I. Introduction
- Ancient Greece: its land, history, people
Thomas Martin Overview of Archaic and Classical Greek History
Peloponnese History (with maps)
The Ancient Greek World: Land and Time
History of Greece
Greece Quick History
Ancient Greek (Hellenic) Links - Medea
Greek Civilization Topics (Portland State University)
- Origin of Greek Philosophy: from myth to logos
The Origin of Western Thought
The Origin of Philosophy: The Attribute of Mythic/Mythopoeic Thought
The Origin of Greek Philosophy: WHY THE GREEKS
The Mythical Background of Ancient Greek Philosophy
Greek Mythology
II. The Pre-Socratics:
The Pre-Socratic Philosophers Homepage
Freeland's Course Outline on Pre-Socratics
Short Summary on the Pre-Socratics
John Burnet: Early Greek Philosophy
A. The Cosmologists:
The Early Greek Attempt to Explain the Cosmos
1. The Milesian or Ionian School: Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes
a. Thales
Episteme Links on Thales
Thales' Cosmology
Thales as the First Philosopher
b. Anaximander
Cohen's Lecture on Anaximander
Anaximander (IEP)
Anaximander's Cosmology
c. Anaximenes
Cohen's Lecture on Anaximenes
Anaximenes (IEP)
Anaximenes' Cosmology
2. Xenophanes
Xenophanes (IEP)
Xenophanes' Critique of Popular Religion
Xenophanes Selected Poems
3. Pythogoreans
Pythagoras (IEP)
Pythagoras and Pythagoreans: Fragments
Doxographies on Pythagoras
4. Parmenides and the Eleatic School
Parmenides Links (Episteme)
Cohen's Lecture on Zeno
Zeno of Elea (IEP)
Zeno (Kolba)
5. Heraclitus
6. Attempts to Synthesize: Empedocles, Anaxogras and Democritus
a. Empdocles
b. Anaxagoras
c. Democritus
Cohen's Lecture on Atomism
Democritus (IEP)
B. The Reaction Against the Cosmologists: Sophism
Sophists (IEP)
Sophism and the Socratic Plantonic Project
II. The Flowering of Philosophy in Attica
Socrates (Episteme Links)
Socratic Definition
III. The Hellenistic Age
Skepticism (IEP)
Skepticism (SEP)
IV. Neoplatonism
V. Synopsis and Conclusion