We Are Always In The Presence Of The Lord. . .

1. If the readers desire to have a part in the Lord's work as soul winners, it would be great for them to begin their own tract ministry by down loading our messages and send or give copies of them to others. What could be more important for you as an ambassador for Christ than to support the Body of Christ in this way? The messages are already written, so why not pass them on to others?

2. The reader will notice that we have put words in parenthesis in the various Bible verses, this is done to help the student have a better understanding of the old King James language which is often a little bewildering to some folks who are not use to that kind of speech. Therefore, please bear with us as we teach the message. A good idea would be to read your Bible along with each verse we have quoted. It is also very important for the student to look up all the added Bible texts that we have referred to in the Message. This will give the reader much added information!

3. Another thing we should mention is that when we copy a verse from the Bible we will change much of the spelling from the archaic King James language to the modern way of spelling, such as . . . "searcheth to searches, thy to your, standeth to stands, knoweth to knows, maketh to makes, nay to no, bringeth to bring or brings, hath to has or have, saith to says, unto to- to, doeth to does, wherefore to therefore, thee to the, justifieth to justify, helpeth to help, liveth to lives, ever to always and etc." None of this will take away from the true meaning of the original text.

"My Presence Shall Go With You, And I Will Give You Rest { Exodus 33:14 }." . . .

4. The best thing we can accomplish in the future is to understand that the presence of the Lord will always follow right along with us as long as we are on this earth. The light of His presence not only illuminates our path but gives us confidence and security in our uncertainty as far as the future is concerned. The Lord's presence and wisdom also brings before us eternal light [ understanding ] which banishes the darkness that Satan will try to cast before us.

5. Those folks who do not know the merciful and gracious Lord, will celebrate over and over those things which concern the new 7th. Millennium in their own way and as a result, will drown the admonishing voice of the true Lord with their merrymaking. As Christians we are wise enough to realize that this is the wrong way, because we who have chosen the narrow way of discipleship must follow the Lord and not the way of unbelievers! Christians should be seeking the protection and blessing from the Lord Who is prepared to stand beside them. Let us chose to be as King David who prayed . . .

6. { V. 4 } Scripture: "Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths." And afterwards testified and said . . .

7. { V. 9 }: "The meek [ and humble ] will He guide in judgment: and the meek [ humble ] will He teach His way.

8. { V. 10 }: All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth [ and steadfast love ] to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies, { Psalm 25:4; - & - 9-10 }." [ We who love the Lord shall also experience the proof of God's Divine guidance ].

What About The Exodus Of The Children Of Israel? . . .

9. Commentary . . .The Lord God Jehovah stated . . . "My presence shall go with you," These words were a promise to Moses. These liberated Hebrew tribes had been used as slaves by the Egyptians and now were traveling onward through the desolation of the Sinai Peninsula toward the land that the Lord had promised them. This land through which they sojourned was very desolate wilderness, and the Lord Himself led and provided for them . . .

10. { V. 21 } Scripture: "And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them [ along ] the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

11. { V. 22 } He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people { Exodus 13:21-22 }."

12. Commentary . . . The pillar of cloud and of fire was the outward sign of Jehovah's presence with His people. By day and by night He guarded and led His people. The Keeper of Israel does not sleep nor slumber. He journeys along with them. It was but one pillar and Jehovah was present in it { Exodus 14:24 }. The glory of the Lord appeared in that cloud { Exodus 16:10; - & - Numbers 9:15 }. That glory cloud filled Solomon's Temple { Exodus 40:34 } and was seen retreating and returning to Heaven { Ezekiel 11:22-25 }. It will be seen again when the King comes back from Heaven's glory and His glory will be established over Jerusalem, read { Isaiah Ch. 4" }. The sign of the Son of Man may be the Shekinah cloud.

13. Scripture: "And Moses [ the leader of the host of the Israelites ] was learned [ he was educated ] in all the wisdom [ and culture ] of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words [ speech ] and in [ his ] deeds, { Acts 7:22 }."

14. Commentary . . . The Lord gave Moses this great task in leadership which he undoubtedly found completely overwhelming. Throughout the Bible we find that the Lord has done this to others beside Moses. God, according to this, is not dependent on human qualities such as education, or the intelligence of the human race. Those who want to impress the Lord with their natural talents and capabilities are going in the wrong direction! In order for mankind to perform great wonders and particular achievements the Lord has always chosen those who have learned to obey the dictates of God. Jehovah didn't set Moses down at a desk with pen and ink to take an aptitude test but accepted him just as he was. The fact is, Moses proved himself faithful, and was used by the Lord to follow on in the service that had been appointed to him.

There Was To Be A Very Great Calamity That Would Follow The People In Their Quest . . .

15. The Lord's covenant people became uncontrollable and rebelled against the Lord and Moses. Jehovah withdrew His hand from them and allowed many of the people who had become stiff-necked to die, while they were yet in the wilderness. As a result of their rebellion, Israel would have failed to reach the land of promise, but Moses sought refuge in the Lord for the people and was allowed to carry on in his office as leader. [ The word "Jehovah" means "the Covenant God" ].

16. Scripture: "And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to a friend . . . { Exodus 33:11 }."

17. Commentary . . . As they traveled through the wilderness of Sinai, Moses was confronted with obstacles on all sides. Behind him laid the impossibility of a return to Egypt; underneath him, the dry, hot desolate ground; and above him the very wrathful Jehovah, who was angry with His host of ungrateful people. The truth was Moses was caught in the middle, and hardly knew which way to proceed as leader of the people. Yet he made intercession for the hard hearted rebellious flock by reminding the Lord of the promises He had made to them before the exodus began. Moses was a faithful servant who stood between the Lord and the host of Israelites. His greatest desire was to proceed on to the goal that had been set before him. He certainly did not want to fail, nor did he want God to give up on the people. He testified to this later when he said . . .

18. Scripture: "[ I stood between the Lord and you at that time, to show you the word of the Lord: for you were afraid by reason of the fire, and want not up into the mount; ] . . . { Deuteronomy 5:5 }." As their mediator he pleaded for his people . . .

19. Scripture: "Yet now, if You will forgive their sin - - -; and if not, blot me, I pray You, out of Your book which You have written { Exodus 32:32 }."

20. Commentary . . . The Lord certainly did not erase his name from the New Testament book of life { Revelation 13:8, etc. }, which contains the register of those who have eternal life. Instead he was given a marvelous reassuring answer, read the next 3 verses in { Exodus 32 }.

21. Scripture: ". . . My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest, { Exodus 33:14 }."

22. Commentary . . . The same thing applies to us today. If His presence abides with us as Believers, the road ahead is already paved. This is how faithful the Lord really is. . . .

23. Scripture: "If we believe not [ that is, if you do not believe and are untrue to Him ], yet he abides faithful [ and true to His word and His righteous character because ]: He cannot deny Himself, { 2- Timothy 2:13 }." "My presence shall go with you . . ."

24. Commentary . . . What wonderful fatherly, caring love these words contain. What a glorious offer of Divine help and attention. This applies to all those who place their complete trust in the Lord. Even though Jehovah was in time past conversing with the Israelites, many things He told them can in a secondary way be applied to Believers of any age. He told the people at that time:

25. Scripture: "Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly [ and with truth ] with My whole heart [ mind ] and with My whole soul [ being ] { Jeremiah 32:41 }." [ This applies to a much larger portion of land then what they posses today. Their land will be enlarged tremendously after Christ's Second Coming ].

26. Commentary . . . God the father showed the whole world the glorious goodness and greatness in the most precious gift of His Son, whose greatest act of mercy was that He liberated all those who will believe in Him and His Word from the bondage of their sins through His atoning sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. How worthy of pity are folks who do not know the Lord Jesus and reject Him. How wrong to try the right way for the future in any other way than through Jesus Christ. "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest," should be our motto, for then we will be on the right path and under safe leadership.

The Lord's Leadership. . .

27. Commentary . . . If one is a Child of God, then he must realize that trusting himself to Christ's leadership is essential in fulfilling the dictates set forth for him as being set apart for a true follower of the Lord. What does this mean and how do we do this? This is accomplished by seeking Christ's will and going the way in which He leads us. The Lord alone understands what is best for us. He speaks to us and leads us through His Word, which He unlocks for us through the power and direct leadership of the Holy Spirit.

28. Scripture: "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, { Psalm 119:105 }." [ The prophet Isaiah put it this way when he said ] . . .

29. Scripture: ". . . This is the way, walk you in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left, { Isaiah 30:21 }." [ It should be enough for us to understand that the Lord has promised us in these words ] . . . "My presence shall go with you."

30. Commentary . . . What right do we have to apply a promise the Lord Jehovah made to Moses 3500 years ago to those of us who are dwelling on earth in this age? Who gives us the right to claim any of those ancient promises to ourselves? Are we being presumptuous? We don't think so. We may apply some of the things that were promised to the Israelites long ago to the present age, however, we must fulfill certain requirements summed up in one word: "Faith." One should understand that just because something is outlined in the Old Testament and primarily associated with Israel does not mean that it cannot be applied to future generations. Faith, trust, honesty and love are only a few things that are to follow through all ages of time as long as men are on this earth and forever! "But," we must "NOT" place ourselves under the Old Testament Law and its ordinances!

We Are To Live And Believe By Faith ...

31. Commentary . . .We believe and know by faith that we have the same Lord that Moses had 3500 years ago. . . .

32. Scripture: "But You [ Lord ] are [ and remain ] the same, and Your years shall have no end, { Psalm 102:27 }." { See Hebrews 1:10-12 }.

33. Scripture: ". . . the Father of [ all that gives ] light, with [ in the shining of ] whom is no variableness [ no variation rising or setting ], neither shadow of [ or cast by His ] turning [ as in an eclipse ] { James 1:17 }." And, . . .

34. Scripture: "I [ Jesus Christ ] am [ the ] Alpha and [ the ] Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, Which is [ at the present time ], and Which was [ in eternity past ],and which is to come [ at His Second Coming ], the Almighty [ the Ruler of all ], { Revelation 1:8 }." [ We believe in the infallible and binding Word of the Holy Scriptures. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, and stated ] . . .

35. { V. 16 } Scripture: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness . . .

36. { V. 17 } That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works, { 2- Timothy 3:16-17 }." [ A good way to put this is . . .

37. { V. 16 } Scripture: "Every Scripture is God-breathed . . . given by His inspiration . . . and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness [ that is, in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action ] . . .

38. { V. 17 } So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well-fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work, { 2- Timothy 3:16-17 }." [ We Believe by faith that we become partakers of the blessings which God promised Abraham ]. . .

39. Scripture: ". . . and in you shall all families [ and kindred ] of the earth be blessed, { Genesis 12:3 }." { See Galatians 2:8 }.

40. Scripture: "And if you be Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise, { Galatians 3:29 }."

41. Commentary . . . We believe that Old Testament texts are neither antiquated nor obsolete. How often did Jesus Himself quote the words of our Heavenly Father, the law, the prophets and the Psalms?

42. Scripture: "Or have you not read in the law . . .?" { Matthew 12:5 },

43. Scripture: "For all the promises of God in Him are yes [ i.e., they shall find all their yes answers in Christ ], and in Him Amen [ so be it ] [ that is, in His person and by His agency ], unto the glory of God by us, { 2- Corinthians 1:20 }."

What Should The Motto Be For The Year 2000? . . .

44. Commentary . . . Our motto should be, "The Lord's presence shall go with us, and He will give us rest." The paths on which the Lord will lead His Children are already prepared. Let us walk on them confidently. . . .

45. Scripture: "For we are His workmanship [ His own hand - work ], created in Christ Jesus [ born anew ] to good works, which God has before ordained [ and predestined beforehand and planned for us to take the paths that He prepared ahead of time ] that we should walk in them. [ And to live the Christ like life which He arranged and made ready for us ], { Ephesians 2:10 }."

46. Commentary . . . There are no promises that foretell a time of things getting better and better as far as this world is concerned until after the literal return of the Lord at His Second Coming!

47. Scripture: "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work, { 2- Corinthians 9:8 }." { Read Vs. 9 through 15 }. [ Do you need anything more than the light of His countenance; His radiant presence? ]

48. { V. 24 } Scripture: "The Lord [ God the Father ] bless you, and [ watch, guard and ] keep you . . .

49. { V. 25 }: The Lord [ God the Son Jesus Christ ] make His face shine upon you [ and enlighten you ], and be gracious, [ kind, merciful, and giving favor ] to you . . .

50. { V. 26 } The Lord [ God the Holy Spirit ] lift up His [ approving ] countenance upon you, and give you peace [ tranquillity of heart and life continually ], { Numbers 6:24-26 }."

The Lord's Holy Presence...

51. Commentary . . . The light of His countenance in the Old Testament was known as the Shekinah Glory. The Shekinah Glory was the presence of Jehovah God [ Jesus Christ ] which accompanied Israel in a visible cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he bore a reflection of the glory of the "Angel of the Lord" on his face. The Lord spoke to Moses from a cloud { Exodus 19:9 }. Complete surrender to Jesus Christ makes darkness disappear; the new birth makes new creatures of us, Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Angel of the Lord spoken of in the Old Testament always speak of the Lord Jesus, the one true Son of God, the second part of the Godhead.

52. Scripture: "For God, Who commanded the light [ of the Shekinah Glory ] to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts [ minds ], to give [ and beam forth ] the light [ illumination ] of the knowledge of the [ majesty and ] glory of God [ as it is manifest in the person and is revealed ] in the face of Jesus Christ, { 2- Corinthians 4:6 }."

53. Commentary . . . The Shekinah [ Glory of the Lord ] covered the ark of the covenant in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, and in Solomon's Temple later on. As a result of the wrath of God over the disobedient Israelites, the Shekinah Glory departed from Israel. . . .

54. { V. 23 } Scripture: "And the [ Shekinah ] glory of the Lord went [ and rose ] up from the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain which is on the east side of the city.

55. { V. 24 }: Afterwards the Spirit [ lifted and ] took me up, and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chalde'a, to them of the captivity [ the Hebrews that had beforehand been exiled ]. So [ then ] the vision that I had seen went up from me, { Ezekiel 11:23-24 }."

56. Commentary . . . After this had taken place, it was only at the birth of Jesus Christ did the glory of the Lord reappear; not in the Temple, but to the shepherds in the fields at night.

57. Scripture: "And, lo [ behold ], the [ that is "an" ] angel of the Lord came upon [ beside ] them, and the [ Shekinah ] glory of the Lord [ flashed and ] shone round and about them: and they were sore afraid [ terribly frightened ], { Luke 2:9 }."

58. Commentary . . . We find this story mentioned in { Luke 2: 8-20 }. We find here, that the birth of the King is not announced as in Matthew, but the birth of a Saviour. The wise men from the east looking for the new-born King are not mentioned by Luke nor does it say in Matthew or Luke that there were three of them. The reason it is estimated that there were three of them is because of the mention of the three gifts that were given by the wise men, { Matthew 2:11 }. Actually there could have been two or twenty wise men or any other number the Scripture here does not say. Poor shepherds hear the great tidings first. Heaven is opened. The glory of the Lord shines round about; angels, voices are heard, telling out in heavenly praise, what will be the ultimate result of the work of the Christ child [ or second Adam in type ]. "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will toward men." But, the world rejected Him. Good will toward men sounds forth in the glad tidings, but "glory to God in the highest and peace on earth" is yet to come, when He; the Son of Man, appears again. The shepherds were obedient. They made haste. How simple their faith; how great their reward! The number of the shepherds are not mentioned.

59. Scripture: "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, { Luke 2:11 }."

60. Commentary . . . Notice that Three titles were given to Jesus in the angel's announcement: [ 1 ]: Saviour, [ 2 ]: Christ [ Messiah, anointed One ], and [ 3 ]: Lord [ Yahweh, or God ]. He was both God and man! The Apostle John clearly states that Jesus embodies the glory of the Lord. The angel of the Lord spoken of in the New Testament is strictly an angel and not the Lord Jesus as He was in several cases in the Old Testament.

61. Scripture: "And the Word was made flesh [ human, incarnate ], and dwelt [ tabernacled . . . fixed His tent of flesh, and lived for a while ] among us [ and we actually beheld His glory, the glory, honor, and His majesty; as of the only begotten of the Father, ] full of grace [ favor, and loving kindness ] and truth, { John 1:14 }."

62. Commentary . . . The above verse gives us the fact of the Christ child's incarnation. Here then we read what the Word became. It is almost impossible to believe that men who claim scholarship, who deny the fact of the incarnation, can state as they do, that the Gospel of John has nothing to say on the great foundation truth of our faith. These apostates must be blinded. The great mystery of the incarnation of Christ is made known here as it is in Matthew and in Luke. The eternal Word, the Word which always was present in the past, the Word which is God, and became flesh. He became so by the union of two perfect and distinct natures in one Person. Christ's Person however cannot be divided. And, when He became flesh, He took on the creature's form, He did NOT cease to be very God; He emptied Himself of His outward glory, but NOT of His deity. He became truly man, but He was holy, sinless; not alone did He NOT sin, but He could not sin.

63. There is an ancient Latin statement which is worth repeating. It represents "the Word having become flesh as saying: I am what I was, that is God" - "I was not what I am, that is man---"I am now called both, God and man." In Him they beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten, full of grace and truth. Grace and truth came by Him. The only begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, declared Him [ i.e., the eternal Trinitarian Godhead as one God ] , whom no one has seen at any time." These are great statements. The word "grace" is found here for the first time in the New Testament. And He, the incarnate Word, and He alone is full of grace and truth. Out of His fulness have we all received, grace upon grace. Those who receive grace from Him receives grace because they believe on His name. The Word of God in the above verse shows forth the visible manifestation of God in Christ, in other words, the Word, was the very incarnation of Christ. And again God's Word states concerning Jesus . . .

64. Scripture: "Who being the brightness of His [ Shekinah ] glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding [ maintaining and guiding and propelling ] all things [ even the whole universe ] by the Word [ and ] of His [ mighty ] power, when He had by Himself purged [ by accomplishing the cleansing of ] our sins, sat down on [ at ] the right hand of the [ Divine ] Majesty on high { Hebrews 1:3 }." [ On the isle of Patmos, John saw this Shekinah glory in the new, holy city of Jerusalem ]. . . .

65. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city, the holy [ hallowed, consecrated new ] Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God,

66. { V. 11 }: [ New Jerusalem ] Having the [ Shekinah ] glory of God [ surrounding her ]: and her light [ in all its splendor and radiance ] was like unto a stone [ that resembled a rare and ] most precious [ jewel ], even like a jasper stone [ shining ], clear as crystal, { Revelation 21:10-11 }." [ Jesus wants to take Children of God into this glory ], . . .

67. { V. 11 } Scripture: "As you know how we exhorted [ each of you personally ] and comforted [ stimulating, encouraging ] and charged every one of you, as a father does his children,

68. { V. 12 } That you would walk [ and live ] worthy of God, Who has called you to His kingdom and glory [ into which true Children of God will enter after Christ's Second Coming ] {1- Thessalonians 2:11-12 }."

Is There A Place Where Our Souls Can Find Rest? . . .

69. Commentary . . . ". . . And I will give you rest." The old devil certainly does not want any person to find this rest, and lures us with many deceptive pleasures which we must resist. He entices us with his offers. If we follow his enticing ways, we will find ourselves struggling in his web of deceit and will be harmed in body and soul. The Psalmist knew where we are to find inner peace when he wrote . . .

70. Scripture: "He has delivered my soul [ and redeemed my life ] in peace from the battle that was against me [ so that none came near me ]: for there were many [ who strove ] with me, { Psalm 55:18 }." [ The promise of God is . . .

71. Scripture: "There remains therefore a [ complete . . . full and true ] rest [ that is reserved ] to the people of God, { Hebrews 4:9 }." [ But, we must seek it.. ] . . .

72. Commentary . . ."Thus says the Lord, Stand you in the way [ that is, by the roads ], and see, and ask for the old [ eternal ] paths, where is the good [ old ] way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, "We will not walk therein, { Jeremiah 6:16 }."

73. { V. 29 } Scripture: "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek [ gentle and humble ] and lowly in heart [ mind ]: and you shall find rest . . . [ relief, ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet . . . for your souls ].

74. { V .30 }: For My yoke is easy [ wholesome useful, and good . . . and not harsh, hard, sharp or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant ], and My burden is light [ and easy to be borne ], { Matthew 11:29-30 }." [ If we do not want to do this, we are confronted with a very serious question ] . . .

75. Scripture: "How shall we escape [ appropriate retribution ], if we neglect [ and refuse to pay attention to ] so great salvation[ as is now offered to us and letting it drift past us forever ]; which [ salvation ] at the first began to be spoken [ and declared ] by the Lord [ Himself ], and was confirmed unto us [ and proved to be real and genuine ] by them that [ personally ] heard Him [ declare it ], { Hebrews 2:3 }." . . .

76. Scripture: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it, { Hebrews 4:1 }." [ Another way to write the above verse is as follows . . .

77. Paraphrasing the above verse . . . "Therefore, while the promise of entering the Lord's rest still holds and is offered today, let us be afraid to distrust it, lest any of you should think he has come too late and has come short of reaching it." "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."

78. Commentary . . . This is a great source of encouragement for this present new Millennium. "Maran-atha," which means "the Lord is coming!" God bless you. God has stated, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." There is no doubt in my mind that there comes a time when people step over the invisible line, and the Holy Spirit no longer speaks or leads them to conviction. That is the reason some people can be so comfortable in an Assembly service and even get up and give a little testimony now and then. How long has it been since you wept with joy when some sinner accepted Christ as their Saviour? If this never happens to you, then something is drastically wrong in your life! And it would be to your advantage to search your soul for the answer!

79. Are you and your loved ones ready? God is ready. Christ has prepared a home for you in Heaven. He wants you there. I believe that you want to go there. The Word of the Lord states, Scripture . . .

80. Scripture: "He, that [ who ] being often reproved [ and ] hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy { Proverbs 29:1 }." [ If you will not listen and believe before the Resurrection of the Body of Christ, look what the Lord says about you ] . . .

81. { V. 10 } Scripture: "And with all deceivableness of [ unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception to ] unrighteousness in them that perish [ and are going to perdition, perishing ]; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [ They refused to believe the truth of God's Word ].

82. { V. 11 }: And for this cause God will send them [ a working error of ] strong delusion [ a misleading influence, of some type of idol worship ], that they should believe a lie [ of what is false ].

83. { V. 12 }: That they all might [ be judged and ] be damned [ condemned ] who believed not [ and refused to adhere to trust and rely on ] the truth, but [ instead ] had pleasure in unrighteousness, 2- Thessalonians 2:10-12 }."

84. My dear sinner friend, will you wait too late? Will you continue to reject God's love and mercy? How much longer do you expect God to show mercy toward you. How good God has been to you to spare you as long as He has. Were it not for His mercy you would be screaming in Hell for just one drop of water to cool your scorched and burning tongue. Will you repent too late? God help you not to put off your salvation. Receive Jesus now by faith as your Lord and Saviour. Please read and pray the following:

The Sinners Prayer . . .

85. Heavenly Father, I know that I'm a lost sinner and that I cannot save myself by good works. I believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son Who came down from Heaven and took on a human body of flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that Jesus shed His blood on the Cross of Calvary and died paying the price for my sins with His death so that I can receive salvation because and through His sacrifice. I believe that after Christ's sacrifice and death, He arose from the tomb after three literal days and nights. That Jesus ascended into the third Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. I believe that Jesus will return for all Saints who belong to the Body of Christ in the Resurrection [ Rapture, 'Rapere' ] according to His own promise! I know that I have been up to this time a lost sinner and deserved to go to hell. So I beseech you Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit at this very moment into my heart and save me for Jesus Christ sake as has been promised me by Your Holy Word. I am receiving Jesus Christ at this very moment as my personal Saviour, my Lord and as my only blessed hope for salvation. Thank You Lord for now I am saved by Your wonderful grace. Amen!


86. Scripture { V. 16 }: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. { V. 17 }: For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved, { John 3:16-17 }."


87. Scripture, { V. 8 }: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. . .V. 9 }: Not of works, lest any man should boast, { Ephesians 2:8-9 }."


88. Scripture, { V. 9 }: "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him, { V. 10 }: But God has revealed them to us by His [ Holy ] Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God, { 1- Corinthians 2:9-10 }."


89. The signs indicating the seven years of tribulation has already become evident before the Tribulation on a smaller scale, while increasing in intensity as the tribulation approaches. The signs serve the purpose of a clarion call to the Body of Christ to prepare for the coming of Christ as the Head of the Body in the air, and also to the unrepentant world not to continue shunning the grace of God { Heb. 2:3 }. When the signs that indicated the Tribulation Period only begin to become evident, people were to ready themselves for the Rapture. Plus, the Israelis are to ready themselves for the Second Coming of their Bridegroom Messiah { Luke 21:28 }. Both classes of people, the Body of Christ first and later Israel and the nations are to lift up their heads because their redemption is drawing near. We have given a list of final signs that indicate the nearness of the Rapture first, and seven years later the Second Coming, at the end of the seven year-long tribulation. Are you waiting and watching for this time to culminate?

90. Today, do not postpone your decision for Jesus Christ. Remember, it may be indeed too late tomorrow. Make use of it today, because if you really want the harmony and peace of the Lord in your heart, then you must prepare now. There must be a change of authority in your mind and that change will determine eternity. To put it briefly, you either will spend eternity in everlasting, never-ending punishment or in never-ending eternal glory with your Lord.

91. If the reader would like to have his own message ministry, why not recopy all of our messages and give them out in your own vicinity? For every person you help to bring to Christ, we are sure you will be blessed for it at the judgment of seat of Christ. Why not do the Lord's work here on the earth and receive more rewards for yourself when you get to Heaven? How can you lose? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! The messages have already been written, all you would have to do is recopy them on a copy machine and hand them out. We are sure that you will be greatly rewarded by the Lord.

In regards to our readers, we would deeply express our thanks to those who will recopy this message and pass it on to others that they too may find Salvation from it.