secretly - and stealthily introduce heretical, damnable doctrines and destructive heresies . . . even denying and disowning the Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one true God Who bought them with His Own shed blood, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." [ When is this going to take place? ]
27. { V. 2 }: And many shall follow their pernicious [ immoral ] ways [ and their lascivious doctrines ]; by reason of whom the ways of truth shall be evil spoken of [ and will be maligned and defamed ], { 2- Peter 2:1-2 }."
28. Commentary . . . In a recent poll, it is said that over 70 percent of all Ministers have stated that they do not believe in an eternal place of judgment! It is stated at least 162 times in the New Testament alone that these false teachers are liars, and that there is such a place. Should we believe God or the teachings of those who reject the Scriptures? Just think of the huge multitudes who are following these unbelievers!
29. Scripture: "Therefore, sirs, be of good cheer: [ keep up your courage ] for I [ have confidence with complete faith and ] believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me { Acts 27:25 }."
30. Scripture: ". . . Let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, that you might be justified [ and shown to be upright ] in your sayings, [ i.e., in what you teach ] and [ that you ] might overcome [ prevail ] when you are judged [ come into judgment ], { Romans 3:4 }." See { Psalms 51:4 }.
31. Commentary . . . but every man a liar . . . . Men should believe that they have all broken their word rather than that God has broken His. The most popular folks who teach that there is no eternal Hell, do not even believe that the saved Christian will ever reign with Christ in the Heavenlies! They deny that there is or ever was a Trinitarian God! They speak of Jesus Christ as being inferior to God Jehovah by believing and teaching that Jehovah is God the Father, the only true God. On the other hand, Jesus Christ is merely called a son because the Father created Jesus sometime in the distant past. One such group states that Christ is actually "Michael" the Archangel.
32. They, as well as many other groups, teach repeatedly that Hell refers literally to the "grave." This false doctrine is accepted as truth by a huge host of folks! When these people come to your house, they will tell you that there are two Greek words in the Bible referred to as Hades and Gehenna. They will tell you that these words, even though translated "Hell" in the King James version, mean nothing more than "the grave and a garbage dump" in the Greek Text. A large book could be written concerning the subject of Hell, therefore, we will only try to bring out some of the highlights of the subject.
33. One thing that must be mentioned is the word "Queber," which is also spelled "Khaber," either way of spelling the word is acceptable. The word means "Grave," or it can be called "Geburah": Sepulcher, which means the same thing as grave! There is another word called "Sheol," which when translated correctly refers to "the place of departed spirits." The next five things mentioned are very important in this study. . . .
34. [ 1 ]: We never find the dead body going to Sheol in the Old Testament. The word is continually taken out of its correct context to prove this false doctrine to mean grave. But, the dead body goes to Queber at least 37 times. This proves that the queber and sheol are two different places. The dead body was to be planted in the earth, [ Queber ], whereas the Soul that departs the body, at the time of death is transferred to Sheol where "ALL" human Souls are transported after they have left their dead bodies. Sheol itself, refers to either Hell or Heaven but not just to Hell as many preachers teach.
35. [ 2 ]: Sheol is never found to be located anywhere upon the face of this earth!
36. [ 3 ]: Men have never placed a single person into Sheol for this would be an impossibility! But Scripture proves that man has put dead bodies into Queber, the literal grave, well over 30 times. A grave can be dug to plant a dead body but never can man plant a soul in Sheol!
37. [ 4 ]: It would be utterly impossible for man to produce a Sheol! But men has made a 'Queber [ grave' ] by his own hand many times, which proves that folks have produced places for the dead bodies of loved ones whether it would be a grave in the earth, a tomb or a cave, but when has man placed a soul in the "Nether World" meaning Sheol?
38. [ 5 ]: What person has ever touched or ever heard of another person touching a SHEOL? But, many of us have touched 'quebers [ Graves' ], and we have seen grave diggers and others touch graves many times, proving that a Queber can be touched or even entered by men at will. But only God has the power to place a person into Sheol! Sheol, many times is translated "HELL," which is referred to as Hades. 22 times Jesus taught the subject of Hell. It must be brought out that many people emphasize the fact that they dislike the subject of Hell being taught by so called hell fire and brimstone preachers who they believe are fanatics on this subject.
39. The fact is, if this writer and the many ministers who believe the same things that this writer is teaching in this message are wrong; doesn't this mean that Christ is also wrong because the Bible foretells the same thing we have been teaching? Isn't it also true, that to dislike any portion of Scripture being taught is actually also to dislike the person of the Godhead? God placed such teachings by His 0wn prophets, apostles, and disciples in His Word to teach all of us what He wants us to know. To disbelieve any of God's Word is Satanic thus getting us right back into a false doctrine. The word Hell is found 24 times in the New Testament, and was taught 22 times by the Lord Himself. James and Peter taught it one time each.
40. When studying the Greek text, which the King James version was translated from, we find that Jesus used the word "Hades and Gehenna," which refers to two different places. As to a place called "Purgatory," no such place exists, nor has ever existed in the past! The name cannot be found or alluded to in the King James or from the Greek text unless somebody has deliberately rewritten something in the Greek to comply to their own denominational doctrine! On this earth, when thinking of a place of containment for the law breaker, we find that the offender will not immediately be incarcerated in some prison. When he is apprehended for a crime, he is then placed in a local jail and will remain there until a trial date has been set.
41. The culprit will then be judged and sent to a prison to serve the remainder of his sentence, and for first degree murder he may receive a life sentence without parole. The reason the criminal is not sent to the penitentiary while he is in the local jail, is because he likely has not as yet had a trial, so he would have to be held prisoner in the local jail until his trial takes place. When found guilty, only then would he be sent to the penitentiary! As to the word "Hades," mentioned eleven times in the New Testament, it refers to a local place of internment in Hell which is typical to a local jail where the offender awaits for a future place to be incarcerated.
42. While waiting in "Hades," the lost persons local jail, the prisoner must abide there in the local jail until the judgment day arrives for him to be sentenced. It should also be understood that even though these folks are not yet in the "Lake of Fire," they are still suffering in Hades [ Hell ] as is stated by the rich man that has been placed there, and incidentally is still there until the White Throne judgment takes place. See { Luke 16:23:24-25 }.
43. Every time the word Gehenna is found, it refers to "Lake of Fire" the final penitentiary for the souls of sinners, after being found guilty they are condemned to their final place of incarceration, their final reward! At this present moment there is not one single lost soul suffering in the "Lake of Fire!" All lost folks are still in Hades at this time because the Judge, Christ Himself has not returned as yet and has not yet started reigning over His Kingdom. The final judgment for the wicked takes place only after the Lord will have finished His Millennial reign of a one thousand year period foretold in the Scriptures. The judgment at the end of that period is called the "White Throne Judgment." Then, all lost folks will be transported to the "LAST PRISON" The Lake of Fire" to dwell eternally.
44. { V. 11 } Scripture: "And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven [ atmosphere ] fled away; and there was found no place for them.
45. { V. 12 }: And I [ also ] saw the dead, small and great, stand before God [ Who sat upon His throne ]; and the books [ in Heaven ] were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the [ wicked ] dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
46. Commentary . . . And then, the eternal sentence for what they had done, for their whole way of feeling and acting, because of their aims and endeavors in accordance with what was recorded in the books. Notice that these unsaved people were themselves judged. 0n the other hand, at the judgment seat of Christ the Saints will not be judged, only their works are to be judged because Christ Himself has already been judged in their place and has suffered for their sins by giving up His Own life for them!
47. { V. 13 }: "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and hell [ I.e., Hades, the state of death or disembodied existence ] delivered [ by surrendering and giving ] up the dead which were in them: and they were [ tried and their cases determined by being ] judged every man according to their works [ . . . that they had performed while they had yet been alive upon the earth. ] [ Where was the sentence to be carried out? ] . . .
48. { V. 14 } And death and hell [ Hades ] were cast into the 'Lake Of Fire.' This is the second death. [ Where? When? What is the second death? Does it consist of eternal suffering? YES! ] . . .
49. { V. 15 } And whosoever was not found written in the book of life [ i.e., if any persons name was not found in that book of life, he will be hurled into that dreadful lake . . . he: ] was [ future tense ] cast into the 'LAKE OF FIRE' { Revelation 20:11-15 }."
50. Commentary . . . concerning the above five verses that gives us some of the details of the end time Great White Throne Judgment of evil people, let us talk about what a multitude of others believe. Our Amillennialist brethren, who are operating on a unitary principle of just one covenant, one people of God, one resurrection, and one judgment, carry through this hermeneutic here also. . . .
51. For them, there will be the coming of Christ, a general resurrection, and a general judgment. Actually, the biblical doctrine of judgment is not so simplistic, if all the scriptural data are to be taken into account. True, the judgment in these verses is the final one: but it is not the only one. Among many, the Bible reveals 12 or more judgments and, "over" seven distinct major judgments: but we will mention only seven at this time, one in the past, one at present, and five future. Because of the tyranny of time and space, the first six of these major judgments will be dealt with briefly, and the last one more fully.
52. First, there is the judgment of the Cross. It was a judgment in two senses: [ 1 ]: Man's sins were judged at Calvary, see { 2- Corinthians 5:21; - Galatians 3:13; - & - Romans 8:1 }, and [ 2 ]: Satan was judged there also, see { Colossians 2:14-15, with John 16:11 }. It is a judgment that is past and will never be repeated.
53. Second, there is the judgment of the sinning Christian, see { 1- Corinthians 1:30-32 }, if he does not judge himself. The more often this judgment is experienced, the better. There is the judgment of the Christian's works, see { 22:12; - Romans 14:10; - 1- Corinthians 3:10-19; - 4:5; - & - 2- Corinthians 5:10 }. This takkes place following the Rapture, { see 2- Timothy 4:8 } at the judgment seat [ bema ] of Christ in Heaven. It is for rewards or suffering loss, see also { 1 - Corinthians 3:14-15 }.
54. Fourth, there is the judgment on Israel, see { Ezekiel 20:33-38; - & - Matthew 24:9-10 }. It takes place after the Tribulation Period; those who continue to reject their Messiah will not enter the Kingdom reign of Christ; those who have received Him will enter it, see { Romans 11:26 }.
55. Fifth, there will be a judgment of the nations which we have written about in the past, in other messages, see { Joel 3:11-16; - & - Matthew 25: 31-46 }. It will occur immediately after the Tribulation Period; it will be on the basis, as always, of acceptance or rejection of Christ, manifested in their treatment of the earthly brethren of our Lord. This likely has a two-fold meaning, His brethren are the Hebrew People, but also the people who were saved during the Tribulation Period who were not Jews are also considered as His Brethren in typology. The righteous enter the Kingdom and eternal life; the wicked are excluded from both.
56. Sixth, this judgment will come upon fallen angels and Satan, see { 2 - Peter 2:4; - Jude 6; - & - Revelation 20:10 }. Time and place are not specified for the angels; the beast and false prophet will be judged before the reign of Messiah, and Satan is sentenced to eternal doom after the Millennial reign of Messiah. Because of their relentless rebellion against God their creator, they all will suffer eternal fire.
57. The seventh judgment is now under consideration in { Revelation 20:11-15 }. It is properly called "The Great White Throne Judgment. This concerns { V. 11 } above, it is applied to the judgment of the wicked dead, distinct from all the previous judgments we have just considered. It is described as great because it is the most awesome trial and judgment ever held.
58. The characterization "white" has reference to the purity and holiness with which it will be conducted. The throne indicates that majestic authority is involved. The one who sits on the throne is the Lord Jesus Christ, see { John 5:22, 27; - & - 2 - Peter 4:1 }. To underscore the gravity of the proceedings, John states that the earth and the heaven fled away from His presence, and there was found no place for them. This does not mean the annihilation of the earth and Heaven. It is rather that the Great White Throne Judgment will take place between the passing of the Millennial scene and the entrance on the new heaven and earth.
59. Concerning { V. 12 } above the dead were "Standing before God" . . . Where will subjects of the judgment stand? They will be upheld by God in space. This is a deeply solemn scene that merges into eternity. The judgment is final and eternal; for all that are circumscribed, that is, earth and Heaven, have passed away. The high and the low of rank on earth will be there. The sinner is now brought face-to-face with God the Son, from Whom he cannot escape.
60. The distinctions in verse 12 are vital: notice that "the books in Heaven were opened" . . . and 'another book was opened': could not the latter be included in the former? By no means, because both entities are defined. This other book is the book of life, in which all who have trusted Christ are inscribed. Here it is introduced to show that the subjects of the judgment are unsaved. The book contains the record of their works, read { Vs.. 12-13 } again. Why is there any need to consult their works, if they are lost? It is intended to reveal the number and gravity of their sins to determine degrees of their punishment, see carefully { Luke 12:47-48 }.
61. And { V. 13 }, even the unsaved who have died on the seas, whose bodies have never been recovered, will not be exempt from this august tribunal, see { John 5:28-29 }. Death [ used here for the grave ] gives up the bodies; Hell gives up the souls. No one is said to escape or enter into eternal bliss. All the unsaved will suffer their eternal doom, see { Revelation 20:6 }.
62. As to { V. 14 } above . . . Death and Hell, . . . brought into existence by man's sin end where all lost sinners go, namely, the 'Lake of Fire.' This means an actual, eternal separation from God in conscious, unceasing torment. And, then we have { V. 15 } . . . Whosoever. There is no indication that any individual at the Great White Throne ever escapes judgment. The cause of their final doom . . . not that they did not accumulate sufficient good deeds in the books . . . it will be because their names were not found written in the Lamb's book of life, see { Revelation 3:5; - 13:8; - & - 21:27 }. This is all-inclusive, from Cain to the end of human history.
63. We noticed in { V. 13 } that the sea gave up its dead. As to the word "death," we find that because of sin man inherited death and all Christians and unbelievers alike experience death but after the millennial reign of Christ, death will no longer have power over the human race! . . . Death is bestowed on mankind because of sin, { V. 14 } above makes clear that death and Hell [ Hades ] will together, be cast into the 'Lake of Fire.'
64. The word "Hell" in the Greek is synonymous with "Hades." Death refers strictly to the physical dead bodies, whereas "Hades" refers strictly to the place in the center of this earth where the soul of the wicked dead resides at the present time . . . When Christ was resurrected from the earth He took captivity captive as the Scripture states, see { Ephesians 4:8-10 }. All the way through the Old Testament age, right on up to the time of Christ's Resurrection, the saved and lost people who died . . . their souls and spirits after leaving the dead bodies went down into Hades. No one as yet had gone up to Heaven. There were two large compartments in Hades, one was Hell for the Lost, the other was the Paradise section for the saved. This was the reason Christ Himself and the thief on the cross who died along-side of Christ went into the Paradise section of Hades after their death. But, three days later Jesus was resurrected from that place.
65. What this means is: after Christ's resurrection from Hades, He spent a short time on the earth ministering to His disciples. Later as the Lord Jesus was being resurrected, He emptied the paradise section of Hades. According to God's 0wn Words, those who had become Saints of God and had died, as we have already stated, their souls and spirits were placed there in the Paradise section of Hades until Christ Himself would be resurrected. After this, Jesus transferred Paradise out of Hades into the third heaven where He has made His abode with the Father. Naturally, the only ones left in Hades after the Paradise section was emptied were those who were in a lost condition and will remain there until the White Throne Judgment of the damned! Now, two thousand years later, after Revelation had been written, and during our present time, the multitudes that were there in the past and others who have died in a lost condition are still residing in that place.
66. Hades is the picture and type of those suffering in a local jai l, where they wait until their trail, and after the trail, the eternal penitentiary. The future of the Saint is similar because presently, since paradise has been transferred into the heavenlies from Hades, now when a Christian dies, his soul is taken into Paradise in heaven. The Child of God also must wait in Paradise which perhaps we should call a rest home until the judgment seat of Christ takes place, then his reward is to spend all eternity in heavenly places with Christ! We can see the similarities involved except there is a great difference in the places where each are presently, and where each will live eternally!
67. At the time of the Rapture, those Saints who have died since the beginning of the Body of Christ, will return with Christ to receive their spiritual bodies. When the Saints bodies come forth from the grave they will be changed into a glorious spiritual bodies. The soul and spirit of each dead Saint will enter into the new spiritual body and this will be his permanent body throughout eternity. On the other hand, at this same time, those Saints who have as yet not died and are a part of the Body of Christ, will immediately have their bodies changed in a like manner into spiritual bodies. Then the Body of Christ in all it's completeness will ascend back up into the heavenlies to dwell throughout eternity! { 1-Thessalonians 4:14-18; - & - 1-Corinthians 15:50-58 }.
68. Notice in these Scriptures, the soul and the spirit of Christians will be reunited with their new resurrected Body, at the Rapture. The same thing will happen with the unsaved when they are resurrected except in a different manner. [ Again we suggest that the reader read our message concerning "the Bride and Body of Christ ]," which explains what takes place at the time of the various resurrections after the birth of Christ. When the last lost person dies and his dead body is placed in the grave [ queber ] his soul will have already descended into Sheol of Hades. [ Read our message concerning Sheol. ]
69. God, at the time of the great White Throne Judgment, will resurrect the last lost person along with all the lost wicked dead since the first murderer Cain, Adam's first son. The dead bodies of the lost will be, we believe, resurrected and also receive spiritual bodies that will be recognizable. These folks will be as complete as they were before they died. Their bodies along with their souls and spirits will be judged, sentenced and finally condemned and transferred to the prison in, "The Lake Of Fire." The first mention of Hades we find is . . .
70. Scripture: "And you, Capernaum, which are exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell: [ Hades ] for if the mighty works, which have been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day, { Matthew 11:23 }."
71. The above { V. 23 } paraphrased . . . "And you, Capernaum, are you to be lifted up to Heaven? I tell you this - you shall be brought down into the Hell of Hades [ the region of the wicked dead, an intermediate place of suffering ], see { Luke 10:15 }." "But, if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have continued until today."
72. Commentary . . . Korazin . . . Bethsaida, and Capernaum, all three were near the Sea of Galilee's northwest shore. By contrast, three terribly wicked Gentile cities . . . Tyre and Sidon { V. 22 }, cities on the Phoenician coast 35 and 60 miles, respectively, from the Sea of Galilee { see Ch. 15:21 }, and Sodom { 1:23 }, more than 100 miles south . . . would have repented if they had seen Jesus' miracles. Their judgment, though terrible, is to be less than that on the Jewish cities. All three Galilean cities, in spite of their greater "understanding," rejected the Messiah, and are today in ruins. Though Jesus lived in Capernaum for some time, it would not be lifted up to be exalted. Instead its inhabitants would go down to the depths, literally, to the fiery Hell of the "wicked dead." The words "brought down to hell" in the above verse, this statement is also an allusion to { Isaiah 14:13,15, } where it is spoken of the King of Babylon and we believe alludes [ at least in type ] to Satan himself. "Please read the three verses."
73. Scripture: ". . . Upon this rock I will build My [ Ecclesia, Called Out Millennial Kingdom ] Church [ i.e., Assembly ]; and the gates of hell [ Hades ] shall not prevail against it, { Matthew 16:18 }."
74. Scripture: "And in hell [ Hades ] he [ the lost rich man ] lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom, { Luke 16:23 }."
75. Commentary . . . The rich man could not have seen anything had he been in Queber, a literal grave! Nor could he have been tormented in a grave for he would not have had his mind working in a sensible order! If the mind, soul, and spirit of a man in a grave is dead, then how can he think, see, talk, suffer, or recognize Abraham? This person was in torment in the Hell of Hades, not in an earthly grave!
76. { V. 25 } Scripture: "For David spoke concerning Him [ Christ, and said ]: I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for He is on [ at ] my right hand, [ so ] that I should not be removed [ from the paradise section of Hades ]:
77. { V. 26 }: Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
78. { V. 27 }: Because You will not leave my soul in hell [ Hades ], neither will You suffer Your Holy One [ Christ Jesus Himself ] to see corruption [ in the hell part of Hades ] { Acts 2:25-27 }."
79. Commentary . . . The above three verses depict David as being dead and buried . . . Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, sees in { Psalm 16:7-11 }, One Holy Man, Whose life of high devotedness and lofty spirituality is crowned with the assurance, that though He taste of death, He shall rise again without seeing corruption, and be admitted to the bliss of God the Father's immediate presence. Now as this was palpably untrue of David, it could be meant only of One other, even of Him whom David was taught to expect as the final occupant of the throne of Israel. David and many of the other Old Testament Saints were in the Paradise section of Hades when Christ died. And then Jesus Christ, David's Lord and Saviour, Who was the Saviour of all those other Saints that were present, stood along-side David and was obviously seen by all of them who were there.
80. Those, therefore, and they are many, who take David himself to be the subject of this 16th Psalm, and the words quoted to refer to Christ only in a more eminent sense, nullify the whole argument of the apostle. The Psalm is then affirmed to have had its only proper fulfillment in Jesus Christ, of whose resurrection and ascension they were witnesses, while the glorious effusion of the Holy Spirit by the hand of the ascended Christ, setting an infallible seal upon all, was even then witnessed by the thousands who stood listening to Him.
81. A further illustration of Messiah's ascension and session at God the Father's right hand is drawn from the writer of { Psalm 110:1 }, in which David cannot be thought to speak of himself only, seeing his dead body is still in his grave. It was indeed impossible that "the Lord Jesus" should remain "among the dead" { Luke 24:5 };
82. Scripture: "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: 0 death, I will be your plagues; 0 grave, I will be your destruction: repentance shall be hid from My eyes, { Hosea 13:14 }."
83. The above { V 14 } paraphrased . . . "Should I ransom them from the power of Sheol [ "not Hell," - "Sheol is the place of "the soul and spirit of the dead" it can refer to either "Heaven or Hell?" ] Should I redeem them from death? 0 Death, where are your plagues? O Sheol, where is your destruction? Relenting and compassion are hid from My eyes." See { 1- Corinthians 15:55. }
84. Commentary of the above text in Hosea . . . verses 12 through 14 actually go together, and refer to Israel in this instance. Ephraim, a type of Israel as an oriental nation derived from Shim the son of Noah, deliberately held on to his sin. Their iniquity was bound up; it was laid by in store. The reference is to the oriental custom of tying up money and other valuables into a bundle and hiding it somewhere. It was done for security. So the Lord would see to it that their sins and iniquity would not be forgotten; all their sins were preserved for punishment, see { Deuteronomy 32:34 }. Sorrow and great trouble should come upon them. It has been thus in the past, it will be so in the future, in the time of "Jacob's trouble" { Jeremiah 30:7 }.
85. When that time comes, when all their hope and strength is gone { Deuteronomy 32: 36-43 } then Messiah will deliver His people. Then all the enemies will be put down. Redemption from death and plagues will come; they will be ransomed from the power of Sheol [not Hell ]. Israel will be raised from her national death ...[sleep]. Long has she been buried among the world's nations, without spiritual and national life, like those who are in the power of Sheol. But Jehovah will deliver the faithful portion of Israel and Judah, and they will rise from the dust of the earth, the symbol of their national restoration, see the prophecy of Israel's dry bones in { Ezekiel 37:10 -
14 }. To use the passage as it has been done, to teach the restitution of the wicked, is wrong. It has nothing to do with the wicked dead and their future, but all of this applies to the restoration of Israel. We repeat some of the references to this study can be found in { Ezekiel Chs. 16 - & - 37 }.
86. Scripture: "I Am He that lives, and was dead and, behold, I Am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death, { Revelation 1:18 }."
87. The above verse paraphrased . . . "I Am He that lives [ Christ, the second part of the God-head, the Man Jesus Who lives forever ], I am living in the eternity of the eternities. I died, [ His body was in the tomb, and His living soul and spirit was in the paradise section of Hades for three days and three nights ]; but see, I am alive for evermore, Amen; [ That is so, ] and I possess the keys of Hell [ in Hades the realm of the unsaved dead ] and of death [ which can also refer to the Literal Grave, "Queber" ]. Be sure and read { Matthew 12:40 }!
88. Commentary . . . In { Revelation 6:8 }, we read of the pale horse rider whose name was death, and Hell [ Hades ] followed with him." [ Followed Where? ] This obviously takes place after the Rapture of the Saints of God who are the adopted brothers of Christ Jesus. No Saint is going to follow the Antichrist, nor will any Saint who is saved during the Tribulation Period follow this evil person or after those Countries that are among the invaders of Israel. See { Revelation 20:13-14 }. Hades is also the place where all the wicked angels and the Giants of the Old Testament are until the White Throne Judgment takes place. See { Isaiah 26:14; - Jude 6; - Deuteronomy 1:28; - 2:19-20; - Numbers 13: 28, 33; - Joshua 15:8; - 18:16; - & - Ephesians 6:10-12 }.
89. Death, Hell and all the lost folks from all ages will be cast into the eternal penitentiary of the damned, the 'Lake of Fire!' Many unlearned teachers teach the false doctrine, that at the time people die . . . their souls will reside in the dead body, in a literal grave a few feet down in the ground or perhaps in a tomb in some graveyard, throughout all eternity . . ., that is, unless they belong to their own particular sect. Only false so-called prophets and teachers preach such nonsense!
90. Down through the ages when Christ, spoke of Gehenna, He was using the garbage dump in the Valley of Hinnom just at the edge of Jerusalem as a type of The 'Lake of Fire.' He used the dump, as an illustration and type of the last prison for sinners, because it was continually burning, as the 'Lake of Fire' will be burning also continually with the wicked dead in its bosom!
91. It is true, garbage and even dead bodies of both animals and some humans were cast into this dumping place and were burned! . . . But, what many folks do not understand is that even though the fire did burn almost continually in this garbage dump, from the time the children of Israel were cast out into the nations of the world in A D. 70 unto this very time . . . the fire in the Valley of Hinnom has been quenched and has been out for many centuries. On the other hand the 'Lake of Fire': will never be quenched! It will be a burning inferno and a prison of torment forever!
92. There were utterly thousands and thousands of animals sacrificed in the Valley of Hinnom with much suffering. But Christ was telling John in the above text of another place where there would be eternal suffering and gnashing of teeth. It is true, the garbage dump was and still is a grave where ashes of many folks are preserved until the various judgments take place but those bodies are not suffering even though the souls of some of them are in torment in the hell section of Hades at this very time! The smoke of the dump made a small cloud at Jerusalem for many years before the place was no longer used for that purpose. So we repeat: "as a type, Jesus used this dump as an illustration to teach about the smoke that would be present at the location of the 'Lake of Fire' that would boil up as a cloud from this last penitentiary."
93. If Jesus was only pointing to a literal grave when He mentioned Gehenna or Hades, then why did He not just point to the graveyard or to a cave where bodies were to be entered? Why did He even mention suffering or torment? Also why did the Lord not say that the 'Lake of Fire' would be no different from the garbage dump that He had referred to? The above makes us wonder how any intelligent individual could possibly misunderstand what the Lord was teaching them. The student must emphasize continually when teaching, that the 'Lake of Fire' will be the final prison of all lost souls after they are Judged at the White Throne Judgment of Christ.
94. Scripture "But I say unto you, that whoever is angry with his brother with out a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whoever shall say to his brother, raca [ empty head ], shall be in danger of the council: but whoever shall say, you fool, shall be in danger of 'hell fire' [ Gehenna, "Lake of Fire" ], { Matthew 5:22 }."
95. The above { V. 22 } paraphrased . . . "But I say to you that every one who continues to be angry with his brother or harbors malice [ enmity of mind ] against him shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the court; and whoever speaks contemptuously and insultingly to his brother shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, "You cursed fool!" . . . You "empty-headed idiot!" shall be liable to and unable to escape the Hell [ 'the Lake:' ] of fire."
96. Commentary . . . This writer didn't write this Scripture in the Bible! It was the Lord who said these words! A false teacher who teaches that this does not refer to a literal Hell would likely read this text like this. . ."Whoever shall say you fool shall be in danger of "Grave Fire." Naturally we would have to ask him: "when have you ever saw someone's grave on fire?" And if so, where did this take place? and why did it happen? If a grave was on fire, did it continually keep on burning forever? Naturally, this is nonsense and any such interpretation would be silly! Jesus continually used fire in His explanation of Hell.
97. { V. 29 } Scripture: "And if your right eye offends you [ serves as a trap, to ensnare you and causes you to stumble and sin ], pluck it out, and cast it from you: for 'it is [ more' ] profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell, [ Gehenna type of the "Lake of Fire" ].
98. { V. 30 }: "And if your right hand offends you, [ and serves as a trap, to ensnare you and causes you to stumble and sin ], cut it off, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into Hell [ type of the "Lake of Fire" ], { Matthew 5:29-30 }." [ When? ]
99. Scripture: "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him [ God not Satan ] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell [ type of the "Lake of Fire" ], { Matthew 10:28 }," [ Where? When? ]
100. { V. 8 } Scripture: "Wherefore if your hand or your foot offend you [ and causes you to stumble and sin ], cut them off, and cast them from you: it is better [ more profitable and wholesome ] for you to enter into life 'halt [ lame' ] or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into [ the ] everlasting [ Lake of ] fire.
101. { V. 9 }: And if your eye offends you [ and causes you to stumble and sin ], pluck it out, and cast it from you: it is better [ more profitable and wholesome ] for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire [ Gehenna type of the "Lake of Fire" ], { Matthew 18:8-9 }."
102. Commentary . . . The question is, where could any teacher receive an understanding from the above that would cause him to believe the text is referring to a cemetery that is always in a nice peaceful sitting?
103. { V. 13 } Scripture: ". . . Woe [ grievous distress ] unto you, scribes and Pharisees [ pretenders ], hypocrites, for you shut up the kingdom of heaven [ and teach against the future Millennial earthly Kingdom and ] against men [ to their faces ]: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in. [ They would not teach the correct knowledge of eternal salvation as Christ taught ] { See John I7:3; - & - 5:39 }. [ Instead they substituted only evil traditions ].
104. { V. 14 }: Woe [ grievous distress ] unto you, scribes and Pharisees [ pretenders and ], hypocrites, for you devour [ and swallow up ] widows' houses, and for a pretense [ to cover it up ] make long prayers: therefore you shall receive the greater damnation. . . . [ And. will receive a much heavier sentence. There are degrees of punishment in Hell just as there are degrees of blessings in Heaven after our works are judged and blessings are passed out ].
105. { V. 15 }: Woe [ grievous distress ] unto you, scribes and Pharisees [ pretenders and ], hypocrites! for you compass [ travel over ] sea and land to make one [ single ] proselyte, and when he is made [ a Hebrew proselyte a convert and follower of yourself ], you make him twofold [ i.e., doubly as ] more the child of Hell [ Gehenna type of the "Lake of Fire" ] than yourselves { Matthew 23:13-15 }."
106. Scripture: "You serpents, you generation [ offspring and spawn ] of vipers [ poisonous snakes ], how can you escape the damnation [ and suffering the penalty ] of Hell [ "Lake of Fire?" ] { Matthew 23:33 }." [ When? ]
107. Commentary . . . The word Gehenna and the words Hell mentioned in { Mark 9:43, 45, - & - 47 } all refer to the, "LAKE OF FIRE." The reader should read { Vs. 42-50 }. Notice that { V. 46 } states that the "Fire is not quenched." This means that in the "Lake of Fire," the fire will burn forever and the lost soul will never cease to suffer and the " Worm [ memory ] dieth not," the meaning is stated in { V. 48 }. See { Isaiah 66:24 }. The lost sinner in the 'Lake of Fire' will remember that chance he had to be saved to Christ and refused to do so. He will remember the awful sins that sent him to Hell with no way to get away from that place throughout all eternity. These memories will themselves be a curse in front of his face forever!
108. Scripture "For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt." { Mark 9: 49 }." [ When? ] =========================
109. Commentary . . . It is well known that salt can be used as a preservative and this verse tells us that as salt preserves other things, that wicked sinners who have entered the eternal penitentiary, the 'Lake of Fire,' will be preserved through an eternity of torment. { V. 50 }, makes clear that salt can be good such as the saying "We are the salt of the earth," the meaning here is that we can have peace with God and with our fellow men if the salt in us has preserved us in the right way. Therefore, there is a question: does the Scripture sound as if Gehenna - referring to the "Lake of Fire" is no more than a grave as some cults teach?
110. When Jesus was teaching in the above { Vs. 43-48 }, we notice He explained { Vs. 44, 46 - & - 48 } very thoroughly. Concerning Gehenna or Tophet, { See Isaiah 30:33 } both words have the same meaning which refer to the place of burning and torment in the valley of Hinnom [ out side the SW. corner of Jerusalem ], where Molech worship, including infant sacrifice, was carried out. In { Matthew 5:22 } we find the word " . . . Raca, shall be in danger of the council [ Divine retribution ]: but whoever shall say, you fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
111. Raca means Empty Head, but the words Hell here is Gehenna, which has already been stated, is a place in the Valley of Hinnom just out side of the old walled City of Jerusalem. This was a garbage dump where human sacrifices had been offered. { See Jeremiah 7:31 }, this is also where the continuous burning of rubbish made it an excellent illustration of the "Lake of Fire" { See Mark 9:44; - James 3:6; - & - Revelation 20:14 }.
112. Scripture: "But I will forewarn you Whom you shall fear: fear Him [ Christ Jesus ], which after He has [ i.e, been ] killed [ on His Cross, He still ] has power to cast into Hell [ Gehenna type of the "Lake of Fire" ]; yes, I say unto you, fear Him { Luke 12:5 }."
113. Commentary . . . In reference to the above verse, there is no doubt that this speaker is the Lord Jesus Christ who will be the one who gives the order to cast the lost into the LAST PRISON, the Lord only has this type of power! The Lord taught that we are to fear God - whether it is to be either the Father or the Son, God only has the power and a perfect right to judge and then cast lost unbelievers into an everlasting prison of fire. It has been stated by some deceived folks that Gehenna, when mentioned in Scripture, has never meant anything other than a garbage dump. It is true, it was a dump! But, the reference Christ made to it was to something else altogether.
114. On the other hand, since these same Scriptures state that this place will be a place of torment forever and will never stop burning, would this not make Jesus Himself a liar if a dump was what He had on His mind? As we have pointed out, since the Israelites were cast out of their land in A. D. 70, history proves that this garbage dump, in this valley ceased to burn just after their expulsion from the City and the land. Thus, the dump has not been a place of perpetual burning since that time, nor is it used for that purpose at this present time! Since this fact can be easily proven by history, does this not make those who teach this nonsense false teachers?
115. Scripture: "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of Hell [ Gehenna type of the 'Lake of Fire' ], { James 3:6 }."
116. The above verse Paraphrased . . . "And the tongue is a fire, [ The tongue is a ] world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body and setting on fire the wheel of birth . . . the cycle of man's nature . . . being itself ignited by Hell [ in "The Lake of Fire," ]."
117. Commentary . . . This verse has nothing to do with a literal grave! The word fire is mentioned here three times.
118. Scripture "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [ to Sheol, 'Tartarus' the PIT, 'not into a grave' ], and 'delivered [ committed. ] them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment [ and doom ], { 2 -Peter 2:4 }." See { Ezekiel 26:20 - & - Jude 6 }.
119. Commentary . . . The word "Hell" in the above verse in the Greek refers to the "abyss." or "bottomless pit." This place is also spoken of by the Prophet Jude, in { V. 6 }. Our Bible makes clear that the wicked angels in Hell will be cast, after being judged, into the 'Lake of Fire.' JUDE makes clear that those angels, before the flood, did the same thing as Sodom and Gomorrha did; they went after strange flesh. See Jude { V. 7 }. Read also our message concerning [ The Giants of the Old Testament ] this concerns the angels who took on strange flesh before the flood of Noah. These particular angels are to remain in the pit of Hell until Hell itself is judged and cast into the 'Lake of Fire!' There is, as has been stated, no possible way that Hades can mean grave, nor can the 'Lake of Fire' ever be associated with a grave or a dump except as a type!
120. There air well over a hundred and fifty references in our N.T. that speaks of Hell without even mentioning It by name. Therefore, if we disregard all the verses we have already mentioned in this message, we still have well over a hundred that we can choose from to prove the existence of Hell and the 'Lake of Fire.' Only those with blinders on could fail after studying this subject chronologically to understand that Hell is a real place and to teach otherwise has already caused countless lost sinners to be sent into that place of torment! At the last judgment this type of doctrine will be cast into the face of those who have taught the incorrectness of Hell.
121. Scripture: ". . . He will thoroughly purge [ cleanse ] His [ threshing ] floor, and gather His wheat [ Saved Believers ] into the garner [ place of safety and peace ]; but He will burn up the chaff [ unbelievers ] with 'unquenchable fire' { Matthew 3:12 }." [ Where? When? ]
122. Commentary . . . Notice the above verse just like many other verses refer to the 'Lake of Fire' without mentioning the place by name! Notice also that there will be a fire that will be unquenchable. We can be assured when the time comes for lost sinners to enter into that last Penitentiary, their false doctrine will be emphasized by the great Judge! { Read Revelation 22:19 }
123. { V. 13 } Scripture: "Enter you in at the strait [ narrow ] gate [ Jesus is the gate or door into heaven ]: for wide is the [ other ] gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there. [ Where? When? ]:
124. { V. 14 } Because strait is the gate [ door ], and narrow is the way, which leads into life [ eternal heaven ], and few there be that find it, { Matthew 7:13-14 }." { Read also Vs. 15-29 }.
125. Commentary . . . Notice in these verses the 'two ways' in { Vs. 13-14 }, 'two trees' in { Vs. 15-20 }, 'two professions' in { Vs. 21-23 }, and 'two builders' in { Vs. 24-29 }. This was a common teaching method in Judaism and Greco-Roman philosophy. The wide gate Jesus mentioned which leads to destruction was positively NOT referring to any type of grave where dead bodies were to be entered. Had Christ meant graves in these verses then all who have died in the past or will die in the future would naturally have had or will have their dead bodies placed into literal graves!
126. { V. 14 } makes clear that very few will attain eternal life in Heaven because the gate to Heaven is very narrow with the meaning that only a few will ever enter into it { V. 13 }. On the other hand, concerning the wide gate, the majority of the population of this earth will be in a lost condition and will enter through it into the 'Lake of Fire.'
127. { V. 40 } Scripture: "As therefore the tares [ darnel, wild wheat, unbelievers ] are gathered and burned in the fire [ of Hades ]; so shall it be in the end of this world { Age: Greek Text. This is Referring to the judgment of the nations of { Matthew 25:31-46 ]. [ When? Where? ]:
128. { V. 41 }: The Son of Man [ Jesus Christ - as Messiah at His Second Coming ] shall send forth His Angels, and they shall gather out of the Kingdom all things that [ are causes of offense . . . persons by whom others are drawn into error or sin and ] offend, and them which do iniquity [ and act wickedly ]; . . .
129. { V. 42 }: And shall cast them into a 'furnace of fire:' there shall 'be wailing [ crying' ] and gnashing of teeth { Matthew 13:40-42 }." [ When? ]
130. Commentary . . . In reference to { V. 42 } above where it speaks of "wailing and gnashing of teeth," I ask the question to those who have stated there is no future 'Lake of-Fire,' "just what does these Scriptures mean?" Can you explain them to us? What does the furnace of fire consist of and where is the location of this furnace? Who are those folks who are gnashing their teeth and crying? What is the correct interpretation of these Scriptures?
131. Commentary . . . Isn't it amazing that many who do not believe in eternal punishment will read these verses and state that they do not mean what they say, because "there is no such thing as an eternal Lake of Fire!" These folks will swear that they believe God's Word and then turn around and refuse to accept it as being true! Many will say that this is just an allegory, in other words God makes these statements but doesn't mean what He said. If these verses are not true why did He waste so much space in His Word by putting these Scriptures in the Bible?
132. Scripture: "All Scripture is given by inspiration [ every Scripture is inspired ] of God, and is [ also ] profitable for doctrine [ teaching ], for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the Man of God may be perfect [ completed ], thoroughly furnished unto all good works, { 2- Timothy 3:16 }."
133. The above verse paraphrased . . . "Every Scripture is God-breathed . . . given by His inspiration . . . and is profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness [ that is, in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action." ]
134. Scripture: "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by [ God ] the Holy spirit, { 2- Peter 1: 21 }."
135. The above verse Paraphrased . . . "For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [ to do so ] . . . it never came by human impulse . . . but as men spoke from God who were born along [ moved and impelled ] by the Holy Spirit." [ Christ tells false teachers . . .
136. Scripture: ". . . You do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God . . . { Matthew 22:29 }." [ WHY? ] [ False teachers think they are saved along with their group of like minded blind folks but Christ said ] . . . =========================
137. { V. 39 } Scripture: "Search the Scriptures; for [ Because ] in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.
138. The above verse [ 39 ] paraphrased . . . "You search and investigate and pour over the Scriptures diligently, because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them. And these [ very Scriptures ] testify about Me!"
139. { V. 40 }: And you will not come to Me, that you might have life.
140. The above verse [ 40 ] paraphrased . . . "And still you are not willing [ but refuse ] to come to Me, so that you might have eternal life."
141. { V. 41 }: I receive not honour from men. [ . . . "I receive not glory or even honour from men . . . I crave no human honour, I look for no mortal fame." ]
142. { V. 42 }: But I know you, [ and recognize ] that you have not the love of God in you.
143. { V. 43 }: I Am come in My Father's Name, and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name [ the Antichrist during the tribulation period ] him you will receive.
144. The above verse [ 43 ] paraphrased . . . "I have come in My Father's name and with His power and you do not receive Me . . .your minds are not open to Me, you give Me no welcome. But, if another comes using his own name and his own power and with no other authority but his own, you will receive him and give him your approval."
145. { V. 44 }: How can you believe, which receive honour one of another [ from other folks ], and seek not the honour that comes from God only? { John 5:39-44 }."
146. The above verse [ 44 ] paraphrased . . . "How is it possible for you to believe . . . how can you learn to believe . . . who [ are content to seek for and ] receive praise and honor and glory from one another, and do not seek the praise and honor and glory which comes from Him Who alone is God?"
147. Commentary . . . If Christ died and there is no Hell, why did He state, " . . . Depart from Me you cursed unto 'everlasting fire' { Matthew 25:41 }." Where are these people to depart to if there isn't any Hell? Some teachers will say that perhaps the fire will be everlasting and the bodies of these lost folks will be burned up and then there will be no more punishment! But, Christ Who is not a liar states . . .
148. Scripture: "And these shall go away into 'everlasting punishment:' but the righteousness [ and just and upright and in right standing with God will proceed ] into life eternal, { Matthew 25:46 }." See { Daniel 12:2 }. [ What? Where? When? ]
149. Commentary . . . If the everlasting punishment Christ spoke of in { V. 46 } is a lie, then eternal life for the righteous evidently must also be a lie! When the Scriptures above states that "All Scripture is [ was ] given by inspiration of God," . . . then this must mean that God breathed only the truth into the minds of the writers of the Scriptures! If not, then who lied? The word "Eternal" here comes from the same Greek word that speaks of eternal life! This means that if there is no eternal punishment, then there will be no eternal Heaven or life! If this is true, then there is no use trying to get anyone saved because our life will end at the grave, so why worry?
150. We must believe all the Scriptures are true, or we should believe none of them! Why waste our time? Why support an Assembly? Why not join the rest of the unbelieving world? Why pray for lost causes? Why not just shoot ourselves and get ourselves out of this wicked age? What most folks fail to comprehend is, that for every verse we find that speaks of Heaven, we find that there are ten verses that refer to Hell! If part of our Bible is a lie, then how do we know any other part of it is true? Just believe it all and you will find hope! Scripture "He that believes not shall be damned! { Mark 9:44, 46, 49 } [ Damned to where? For how long? ] . . .
151. "Where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched, { Mark 9: 44; 46; 48; - & -.See Isaiah 66:24 }." What does this mean? What is this worm? "As the MEMORY Dieth Not," The " worm" or the "memory," is what is meant here. Folks in an 'eternal Lake of Fire' will have a photographic memory, just as we will have in heaven. They will remember all the things they had neglected to do, all the opportunities they had, how they could have had eternal life in heaven, but as the Scriptures state "our lives on earth is just a vapor" { James 4:14 }. Today we are here, tomorrow we are some place else! For a few moments of pleasure they will find themselves in an eternal 'Lake of Fire!' And how awful to be there where a memory never fades away! And, all the things they have forgotten in the past will again be remembered forever very clearly!
152. Scripture "He that believes on the Son "has" [ present tense ] everlasting life, [ The rest of the verse gives us a different picture ]: He that believes not on the Son shall not [ experience or ] see [ that eternal ] life [ in Heaven ] but the wrath of God abides on him, [ forever in a "Burning Lake" ], { John 3:36 }." [ Again we ask: Where? For how long? ]
153. The above verse paraphrased . . . "And, he who believes on . . . has faith in, clings to, or relies on . . . the Son of God has [ i.e., right now possesses ] at this very time eternal life. But, whoever disobeys and refuses to believe or trust in Christ as Saviour and Lord, and therefore disregards the Scriptures, and has not subjected himself to the Son of God will never see or experience eternal life in Heaven. BUT instead, will suffer the wrath of God which abides in him. BUT, he also will have eternal life in the 'PRISON OF NO RETURN!' . . . God's displeasure remains on him; God's indignation hangs over him continually. See { Habakkuk 2:4; - & - Hebrews 3:18-19 }.
154. { V. 28 }: Scripture: "Marvel not [ do not be surprised and wonder ] at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves [ or tombs "Queber' ] shall hear His voice [ When? ],
155. { V. 29 }: And shall come forth: they that [ are Christians and ] have done good [ will come out ], unto the resurrection of [ a new blissful ] life; . . . [ when the Rapture takes place ] and [ a thousand years later ] they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation [ to be judged and sentenced to eternity into the Lake of Fire ], { John 5:28-29 }." [ Where? When? ]
156. Commentary . . . We are well aware that we keep repeating this fact concerning the everlasting punishment of the multitudes of lost individuals, but after all that is what this message is all about. As to those who are mentioned above, notice they are already in the graves of this earth. Many teach that Hell is the grave! According to this doctrine, this would mean that God is resurrecting them from the grave only to return them back into the grave, since they deny a Hell.
157. What benefit would it be to God to take them out of the grave and then return them back where they were? How silly. We notice that both the saved and the unsaved in the above verses are resurrected from the grave. The fact is, the saved Christian will be resurrected and their works will be judged at the judgment seat of Christ { See 2- Corinthians 5:10 }, they receive their rewards and dwell in the heavenlies with Christ forever { See 1- Thessalonians 4:17-18 }.
158. But, the lost are to be resurrected a thousand years later to be judged according to those sins they took part in while on the earth before their death. They will then be cast into that "Lake of Fire the last prison" - to spend eternity { Revelation 20:5,11-15 }. The bodies of the lost, spoken of here, will be brought forth from the graves at Christ's own appointed time and will be changed into spiritual bodies. But the reference to the saved refers to the resurrection of the Saints of this world when Christ returns for His Body of Christian Saints. As we have already taught in this message . . .
159. Jesus will bring the souls of all those of the Body of Christ who have died and who are presently with Him in Heaven - back with Him { 1- Thessalonians 4:14 }, at His return. These dead bodies of the Saints that are called out of the graves will then be changed into spiritual bodies { 1- Corinthians 15:51-52 }, the souls and spirits that Christ brought with Him will enter into those new bodies. The same thing takes place when Jesus returns at His second coming at the end of the Tribulation Period and thus resurrects His Old Testament Saints . . . { Daniel 12:2 }.
160. All Saints are resurrected in a first resurrection! The bodies of the wicked dead mentioned above are to be resurrected a thousand years later in a similar resurrection except they will be judged at the great White Throne judgment. Their bodies will be changed, their souls will come forth from the grave of this world that is located in Hell, judged for the degrees of suffering in the Lake of Fire that they are to spend eternity in, and locked up in that prison of the damned forever { Revelation 20:11-15 }. But are we sure that it will be a whole thousand years after all the saved are resurrected in a first resurrection before the damned are judged into that dreadful place? [ "SEE OUR MESSAGE CONCERNING THE FIVE RESURRECTIONS ]."
161. Scripture: "Because He has appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He has ordained; whereof He has given assurance unto all men, in that He has raised Him from the dead { Acts 17:31 }." [ To those who say there is no Hell, why judge anybody if there is no such place? ]
162. The above verse paraphrased . . . "Because God has appointed a day when He will judge the world righteously [ and justly ] by the Son of God - the Lord Jesus Christ Whom the Trinitarian God has destined and appointed for that task, and God the Father has made this credible and given conviction and assurance and evidence to everyone by raising His only Son Jesus from the dead. See { Psalm 9:8; - 96:13; - & - 98:9. }
163. { V. 5 } Scripture: "But after your hardness and impenitent heart treasures up to yourself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of righteous judgment of God;
164. The above verse paraphrased . . . "But by your callous stubbornness and impenitence of mind you are storing up anger and indignation for yourself on the day of wrath and indignation, when God's righteous judgment [ just doom ] will be revealed."
165. { V. 6 }: Who will render to every man according to his deeds: [ justly, as his deeds deserve ] see { Psalm 62:12; - Jeremiah 17:10; - & - Revelation 22:12. }. . . .
166. { V. 7 }: To them who by patient continuance in well doing [ springing from piety ] seek for [ unseen but sure ] glory and honour and [ the eternal blessedness of ] immortality [ He will give ], eternal life { Romans 2: 5-7 }." [ Where? ]
167. Commentary . . . { V. 5 } proves these lost folks will have a trial and after being tried and judged they will be transferred from the jail [ Hades ] on into the eternal Penitentiary, and that there will be degrees of punishment! The prosecutor at this trial tells the prisoners that they have stored and saved up treasures of wrath against the day of wrath: at the "White Throne Judgment of the Almighty!"
168. So, when is this to take place? During the revelation of the righteous day of Jehovah! Does a grave have degrees as to the depth in the ground for a dead body to be buried? As Christians will have different degrees of blessings in Heaven, also unbelievers are to have different degrees of punishment in the 'Lake of Fire' otherwise why not throw them in there without judging them? And, we repeat this next verse . . .
169. { V. 23 }. . . Scripture: "And you Capernaum, which are exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to Hell [ Hades ]: for if the mighty works, which have been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.
170. { V.24 } But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable [ endurable ] for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you { Matthew 11: 23:24 }."
171. Commentary . . . At the time this judgment takes place, they will be transferred to the last Penitentiary where their souls reside forever.
172. { V. 8 } Scripture: "But unto them that are contentious [ factious ], and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath:
173. { V. 9 }: Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that does evil, of the Hebrew first and also of the Gentile { Romans 2:8-9 }."
174. The above two verses paraphrased . . . [ 8 ]: "But for those who are self-seeking and self-willed and disobedient to the truth but responsive to wickedness, there will be indignation and anger.
175. [ 9 ]: And there will be tribulation and anguish and calamity and constraint for every soul [ life ] of man who habitually does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek [ lost Gentile ]."
176. Commentary of the above text . . . "But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth." The moralist is likened [ like-minded ] in the same order as "those who are of contention [ 'factious,' one who is inclined to act for party purposes - or opposition." ] This formula is similar to other such expressions as "those who are of the circumcision { Romans 4:10-12; - & - Titus 1:10 }; "they which are of faith { Galatians 3:7 }; "they which are of law { Romans 4:14 }. Those who create a spirit of rivalry or factionalism have promised to them, indignation [ Greek 'orge' ], wrath [ Greek 'thymos,' a sudden outburst of anger ], tribulation { Greek 'thlipsis,' affliction ], and anguish [ Greek 'stenochoria', distress ]. As the Gospel was promised to the Jew first and also to the Greek [ Gentile ], so likewise these fruits of 'unrighteousness' are of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile. We could stop right here for the betterment of this Hell message, but, then we read on where the bible states:
177. Scripture: "But glory, honour, and peace, [ shall be the reward ] to every man that [ habitually ] works good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile, { Romans 2:10 }."
178. Commentary . . . Opposed to the reward of the unrighteous, Paul then indicates that the reward of the righteous, is glory, honor, and, instead of immortality as in verse 7, peace. The formula of impartiality is then the same, i.e., to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. That is, if they will become Children of God the Bible way!!!!! Should people refuse continually to tread this path, they are warned that they can eventually be cast . . .
179. { V. 8 } Scripture: "In flaming fire [ with the Judge ] taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
180. { V. 9 } And who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power!!!!! . . . { 2- Thessalonians 1:8-9 }." [ When? Where? Why? ]
181. Commentary . . . At the end of the Tribulation Period, Jesus will return and judge the nations of the world, but judgment doesn't end there.
182. { V. 2 } Scripture: " . . . Of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment . . ., { Hebrews 6:2 },"
183. { V. 7 } Scripture: "[ A promise . . . ] For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from God, [ and then the warning }:
184. { V. 8 }: But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is near unto cursing; whose end is to be burned { Hebrews 6:7-8 }" [ Where? When? ]
185. Commentary . . . "For the earth," from verse 7 above. To enhance the blessing of maturity and the ultimate destruction of that which is barren, the author provides an illustration from nature. Much effort or work must be placed into the earth in order for it to produce. This also is true in the hearts [ minds, intellect ] of men if they are to produce perfection { 6:1 }. That upon which no effort is expended becomes worthless. It also should be noticed that the illustration does not speak of a parcel of land that first produces and later becomes void of life; so it does not illustrate someone saved then lost. it speaks of two kinds of fields, one maturing onward to blessing and the other degenerating to the point of cursing.
186. Notice that these folks just mentioned in { V. 8 ], are already dead! Would it not be nonsense to raise the dead and then turn around and return them back to the dead where they had just come from? The truth is: there is going to be a resurrection of all those who have died in a lost condition as is referred to in { Hebrews 6: 2 } above, and they will be burned in an eternal fire, this will be a final condemnation for lost folks!
187. Scripture: "And [ just ] as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the [ certain ] judgment { Hebrews 9: 27 }." [ To where? To which place? ]
188. Commentary . . . Many in this age are being falsely taught that physical death is the judgment! . . .
189. { V. 26 } Scripture: "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sins, [ Christ was that sacrifice ] . . .
190. { V. 27 }: But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation [ a fierceness of fire ] which shall devour the adversaries. . . .
191. The above verse 27 Paraphrased . . . "There is nothing left for us then but a certain kind of dreadful and fearful prospect and expectation of Divine judgment and the fury of burning anger and displeasure of the Great Judge that will consume those who put themselves in opposition to God." See { Isaiah 26:11 }.
192. { V. 31 } It is a fearful [ formidable and terrible ] thing to fall [ and incur the Divine penalties and be cast ] into the hands of the living God { Hebrews 10:26-27, 31." }
193. { V. 9 } Scripture: "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
194. { V. 10 }: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities, { 2- Peter 2:9-10 }."
195. The above { Vs, 9-10 } paraphrased . . . { 9 }: Now if [ all these things are true, then be sure ] the Lord knows how to rescue the godly out of temptation and trials, and how to keep the ungodly under restraint until the day of judgment and doom;
196. { 10 ]: And particularly those [ false teachers ] who walk after the flesh and indulge in the lust of polluting passion, and scorn and despise authority. They are presumptuous and daring . . . self-willed and self-loving people that scoff at and revile dignities [ "glorious ones?" ] without trembling."
197. Commentary . . . some believe these dignities in { V. 10 } refer to God's Angels. Down through the centuries It would seem that many of these false ministers revile "better ministers" who do not agree with them, but actually interpret God's Word much better than they do. Maybe both references are true, and in Paul's time this type of false teacher likely spoke against the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles also? Concerning the above verses, does it sound to you that perhaps the dead bodies of the unsaved are going to be reserved to judgment? Some people may believe this, but we don't! How can the dead body be reserved? The dead has already been given back to the earth to disintegrate into dust! The fact is, God is going to reserve the life, that is the "soul" and the human "spirit" that had been in that body before its death, somewhere until the day of judgment to be punished. The literal grave "QUEBER" is not going to be judged in a future judgment, what benefit could that be?
198. In { V. 10 } above, we notice the words "despise government." We know there are some who do not recognize the Government even of their own nation. They will not salute the flag, they will not serve in the military, they will not vote, and they actually believe that they themselves are the true spiritual Israel.
199. Scripture: ". . . I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [ Israelites ], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan { Revelation 2:9 }."
200. The above { V. 9 } paraphrased . . . "I know your affliction and distress and pressing trouble, and your poverty; but you are rich! And, I know how you are abused and reviled and slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not but are 'a congregation of Satan.' "
201. Commentary . . . This writer didn't put this verse in the Bible! Did you? During the Tribulation Period, the Scripture speaks of those who will accept the mark of the beast because they, like most of us today, will have a great fear of death. These folks will worship the Antichrist who is the first beast in the book of { Revelation, See Ch. 13 ]. They will receive the Beast's mark which will become an unpardonable sin at that time. Doing so will convict them and cause them to be sent into the 'Lake of Fire,' the eternal prison of the damned. The TV just recently told us that there is a man that publishes the fact that he is the real Antichrist. Untold thousands are now following him. And, there were pictures displayed on the television of these people happily showing the number 666 being placed in various places on their bodies. These folks turn over all their earthly goods to this evil man, and he has followers in many different nations. Therefore, it is easy to see why Hell has enlarged itself as Scripture declares it would. See { Isaiah 5:14 }.
202. { V. 9 } Scripture "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand . . .
203. { V. 10 }: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation: and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb, [ Christ ] . . .
204. { V. 11 }: And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever [ future tense ]: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever received the mark, of his name { Revelation 14:9-11 }."
205. The above 3 verses paraphrased . . . { 9 }: "And a third angel, followed them, saying with a mighty voice, Whoever pays homage to the beast [ Antichrist ] and his statue and permits the [ Antichrist's ] mark [ stamp, inscription, or computer chip ] to be placed on or just inside under the skin of his forehead or on or in his hand,
206. { 10 }: "He too shall [ have to ] drink of the wine of God's indignation [ righteous anger ] and terrible wrath, poured undiluted into the cup of the Lord's anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lame of God." See { Genesis 19:24 }.
207. { 11 ]: "And the smoke of their torment will ascend up for ever and ever [ from the 'Lake of Fire' ]: and they have no rest day nor night [ no pause, no intermission, no rest, no peace ... continually, unceasingly for those ], who worship the beast [ world ruler, Antichrist ] and his image, and whosoever received the mark, [ stamp, inscription, or computer chip ] of his name { Revelation 14:9-11 }." [ Why will this happen? When will it take place? ]
208. Commentary . . . Only lost individuals could possibly disbelieve what the above Scripture states! Some will say that once the unbeliever is cast into Gehenna "a burning garbage dump," in just a very short time he will be annihilated and that will be the last of him. But, what does the Scriptures say? After the return of Christ . . .
209. Scripture: "And the beast [ Antichrist ] was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought [ performed ] miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast "ALIVE" into a 'Lake of Fire burning with brimstone': [ sulfuric fire ], { Revelation 19:20 }."
210. The above { V. 20 } paraphrased . . . "And the beast [ known as the Antichrist that was predicted to appear for thousands of years and mentioned countless times in the ancient Scriptures, he ] was [ future tense ] seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet [ who will be the leader of the "One World Church system," during the 'Great Tribulation Period.' This False prophet ] . . . in the beasts very presence will have worked wonders and performed miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or permitted to be placed upon them the stamp, inscription, or computer chip that would identify them with, and by the [ mark ] of the beast, and thus, also identified them that had paid homage and gave divine honors to the Antichrist's statue. Both of these men who had been led by Satan himself were taken before the Great Judge of all things, and were sentenced, and were hurled while yet alive into the 'Fiery Lake' that burns and blazes with brimstone."
211. Commentary . . . But, a thousand years later, Scripture states that Satan will be cast into the same place! Notice that our paraphrased verse above is pretty much a commentary in itself!
212. { V. 1 } Scripture: "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit [ abyss ] and a great chain in his hand.
213. { V. 2 }: And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent [ of primeval times ], which is the devil, and Satan, and [ securely ] bound him [ for ] a thousand years, { Revelation 20:1-2 }." .
214. Scripture: "And when the [ following ] thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison [ his place of confinement during the Millennial reign of Messiah ] { Revelation 20:7 }."
215. Scripture: "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the 'Lake of Fire and brimstone,' where the beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever, { Revelation 20:10 }."
216. Commentary . . . Notice that the Beast and the False Prophet will still be in the 'Lake of Fore' a thousand years later. They haven't been disintegrated, neither have they been turned into ashes! Where have they been for the last millennium? "in the eternal Lake of Fire!" The final penitentiary of the damned! Here it must be understood that we, "The Body of Christ," will receive a new spiritual body at the time of the Rapture . . .
217. So it is obvious that these two literal men consisting of flesh and blood, the Anti-christ and the false prophet mentioned above, at the time they are cast into the 'Lake of fire', will also have received a spiritual body that cannot be destroyed, Christians on the other hand in their future bodies will be blessed over and over eternally. After the millennial reign of Christ on this earth, the outer crust of this earth will be burned, purged, and cleansed with fire, and immediately afterwards the White Throne Judgment will take place. When this happens the next text states, [ AND WE REPEAT THESE NEXT THREE VERSES ] . . .
218. { V. 13 } Scripture: "And the sea [ delivered and ] gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell [ in Hades the state of death or disembodied lost dead ] delivered [ and surrendered ] up the dead which were [ past tense ] in them: and they were [ past tense ] judged [ and their cases determined ] every man according to their [ motives, aims and ] works. [ When? ] . . .
219. { V. 14 }: "And death and hell [ in Hades the state of death or disembodied existence ] "were" [past tense ] cast into the 'Lake of Fire.' This is the second death. [ When? Where? }
220. { V. 15 }: And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was [ past tense ] cast into the 'Lake of Fire' { Revelation 20:13-15 }." [ Notice all this is mentioned just as if it has already taken place, and yet, it will not take place until a future judgment. ]
221. Scripture: "But the [ 1 ]: fearful, and [ 2 ]: unbelieving, and the [ 3 ]: abominable, and [ 4 ]: murderers, and [ 5 ]: whoremongers, and [ 6 ]: sorcerers, and [ 7 ]: idolaters, and [ 8 ]: all liars," shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death, { Revelation 21:8 }."
222. The above verse 8 paraphrased . . . "But as for the cowards, the abominable, the mean, and contemptible, and those that fail to believe what the Scriptures say, and the 'cravenly [ mean spirited' ] lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive; and as for the unbelieving and faithless; and as for the depraved and defiled with abominations; and murderers and the lewd "whoremongers - fornicators, adulterous people, those who are sexual perverts," and the idolaters, those who worship worldly goods, money, cars, boats, pleasure, which things become their gods. And, the practicers of magic arts such as witchcraft, and astrologers, and all liars, those who knowingly convey untruth by word or deed, all of these shall have their part in the [ 'Lake that blazes with Fire ] and brimstone': [ brimstone is 'burning sulfur,' that has been said to be at least ten times hotter than regular fire ]. this is the second death." { See Isaiah 30:33 }.
223. Commentary . . . The reader will notice that some of these Scriptures refer in the past tense. Therefore, we have here a future picture in God's Word that looks back to the time and also to the fulfilling of the time when this had already taken place. What a wonderful and yet a sad ending of the wicked that has caused the horrible atrocities upon this earth since Cain killed his brother Abel. When we check our concordance and look up the meaning of the words, no one should fail to comprehend the truth of these Scriptures! The reader should look up the following words: and then if you still refuse to believe in a literal Hell, then it must be accepted that Satan has you in his service! . . .
224. [ 1 ]: Accursed, [ 2 ]: Anguish, [ 3] : Beelzebub, [ 4 ]: Blackness of darkness, [ 5 ]: Bottomless pit, [ 6 ]: Burned, [ 7 ]: Condemned, [ 8 ]: Cursed, [ 9 ]: Damnation, [ 10 ]: Darkness, [ 11 ]: Demons, [ 12 ]: Destruction, [ 3 ]: Devil, [ 14 ]: Eternal, [ 15 ]: Everlasting, [ 16 ]: Fearful, [ 17 ]: Fierce, [ 18 ]: Fire, [ 19 ]: Flame, [ 20 ]: Forever, [ 21 ]: Furnace, [ 22 ] : Harvest , [ 23 ]: indignation, [ 24 ]: Judgment, [ 25 ]: Lucifer, [ 26 ]: Perdition, [ 27 ]: Perish, [ 28 ]: Punish, [ 29 ]: Recompense, [ 30 ]: Suffer, [ 31 ]: Torment, [ 32 ]: Tribulation, [ 33 ]: Unquenchable, [ 34 ]: Vengeance, [ 35 ]: Wailing, [ 36 ]: Weeping, [ 37 ]: Wicked, [ 38 ]: Wrath.
225. A good student will trace all these words through to the end. I assure you folks, there is an eternal Hell! When studying our Bible, we find that for each time Heaven is mentioned, Hell is referred to at least ten times, therefore, if there is no Hell, why did God have it referred to so often by those whom He used to pen the Scriptures?
226. If you are a lost unbeliever and die without Christ, then I'm sorry to inform you that you will end up in Hell [ Hades ]! The truth is, you will wait in that place until your final trial takes place before the Great Judge. After you are tried and sentenced, you will be transferred from this jail [ Hell ] in Hades to the eternal penitentiary and begin your internment. Everything that is in the 'Lake of Fire,' the 'final Penitentiary', will be found in the present Hades only to a much greater degree. Because, the trial had been concluded, the verdict has been given, the answer was that the prisoner was proclaimed guilty and the sentence was now to begin to be carried out.
227. Many folks will say that this is only a parabolic teaching and what is the writer trying to prove since a parable illustrates an eternal truth? Actually, "a parable is a comparison or similitude; an allegorical story dealing with ordinary life from which a moral message or religious truth is taught." It can be proven that every word in these texts are true from scores of bible verses!
228. Therefore, the above verses cannot just be parabolic utterances, for doctrinally they refer to and agree with countless Scriptures represented in the rest of our Bible! The Lord stated concerning the rich man that had ended up in Hell, and we spoke about this rich man before in this message but let us show further evidence after the fact of his downfall . . .
229. { V. 23 } Scripture: "And in hell [ Hades ] he [ the rich man ] lifted up his eyes, being in torments [ anguish, grief, suffering, in excruciating and agonizing pain of both body and mind ], and [ he ] seen Abraham afar off [ across the great gulf in the paradise of God ], and Lazarus in his 'bosom', . . .
230. Commentary . . . 'Bosom' . . . a figurative speech for the paradise section that was in Hades at that time. But, notice also that there is also fire in Hades for the Hell bound prisoners . . .
231. { V. 24 }: And he [ the rich man ] cried and said, father Abraham, have [ pity and ] mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip [ bapto ] the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
232. { V. 25 }: But Abraham said, son, remember [ that ] you in your lifetime [ fully ] received [ what was due you in comfort and delights and many other of ] your good things, and, [ on the other hand there was ] likewise [ a poor man named ] Lazarus [ who received discomforts and much distress and ] evil things: but now he is comforted [ here in Paradise with me ], and you are tormented [ in a burning flaming Hell ]. . . .
233. { V. 26 }: And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf [ a wide chasm that is ] fixed [ and prepared by God ]: so that they which would [ perhaps like to ] pass from here [ in this place ] to you cannot [ do so ]; neither can they [ that are there with you in Hell ] pass [ across that chasm ] to us, that would come from there [ where you are ], { Luke 16:23-26 }."
234. Commentary . . . The fact is, Christ was teaching that Hell is a place of eternal torment! He stated that the rich man died, was buried and his soul residing in Hell had eyes to see from some type of a soulish body. We believe that Scripture plainly reveals that a soul has a body, or at least had a body at one time.
235. { V. 9 } Scripture: "And when He [ Christ, the Lamb of God ] had opened the fifth seal, I saw under [ at ] the [ foot of the ] altar the souls of them that were slain [ i.e., whose lives had been sacrificed ] for [ adhering to ] the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held [ during the Tribulation Period, that is yet in the future ]:
236. { V. 10 }: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long [ now O Sovereign ], Lord Holy and True, do You not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? See { Zechariah 1:12; - Psalm 79:5; - & - Genesis 4:10 }.
237. { V. 11 }: And white robes were given to every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest [ and wait patiently ] yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they [ themselves ] were, should be fulfilled { Revelation 6:9-11 }."
238. Commentary . . . We notice that they had bodies that could be clothed in white robes! These are Saints of God who will refuse the mark of the beast and thus be slain by the order of the Antichrist. They do not receive their resurrected bodies until the end of the Tribulation Period when all the Old Testament Saints and the Tribulation Period Saints are resurrected { Daniel 12:2 }. We recommend that the reader read our 8 part message concerning "The Bride and The Body of Christ." Concerning our dead body, when we are buried, there is no way it can move its head to look anywhere and absolutely no reason that our body could be able to do so because our soul and spirit has left the body and has been transferred to either Heaven or Hell!
239. But, the rich man in Hell could lift up his eyes and see Abraham on the other side of the gulf. We believe that this will cause some of the greatest suffering to the lost sinner in Hell. Because, the men and woman there will be able to gaze into Heaven or upon the earth anytime they wish and see the anguish upon this earth, and also the wonders in the Paradise of the Heavens. They likely at the present time, look at their lost family members still unsaved and remaining in this lost condition upon this earth. And, while suffering in the future 'Lake of Fire' we believe that they will be able to personally visualize, how the saved Children of God are surrounded by the blessings bestowed on them by the Father both in Heaven and upon the millennial, and the New Earth. And yet, they themselves are always in the worst type of torment!
240. This man who had been rich and had everything while he was on the earth before his death, is now in Hell. He still had a tongue that could feel pain. He could ask for mercy. He wanted Lazarus to be sent to him to cool his tongue with water. He was tormented in the flames of Hell. He had ears to hear, because Abraham talked back to him in { V. 26 }. Hell is a place full of life otherwise no one would suffer.
241. { V. 27 } Scripture: "Then he [ the rich man ] said, [ to Abraham ] I pray you therefore, father, that you send him [ Lazarus ] to my fathers house:
242. { V. 28 } For I have five brothers; that he may testify unto them [ and warn them ], lest they also come into this place of torment { Luke 16:27-28 }."
243. Commentary . . . He states that he wants somebody to be sent to his five brothers that they might be saved by the Saviour Jesus Christ which would prevent them from coming also to this place of eternal torment. The fact remains that all humanity will, if the Lord doesn't return first, die and be carried into Heaven or Hell! But, no Christian will ever be found in Hell! The question is, who are those among us that will dwell in the devouring fire and everlasting burning and torment?
244. We notice that Abraham and Lazarus had some type of soulish body that the rich man could recognize from across the gulf in Hell where he was. The same applies to the souls under the altar in Paradise we mention above, they had been given white robes to wear, how could they wear robes without some type of body to put them on? Remember this, the bodies of these dead Saints are still in the graves in this earth, they have not as yet been resurrected. This means that the dead are clothed with a soulish body immediately after death to either dwell in Heaven or Hell until their resurrection when they will receive their eternal spiritual bodies!
245. Scripture ". . . [ The sinners in Zion are afraid trembling has seized the godless ones. They cry: ] Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with [ these ] everlasting burnings? { Isaiah 33:14 }."
246. Commentary . . . There was a show on TV called "The Immortal," which pictured a few people that have immortal bodies and were living along-side the rest of humanity who were pictured as not being Immortal. The fact is, all humanity past and present - are all immortals and will live forever. BUT, a minority of them will live in Heaven, while the majority will spend eternity in Hell.
247. Scripture: "Then shall He [ Messiah the Judge ] say also to them at His left hand [ after He returns to the earth and judges the worlds nations ] . . . Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire [ that has been ] prepared for the devil and his angels, { Matthew 25:41 }."
248. Scripture: "Who shall be punished with "everlasting" destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power , { 2- Thessalonians 1:9 }."
249. Commentary . . . Everlasting destruction: not annihilation, but ruin by reason of separation from the presence of the Lord. In { 1: Thessalonians 5:3 } the destruction is said to be sudden; but here in the above verse - eternal.
250. Scripture: " . . . to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness "forever" . . . { Jude 1:13 }." [ There is no doubt that Hell will be a place of unsatisfied desires! ]
251. Commentary . . . Here in Hell was a rich man that had been so busy accumulating wealth, that he had no time for family, synagogue or God! He obviously left it all behind. The Lord Jesus said . . .
252. { V. 36 } Scripture "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul [ i.e., his own life that is within the human body ]?
253. { V. 37 } Or what shall a man give in exchange [as compensation, or a ransom, in return ] for his [ blessed ] soul [ his life in the eternal universal Kingdom of God ]? { Mark 8:36-37 }."
254. { V. 6 } Scripture: "But Godliness with contentment is great gain.
255. The above { verse 6 } paraphrased . . . "[ And it is, indeed, a source of immense profit, for ] godliness accompanied with contentment which is a sense of inward sufficiency . . . and is great and abundant gain. "
256. { V. 7 }: For we brought nothing into this world, and [ obviously ] it is certain we can carry nothing out [ of this world ].
257. { V. 8 }: [ but if we have food ] And having food and raiment [ clothing, ] let us therewith [ therefore be ] content [ satisfied ].
258. { V. 9 }: But they that will [ have it in their mind to ] be rich fall into temptation and a snare [ because of their covetousness ], and unto many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition [ by perishing in Hell ], { 1- Timothy 6:6-9 }." { Concerning covetousness, see "Colossians 3:5." }
259. Commentary . . . The reader may wonder what the following pages have to do with the subject of Hell; we shall see that the remainder of our message speaks of and concerns those who may be sent there if they continue in the life they are now living:
260. { V. 10 } Scripture . . . For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred [ disregarded and turned away, ] from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
261. { V. 11 }: But you, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience, Meekness," { 1- Timothy 6:10-11 }."
262. The above two verses Paraphrased . . . { 10 }: For the love of money is a root of all evils; it is through this craving of wealth that some have been led astray, and have wondered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many acute [ mental ] pangs.
263. { 11 }: But as for you, 0 man of God, flee from all these things; aim at and pursue righteousness . . . that is, right standing with God and true goodness; godliness [ which is the loving fear of God and Christ-likeness, ] faith, love, steadfastness [ patience] and gentle- heartiness."
264. Commentary . . . The natural man is greedy, grasping for more and more, never satisfied. He has no time for his family and in many cases he is working on two different jobs, he never has time to read his Bible. "The love of money is the root of all evil." We are aware that in many cases, some family members must work much harder than others. On the other hand, how many are there who are spending everything they earn and throw much of it away on things they do not need and ignore the Christian way of life.
265. The rich man only wanted a finger dipped in water to moisten his tongue, but his riches could buy nothing! After you are in "sheol," your money will be worthless. Also for many folks, liquor may seem to be the answer for your troubles. No amount of drugs or strong drink will ever satisfy anybody, it's all only foolishness! Concerning the rich man in hell . . .
266. Have you as a Bible student ever considered the heart of a blind man? Medical Science teaches that man has but one heart, man's heart is located in the chest cavity of the body. On the other hand, a good Bible teacher should teach that the body of man contains not one but two hearts! When a Surgeon opens up the chest of a heart recipient to perform a heart transplant, he removes the damaged physical heart and replaces it with another physical heart of flesh.
267. When a brain Surgeon opens up the cranium of a patient, he is able to see the brain clearly, but he cannot see the mind of the patient! The Scriptures plainly teach that mankind possesses "TWO HEARTS," one that is physical and another spiritual.
268. { V. 8 } Scripture: "Blessed are the pure in 'heart [ mind' ]: for they shall see God. [ Is your mind pure? ]
269. { V. 28 }: But I say to you, that who ever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his 'heart [ mind' ], { Matthew 5:8, 28 }."
270. The above two verses paraphrased . . . { 8 }: Blessed . . . happy, enviably fortunate, and spiritually prosperous [ i.e., possessing the happiness produced by experience of God's favor and especially conditioned by the revelation of His grace, regardless of their outward conditions ] . . . are the pure in heart [ mind and intellect ] for they shall see God! See { Psalm 24:3, 4. }
271. { 28 }: But I tell you, that every one who so much as looks at a woman with evil sexual desire for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart [ mind." ]
272. Scripture: "For where your treasure is, there will your 'heart [ Mind' ] be also, { Matthew 6:21 }."
273. { V. 15 }: Scripture: "For this people's 'heart [ minds' ] is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed; 'lest [ whereby' ] at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their 'heart, [ Minds' ], and be converted, and I should heal them."
274. { V. 19 } When anyone hears the Word of the [ millennial ] Kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away that which was sown in his 'heart [ mind' ] this is he which received seed by the wayside { Matthew 13:15,19." }
275. The above 2 verses paraphrased . . . { 15 }: "For the nation's 'heart [ minds' ] has grown gross . . . fat and dull; and the peoples ears are heavy and have become hard of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, 'lest [ whereby' ] they see and perceive with their eyes, and hear and comprehend the sense with their ears and grasp and understand with their 'heart [ minds' ] and turn and I should heal them. See { Isaiah 6:9, 10. } Jesus says to His Apostles . . .
276. { 19 }: While any one is hearing the Word of [ that which concerns the knowledge taught by Christ about ] the [ future Millennial ] Kingdom and does not grasp and comprehend what they hear, the evil one - Satan or one of his demons comes along and snatches away what is sown in his 'heart [ mind' ]. This is what was sown along the roadside."
277. Scripture: "[ Yes, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also. ] That the [ secret ] thoughts of many 'hearts [ minds' ] may be [ brought out and be ] revealed { Luke 2:35 }."
278. Scripture: ". . . It came into his [ Moses ] 'heart [ mind' ] to visit his [ kinsman ] brethren [ the children of Israel. . ., { Acts 7:23 }."
279. Scripture: "For with the 'heart [ mind' ] man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, { Romans 10:10 }."
280. The above verse paraphrased . . . "For with the 'heart [ mind' ] a person believes [ to trust in and rely on Christ Jesus ] and so is justified [ declared righteous, and acceptable to God ], and with the mouth he confesses: and declares openly and speaks out freely his faith: and confirms his salvation." See { Colossians 1:14. }
281. Scripture: "0 you Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our 'heart [ mind' ] is enlarged, { 2- Corinthians 6:11, etc., }."
282. he above verse paraphrased . . . "Our mouth is open to you, Corinthians . . . we are hiding nothing, keeping nothing back; and what is in our 'heart [ mind' ] is expanded wide for you! See { Ezekiel 33:22; - & - Isaiah 60:5. }
283. Commentary . . . The minds of folks mentioned in the above Scriptures should prove to all concerned that there is a spiritual heart in man that controls the whole function of thought. When one's mind fails him he fails to function normally. Now the question may be asked: "what does this have to do with the subject at hand?" Answer . . . "when we again refer to the rich man conversing with Abraham in Sheol, we can plainly read of their conversation. Had the spiritual 'heart [ mind' ] remained in the dead body of either man at the time of their death, there could never have been any conversation between them!" This should also teach us that Bible science to the Christian is more important than any type of earth science!
284. { V. 9 } Scripture: "Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither 'fornicators,' nor 'idolaters,' nor 'adulterers,' nor 'abusers of themselves with mankind.' . . .
285. { V. 10 }: Nor 'thieves,' nor 'covetous,' nor 'Drunkards,' 'nor revilers,' nor 'extortioners,' shall inherit the kingdom of God { 1- Corinthians 6:9-10 }." [ Can these folks really have an excellent family life style? ]
286. The above two verses paraphrased . . . { 9 }: "Do you know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in either the Millennial Kingdom or the universal Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived [ misled ]; neither the 'impure and immoral,' nor 'idolaters [ idol worshipers' ], nor 'adulterers,' nor 'effeminate [ homosexuals' ], nor 'abusers [ any other type of homosexuals' ] nor 'those who participate in any way in homosexuality with animals or mankind.'
287. { 10 }: Nor 'cheats' . . . 'swindlers and thieves;' nor 'covetous greedy graspers [ those who wish continually for the riches or belongings of others' ]. nor 'drunkards,' nor 'foul-mouthed revilers [ those who speak abusively' ], and 'slanderers,' nor 'extortioners and robbers' will inherit or have any share in any part of the whole universal Kingdom of Almighty God!"
288. Commentary . . . Notice that these above verses are not just speaking about the future Millennial Kingdom of Christ on this earth, but Messiah's earthly Kingdom and God's whole universal Kingdom combined!
289. { V. 19 } Scripture: "You listen to this, my son, and be wise, and guide your 'heart [ mind' ] in the way [ of the Lord ].
290. { V. 20 }: Be not among [ or associate with ] winebibbers [ those who use alcoholic beverages nor ], among riotous eaters of flesh [ i.e., gluttonous, when eating meat . . ." ] { See Isaiah 5:22; - Luke 21:34; - Romans 13:13; - & - Ephesians 5:18 }:
291. { V. 21 }: "For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags, { Proverbs 23:20-21 }."
292. Commentary of the above 3 verses . . . Be not among winebibbers. Intemperance in drinking and eating reveals a mind that is not controlled by wisdom. The wise will guide their minds carefully sway from the control of any carnal appetites. Excessive sleep, alcoholic drinks, or foolishness will bring a person to abject poverty. These verses describe people whose minds are twisted. The verses also speaks of exceptionally lazy people that are like incorrigible youth. This reminds us of what the next text implies . . .
293. { V. 18 } Scripture: "If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of the mother, and that when they have chastened him, will not listen to them;
294. { V. 19 }: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out to the elders of his city, and to the gate of his place [ where he lives, ];
295. { V. 20 }: And they shall say to the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
296. { V. 21 }: And all of the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shall you put evil away from you; and all Israel shall here, and fear, { Deuteronomy 21:18-21 etc." }
297. Commentary . . . The wayward son in the above verses in type, is the way many sons and daughters are acting out their lives in your own community this very day. And, we are not just talking about teenagers! When we read the text above we can see that this same thing is taking place right now. We can see that it's the same old trend that was present in ancient times. The picture of the punishment of the son in the above text is that of an incorrigible son, and to some this would seem that the punishment was too severe for the boy who had this problem.
298. First the elders of the city were to hear the case at the city gate , and this is similar to what it would be like in a public court-room in our own time. The city gate was the seat of town authority; public affairs were discussed there. Concerning the city gate see { Deuteronomy 22:15; -& - 25:7 }. When the parents accusedd their son of being stubborn and rebellious, such a charge of the fact was almost proof enough in itself. The heart of a loving father and mother could not have been brought to such a point unless their child's sin was a fact. But the guilt of the boy was more than just disobedience. Note the text: he is a glutton, and a drunkard, and was obviously a lazy bum.
299. This charge showed that the son was unmanageable and incorrigible. The punishment was stoning to death by the men of the town, not by the father and mother. This was capital punishment which would not be permitted in our own circles today. The basis of such severe punishment was the idea that if a man would not obey his parents, he would not obey God, nor was he likely to obey civil authority. It is the same today, is it not? Punishing the incorrigible son was punishing crime in its embryonic form. Man cannot be seen to use such sever punishment on law breakers in our own age because it is said that it would be cruel and unusual punishment and thus too severe. What does the Scriptures say about people who drink strong drink?:
300. Scripture: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging [ can cause a drinker to become a riotous brawler ]: and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise { Proverbs 20:1 }." See { Proverbs 23:29; - Isaiah 28:7-8; - & - Hosea 4:11. }
301. { V. 29 } Scripture: "Who has woe [ grievous distress ]? who has sorrow? who has contentions? who has babbling? who has wounds without cause? who has redness of eyes.
302. { V. 30 }: They that tarry long at [ the ] wine; they [ who ] go to seek [ and drink ] mixed wine [ and other mixed drinks ]. See { Ephesians 5:18. }
303. { V. 31 }: Look not you [ you yourself must not even ] look upon the wine [ or other alcoholic drinks ] when it is red, when it gives his [ its ] color in the cup, when it moves itself aright, [ Do not look at alcoholic beverages, when it sparkles in the glass, "when it moves itself aright: literally; when it goes straight down smoothly" ].
304. { V. 32 }: At the last it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder [ Poison snake ].
305. { V. 33 }: [ Under the influence of wine ] Your eyes shall behold strange [ and loose ] women [ and many other strange things ] and your heart [ mind ], shall [ cause you to ] utter perverse things, [ and cause you to turn the wrong way, and be untrue, Incorrect and petulant ].
306. { V. 34 }: Yes, you shall be [ unsteady ] as he that lies down in the midst of the sea [ and as unsteady and open to disaster ] as he that lies up on the top of a mast, [ of a ship, who is drunk and could fall at any time, such as a drunken sailor ].
307. { V. 35 }: [ You will say ] They have 'stricken [ struck' ] me, shall you say, and I was not sick [ hurt ], they have beaten me [ as with a hammer ], and I felt it not: when shall I awake [ from my drunken sleep ]? I will seek it yet again, [ I will crave and seek more wine again and sleep again to escape reality ], { Proverbs 23:30-35 }."
308. Commentary . . . In verse 29 a question is posed and a picture is drawn. The picture is of the drinker whose wounds might have been avoided, for they are self-inflicted wounds. He continuously seeks alcoholic drinks. Wine in these verses is in the Hebrew "mimsak" the blended wine that was a mixture of water, grape juice, honey, and spices. To drink this sparkling brew is tantamount to submitting oneself to the bite of a poisonous snake.
309. The adder is probably referring to the "Dabo Xanthia," the largest venomous snake in Israel. Such venomous brew as alcoholic drinks will cause people to lose control of their morals. Their speech will become befuddled, and they will walk like a sailor on the decks of a ship in the midst of a raging storm. These folks senses will become so blunted that they can be beaten and will not even remember their pain. Most people like this who drink alcoholic drinks suffer through it only to sober up and ready themselves for the next binge that takes place.
310. Personally, when I was in the military police many years ago, the main trouble the police had was with drunken military men. Likely 90 percent of service men and woman partake of alcohol, and a huge number of them become alcoholics very soon after entering the armed forces, it's a real travesty. I believe that more than likely loneliness and being away from home is a large cause for this lifestyle. When young people grow up and get out on their own they cannot cope with life as they lived it while at home, and do not know how to really grow up as one must do in later adulthood!
311. In everyday life, some have drinking parties with so called good like minded friends. They partake of beer and of wines' delight, and other so-called good alcoholic drinks, but wait another few years. What good will the drinking life do you? Your liver is failing, your veins and arteries are full of bad cholesterol, your lungs are about to give out because of emphysema, and your body has become old before its time but you can brag about the old good times, can't you? What about God? Where did you leave Him? Where is He in your life today? Do you read your Bible? Do you dwell upon His word? Does your Bible have dust upon it because you never pick it up? Since you are older and your eyes are dimmer, can you still read your Bible? Do you even want to?
312. You may say you are a Christian, and perhaps you are, only you and God knows. The good news is, no Christian will ever go down into Hades. The rich man along with millions of other lost folks, are there in torment which is eternal. 'AND,' what about "chastisement for you if you are a Christian?" Do you think you will never be chastised for your sins
313. It is true, God forgives all sinners, but what about the damage you have caused to God's temple [ your personal body ]? Are you getting old in your 20's, 30's, and 40's, is God's temple going down hill in such an early age? And, the same can be said for all other Christians no matter what their age is! See { Hebrews 12:6-15. }. As the reader is aware, drinking often leads to carnal sexual excursions, read on . . .
314. There are utterly countless millions who are caught up in the sexual revolution of the new age! There has always been folks like this, thus it is nothing new. It makes no different what the psychologist or psychiatrist say because the far majority of them along with the rest of mankind are in a lost condition themselves, and they do not know the Lord as their Saviour. And, then we have the sex crazy people that never seem to be satisfied, and sin is always on their minds. Are you caught up in that type of deviltry such as the woman mentioned below ?
315. { V. 13 } Scripture: "A foolish woman is clamorous [ and noisy ]: she is simple [ and open to all forms of evil; and she is willfully and is reckless ], and knows nothing [ whatever of eternal value ].
316. { V. 14 }: For she sits at the door of her house [ or ], on a seat in the 'high [ conspicuous' ] places of the city,
317. { V. 15 }: To call passengers who [ keep ] going [ by, ] right on their ways:
318. { V. 16 }: Whoso [ ever ] is simple [ wavering and easily led astray ], let him turn in here: and as for him that wants understanding, she says to him,
319. { V. 17 }: Stolen waters [ pleasures ] are sweet, [ because they are forbidden ] and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. { See Proverbs 20:17 }.
320. { V. 18 } But [ if he the wayward man is not wise ] he doesn't know that the dead are there [ specters haunting the scene of past transgressions ]; and her [ invited ] guests are [ already sunk ] in the depths of Hell [ of Sheol, the lower world in Hades. ] { Proverbs 9:13-18 }."
321. Commentary . . . A foolish woman is clamorous . Wisdom counsels complete separation from the scorner, Wisdom also counsels complete separation from the foolish woman. The man who would embrace wisdom must shun and avoid them both. She, like wisdom, has a house. She, like wisdom, is particularly interested in the simple youth. She sits at her door and clamors forth a message to all who pass by. The primary emphasis here is on the nature of the invitation that she extends.
322. Wisdom invites men as a teacher, while the foolish woman invites [ foolish ] men as a lover, wishing to use them for her own personal pleasure. Those who heed wisdom's plea are led into life { V. 6 }, while those who accept the invitation of the foolish woman to partake of her water and bread are led to death. Her house is the very vestibule of sheol, down deep in the very throat of Hell which, when entered, leads one irresistibly down into the depths of Hell, and he is later transferred to the 'Lake of Fire.'
323. Scripture: "But [ whereas ] she that lives in pleasure [ and self gratification giving herself up to luxury and self-indulgence ] is dead [ even ] while she lives { 1- Timothy 5:6 }."
324. Scripture "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, { Hebrews 13:4 }."
325. The above verse 4 paraphrased . . . Let marriage be held in honor- esteemed worthy, precious [ that is ], of great price and especially dear- in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be [ kept un-dishonored, ] undefiled; for "God will judge" and punish the unchaste [ He will punish all who are guilty of sexual vice ] and adulterous [ people will pay the price for their unfaithfulness." ]
326. Commentary . . . Is it wise to believe that a few minutes of sinful thrilling passion would be worth the horrible torture and eternal separation of one's soul from God? It is believed by some of the greatest Bible students and Theologians that approximately two percent of professed Christians are really saved, and the other 98 percent are lost! And as we have before stated "the far majority who profess Christ do not really posses Him!" And thus, they only give Him lip service as far as salvation is concerned.
327. We are all aware that nobody really knows the true percentage of those who are lost, nor do we know how many are saved, but: when we study the doctrine of the various denominations, we find that the majority of them believe they are going to make it to heaven by their personal so called good works, or perhaps because they have been baptized in some form of ritual baptism. What does the Bible say ?
328. { V. 8 } Scripture: " For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
329. { V. 9 }: Not of works, lest any man should boast, [ that no man should glory ] . . .
330. { V. 10 }: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them, { Ephesians 2:8-10 }."
331. The above 3 verses paraphrased . . . { 8 }: "For it is by free grace [ God's unmerited favor ] that you are saved [ delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation ] through [ your ] faith. And this [ salvation ] is not of yourselves . . . of your own doing, it came not though your striving . . . but it is the gift of God;
332. { 9 }: Not because of works [ not the fulfillment of the old Law's demands ], lest any man should boast. It is not the result of what any one can possibly do, so no one can pride himself in it or take glory to himself.
333. { 10 }: For we are God's [ own ] handiwork [ His workmanship ], recreated in Christ Jesus, [ born anew ] that we may do those good works which God predestined [ planned beforehand ] for us, [ taking paths which He prepared ahead of time ] that we should walk in them . . . living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live.
334. Commentary . . . The good works of Christians are performed after the gift of salvation, not before salvation takes place! Many professing Christians show their unbelief by their ungodly works.
335. { V. 5 } Scripture: "For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man [ or women ], who is an idolater [ idol - worshiper ], has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God . . .
336. { V. 6 }: Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience:
337. { V. 7 }: Be you not therefore partakers with them:
338. { V. 8 }: For you were sometimes [ that is, before you were saved you were in ] darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light [ understanding ]:
339. { V. 9 }: For the fruit of the Spirit [ Light, comprehensiveness ] is in all goodness and righteousness and truth:
340. { V. 10 }: Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord, { Ephesians 5:5-10 }."
341. The above 6 verses paraphrased . . . { 5 }: You can be sure of this, that no people practicing sexual vice or impurity in thought or in life, or one who is a covetous person . . . that is, no whoremongers fornicators, or adulterers who have lustful desires for other people or for the property of others, and are greedy for personal gain . . . those people in effect are idol worshipers, and have no inheritance in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and, or in the Universal Kingdom of the Triune God.
342. { 6 }: Let no man delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless arguments and cause you to commit wicked sins, for because of those sins the wrath of God comes upon rebellious children who are guilty of disobedience.
343. { 7 }: So do not associate or be guilty of sharing or being party with them in sin.
344. { 8 }: For once you were in darkness, but now as Christians you are knowledgeable in the ways of the Lord; walk as children of light [ understanding ] . . . lead the lives of those native-born to right and true comprehensiveness.
345. { 9 }: For the fruit . . . the effect, the product . . . of the light [ comprehensiveness in ], the Spirit, [ consists ] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of 'heart [ mind' ] and trueness of life.
346. { 10 }: And try to learn [ in your experience ] what is pleasing to the Lord; . . . [ let your lives be constant ] proofs of what is most acceptable to Him."
347. { V. 19 } Scripture: "Now works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness'
348. { V. 20 } Idolatry, Witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
349. { V. 21 } Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the wrath I tell you before, as I have also told you in the past, that they which do such things shall nor inherit the kingdom of God, { Galatians 5:19-21 }."
350. The 3 above verses paraphrased . . . { V. 19 } Scripture: "Now the doings [ evil practices ] of the flesh are clear, [ with overtones of being unashamed and blatant.] obviously: they are immorality, impurity, and indecency, such as these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, 'lasciviousness, [ lewdness. ]
351. { V. 20 } Idolatry, [ idle worship can refer to most anything a person covets, even another person's body for immoral purposes ]. Witchcraft, [ which also can refer to many things, such as drugs and magical potions ], see also { Revelation 9:21; - 18:23; - 21:8; - & - 22:15. } Anger, and wrath [ which may lead to hatred, ] enmities, variance, emulation's, jealousies, strife, selfishness, dissension's, party spirit . . . factions, sects with peculiar opinions. [ Now the practice of committing atrocities of evil actions with rivalries, sedition's, divisions, and heresies, are horrid. ]
352. { V. 21 } Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, carousing, and such like of the wrath I tell you before, as I have also told you in times past, that they that do such things shall not inherit [ Messiah's Millennial Kingdom or ] the [ Universal ] Kingdom of God, { Galatians 5:19-21 }."
353. Scripture, { V. 8 }: "But the fearful [ cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive ], and unbelieving, and the abominable and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the 'Lake Which Burns With Fire And Brimstone' [ burning, sulfuric ]; which is the second death, { Revelation 21:8 }." Concerning witchcraft and evil practices . . .
354. Commentary . . . It doesn't take a psychic to see that the United States is in dire trouble. Our Supreme Court and a great percentage of liberals, has consistently tried to outlaw Christianity in every shape and form in our Country. They've taken prayer out of our schools and replaced it with metal detectors. Our televisions are constantly bringing us "so-called good entertainment" about murder, rape, mayhem, sex orgies, homosexuality and all types of other filthy things too numerous to mention. And the ACLU is determined to completely eradicate Christianity. Some denominations in their Assembly's are more interested in entertaining and performing rituals than edifying the minds of the congregation with the Word of God.
355. But we thank God that there are many wonderful congregations that teach the richness and truthfulness of The Holy Word. In the near future, Christian education may be out-lawed all together. Prayer for the Christian today is essential, for Satan is working constantly to out-law our Christian way of life. The Lord warned us about a terrible great tribulation and the dreadful one World Government [ New World Order ] that will begin shortly upon this earth. Demonic doctrines are already being taught in many schools at this very time, and during the future SEVEN YEAR ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT the Scriptures make clear that demonic forces will take over and control every nation. The prophets of old, have said . . .
356. { V. 13 } Scripture "You are wearied in the multitude of your [ many ] counsels [ and plans ]. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and [ make known and ] save you from these things that shall come upon you:
357. { V. 14 }: Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not [ even be able to ] deliver themselves from the power of the flame . . . { Isaiah 47:13-14 }."
358. Commentary . . . When the reader reads the astrologer report in the daily newspaper and phones the fortune tellers advertised in the news papers or on the television sets, it would be a good idea to remember the above Bible verses! There are so many more verses we could quote but if the reader will not believe the ones we have entered into this message, what good would it do to quote more?
359. Science teaches that brimstone is at least ten times hotter than natural fire! Since the center of the earth has been proven to be sulfuric, this means that its a pretty hot place in Hell! Many folks that disbelieve in a burning hell, say that the 'Lake of Fire' is a reference to the old Jerusalem garbage dump in the Valley of Hinnom just outside of the City walls of Jerusalem which we have already spoken of in this message.
360. That garbage dump as we stated was called "Gehenna." It must be understood that Gehenna is not to be the future eternal 'Lake of Fire.' The Lord Jesus merely used the name of the garbage dump as a synonym, because it was at that time typical to what the 'Lake of Fire' seemed to be because, it was not quenched and burned continually for most of that particular century. Therefore, the real 'Lake of Fire' will forever continually be a flaming unending place of internment for the wicked men and woman of all past ages.
361. The trouble with many people's thinking is that no one has ever stated that any sulfur deposits were found in the Valley of Hinnom and had there been sulfur there, there certainly isn't any there at the present time that we have heard about! It can be proven very easily that the Scriptures contradict any such nonsense. Again we repeat: "Hell is a place of unsatisfied desire, and of untold suffering!" The Lord Jesus taught that the word "torment" could be and should be understood perfectly as being literal! Please read { Mark 9:43-5O }. How much wiser it would be if all of us would only believe God.
The Type Of Place Hell Is . . .
362. [ 1 ]. A place of weeping and of outer darkness { Matthew 8:12 };
363. [ 2 ]. Where they can never repent { Matthew 12:32 };
364. [ 3 ]. Where there is wailing and a 'furnace of fire' { Matthew 13:41-42 };
365. [ 4 ]. Prepared for the devil and his angels and of 'everlasting punishment' { Matthew 25:41; 46 };
366. [ 5 ]. Of 'literal damnation' { Mark 3:29 };
367. [ 6 ]. Where their worm: [ thoughts or remembrances ] never die, and the 'fire is not quenched' { Mark 9:44 };
368 [ 7 ]. Where people of various cities - & - nations go that forget God { Luke 10:15; - Psalm 9; - & - Isaiah 55:7 };
369. [ 8 ]. Where they scream for mercy and are tormented with fire { Luke 16:23-24 };
370. [ 9 ]. Where people pray, but no answer is returned { Luke 164-27 };
371. [ 10 ]. Where they do not want their loved ones to come { Luke 16:28 };
372. [ 11 ]. Of blackness and darkness 'forever' { Jude 13 };
373. [ 12 ]. Where they will be tormented with brimstone and will drink of the wine of the wrath of God and will have no rest. From which the smoke of their torment ascends up 'forever and ever,' { Revelation 14:10-11 };
374. [ 13 ]. Where they gnaw their tongues { Revelation 16:10 };
375. [ 14 ]. Where they curse God { Revelation 16:11 };
376. [ 15 ]. A 'Lake of Fire' into which some are cast while still alive { Revelation 19: 20 };
377. [ 16 ]. A bottomless pit: which likely means that it is round like the earth { Revelation 9:1 };
378. [ 17 ]. Where there are murderers, liars, the fearful, the abominable { Revelation 21:8 };
379. [ 18 ]. Of filthiness { Revelation 22:11 };
380. [ 19 ]. Where there are dogs [ people of low character, see ] { Philippians 3:2 ], sorcerers and whore mongers { Revelation 22:15 };
381. [ 20 ]. Where many have been driven to Hell { Job 18:18 };
382. [ 21 ]. A horrible tempest { Psalm 11:6 };
383. [ 22 ]. A storm of burning coals of fire { Psalm 11:6 };
384. [ 23 ]. A place of sorrows { Psalm 18:5 };
385. [ 24 ]. Your breath as fire shall devour you for Hell is a devouring fire { Isaiah 33:4 }!
The Inhabitants Of Hell: What Kind Of A Place Is Hell, And Who Are Its Inhabitants?
386. A place where selfish passions reign supreme, but with nothing to satisfy the desire and one's memory continues to think of the evil they partook of while on this earth, that caused them to enter Hell { Mark 9:44, 46, 48 };
387. Where repentance of sin is absolutely impossible and a place of filthiness, of sorcerers -& - whoremongers and where there are dogs [ people of low character ]. { See Philippians 3:2; - Mark 9:44,46,48; - & - Revelation 22:11,15 };
388. The vilest of all the earth with every Christ rejecter of all ages who go to Hell, { Revelation 21:8 };
389. A place of shame and everlasting contempt { Daniel 12:2 };
390. You will experience the vilest companionship of all time with your whole life before you as a constant shame and contempt { Matthew 25:41 };
391. Many cultured and gifted men and women associate with the scum of the earth, and become brain washed with the act of sin in their hearts. These folks much of the time think only of earthly pleasure whole denying their Creator and eventually end up committing suicide. These same people fail to even think of the hereafter. My friend, Hell is a place without hope { Matthew 25:31 };
392. Just as a saved person gets no pleasure out of wicked practices, and just as an unsaved person gets no joy out of Christian worship; each will go to the place suited to their nature at death: Heaven or Hell. See { James 1:15-17, 27, }.
Who Is Going To Hell? . . .
393. The self- exalted and unprepared will go to Hell { Ezekiel 31:14; Amos 4:12 };
394. The unbeliever and Christ- rejecter { John 3:18, 36 };
395. The false religionist will go to Hell { Matthew 7:21-23! }
396. The neglecter will face judgment and the 'Lake of Fire' along with Satan, the beast - & - the false prophet, it will be a place for all the wicked after death { Hebrews 2:3; - 2- Thessalonians 1:7-10; - & - Revelation 20:10- 15 };
397. There is only one way to be saved from Hell { Romans 10:3-4 };
398. Many gifted lawyers, orators, professional people, and social leaders go down through sin and land in Hell, God is no respecter of persons { James 1:15-16 };
399. Scripture: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and 'all liars,' shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death { Revelation 21:8 }."
400. The Bible plainly teaches there is a Hell { Matthew 5:29-30; - 25:41, 46; - & - Revelation 21:8 }.
401. Hell is always spoken of as being down { Psalm 55:15 } and beneath your feet { Proverbs 15:24 }.
402. Is beneath the human family { Isaiah 14:9 }.
403. Many of the fallen angels were cast down to the prison of Hell { 2- Peter 2:4; - & - Jude 6 }.
404. Hell is the place for Satan, the beast and false prophet { Revelation 20:10-15 }.
Hell Never Gets Full . . .
405. Hell and destruction are never full { Proverbs 27:20 }.
406. Hell enlarges itself { Isaiah 5:14 }
407. Men enlarges their wicked desires to keep pace with Hell { Habakkuk 2:5 }.
408. Hell Is a very deep place { Job 11:8 }.
409. Hell Is deep and large { Isaiah 30:33 }.
410. Is in the nether [ interior ] parts, or center of the earth { Matthew 12:40; - Ezekiel 31:14-18; - & - 32:18 }.
Hell Is The Pit Beneath Us . . .
411. { V. 30 } Scripture: "But if the Lord makes [ causes ] a new thing [ to happen ], and the earth opens her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that 'appertain [ belongs' ] to them, and they go down quick [ alive ] into the pit; [ of sheol the place of the souls and spirits of the dead ]. then you shall understand that these men have provoked [ spurned, and despised ] the Lord.
412. { V. 31 }: And it came to pass, as [ soon as ] he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder [ split apart ] that was under them:
413. { V. 32 }: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained [ belonged ] unto Korah, and all their goods.
414. { V. 33 }: They and all that appertained [ belonged ] to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation [ or assembly ]. See { Deuteronomy 32:22. }
415. { V. 34 }: And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.
416. { V. 35 }: And there came out a fire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense, { Numbers 16:30-35 }."
417. Commentary . . . The sons of Korah, who likely did not take part in their father's crime did not die with him { see Numbers 26:11 }.
418. Men go down to Hell to the sides of the Pit { Isaiah 14:15 }.
419. Hell is a bottomless Pit, like a hollow sphere, is in the center of the earth, and has neither sides or bottom { Revelation 20:1-3 }.
420. Man may dig into Hell, but God's judgment will find them out { Amos 9:2, 3; - & - Revelation 9:1-2 }. Hell Means Eternal Separation From God. See { 2 - Thessalonians 1:7-9; - Matthew 25:31, 46; - & - 18:9 }. Inhabitants of Hell: { Revelation 21:8 }. The Lost Who Can Escape Hell . . . { Hebrews 2: 2-3; - Romans 1:16; - 1- Corinthians 15:1- 4; - & - Exodus 12:13 }.
Salvation: Are You Ready For Heaven? . . .
421. Commentary . . . It is possible that your 'heart [ mind' ] has been running from the Lord and rebels against Him. The Word of God calls this "sin." The Scriptures state that every one of us are sinners in the flesh, and everyone has in the past sinned . . .
422. Scripture: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, { Romans 3:23 }." [ But despite your sin, God loves you and wants to save you from sin, and to offer you a new life of hope ].
423. Scriptures: ". . . I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly, { John 10:10 }." [ To give you a gift of salvation the Lord made a way through a Saviour Jesus Christ ].
424. Scripture: "But God commands His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, { Romans 5:8 }."
425. Commentary . . . "You receive this gift not by trying to be good enough to get to Heaven, but by just believing in Jesus Christ and trusting His Word. Are you and your loved ones ready if death overtakes you? God is ready. Christ has prepared a home for you in Heaven. He wants you there. I believe that you want to go there. The Word of the Lord states . . .
426. Scripture: "He, that [ is ] being often reproved [ and ] hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy, { Proverbs 29:1 }." [ If you will not listen and believe before the Resurrection of the Body of Christ, look what the Lord says about you ] . . .
427. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
428. { V. 11 }: And for this cause God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
429. { V. 12 }: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness, { 2- Thessalonians 2:10-12 }."
430. The above 3 verses paraphrased . . . { V. 10 }: "And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are going to perdition perishing because they did not welcome the truth but refused to love the truth of God's Word that they might be saved.
431. { V. 11 }: Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, of some type of idol worship which will be a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe false teachers,
432. { V. 12 }: In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe and trust in the truth, but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness."
433. { V. 6 } Scripture: "Now we command you brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition [ true doctrine ] which he received of us.
434. { V. 7 }: For yourselves know how you ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you, { 2- Thessalonians 3:6-7 }."
435. { Vs. 6-7 } above paraphrased . . . "Now we warn you, brethren, in the name and on the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw and keep away from every brother [ carnal Christian ] who is slack in the performance of duty and is disorderly, living as a shirker and not walking in accord with the traditions and instruction that you have received from us. For you yourselves know how it is necessary to imitate our example, for we were not disorderly or shirking our duty when we were with you: we were not idle."
436. In order to be positive of your own Salvation, we would ask you to "Please" read and pray the following prayer and if you really believe and accept in your 'heart [ mind' ] what you have read and have spoken these words in this prayer with a contrite mind to God the Father, you will have become a Child of God!
The Sinners Prayer . . .
437. Heavenly Father, I know that I'm a lost sinner and that I cannot save myself by good works. I believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son Who came down from Heaven and took on a human body of flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that Jesus shed His blood on the Cross of Calvary and died paying the price for my sins with His death so that I can receive salvation because of and through His sacrifice. I believe that after Christ's sacrifice and death, He arose from the tomb after three literal days and nights. And, that this same Jesus ascended into the third Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father.
438. I believe that Jesus will return for all Saints who belong to the Body of Christ in the Resurrection [ Rapture ] according to His own promise! I know that I have been up to this time a lost sinner and deserve to go to hell. So I beseech you Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit at this very moment into my Heart and save my soul, for Jesus Christ sake as has been promised me by Your Holy Word. I am receiving Jesus Christ at this very moment as my personal Saviour, my Lord, and as my only blessed hope for salvation. Thank You Lord, for now I am saved by Your wonderful grace. Amen! [ So let it be ]!
439. { V. 16 } Scripture: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
440. { V. 17 }: For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved, { John 3:16-17 }."
441. { V. 8 } Scripture: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God . . .
442. { V. 9 }: Not of works, lest [ whereby ] any man should boast, { Ephesians 2:8-9 }."
443. { V. 9 }: Scripture: "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him,
444. { V. 10 }: But God has revealed them to us by His [ Holy ] Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God, { 1- Corinthians 2:9-10 }."
In regards to our readers, we would deeply express our thanks to those who will recopy this message and pass it on to others that they too might find a blessing from this messages contents. Also be sure to read our message concerning the Hebrew word "SHEOL" which is mentioned 65 times in our Bible. This word refers to the place where the soul of every human being goes at the time of their death, which as we have stated before can refer to "either Heaven or Hell."